Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: qPuzzleKing
Apr 29 2010, 9:54 pm
By: qPirateKing  

Apr 29 2010, 9:54 pm qPirateKing Post #1

  • 10 simple puzzles
  • 3 modes of play
  • Hand-crafted triggers
  • Made in the USA

Map can be found HERE.

This map was my entry into the weekly mapping contest hosted by CecilSunkure. It features 10 puzzles that are so basic that everyone and his grandma ought to be able to figure them out -- so long as said grandma knows a thing or two about how SC works. Crucial, then, are the 2 special modes of play which add layers of experience that encourage different types of thinking. Don't expect super complicated, mind-bending puzzles that will rock your world! The fun lies in engaging in some alternative ways of thinking to solve simple problems in more ways than one and to solve them in the most efficient way possible.

Selecting a mode of play:
The way it works is fairly simple. At the start of the game, you will be given a choice of which mode of play in which you would like to engage.

Completion mode involves finding multiple solutions to problems. Time attack mode involves completing each puzzle once within a 10, 5, or 2.5 minute period. Free play mode is simply about solving the puzzles once without any sort of time limit. No pressure!

Engaging in problem solving behaviors:
With a mode of play selected, you will be presented with the level select screen. Move the defiler to scroll down the list and burrow the defiler when you are ready to jump in.

Pay close attention because the instructions for the level will be revealed at the start of the level. If you forget what it said, you can always look in the top left corner for a reminder.

Along with a prompt, you will be given a set of units with which you are to accomplish the given task. Each unit was chosen for a reason, so consider what it is about each unit that makes it useful for the particular problem you are facing.

Planned improvements:
Because the map was rushed for deadline, there are few things I'd like to add or change when I recover from my 2 consecutive all-nighters.
  • Manual abort - giving the player the ability to return to the menu at any time.
  • Mission objectives - making use of the mission objectives box to give hints for those who are truly stuck.
  • Sound effects - Tighter integration of auditory cues.
  • Extermination of bugs - fixing any issues that arise (including the part where Danimoth attacks your units)

Q: Why are the puzzles so easy?
A: I wanted every puzzle to be extremely intuitive. I actually scrapped cool ideas for the sake of greater simplicity! My goal was to make puzzles where the player immediately has an idea of how to solve the problem. The challenge comes in when one attempts to find other answers besides the ones that were immediately apparent. Is there another way to do this? Can I do it faster? These are the questions that a person should always consider no matter what problem they encounter.

Q: Why are the puzzles so hard?
A: Unfortunately, some expertise and knowledge of Starcraft is required to solve a majority of the problems. This is a problem of which I am aware, but, given that SC maps are my medium, I am willing to accept the fact that some people will simply lack the esoteric knowledge required to beat some of the puzzles. For example, the SACRIFICE ME! problem is extremely easy for anyone who knows that an infested terran can self-detonate at will. For those who don't, this task is practically impossible. I will try to make use of the mission objectives box to offer hints to cover any gaps in the player's understanding of SC elements. If the puzzles are hard for any other reason, you might consider taking a step back and thinking through them from a different angle.

Q: What are the points of the different modes?
A: Completion mode encourages divergent thinking. Though most problems have an obvious solution, many of them have less obvious answers as well. Using creativity to generate more than one response to a prompt is a useful skill toi have!

Time attack is all about examining the solutions that you have come up with and improving them. It is recommended that you do time attack after you have beaten Completion mode because then you should have a good idea of which ways are more efficient than others. After that, it comes down to practice and streamlining the best solutions. This is also a type of problem solving that is useful in the real world!

Q: What's your best time for time attack?
A: I have managed to beat it with 41 game seconds to spare! It wasn't a flawless game, either, so it's definitely a surpassable time.

Well, that's all that comes to mind. If you have any questions or comments, post away. Please be mindful of spoiling things for others, however!

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Apr 30 2010, 5:21 am by qPirateKing.


Apr 29 2010, 10:10 pm UnholyUrine Post #2

2 consecutive all-nighters.

.. I already know this will be awesome... =D

What do the numbers (i.e. (0/2)'s) beside the puzzle names mean?


