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League of Legends
May 25 2010, 6:33 am
By: poison_us
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Sep 24 2014, 5:40 am Apos Post #2501

I order you to forgive yourself!

Sweet! I was selected to join the PBE to test the new Sion! Now, to wait for the client to update...

Sep 24 2014, 10:27 am Generalpie Post #2502

Staredit Puckwork

Quote from Apos
Sweet! I was selected to join the PBE to test the new Sion! Now, to wait for the client to update...


Sep 24 2014, 1:28 pm ShadowFlare Post #2503

Heh, I already got an account for PBE ages ago when it was easy to get on, but thanks for the tip on something new for me to see there.

Generalpie: PBE = Public Beta Environment


Sep 24 2014, 1:34 pm Generalpie Post #2504

Staredit Puckwork

Oh, I think I got an invite to join the PBE a while ago... If I play LoL again, I'll be sure to dig up that email.


Oct 20 2014, 3:40 am Apos Post #2505

I order you to forgive yourself!

I need help guys! I wrote a guide for the new Sion:

If you have a Mobafire account, comment, rate my guide, and tell me what you think. Trying to grow the Sion fan base. I think no one knows how to play him well. Currently feels like I'm the only one building him that way with Magic Pen and playing him mid.

Feb 9 2015, 8:52 pm Apos Post #2506

I order you to forgive yourself!

I started a League of Legends stream where I play Sion.

I play on those two accounts:

May 11 2015, 2:11 am Pr0nogo Post #2507

Anyone catch MSI this weekend?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 11 2015, 2:19 am by Pr0nogo.

May 12 2015, 8:27 pm Apos Post #2508

I order you to forgive yourself!

Quote from Pr0nogo
Anyone catch MSI this weekend?
I wish, but then happened.....

May 13 2015, 4:33 am Wing Zero Post #2509

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I recently went on a 20 game losing streak and went from gold 2 to gold 5. Needless to say I am not happy right now.

May 13 2015, 5:28 am Pr0nogo Post #2510

Try getting good.

May 13 2015, 5:37 am NudeRaider Post #2511

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from Wing Zero
I recently went on a 20 game losing streak and went from gold 2 to gold 5. Needless to say I am not happy right now.
That sucks. But it's also a sign that you overshot your skill ceiling.

May 13 2015, 7:36 am Pr0nogo Post #2512

It's actually really hard to carry games in gold, I was gold 4 last season and placed gold 2 this season. Came very close to getting demoted because, while I would wind up with a positive KDA, I was never impactful enough to get to my victory condition. Sometimes that's because of champ select, where our comp isn't good enough to beat theirs, and sometimes that's because of other individuals on the team that aren't playing as well as they could/should be. I'm well past the point that I get upset at the game though, so I just keep playing. I find it's easier to carry from mid on champs like Twisted Fate and LeBlanc than it is from my main role, which is jungle, since the shift in the meta.

May 13 2015, 8:16 pm Wing Zero Post #2513

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Quote from Pr0nogo
It's actually really hard to carry games in gold, I was gold 4 last season and placed gold 2 this season. Came very close to getting demoted because, while I would wind up with a positive KDA, I was never impactful enough to get to my victory condition. Sometimes that's because of champ select, where our comp isn't good enough to beat theirs, and sometimes that's because of other individuals on the team that aren't playing as well as they could/should be. I'm well past the point that I get upset at the game though, so I just keep playing. I find it's easier to carry from mid on champs like Twisted Fate and LeBlanc than it is from my main role, which is jungle, since the shift in the meta.
This summs up what happened to me quite well. I wouldn't always do the greatest but a lot of the time it just came down to the team comp not working well together. I cant count how many games I had where we would be winning our games and as soon as temfights break out we get decimated because they wreck our carries/we can't reach theirs. There are also those games where we get 3 adc mains and then they have to adapt to a role they are mediocre at.

May 13 2015, 10:01 pm Pr0nogo Post #2514

People not being able to play all roles of the game at an at least average skill level is really detrimental to the overall health of the game. I pine for diamond 2 and above where there are less trolls, but hey, what can you do?

May 14 2015, 9:03 am Apos Post #2515

I order you to forgive yourself!

Just do like me and play Sion only no matter where you're forced to go. I can feed 4 or even 5 kills in lane and I'll still end up winning the game. Currently Plat 2 with 65% win rate. My second highest account is plat 4 with 72% win rate. :apos:

Jun 23 2015, 11:30 pm ShadowFlare Post #2516

I was just randomly browsing my match history and found this little gem that I hadn't mentioned here:

AP Fiora (only AP ratio is Riposte - the single-hit damage reflect) in URF against a team that 4/5 rely on basic attacks or ones that count as such. They took massive damage if they attacked me, but had to attack me to fight back; it was hilarious (cooldown was low enough that I could at least reflect every other hit against high attack speed). For example, Jinx almost killed herself attacking me sometimes while I was fighting someone else and ignoring her.


Jun 24 2015, 12:20 am Pr0nogo Post #2517

Nashor's would have worked well with Gunblade/Lich Bane.

AP Sivir was actually pretty retarded in URF too, because of her Spellshield and her AP ratio on her Q.

Jun 24 2015, 3:22 am ShadowFlare Post #2518

The point of the build was for them to kill themselves attacking me (or run when they realize they will kill themselves if they try to fight), so other than gunblade for survival, I was trying to max out that Riposte burst damage. It only worked because of the team I was against; Eve was the only threat, but even then I ended up getting far enough ahead to duel her anyway (I think that's actually what the gunblade was for).


Jun 24 2015, 8:24 pm Apos Post #2519

I order you to forgive yourself!

I just played a game with Redmercy:

Aug 12 2015, 7:19 pm ShadowFlare Post #2520

Apparently, being transformed by Lulu changes your champion name for anything that appears in chat during that time.


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jjf28 -- Echo
Echo shouted: Excalibur What's the discord?
[08:28 pm]
Echo -- I might be moving out of private banking soon. I got a job offer from the US Treasury as an examiner. DOGE won't be able to touch them since OCC is self-funded
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Echo -- l)ark_ssj9kevin
l)ark_ssj9kevin shouted: Echo Voy does
Nice! Time going by fast
[08:26 pm]
Echo -- dumbducky
dumbducky shouted: Echo Tired of moving every few years, hoping to move closer to extended family so my kids can be with their cousins
Yeah I feel you. I've moved quite a bit the past 5 years too.
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Echo -- Excalibur
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What's the discord?
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[2024-12-13. : 1:30 am]
NudeRaider -- Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet shouted: Oh_Man Not really sure what you mean part of it lol. Seriously doubt anyone here is plotting to kill insurance company executives. I dunno how to feel about the event. On the one hand, fuck insurance companies and UHC is one of the worst. On the other hand, vigilante justice isn't ideal. Definitely not shedding any tears for the fallen CEO, and most likely wouldn't have reported the killer if I had been the one to spot him. There will always be another stooge to take his place though.
"part of the zeitgeist" probably means "approves of"
[2024-12-12. : 11:50 pm]
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RIVE -- If anyone's gonna get shot in the US, it better be the upper class. The lower class has been shooting themselves for far too long.
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