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The Dark Knight
Jul 19 2008, 9:46 pm
By: dumbducky
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Jul 19 2008, 9:46 pm dumbducky Post #1

This movie is awesome. I never saw Batman Begins, nor do I plan to, but I can't stop thinking about how great it was. I saw it last night, and all 6 people I was with agreed it was a great movie. When I first heard Heath Ledger died, I couldn't care less because the only movie he'd made that I knew of was Brokeback Mountain. He did a really good job with the Joker. Every other character pales in comparison to how awesome he was.


Jul 19 2008, 10:39 pm Demented Shaman Post #2



Jul 19 2008, 10:57 pm Doodan Post #3


I agree, it was a pretty fun movie. I'll copy & paste my facebook review:

4 out of 5 stars

This film is definitely one of the better superhero movies I've ever seen. Although it doesn't always succeed, it at least aspires to be something greater than blockbuster fodder, and the areas where it does succeed are worth watching. The star attraction in the film is, of course, the late Ledger's performance of The Joker. Although I tried not be influenced by the hype and curiosity that were created by his death (I already went through that with Kurt Cobain when I was younger - and I'm 99% certain that Nirvana would be no where near as respected were it not for Cobain's death), I do concede that his performance is ghoulishly fun to watch. It works because this Joker appeals to our most primal, animalistic nature more so than past interpretations, or most other villains in any film for that matter. This film takes some risks that are pretty brave for a summer blockbuster, and those are worth praise, but there are other places that seem to be geared at pleasing 14 year-olds. Overall though, it is an engaging film with some stellar performances and some great questions about the nature of morality.


Jul 19 2008, 11:59 pm Esponeo Post #4

This movie was awful.


The ridiculously complex plots laid out are absurd. Plot twist after plot twist gradually becomes insulting to the viewer. The Joker was not "always a step ahead" as a villain might be in quality film. Instead he was ten steps ahead from the very beginning, having God-like knowledge of all events that would occur. Even worse is that the last step in his initial plan involves a man with a bomb in his stomach. That's just stupid. Having the bomb inside yourself does not magically make the receiver immune to metal detectors. Having a giant protrusion on your stomach also seems like something the guards would have noticed before they put these guys in a cell. On a lesser note, the Joker's speech that he "doesn't plan anything" is silly. He has clearly planned a lot. It doesn't even make sense for him to be lying in that speech. It doesn't add anything. The Joker's character is already well established and it had already been made quite clear that he was a liar.

By the end of the movie there are tons of plot lines all fighting for screen time. None of them are satisfactorily closed. The Joker, despite having had clairvoyance enough to know the plot of the three quarters of the movie in advance, stands around like an idiot at the end and gets captured. Batman did absolutely nothing to defeat the Joker. He didn't outsmart him, he did not use his wiles to win. After the Joker is caught, there is not even any indication that he has been incarcerated. The last scene we see him in is where he is hanging off a building. What happens to him? It isn't even that things aren't resolved, they are. The problem is that the various plots are resolved sloppily and in the most unsatisfying way possible. Okay, so Harvey Dent is remembered a hero. Does that mean the mob bosses he attempted to arrest will in fact go to jail? The movie doesn't say.

The more I think about this movie the more disgusted I am by how bad it is.


Jul 20 2008, 12:24 am NexY Post #5

Quote from Esponeo
The ridiculously complex plots laid out are absurd. Plot twist after plot twist gradually becomes insulting to the viewer.

I disagree. I love plot twists after plot twists. Nothing insulting about it, knowing what is going to happen is a little more absurd. :-_-:



Jul 20 2008, 1:32 am Corbo Post #6


Yeah, he probably got dropped on purpose when he was a child.

The Joker was not "always a step ahead" as a villain might be in quality film. Instead he was ten steps ahead from the very beginning, having God-like knowledge of all events that would occur.
I'm no cartoon fan but I think you pretty much just told who the joker is, so what's wrong? Also, a joker is someone who fools people and plays pranks on them, to do that you must be steps ahead, duh.

On a lesser note, the Joker's speech that he "doesn't plan anything" is silly. He has clearly planned a lot. It doesn't even make sense for him to be lying in that speech. It doesn't add anything. The Joker's character is already well established and it had already been made quite clear that he was a liar.
Of course he was lying, he's the joker, again, duh.

