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[2017-3-27. : 3:57 pm]
NudeRaider -- And frankly, it's not SENs fault if people are lazy and use quick search without realizing there's a proper search. Especially you Corbo, being on this site from the beginning, should have at some point noticed that there's a menu. Maybe we should just remove quick search. then people will go "boo, NO search at all. Shit site" without thinking to browse the functions...
[2017-3-27. : 3:56 pm]
NudeRaider -- Corbo
Corbo shouted: I admit I had never before seen the "advanced" options but even the advanced options lack, if you have used any other actual real forum software you will realise this.
not sure what specific function you're missing, but yeah it's not super duper uber search, but as I've always said, it gets the job done.
[2017-3-27. : 3:53 pm]
NudeRaider -- Corbo
Corbo shouted: And a search telling me to use "better keywords" because it cannot do its job is no search at all.
you can specify a date rangee
[2017-3-27. : 3:52 pm]
Corbo -- And why is such advanced menu hidden anyway? It should right out display in the first result page as a "refine search" or "apply filters" kind of thing
[2017-3-27. : 3:51 pm]
Corbo -- I admit I had never before seen the "advanced" options but even the advanced options lack, if you have used any other actual real forum software you will realise this.
[2017-3-27. : 3:50 pm]
Corbo -- I do not expect them to guess what I want either this is simple stuff.
[2017-3-27. : 3:49 pm]
Corbo -- And a search telling me to use "better keywords" because it cannot do its job is no search at all.
[2017-3-27. : 3:48 pm]
Corbo -- If you search "corbo", for example, given that only the earliest instances are showj you will end up with 200 results of corbo from 2007 and stop probably at 2007 too.
[2017-3-27. : 3:47 pm]
Corbo -- " Please note that -no matter your permissions- deleted posts/topics will be ignored. Hidden forums will be ignored, even if you are able to view them. Searches are limited to 200 results (max). If you still can not find what you were looking for, please use better keywords" that is borderline useless imo. For staff or users with access to hidden forums this is an incomplete search. For everyone else this is am incomplete search too. The fact that it shows nothing more than 200 results is GG for users like me.
[2017-3-27. : 3:45 pm]
NudeRaider -- Corbo
Corbo shouted: I have the search twice in order to get something mildly useful?
no, you have to use the menu, if the 1-click quick search isn't enough.
[2017-3-27. : 3:44 pm]
NudeRaider -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: Corbo seach something on the quick search, then click new seach
alternatively: Site -> search
[2017-3-27. : 3:44 pm]
Corbo -- I have the search twice in order to get something mildly useful?
[2017-3-27. : 3:44 pm]
NudeRaider -- Mini Moose 2707
Mini Moose 2707 shouted: No, but I have some ideas. I've also been doing some optimizations and adding indexing behind the scenes. (surprisingly without breaking anything LMAO)
da MVP doing God's work imo. :cool2:
[2017-3-27. : 3:43 pm]
NudeRaider -- Corbo
Corbo shouted: Where is this search LMAO that is definitely not what I see when I search
seach something on the quick search, then click new seach
[2017-3-27. : 3:43 pm]
Corbo -- Where is this search LMAO that is definitely not what I see when I search
[2017-3-27. : 3:11 pm]
NudeRaider -- Corbo
Corbo shouted: Refer to this: Corbo
Yeah but that's mostly wrong on most issues! I can't quote but I'm sure I've answered akin to that: - where is your follow up to that?
[2017-3-27. : 2:34 pm]
Corbo -- Hey inferno, have you seen the numbers yet? Lmao
[2017-3-27. : 2:29 pm]
lil-Inferno -- TiKels
TiKels shouted: Imo sen has run its course
[2017-3-27. : 2:00 pm]
Corbo -- TiKels
TiKels shouted: Maybe better said just abort SEN
that attracts pro life groups, though
[2017-3-27. : 1:52 pm]
Pr0nogo -- yes
[2017-3-27. : 1:33 pm]
TiKels -- Maybe better said just abort SEN
[2017-3-27. : 1:32 pm]
Corbo -- CUCKS
[2017-3-27. : 1:29 pm]
TiKels -- We're better off burying it
[2017-3-27. : 1:28 pm]
TiKels -- Imo sen has run its course
[2017-3-27. : 1:03 pm]
Corbo -- Refer to this: Corbo
Corbo shouted: the search isn't even useful, like the results are all messed up, poorly displayed and... rankly it's missing stuff. It's not even a propersearch, we cannot find topics by poster, id, keywords or anything an actual real forum search has
[2017-3-27. : 12:59 pm]
Corbo -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: Dem0n I read that again and again, but when I inquire about it no real response. What the heck you guys mean? I can type a keyword in the seachbox and have the patience for it to actually finish I do find related threads. I have ALWAYS found what I was looking for. It's not pretty, yeah, it's slow as fuck, yeah, but it IS functional. Why do you say its broken/useless?
I have answered that before. To YOU.
[2017-3-27. : 12:54 pm]
Pr0nogo -- it's you, confirmed
[2017-3-27. : 12:45 pm]
Apos -- Is it me or is Sen super fast?
[2017-3-27. : 12:10 pm]
Wing Zero -- Dem0n
Dem0n shouted: redirect search to google LMAO
Maybe then it would actually work
[2017-3-27. : 11:51 am]
LoveLess -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: Dem0n Dem0n I hate to admit it, but he's got a point. :P
demon is not allowed to make a point, he has no idea what the fuck he is ever talking about :ermm:
[2017-3-27. : 11:42 am]
jjf28 --
[2017-3-27. : 11:39 am]
Ahli -- 6 seconds are loading the "page" of the results when you search...
[2017-3-27. : 11:38 am]
Moose -- Went from flaming garbage to plain garbage!
