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[2017-5-17. : 8:04 pm]
Ashamed -- wget is used to copy from a website not from explorer... I guarantee you there is no way for batch to browse a site and copy something.
[2017-5-17. : 8:03 pm]
Ashamed -- Pauper
Pauper shouted: Ashamed Last post, this is a website we host for a client: I can browse to the website files via explorer and am able to copy them for backup via batch. *shrug* I guess it just depends on how the file is being shared.
That is because you are on the fricken server the site is being hosted from.. If it was just a website this would not work... You are not using http: to copy the damn file. You are using explorer...
[2017-5-17. : 7:53 pm]
Pauper -- And no, we don't have a tool installed.
[2017-5-17. : 7:52 pm]
Pauper -- I think I broke the website by replying so much in the chat box.. took the page like 5 minutes to load.
[2017-5-17. : 7:45 pm]
Pauper -- Ashamed
Ashamed shouted: Pauper you need wget/curl for a website... There is no way around this ha. but yes explorer copy works via batch. Why wouldn't it ha.
Last post, this is a website we host for a client: I can browse to the website files via explorer and am able to copy them for backup via batch. *shrug* I guess it just depends on how the file is being shared.
[2017-5-17. : 7:43 pm]
Pauper -- Also, aren't most website folders shared anyways so they should be accessible on the network?
[2017-5-17. : 7:42 pm]
Pauper -- Ashamed
Ashamed shouted: Pauper you need wget/curl for a website... There is no way around this ha. but yes explorer copy works via batch. Why wouldn't it ha.
I get what you're saying but if the config.xml file is being shared to the network wouldn't you be able to access it via explorer and copy it?
[2017-5-17. : 7:41 pm]
Ashamed -- Pauper you need wget/curl for a website... There is no way around this ha. but yes explorer copy works via batch. Why wouldn't it ha.
[2017-5-17. : 7:39 pm]
Pauper -- That image is of the command I made. I will try and find a website we host and test it out.
[2017-5-17. : 7:39 pm]
Ashamed -- As I agreeed with you.. I would not make that bet.
[2017-5-17. : 7:38 pm]
Ashamed -- Yeah I am not sure actually. It just didn't think anyone would be asking how to create a batch for a simple network share copy ha, but now looking at it perhaps it is.
[2017-5-17. : 7:38 pm]
Pauper -- But yeah, I am also talking about batch in windows (the command line). As long as he can browse to the file in an explorer window he will be able to make a copy of it. I am willing bet all my minerals!
[2017-5-17. : 7:37 pm]
Pauper -- I wasn't aware it was a website. But.. if the file was publicly shared and you can see the file if you browse to it in explorer it would work without issue.
[2017-5-17. : 7:35 pm]
Ashamed -- oh i reread your statement.. I think Excalibur is talking about a website, not a smb share. batch can copy from a share natively. but if its smb... Then sure no wget.
[2017-5-17. : 7:33 pm]
Ashamed -- wget via batch would be what you mean to say.
[2017-5-17. : 7:31 pm]
Ashamed -- Pauper
Pauper shouted: Ashamed Is that because the system is running BusyBox? I am not very familiar with Linux. If that isn't the case I don't see why this wouldn't work. I do this ALL the time at work.
Then you have a 3rd party program Pauper... Batch Can't view a website lol... Sure 3rd party programs can be called via batch... but saying just use batch is far from the case. Jack showed an example of how to do it via powershell it would be very similar via batch. I am talking about windows as Batch is windows.
[2017-5-17. : 7:31 pm]
Pauper -- I got there by typing \\server-sftp01 into an explorer window
[2017-5-17. : 7:30 pm]
Pauper -- - Screen capture of me browsing a SFTP server we use here at work in Windows
[2017-5-17. : 7:26 pm]
Pauper -- Ashamed
Ashamed shouted: Pauper You would need to get wget or curl or, something else first though. Batch can't do this natively ha. I would just use php >< but I put php on everything ha
Is that because the system is running BusyBox? I am not very familiar with Linux. If that isn't the case I don't see why this wouldn't work. I do this ALL the time at work.
