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Deity/Higher Power
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Aug 29 2007, 12:56 am
By: Crystal Fire Dragon
Pages: < 1 2 3 412 >
Do you believe in a deity?
Do you believe in a deity?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
One God 22
Multiple Gods 1
No God 34
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Poll has 57 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Aug 29 2007, 3:55 am cheeze Post #21

What if I wanted to live in a pre-mortal existence forever? :(

I didn't choose to be here. :'(

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 29 2007, 3:55 am by cheeze.


Aug 29 2007, 4:05 am Dr. Shotgun Post #22

I don't buy ANY reason to believe in God. It seems to me that God is just an inability to cope with the starkness of life.
I believe in god, i dont see any other reason how we got here, the science doesn't make sense to me.
This is one of the shittiest reasons to believe in God.

"The science doesn't make sense"?

So basically you dismissed over a thousand years of enlightened scientific thought on the origin of life, the earth, and the universe by saying "it doesn't make sense?"

Sure, science doesn't have all the answers, but the scientific method is designed to slowly compile and increase the accuracy of human knowledge. Unlike faith, which based on immovable dogma.
I believe in a single god. I don't see how people cannot at least believe in a god, as the whole world is proof of it.

Oh, and the bible is not a 'novel' it was translated from plates, so unless all of the prophets were lying, I'm pretty sure it isn't just a fake.

Lol, and somehow we evolved from monkeys, yet while other animals that supposedly evolved from other animals do not still have their unevolved form, while we still do?
"The whole world" is proof of nothing. Try this. Assume first God does not exist. Then try to argue the existence of an unseeable, omnipotent, omniscient, ageless entity. Logically, there is NO reason to believe in God. Even if you couldn't explain the world any other way, an imperfect explanation is better than one that presupposes additional entities that are not disprovable. You could, by the same logic, argue that the entire state of human affairs proves that we are being controlled mentally by invisible Martians. There's no argument against the fact these invisible Martians exist other than the fact that it's absurd to believe in entities that cannot be detected.

Consensus != truth. Even if all the prophets honestly believed what they were saying, that doesn't mean they were right.

A. Most monkeys are rapidly going extinct.

B. Most "common ancestor" forms are gone.

C. Animals that have been unchanged by evolution are as they are because their environments are static, and thus will not significantly benefit from new adaptations. That is not to say they are perfect, they've just reached a "local peak" in their evolutionary path, where the minor changes wrought by random mutations are lost in the gene pool, as they do little to increase suriviability.


Aug 29 2007, 4:11 am Falkoner Post #23

A god makes much more sense than the earth suddenly forming in the big bang, and if I didn't know that god existed, I would still assume higher powers did all that is on earth, ever thought that evolution was part of god's plan? they say he created the earth in six days, okay, now later in Genesis it tells us that a day to God is 1000 years to us, whether this is literal or not, this could show you people that believe in evolution that it is possible that it was part of God's plan.


Aug 29 2007, 4:30 am WoAHorde Post #24

if everyone believed in God then there wouldn't be destruction and murder
Yet look at the Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants. You all call your selves Christians, yet kill each other over the smallest things.
earth suddenly forming in the big bang
Also, the Earth did not just pop out of the Big Bang. The Earth, Sol, Milky Way and other structures have been formed over the past 15 billion years since the implosion.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 29 2007, 4:31 am by WoAHorde.


Aug 29 2007, 4:37 am Excalibur Post #25

The sword and the faith

I dont believe in a god of any sort. I, as others have said, believe religion is there due to peoples inability to cope with the horrible hopless things life has to offer. They need to grow some balls.

In any case even if their was a god or multiple ones, i dont need a set standard of rules to tell me how to act and/or worship that god in order to please them. This is my life, its ending one day at a time and id sooner end it than spend my time worrying about what a big man in the sky is going to with me after ive lived my life.

