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[2014-10-28. : 4:03 am]
poiuy_qwert -- this is C right, not C++?
[2014-10-28. : 4:03 am]
poiuy_qwert -- the user has to provide the size of the value somewhere
[2014-10-28. : 4:03 am]
poiuy_qwert -- then there is no way to do it
[2014-10-28. : 4:02 am]
Dem0n -- They do not. That's what I don't get. There's literally no function where the size of value is given to me.
[2014-10-28. : 4:01 am]
poiuy_qwert -- so what is the Table creating function like? do they provide the value size there?
[2014-10-28. : 3:59 am]
Dem0n -- I can't change the function parameters. Those were given by my professor.
[2014-10-28. : 3:55 am]
poiuy_qwert --
[2014-10-28. : 3:46 am]
l)ark_ssj9kevin -- how do twist tie trash bags work
[2014-10-28. : 3:45 am]
Dem0n -- This is what my function is. It probably doesn't work at all.
[2014-10-28. : 3:44 am]
Dem0n -- Or maybe I am for the value in the bucket... The descriptions of what I'm supposed to do are confusing as fuck
[2014-10-28. : 3:43 am]
Dem0n -- I'm not supposed to malloc the value :(
[2014-10-28. : 3:43 am]
poiuy_qwert -- how about pastebin your current function?
[2014-10-28. : 3:42 am]
poiuy_qwert -- you need to malloc the bucket->value then memcpy into it
[2014-10-28. : 3:41 am]
Dem0n -- But even when I do memcpy and then set the two values equal, when I try to print the value, I get "(void *) 0x7fffffff ..."
[2014-10-28. : 3:41 am]
Dem0n -- it is :O
[2014-10-28. : 3:40 am]
poiuy_qwert -- buckets->value should be a void*?
[2014-10-28. : 3:39 am]
Dem0n -- Wait, but then when I do buckets->value = value, how does that work? Doesn't it still need to know what type value is?
[2014-10-28. : 3:38 am]
poiuy_qwert -- sorry that might explain a little better
[2014-10-28. : 3:38 am]
poiuy_qwert -- int save = 5; void *value = &save; size_t valueSize = sizeof(int); int load; void *param = &load; memcpy(param, value, valueSize);
[2014-10-28. : 3:37 am]
Dem0n -- wait nvm
[2014-10-28. : 3:37 am]
Dem0n -- Is load supposed to be a pointer there?
[2014-10-28. : 3:34 am]
poiuy_qwert -- int save = 5; void *value = &save; size_t valueSize = sizeof(int); int load; memcpy(&load, value, valueSize);
[2014-10-28. : 3:30 am]
poiuy_qwert -- thats the only way to do it. you don't cast anything, you use memcpy to copy the correct amount of bytes
[2014-10-28. : 3:28 am]
Dem0n -- Hmm not sure if that's how I'm supposed to do it. But even if it is, how do I know what type to cast it as?
[2014-10-28. : 3:26 am]
poiuy_qwert -- you said the user provides how much memory should be allocated for it, you need to store it if you arn't already
[2014-10-28. : 3:25 am]
Dem0n -- I don't know the size; all I have at my disposal is void* value
[2014-10-28. : 3:24 am]
poiuy_qwert -- you know the size, so use memcpy
[2014-10-28. : 3:23 am]
Dem0n -- I have to write a function that inserts a node into a linked list, and the node has a key/value pair. The key is a string, which is easy to put into the node, but the value is a void pointer. My TAs have said that the user of the program is supposed to specify what type value is and how much memory should be allocated for it; all I have to do is set the node's value equal to the parameter value. But I don't know how to do that if I don't know the value's type.
[2014-10-28. : 3:21 am]
poiuy_qwert -- Dem0n
Dem0n shouted: Well I have a variable value of type void*, and I have functions where I have to set that value equal to the parameter value, but the value could be any type, so I don't know what to cast it to :O
this doesnt make much sense. how can the parameter be any type, js it a void*? what is/where is this "variable value of type void*"?
[2014-10-28. : 3:16 am]
Dem0n -- Well shit X^ D
[2014-10-28. : 3:14 am]
jjf28 -- with void you don't know the type, and with C there's no way of extracting the type.
[2014-10-28. : 3:01 am]
Dem0n -- it could literally be an int, char, double, etc..