Apr 29 2010, 10:10 pm samsizzle Post #3

ugh yes! Now go finish some sort of awesome rpg.


Apr 29 2010, 11:00 pm Rantent Post #4

in go for broke, either there's a trigger problem, or I found another solution... :ermm:


Apr 29 2010, 11:05 pm FoxWolf1 Post #5

Yeah, I also had some issues with the mineral spending puzzle not ending after certain solutions.

Other than that, its an interesting way to spend a few minutes. You've taken the exact opposite approach to this prompt than I did: Your map is fast, easy, and fairly low-stress, whereas mine, well...isn't.


Apr 29 2010, 11:09 pm qPirateKing Post #6

OH! I found the problem. I was going crazy while reviewing my logic, and it turns out it was a simple trigger problem. Phew, I thought I had made a logical error for a second there!

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 29 2010, 11:39 pm by qPirateKing.


Apr 30 2010, 2:41 am ImagoDeo Post #7

qPK, I found a glitch. In the Go For Broke mission, I discovered a fourth solution.

If you attack the command center and then repair it, you can get to 0 minerals - but the game doesn't count that.

EDIT - oh, and I can't find the third solution. Other than

spoiler alert

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 30 2010, 2:52 am by ImagoDeo.


Apr 30 2010, 3:01 am xnikozx Post #8

The same thing happened to me the first time I played and the second I did the same thing and I completed it on the three ways xd, it was very strange o:


Apr 30 2010, 5:16 am qPirateKing Post #9

Quote from ImagoDeo
qPK, I found a glitch. In the Go For Broke mission, I discovered a fourth solution.

If you attack the command center and then repair it, you can get to 0 minerals - but the game doesn't count that.

EDIT - oh, and I can't find the third solution. Other than

spoiler alert


The go for broke puzzle is bugged in the version attached to the post. Please download the updated one from the database (at the top of the post) if the problem is preventing you from moving forward.

I find it amusing that I never encountered this in testing because I ALWAYS do the method that is bugged first. It only fails if you do it last :(

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 30 2010, 5:58 am by qPirateKing.


Apr 30 2010, 3:52 pm ImagoDeo Post #10

Quote from qPirateKing

The go for broke puzzle is bugged in the version attached to the post. Please download the updated one from the database (at the top of the post) if the problem is preventing you from moving forward.

I find it amusing that I never encountered this in testing because I ALWAYS do the method that is bugged first. It only fails if you do it last :(

:lol: Ok, I'll DL the newer version.

Incidentally, I actually did try several variations on those methods. I actually killed my command center once to see if there was a geyser under it. I also tried building one SCV and then damaging/repairing the command center to hit 0, not building one SCV and then damaging/repairing the command center to hit 0, and I even tried building one SCV and then damaging/repairing the other SCV to hit 0 (which I recognized wouldn't make a difference, but I tried it anyway). Glad you fixed it - now I can finally finish the map.


Apr 30 2010, 4:36 pm CecilSunkure Post #11

Quote from qPirateKing
This map was my entry into the weekly mapping contest hosted by CecilSunkure.
It's actually a bi-weekly contest ;P

As for your map: excellent job. I noticed right away that there were multiple avenues of completion, and I thought it was a great idea to include the time attack and other option, especially the time attack. While playing in free mode I had been realizing that all the solutions I was coming up with were inefficient. I especially liked the resource mining level. The fastest way to complete that level is to mine a couple minerals, create/cancel and scv then create an scv, right? Pretty cool :D

Anyways, I expect this map to do pretty well. I hope you participate in some more contests.


Apr 30 2010, 7:32 pm xnikozx Post #12

spoiler alert


Nov 12 2012, 11:04 pm payne Post #13


I see just now I never commented this map.
I love it. Very nice and simple.


Necro'd for the sake of having more people trying it out. :awesome:


Mar 28 2014, 6:30 pm x)aCe(x Post #14

Fantastic map. Up there with DeVouReR's and the Puzzlings.


Nov 30 2014, 5:51 am sigsaucy Post #15

this is fun map, but the text doesn't display for observers, would be better if it did.

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