[2017-3-27. : 11:38 am]
Ahli -- yeah, searches take like 9 seconds now
[2017-3-27. : 11:37 am]
jjf28 -- nice
[2017-3-27. : 11:37 am]
Oh_Man --
[2017-3-27. : 11:37 am]
Moose -- Got a fulltext index on forum posts now, only took 9 seconds instead of 90 to search for "dank memes" :awesome:
[2017-3-27. : 11:36 am]
jjf28 -- moose'll be a dba soon
[2017-3-27. : 11:35 am]
Moose -- No, but I have some ideas. I've also been doing some optimizations and adding indexing behind the scenes. (surprisingly without breaking anything LMAO)
[2017-3-27. : 11:33 am]
Ahli -- did you figure out what was slowing SEN down so much, moose?
[2017-3-27. : 11:25 am]
Moose -- Like wow didn't need to wait 20 minutes after pressing enter for that message either
[2017-3-27. : 11:25 am]
Moose -- Gotta say, the load averages are at reasonable levels right now and it's amazing how not-shit clicking around the forums and threads is.
[2017-3-27. : 11:24 am]
Oh_Man -- found this on team liquid by the head dev of SB "Just to give you all an update given the announcements today, work on ShieldBattery will definitely be continuing We have a bunch of stuff just about ready for another update, but depending on 1.18's timing it may take a bit to get out. 1.18 will require us to re-do a bunch of work to make our interactions with the game work again, but we'll get that done as fast as possible (although we can only start once we've actually received the new patch). We'll get that done ASAP, though, and get a new version out as soon as we can."
[2017-3-27. : 11:22 am]
Oh_Man -- TF-
TF- shouted: Oh_Man they deserve it for the invite shit
They finally gave me beta access like a month or two ago but I had already forgotten about it at that point :P
[2017-3-27. : 11:19 am]
Oh_Man -- lmao look how excited that guy is I love it
[2017-3-27. : 11:04 am]
TF- -- Oh_Man
Oh_Man shouted: So will the makers of shield battery be on suicide watch after the remaster announcement?
they deserve it for the invite shit
[2017-3-27. : 9:46 am]
Oh_Man -- So will the makers of shield battery be on suicide watch after the remaster announcement?
[2017-3-27. : 9:35 am]
Oh_Man -- I will host another tournie i think post launch. Start incentivising some ums content
[2017-3-27. : 7:03 am]
Pr0nogo -- though lately even trying to post something is taking forever to work so xd
[2017-3-27. : 6:58 am]
Pr0nogo -- 1 person searching shuts down the whole site for upwards of 15 minutes
[2017-3-27. : 6:58 am]
Pr0nogo -- it freezes the server for EVERYONE ELSE while it searches for you
[2017-3-27. : 6:01 am]
NudeRaider -- Dem0n
Dem0n shouted: bop search cuz actually useless
I read that again and again, but when I inquire about it no real response. What the heck you guys mean? I can type a keyword in the seachbox and have the patience for it to actually finish I do find related threads. I have ALWAYS found what I was looking for. It's not pretty, yeah, it's slow as fuck, yeah, but it IS functional. Why do you say its broken/useless?
[2017-3-27. : 5:56 am]
NudeRaider -- Dem0n
Dem0n shouted: y'all literally speculating about a map editor for no reason, with no sources to say that scmdraft won't work, without even seeing if Blizzard is going to update Staredit to make it better
Dem0n shouted: get the fucc ahead of yourselves tbh
I hate to admit it, but he's got a point. :P
[2017-3-27. : 4:40 am]
tehkain -- IskatuMesk
IskatuMesk shouted: if bw remastered uses sensible format for graphics and modding isn't outright impossible like it is for sc2 I might render graphics for it to post
It's supposed to have an identical backend to BW. And I'd HOPE it still uses GRP files...
[2017-3-27. : 4:13 am]
IskatuMesk -- lol
[2017-3-27. : 4:13 am]
Pr0nogo -- 1 sec, i have to make a bunch of retarded roles to apply to you when you join
[2017-3-27. : 4:12 am]
IskatuMesk -- hope you like gachimuchi
[2017-3-27. : 4:11 am]
IskatuMesk -- what is your server
[2017-3-27. : 4:11 am]
IskatuMesk -- probably
[2017-3-27. : 4:11 am]
Pr0nogo -- i said i wasn't either of the cc accounts you mentioned, i assume i would be banned as soon as i got invited even if i did get invited (i never did)
[2017-3-27. : 4:10 am]
IskatuMesk -- btw the server never pings higher than 100ms and no tracert problems exist that I could find
[2017-3-27. : 4:10 am]
Pr0nogo -- yeah i was asking out of curiosity since that along with google drive is where i keep all my project data these days, i had replied a few hours later but gl finding that
[2017-3-27. : 4:10 am]
IskatuMesk -- lol, 20 minutes to get the site to respond again
[2017-3-27. : 4:09 am]
IskatuMesk -- pornogo you asked about discord but died, I did say I have it
[2017-3-27. : 3:59 am]
Pr0nogo -- would be nice to lock the zoom ratio via triggers
[2017-3-27. : 3:56 am]
Corbo -- IskatuMesk
IskatuMesk shouted: lord knows I can do better lighting than those interns that puked that junk they call remastered LMAO
Yeah, things looked pasted over terrain, like if they were cutout and added in paint lmao
[2017-3-27. : 3:56 am]
IskatuMesk -- Dem0n
Dem0n shouted: finish your armageddon thing lolol
not holding any hopes for it to even be possible but we'll see
[2017-3-27. : 3:56 am]
IskatuMesk -- lord knows I can do better lighting than those interns that puked that junk they call remastered LMAO
[2017-3-27. : 3:55 am]
Dem0n -- finish your armageddon thing lolol

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