[2014-10-28. : 3:01 am]
Dem0n -- Well I have a variable value of type void*, and I have functions where I have to set that value equal to the parameter value, but the value could be any type, so I don't know what to cast it to :O
[2014-10-28. : 2:56 am]
jjf28 -- build structs with overlapping members if you know it's part of a family of structs
[2014-10-28. : 2:56 am]
jjf28 -- don't
[2014-10-28. : 1:59 am]
Dem0n -- How can you dereference a void pointer without knowing the type? :O
[2014-10-28. : 1:26 am]
NudeRaider -- Man Eva Green so mesmerizing in the new Sin City movie.
[2014-10-28. : 1:11 am]
jjf28 -- Delete facebook, lawyer up, and hit the gym.
[2014-10-28. : 1:10 am]
Dem0n -- What's it mean if a function pointer is null?
[2014-10-28. : 1:02 am]
Devourer -- v6 has been out two months now :)
[2014-10-28. : 12:18 am]
Moose -- Delete facebook, lawyer up, hit the gym.
[2014-10-28. : 12:16 am]
Dem0n -- Moose, how do you make a linked list in C? :prof:
[2014-10-28. : 12:01 am]
Moose -- Yeah, me too.
[2014-10-27. : 11:59 pm]
KrayZee -- As soon as catwoman received her clean slate, she became an astronaut.
[2014-10-27. : 11:48 pm]
KrayZee -- :wob:
[2014-10-27. : 11:43 pm]
MasterJohnny -- create*
[2014-10-27. : 11:43 pm]
MasterJohnny -- i want to great a matrix of even spacing for bogth rows and columns
[2014-10-27. : 11:42 pm]
MasterJohnny -- anyone good with matlab?
[2014-10-27. : 11:29 pm]
Fire_Kame -- :lol:
[2014-10-27. : 9:55 pm]
Generalpie -- Vræl pls.
[2014-10-27. : 9:29 pm]
Moose -- veal pls
[2014-10-27. : 8:39 pm]
Vrael -- I am Batman.
[2014-10-27. : 8:29 pm]
Fire_Kame -- I could dissect his video too...but the last half are the ravings of a mad man (his whole fortresses in a wasteland) and the first half don't even cite statistics or data properly (such as the doubling rate of the disease - this is inaccurate based on the numbers we have available, but you could just as easily argue that not enough numbers are available yet to even graph the rate)
[2014-10-27. : 8:27 pm]
Fire_Kame -- and argued against his core idea that ebola is going to kill us all
[2014-10-27. : 8:26 pm]
Fire_Kame -- x3 my post was not tangent filled! It was very related to the topic at hand
[2014-10-27. : 8:24 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I just picked out a few points that I thought to be valid, and then decided "I agree."
[2014-10-27. : 8:23 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- I just said I didn't read it. xD
[2014-10-27. : 7:59 pm]
jjf28 -- fear-mongering is no excuse for a section-less, tangent-filled wall :kame:
[2014-10-27. : 7:35 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- Though really all I read was "Straight put, this is fear-mongering at its finest." and "In short, as much as I hate the saying, keep calm and carry on. And get a damn flu shot." and skimming through bits of the rest xD
[2014-10-27. : 7:33 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- yay, Kame. I should show that to my grandma.
[2014-10-27. : 7:10 pm]
jjf28 -- :lol:
[2014-10-27. : 7:09 pm]
Generalpie -- Your vowel is "æ"
[2014-10-27. : 6:42 pm]
Roy -- I'd like to buy a vowel.
[2014-10-27. : 6:05 pm]
NudeRaider -- Then G-d spoke to Mose: "raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and split it, and the children of Israel shall come in the midst of the sea on dry land."
[2014-10-27. : 6:01 pm]
NudeRaider -- Yeah that guy in Apos' video didn't make any sense at all.
[2014-10-27. : 5:52 pm]
Fire_Kame -- Why
[2014-10-27. : 5:52 pm]
Fire_Kame -- Why Apos
[2014-10-27. : 5:50 pm]
Fire_Kame -- All I responded to was the misinformation about ebola and about the disease itself
[2014-10-27. : 5:50 pm]
Fire_Kame -- Okay maybe I should actually respond to the video too, even though he's full of shit

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