[2017-5-17. : 7:25 pm]
Ashamed -- Pauper
Pauper shouted: Excalibur Create a scheduled task to run a batch file at the proper times. In the batch file type in COPY SOURCE DESTINATION for destination you'd type the computer name or the ip address \\MyServer\scripts\config.xml C:\backup
You would need to get wget or curl or, something else first though. Batch can't do this natively ha. I would just use php >< but I put php on everything ha
[2017-5-17. : 7:16 pm]
Pauper -- Excalibur
Excalibur shouted: I meant 'hm' thanks phone. And doesn't work.
Also, if you want to message me the source and desination paths I can put something together for you. I am a batch GOD!
[2017-5-17. : 7:15 pm]
Pauper -- Excalibur
Excalibur shouted: Anyone know of a tool I could use to schedule saving an XML from a local IP every night? Example save to c:\backups?
Create a scheduled task to run a batch file at the proper times. In the batch file type in COPY SOURCE DESTINATION for destination you'd type the computer name or the ip address \\MyServer\scripts\config.xml C:\backup
[2017-5-17. : 6:56 pm]
Dem0n -- Probably are
[2017-5-17. : 6:53 pm]
Ashamed -- erg there is a shitty taste in my mouth.. Hope I am not dying ><
[2017-5-17. : 6:51 pm]
Sato -- Just put something like "Re: EUD" or something in the subject line so that he knows it's relevant. Anyway, I just came as a liaison to relay the message that they are looking for more info about EUDs/make a forum post -- I'll take leave now. Have a good one guys!
[2017-5-17. : 6:48 pm]
Sato -- "We" as in "the community". And yes, I get reponses from him - in fact, he was the one who contacted me about the issue, not vice-versa. :P
[2017-5-17. : 5:39 pm]
Suicidal Insanity -- @Sato: define 'we"
[2017-5-17. : 5:35 pm]
NudeRaider -- Excalibur
Excalibur shouted: The .90 is busybox not Windows
Not sure what your options are then. In any case you'd need to find a way for simple file access first. Since your copy batch failed this is likely the problem. For manual transmission I always use WinSCP but I don't know if that's able to run in a command line or how. Problem is you usually communicate via ssh in linux/unix and smb in windows. Maybe you can find a way to make one talk to the other? Samba would make linux talk smb but that might be overkill.
[2017-5-17. : 4:49 pm]
Voyager7456 -- Hence why I was interested in whether Pete actually responds to anything sent to that address
[2017-5-17. : 4:48 pm]
Voyager7456 -- But a one-on-one conversation with a dev via email might actually have a chance of getting the concept across
[2017-5-17. : 4:47 pm]
Voyager7456 -- Yes I know, I've been down this road before
[2017-5-17. : 4:25 pm]
IskatuMesk -- You'll have more luck asking them for the source code.
[2017-5-17. : 4:24 pm]
IskatuMesk -- To Blizzard, dota is a mod.
[2017-5-17. : 4:24 pm]
IskatuMesk -- > modding > blizzard -- choose one
[2017-5-17. : 4:20 pm]
Excalibur -- The .90 is busybox not Windows
[2017-5-17. : 3:58 pm]
NudeRaider -- before I'd try to make it a batch and later a task, simply try listing the file first, from a command prompt. "dir \\\shared\"
[2017-5-17. : 3:53 pm]
Voyager7456 -- Because I'd love to actually discuss modding support with someone at Blizzard who knows what they're talking about
[2017-5-17. : 3:53 pm]
NudeRaider -- if you want to access a Windows network path use the UNC syntax: Something like \\\shared\config.xml
[2017-5-17. : 3:51 pm]
Voyager7456 -- Sato
Sato shouted: Farty - we're currently trying to get EUD support for the new version of Starcraft - give Pete Stilwell a shout at if you're willing to discuss EUD with him
Do you actually get responses from him or are you just shouting into the void?
