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[2014-8-17. : 5:28 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- also they're not linked to times and dates
[2014-8-17. : 5:27 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- you can scroll up
[2014-8-17. : 5:13 am]
Dem0n -- I just realized that quotes don't state the date and time of the quoted post. Why is that?
[2014-8-17. : 3:45 am]
l)ark_ssj9kevin -- moose should have stopped visiting this site at 2707 activity :P
[2014-8-17. : 3:44 am]
l)ark_ssj9kevin -- i've fallen so much, i used to be above excal iirc
[2014-8-17. : 3:16 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- mmmm, some crisp crunchy chipotle crispy chicken crispers.
[2014-8-17. : 3:11 am]
Dem0n -- 30 days*
[2014-8-17. : 3:11 am]
Dem0n -- Ex, please do not visit this site for 20 days.
[2014-8-17. : 2:37 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- If I don't get a 20 I'll get like a 40 then a 0.
[2014-8-17. : 2:35 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I'm never going to have anything but -84 D:
[2014-8-17. : 2:24 am]
Dem0n -- 80 box suck it SEN
[2014-8-17. : 2:12 am]
lil-Inferno -- What the fuck happened to my god-like box luck?
[2014-8-17. : 1:29 am]
lil-Inferno -- It also had "backstabbing" in it, though in the concept map it was stealing keys from a prison guard or something like that.
[2014-8-17. : 1:24 am]
lil-Inferno -- I remember I made a line-of-sight stealth concept thingy with facing direction detection before.
[2014-8-17. : 1:23 am]
LoveLess -- I believe qPK's used it for a shield that would block attacks from certain directions.
[2014-8-17. : 1:23 am]
LoveLess -- Example being in one of the Lethal/Kaias vaporware maps and I believe in one of qPK's experimental maps, they used it for backstabbing.
[2014-8-17. : 1:22 am]
LoveLess -- Well duh it has, just meant to prevent pathblocking that leads to units running off.
[2014-8-17. : 12:50 am]
Dem0n -- rekt.
[2014-8-17. : 12:40 am]
Roy -- Facing direction detection has been done before.
[2014-8-17. : 12:11 am]
LoveLess -- Though yeah this is an older version, sadface.
[2014-8-17. : 12:10 am]
LoveLess -- Well nevermind, that's not what those are. I remember doing that though.
[2014-8-17. : 12:09 am]
LoveLess -- Looking through the triggers and I totally forgot that I gave the Reaver you protect something I don't think anyone has done before: You detect if it's facing a direction other than the general direction it is supposed to be going, it will stop for a second, tell the player to move their ass, and then resume.
[2014-8-17. : 12:08 am]
LoveLess -- dem0n giff'd
[2014-8-17. : 12:07 am]
LoveLess -- giff
[2014-8-17. : 12:07 am]
LoveLess -- guess it's relevant, as tatt and tatts are names I ran with at one point
[2014-8-17. : 12:06 am]
LoveLess -- dafuq lol
[2014-8-16. : 11:36 pm]
Dem0n -- same
[2014-8-16. : 11:35 pm]
lil-Inferno -- What's the version of yours in the map description? Mine says 0.1.14.
[2014-8-16. : 11:35 pm]
lil-Inferno -- I have tatt.scx as well.
[2014-8-16. : 11:34 pm]
Dem0n -- I think it's a really early version, though.
[2014-8-16. : 11:30 pm]
Dem0n -- It's called tatt.scx. I was wtf is this and opened it, and it turned out to be Sanctuary lol.
[2014-8-16. : 11:29 pm]
Dem0n -- Holy fuck, Loveless, I found that map you were talking about.