Anyway, I think it was an actually pretty good movie, and note that I'm not a huge fan of heavily commercial movies but anyway. I felt that it was missing a "something" where, like Esponeo said, the villain died or went to prision or anything at all. I kinda was expecting it to happen, and I know a lot of people were, for the joker to die because of Ledger's controversial death. But then again it was clear enough because batman said that he was going to spend the rest of his life in a hospital for mentally ill people and well, the SWAT team caught him in the end.
Also one point less that it was is when they start getting all clever and act like philosophists, they just confused me several parts at some points and actually forced me to read the subtitles :P
But overall I liked this movie. The Joker is perfectly achieved, as I thought it would be, but overall it has nothing extraordinarie.

fuck you all

Jul 20 2008, 2:00 am Polaris Post #7

Quote from name:devilesk

I thought the movie was pretty neat. Im not a big fan of comic movies like Corbo, but I thought this one was well done. 9\10 from me ^^

If anything cool is ever going on Skype me up under the name "blarghle"

Jul 20 2008, 5:22 am Esponeo Post #8

I disagree. I love plot twists after plot twists. Nothing insulting about it, knowing what is going to happen is a little more absurd.
The whole point of a plot twist is to surprise the viewer. When that very same plot twist is rendered completely inert by another plot twist minutes later, it is annoying and insulting.

I'm no cartoon fan but I think you pretty much just told who the joker is, so what's wrong?
The Joker is not a super intelligent genius and he is not a God.

Of course he was lying, he's the joker, again, duh.
Right. But within the context of the movie it doesn't even make any sense for that conversation to happen. It only makes sense to the viewer, which is a sort of indirect way of breaking the fourth wall.


Jul 20 2008, 6:43 am Demented Shaman Post #9

Quote from Esponeo
I disagree. I love plot twists after plot twists. Nothing insulting about it, knowing what is going to happen is a little more absurd.
The whole point of a plot twist is to surprise the viewer.
No the point of a plot twist isn't to surprise the viewer. What made you a film expert? Are you a director? Do you write scripts? Do you know what was going on in their minds? No.

Quote from Esponeo
When that very same plot twist is rendered completely inert by another plot twist minutes later, it is annoying and insulting.
No. It's only annoying and insulting to you because your simple mind can't keep track of more than one thing at a time.

Quote from Esponeo
I'm no cartoon fan but I think you pretty much just told who the joker is, so what's wrong?
The Joker is not a super intelligent genius and he is not a God.
Are you the Joker? Are you the creator of the comic book character? Clearly not, so how do you know what the Joker is and isn't? You don't.

Quote from Esponeo
Of course he was lying, he's the joker, again, duh.
Right. But within the context of the movie it doesn't even make any sense for that conversation to happen. It only makes sense to the viewer, which is a sort of indirect way of breaking the fourth wall.
Sense? Things that happen have to make sense? Since when? And who makes you the authority on what makes sense and what doesn't make sense. Are you any of the characters in the movie? Have you consulted them and asked them if Joker's conversation made "sense"? Obviously you couldn't have so you can't claim that it doesn't make "sense" to them in the context of the movie. Conversations can happen spontaneously for no reason.

Also, I'd like to cite this topic as showing how foolish Esponeo has proven himself to be.
It's clear that no one should be intimidated by Esponeo's attempt to seem superior or an authority. Esponeo isn't always right, in fact, he's wrong most of the time. He just needs to be confronted by someone who isn't fooled by his tricks and is persistent enough to fight his attacks. Just like Batman fighting the Joker.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 20 2008, 6:48 am by devilesk.


Jul 20 2008, 6:45 am chuiu Post #10

The movie was great, 10/10.

Esponeo you both can't see and over examine the obvious parts of the movie. Joker is planning things as he goes, he's one step ahead not 10. All your 'unanswered questions' are answered, you just refuse to see them.

EDIT: Also for some reason The Dark Knight is #1 in IMDB. Crazy as it sounds I think it might stay in the top 10.


Jul 20 2008, 6:49 am Demented Shaman Post #11

Quote from chuiu
The movie was great, 10/10.

Esponeo you both can't see and over examine the obvious parts of the movie. Joker is planning things as he goes, he's one step ahead not 10. All your 'unanswered questions' are answered, you just refuse to see them.

EDIT: Also for some reason The Dark Knight is #1 in IMDB. Crazy as it sounds I think it might stay in the top 10.
I think a lot of popular movies "jump" to the top of IMDB. It's funny reading their little discussion forums at the bottom. For every movie there's always a topic like OMG WHY IS THIS MOVIE #1? And then some enlightened poster points out how after the "craze" has passed the rating will drop down. I saw the same thing happen to WALL-E when it first came out.

Also, compare the vote counts. It's still VERY low, and I'm sure its just the fanboys out there rating it an automatic 10/10.


Jul 20 2008, 6:52 am chuiu Post #12

Well I gave it a 10 myself, but I don't believe a movie has to be immaculate conception to be a 10.


