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[2024-8-26. : 2:38 am] sraw531 -- ah, I think I found it.[2024-8-26. : 2:15 am] sraw531 -- I can't seem to find articles that talk about what I am looking for, effectively mobile grid, but it had something to do with if the location was larger than the maps dimensions that it would offset or something? My goal is to get locations that follow a unit but offset in 2-4 of the directions from the unit[2024-8-24. : 1:46 pm] Ultraviolet -- Oh yeah, that is a good point. Although you can somewhat (imperfectly) circumvent that with a save code system[2024-8-23. : 9:59 pm] Ultraviolet -- Given how easy EUDs are to implement these days, there's not a ton of reason to avoid them unless you're super attached to being able to increase the unit limit[2024-8-23. : 9:58 pm] Ultraviolet -- 1nFectEd1nFectEd shouted: cant seem to find a section on non-EUD effects i can try with just scmd2. any advice? Mostly it's just killing units to use their death animation as an effect. There's also some neat things you can do with certain sprites, like the psi field one can be good for making things look underwater. Disable doodad state on certain structures can produce interesting effects, like beacons will still show their glow when disabled, but not the rest of the beacon. Or burning buildings will still show their flame. Sometimes death effects can be stacked if you use an air unit and a ground unit, like a wraith and a rhynadon placed on the same location and killed at the same time will produce a red explosion with a green aura around it.[2024-8-23. : 6:22 pm] Oh_Man -- i just uploaded like 20k maps onto bounding dot net; anyone wanna try and beat that?[2024-8-23. : 10:28 am] NudeRaider -- not sure what you mean with "try effects" but if you have specific questions about how to do something you can ask in UMS Assistance. Just specify you don't want to use EUDs.[2024-8-23. : 8:29 am] 1nFectEd -- cant seem to find a section on non-EUD effects i can try with just scmd2. any advice?[2024-8-21. : 3:03 pm] dumbducky -- ZoanZoan shouted: Oh_Man my wife is also preggo, due in march O: Boy or girl?[2024-8-20. : 12:21 am] Ultraviolet -- lil-Infernolil-Inferno shouted: I'm not having a kid because Ultraviolet's mom is post-menopausal thank god for that, doing the world a big favor[2024-8-19. : 2:44 pm] NudeRaider -- ... and thus the era of infernos ends because of his unfortunate fixation on older women[2024-8-19. : 2:42 pm] lil-Inferno -- I'm not having a kid because Ultraviolet's mom is post-menopausal[2024-8-18. : 6:31 pm] NudeRaider -- VraelVrael shouted: He practices a special kind of intercourse where the weiner stays outside of the vajayjay and just shoots the jizz over to it oh np. go ahead then, and good aim![2024-8-18. : 5:35 pm] Ultraviolet -- NudeRaiderNudeRaider shouted: Ultraviolet what's --(-) supposed to be? Failed attempt at pulling out [2024-8-18. : 1:47 pm] Vrael -- He practices a special kind of intercourse where the weiner stays outside of the vajayjay and just shoots the jizz over to it[2024-8-18. : 8:45 am] NudeRaider -- UltravioletUltraviolet shouted: Zoan 8==D --(-) <-- you guys IRL what's --(-) supposed to be? [2024-8-18. : 1:30 am] Ultraviolet -- ZoanZoan shouted: Oh_Man my wife is also preggo, due in march O: 8==D --(-) <-- you guys IRL[2024-8-17. : 10:40 pm] Zoan -- Oh_ManOh_Man shouted: thanks lads my wife is also preggo, due in march O:[2024-8-17. : 10:39 pm] Zoan -- ExcaliburExcalibur shouted: Yeah ducky is just trolling in a manner I don't find particularly funny or enjoyable. ;o o rly[2024-8-17. : 6:03 pm] Ultraviolet -- We're gonna be welcoming Oh_Boy into the world soon, the next master of SC:BW mapping[2024-8-17. : 5:18 pm] Ultraviolet -- Oh_ManOh_Man shouted: Yep. I'm going to be a father Congrats dude[2024-8-16. : 3:01 pm] dumbducky -- Just told my 10yo daughter about #RBG. She had tears in her eyes. And then she did the Wakanda Pose and said "#Ruthkanda forever" -- which is the sort of pop culture cross-over that I can celebrate.[2024-8-16. : 2:50 pm] Vrael -- well you should learn to appreciate all forms of trolling or you're just a measley ogre[2024-8-16. : 3:28 am] Excalibur -- Yeah ducky is just trolling in a manner I don't find particularly funny or enjoyable.[2024-8-15. : 9:35 pm] dumbducky -- Well, I'm on the phone with my computer security service, and as I understand it someonoe compromised my IP address and is using it to download child pornography. I might just be a random target. But this could be an attempt to Qanon me. It's an ugly world out there.[2024-8-15. : 8:23 am] NudeRaider -- UltravioletUltraviolet shouted: ducky is true chaotic neutral At this point I think he's just trolling us by posting random tweets ( dumbduckydumbducky shouted: That was a real tweet from the US Ambassador to Afghanistan in 2020 ) |