[2014-8-16. : 11:28 pm]
Generalpie -- The only reason I needed to do this in the first place is because I've been running Buildcraft and Tinkers' Construct, which brought the RAM usage to 99%
[2014-8-16. : 11:27 pm]
Generalpie -- I seem to be the only one with this problem, though
[2014-8-16. : 11:26 pm]
Generalpie -- So now I can use the -Xms argument for more than 512M
[2014-8-16. : 11:25 pm]
Generalpie -- "-Xmx4G"*
[2014-8-16. : 11:25 pm]
Generalpie -- So I had to fabricate the variable and only hand it "Xmx4G"
[2014-8-16. : 11:24 pm]
Generalpie -- So a simple -Xmx4G wouldn't do the trick
[2014-8-16. : 11:24 pm]
Generalpie -- It was overriding any arguments I was feeding into Minecraft too
[2014-8-16. : 11:23 pm]
Generalpie -- It was pulling -Xmx512M from it, so the most I could allocate was half a GB of RAM
[2014-8-16. : 11:22 pm]
Generalpie -- There was no initial _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable, yet minecraft was pulling an argument from _JAVA_OPTIONS
[2014-8-16. : 11:22 pm]
Generalpie -- MC is pointed at the 64-bit java path
[2014-8-16. : 11:21 pm]
Generalpie -- With a 64-bit OS
[2014-8-16. : 11:21 pm]
Generalpie -- I am using 64-bit java
[2014-8-16. : 11:16 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- ;o I don't think I've had a problem with giving minecraft more memory ... but it might also have to do with using 64-bit java
[2014-8-16. : 11:12 pm]
Generalpie -- But instead of trying to remove a nonexistent variable, the solution is to create the variable and give it a maximum value so Minecraft won't default to -Xmx512M
[2014-8-16. : 11:11 pm]
Generalpie -- This is more of a reminder to myself should I reinstall Windows at any point
[2014-8-16. : 11:11 pm]
Generalpie -- MC keeps picking up the -Xmx512M option from a nonexistent variable, and won't let me set anything above it, nor could I override it
[2014-8-16. : 11:10 pm]
Generalpie -- No tutorial or forum post online showed how to allocate or fix allocation issues if you have your installations correct AND don't have the _JAVA_OPTIONS variable (which is what everyone says is the root of the problem)
[2014-8-16. : 11:08 pm]
Generalpie -- Welp, after 4 hours of furious Googling, I finally gave up and started tinkering with some environment variables to try to allocate more RAM to Minecraft
[2014-8-16. : 10:50 pm]
Devourer -- Last exam on monday :O
[2014-8-16. : 10:33 pm]
Excalibur -- .-.
[2014-8-16. : 10:22 pm]
Excalibur -- Need map testers, anyone available?
[2014-8-16. : 10:13 pm]
LoveLess -- I made several maps named Sanctuary but since none ever got popular I just re-used them lol
[2014-8-16. : 10:12 pm]
LoveLess -- Uhhh... The name was Sanctuary man, pretty sure
[2014-8-16. : 10:11 pm]
Dem0n -- "Xlil-InfernoDDD -- Terraining was always my least favorite part of mapping. I wasn't bad at it" I refer you to Mission RPG
[2014-8-16. : 9:58 pm]
lil-Inferno -- I swear I have that, I just need the name of it.
[2014-8-16. : 9:49 pm]
LoveLess -- I still want to know what happened to my badlands city with the reaver and zombies... Probably the only time I was actually happy with my terrain.
[2014-8-16. : 9:47 pm]
lil-Inferno -- I had a palette that I used to make badlands buildings, but it was still tedious.
[2014-8-16. : 9:47 pm]
LoveLess -- So that kind of set the bar high :<
[2014-8-16. : 9:47 pm]
LoveLess -- Tell me about it ferno, that was my problem. Then I felt like the map just shouldn't be made unless it had good terrain. I was spoiled by fwop, mq3, and sammy with terrain too...
[2014-8-16. : 9:09 pm]
CecilSunkure -- Because of a palette I made this in 10 minutes:
[2014-8-16. : 9:03 pm]
CecilSunkure -- I also think it's important to make yourself a palette to copy/paste from
[2014-8-16. : 9:02 pm]
CecilSunkure -- I avoid 256 x 256 like the plague
[2014-8-16. : 8:55 pm]
lil-Inferno -- Maybe I was always just too ambitious and defaulted to making 256x256 maps all the time lel.
[2014-8-16. : 8:55 pm]
lil-Inferno -- Terraining was always my least favorite part of mapping. I wasn't bad at it, it was just tedious to make interesting areas for an entire map that all flowed together.
[2014-8-16. : 8:31 pm]
CecilSunkure -- Oh really Devourer? I'll post another then :)
[2014-8-16. : 8:31 pm]
CecilSunkure -- Those are sooo useful.
[2014-8-16. : 8:31 pm]
CecilSunkure -- ah just learned SCMDraft has grid hotkeys!

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