Jul 20 2008, 6:57 am Demented Shaman Post #13

Quote from chuiu
Well I gave it a 10 myself, but I don't believe a movie has to be immaculate conception to be a 10.
True. I gave it a 10/10 as well, but I'd give many movies a 10.


Jul 20 2008, 10:55 am JaFF Post #14

I plan on seeing it as soon as possible. I liked Batman Begins very much.


Jul 20 2008, 3:50 pm BiOAtK Post #15

I plan on seeing this movie very soon. I also loved Batman Begins, it was great.

Esponeo - There is a difference between planning events and having a plan. He just wants to create chaos, the events are not connected to be a super-crime-boss or anything, just to create chaos.


Jul 20 2008, 5:35 pm Dem0n Post #16

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Quote from Esponeo
This movie was awful.


The ridiculously complex plots laid out are absurd. Plot twist after plot twist gradually becomes insulting to the viewer. The Joker was not "always a step ahead" as a villain might be in quality film. Instead he was ten steps ahead from the very beginning, having God-like knowledge of all events that would occur. Even worse is that the last step in his initial plan involves a man with a bomb in his stomach. That's just stupid. Having the bomb inside yourself does not magically make the receiver immune to metal detectors. Having a giant protrusion on your stomach also seems like something the guards would have noticed before they put these guys in a cell. On a lesser note, the Joker's speech that he "doesn't plan anything" is silly. He has clearly planned a lot. It doesn't even make sense for him to be lying in that speech. It doesn't add anything. The Joker's character is already well established and it had already been made quite clear that he was a liar.

By the end of the movie there are tons of plot lines all fighting for screen time. None of them are satisfactorily closed. The Joker, despite having had clairvoyance enough to know the plot of the three quarters of the movie in advance, stands around like an idiot at the end and gets captured. Batman did absolutely nothing to defeat the Joker. He didn't outsmart him, he did not use his wiles to win. After the Joker is caught, there is not even any indication that he has been incarcerated. The last scene we see him in is where he is hanging off a building. What happens to him? It isn't even that things aren't resolved, they are. The problem is that the various plots are resolved sloppily and in the most unsatisfying way possible. Okay, so Harvey Dent is remembered a hero. Does that mean the mob bosses he attempted to arrest will in fact go to jail? The movie doesn't say.

The more I think about this movie the more disgusted I am by how bad it is.

No... you just... fail... Batman did do things to catch the Joker. Are you retarded? He used his technology to find him, then he used his fighting skills to get the Joker to fall out of the building. And the guards didn't notice the phone in the guy's stomach. Uh, maybe they didn't look at his stomach? And the Joker was always a step ahead. He got out of the police and Batman's clutches every time until the end of the movie. Of course Batman's not going to kill the Joker after he catches him. If you remember in Batman Begins, right before the train is about to crash, Batman says to Ras Al Gul (however you spell it), "I'm not going to kill you, but I don't have to save you." You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Jul 20 2008, 6:34 pm ClansAreForGays Post #17

Quote from Doodan
This film takes some risks that are pretty brave for a summer blockbuster, and those are worth praise
But not worth actually pointing out?

I give the movie a 4.5/5 and it's completely due to the joker. It should have actually been called The Joker. The Dark Knight was deceptive. I was expecting a dark badass batman with more of an attitude of "the ends justify the means" What I got was a pussy.

I really thought the movie should have just ended after joker blew up the hospital.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 20 2008, 7:14 pm by ClansAreForGays.

Jul 20 2008, 6:50 pm Demented Shaman Post #18

Quote from ClansAreForGays
Quote from Doodan
This film takes some risks that are pretty brave for a summer blockbuster, and those are worth praise
But not worth actually pointing out?
That's just a cliche that every critic says. It's all just bs.


Jul 20 2008, 8:11 pm Doodan Post #19

I was trying not to post any spoilers in my review. ;p


-They kill of the lead female character. That almost never happens, and I'm proud of them for doing it.
-It calls the nature of morality into question, rather than saying "Here's the good guys and here's the bad guys" in the first 10 minutes and then making you wait 90 minutes for the inevitable final battle where the good guys win.
-Numerous things aren't clearly resolved - just like in life. I hate how movies try to tie up every loose end, unless they're planning a sequel (and this film is likely planning one, but many things were left so unclear that you have no idea what the next installment might be like).
-I was kind of impressed with Gordon's "death", but then they brought him back. I'm not sure what to think of that one, but meh, it wasn't bad.

And I like how the characters weren't restricted to cliche behavior only. I dunno, I guess I've just seen so much garbage that I'm happy when a movie has half a brain and knows that its audience does too.


Jul 20 2008, 11:00 pm WoAHorde Post #20

This movie was great. It is one of the elite few that I would not mind seeing again.


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