I dont care how we evolved from whatever, or how anything in the universe was formed or started. We can explain it all we want, but at the end of the day, the common ancestor of me and a monkey being found wont put food on my plate or help me sleep at night.

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Aug 29 2007, 5:24 am MasterJohnny Post #26

If there is (a) god/gods he/she is a bitch
I vote no.

I am a Mathematician

Aug 29 2007, 5:40 am JaFF Post #27

I think belief God is a way of psychologically stabilising yourself by making yourself believe in something (whether you like it or not). I can't say that forcing yourself like that is bad - we do it every day.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 29 2007, 8:15 am by JaFF.


Aug 29 2007, 5:46 am MillenniumArmy Post #28

I believe in God


Aug 29 2007, 8:34 am Paravin. Post #29

Science > Religion. I don't believe in God.


Aug 29 2007, 12:58 pm Falkoner Post #30

Yet look at the Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants. You all call your selves Christians, yet kill each other over the smallest things.
You named about all the religions that have millions of so-called 'members' but most of them aren't active in their church at all, you can't exactly call them christians at that point, can you?

Believing in a higher power causes people to do good, whereas many people who don't just want to have a good time and end up hurting themselves or those around you, people with religion tend to live better lives.


Aug 29 2007, 5:30 pm who Post #31

i'm christian


Aug 29 2007, 6:50 pm dothackZealot Post #32

Personally, I do believe in a God. Since our senses, technology, and knowledge of the workings of the universe are so limited, higher beings could be right under our noses and we would never even know it. There are so many unexplained events in quantum physics and such that we cannot fully explain. Both science and religion are two different ways of trying to explain things and live life, each with it's own flaws and successes. Science gave us everyday miracles and cures, while the guidance most religions give on morality and everyday life were applicable from over 10,000 years to this very day. Don't kill, try not to cheat on your significant other, don't steal, don't be overly proud or too full of yourself. These have been cornerstones of most societies and civilizations.

Essentially, if there is a God, it's existence cannot be determined scientifically in a verifiable way. It's basically anyone's guess and up to whether you believe that the absence of evidence is the evidence of absence.


Aug 29 2007, 7:30 pm Joeman12 Post #33

Believing in a higher power causes people to do good, whereas many people who don't just want to have a good time and end up hurting themselves or those around you, people with religion tend to live better lives.

I would tend to disagree with that. Devoting what little of our lives we already have, to sit and worship an entity that no one can prove that it exists? I think that to be a waist. And believing in a higher power does not always mean doing good. What about that/those priests who turned into bad touch children... They were devout yet they still went on a child molestation rampage. I wonder if those children that got molested have better lives now beacuse priests (of a higher power of only good) molested them, beacuse religion can only bring forth good and honesty...


Aug 29 2007, 7:52 pm Falkoner Post #34

Do you really think they were truly devout if they molest children?


Aug 29 2007, 8:01 pm cheeze Post #35

Why don't you guys believe in a god?


Aug 29 2007, 8:06 pm Armony Post #36

My two ideas as to why there isn't a god:

1. The world couldn't possibly be this fucked up if we were created in the image of someone who's perfect.

2. I personally would have killed myself if one of my creations went this horribly wrong.


Aug 29 2007, 8:06 pm Crystal Fire Dragon Post #37

So something bad happened, then god killed him/herself, and now we're left on Earth alone, you say?


Aug 29 2007, 8:07 pm cheeze Post #38

First, that's an opinion.
Second, no one cares if you would have killed yourself if something like "this" happened. Once again, your opinion.

All I see is opinion and no logical reasons. Try again.


Aug 29 2007, 8:09 pm Crystal Fire Dragon Post #39

Hey, why do you believe in a God? I can turn your question against you.
I don't believe in God because I am a very empirical person. I don't listen to some ramblings of a preacher or someone else and follow their word without question or evidence.


Aug 29 2007, 8:10 pm cheeze Post #40

Wait, when did I say I believed in a god?


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