[2017-5-17. : 3:51 pm]
NudeRaider -- Excalibur
Excalibur shouted: I can't get the bat file to copy properly.
might be a user / rights problem. IIRC you can choose the user context (enter username/password) of the scheduled task. Manually you can use right click -> run as
[2017-5-17. : 3:47 pm]
NudeRaider -- Voyager7456
Voyager7456 shouted: Suicidal Insanity please tell me there are actually Stormcoast Fortress towels
I'd buy one!
[2017-5-17. : 3:41 pm]
Pauper -- Sato
Sato shouted: That goes for anyone else here who understands EUD in any sort of depth too, if you want to help
You may want to make a forum post on this as well so it shows up in the sidebar.
[2017-5-17. : 3:38 pm]
Sato -- That goes for anyone else here who understands EUD in any sort of depth too, if you want to help
[2017-5-17. : 3:32 pm]
Dem0n -- lol there's a high of 94° where I am
[2017-5-17. : 3:19 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- oh cool, snow. wy won't winter go away D:
[2017-5-17. : 3:08 pm]
Pauper -- The site is running abnormally slow today..
[2017-5-17. : 3:07 pm]
Pauper -- What are you trying to accomplish Excalibur?
[2017-5-17. : 2:49 pm]
Vrael -- IskatuMesk
IskatuMesk shouted: You should just use a Macintosh. They just work.
so edge, much row
[2017-5-17. : 2:35 pm]
IskatuMesk -- You should just use a Macintosh. They just work.
[2017-5-17. : 1:59 pm]
Voyager7456 -- It may be easier to just try the standalone wget for windows?
[2017-5-17. : 1:38 pm]
Jack -- You need minimum version 3 to run wget, you can google how to update powershell yourself. The version 2 method I can't be bothered working out
[2017-5-17. : 1:37 pm]
IskatuMesk -- I'll shell YOUR power if you catch my drift
[2017-5-17. : 1:34 pm]
Excalibur -- 2.0
[2017-5-17. : 1:32 pm]
Jack -- Type echo $host into powershell and tell me what it says for version, please
[2017-5-17. : 1:31 pm]
Excalibur -- Not recognized
[2017-5-17. : 1:30 pm]
Jack -- can you open up powershell and type Invoke-WebRequest and tell me if that works?
[2017-5-17. : 1:27 pm]
Excalibur -- Wget not recognized. It's server 2008 if that matters.
[2017-5-17. : 1:17 pm]
Jack -- Powershell.exe -Command "& {wget.exe --user 'Excalibur' --password 'imavampire' -OutFile C:/backups/config.xml;}"
[2017-5-17. : 1:14 pm]
Excalibur -- Powershell can't locate the file. I'm guessing because it's behind a simple login.
[2017-5-17. : 1:04 pm]
Jack -- The backups directory has to exist, of course.
[2017-5-17. : 1:03 pm]
Jack -- Put that in your batch file and try it instead.
[2017-5-17. : 1:03 pm]
Jack -- Powershell.exe -Command "& {wget -OutFile C:/backups/config.xml;}"
[2017-5-17. : 1:03 pm]
Excalibur -- Well I'm fucked. .-.
[2017-5-17. : 1:00 pm]
Jack -- There's also now the linux subsystem on windows so you can just use bash "natively".
[2017-5-17. : 1:00 pm]
Jack -- Voyager7456
Voyager7456 shouted: Jack Oh nice. I use cygwin most of the time.
Same, but at my last workplace they had several powershell scripts so I learned it there. It's not bad but the command formatting or whatever you want to call it is a bit horrible. The syntax as it were.
[2017-5-17. : 12:59 pm]
Excalibur -- I can't get the bat file to copy properly.
[2017-5-17. : 12:58 pm]
Voyager7456 -- Jack
Jack shouted: Powershell has wget built in actually
Oh nice. I use cygwin most of the time.
[2017-5-17. : 12:57 pm]
Suicidal Insanity -- write a .bat file that works. then execute that file with the scheduled task
[2017-5-17. : 12:57 pm]
Jack -- Powershell has wget built in actually
[2017-5-17. : 12:56 pm]
Voyager7456 -- There's wget for Windows.

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