Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Production > Topic: Space Scavenger Avenger Adventure RPG
Space Scavenger Avenger Adventure RPG
May 17 2008, 8:21 am
By: Pi1fer  

May 17 2008, 8:21 am Pi1fer Post #1

First idea was SC-Avengers, where SC=StarCraft. I think someone already made a map titled Avenger

The Scavenger Avengers are a group of mercenaries trying to survive in the war between Terrans, Zergs, and Protoss.
6 Players can choose from 8 Characters
Abomination Abbey/ drone
Chef Jeff/ Fire Bat
Doctor Donovich/ Zealot
Defense Director Droid/ probe
Engineer Eugine/ SCV
Psionic Pilot Piotr/ High Templar
Renegade Wade/ Marine
Saboteur Sabastian/ Ghost

any suggestion on name alliteration would be nice.

Computer Players
Terran/Protoss Alliance "Team RAYNiX" (may consider to be playable) Vs. Zerg onslaught

The story:
You are part of the rag tag band of mercenaries trying to survive. Your group became to be known as the Scavengers since the group primarilly searches through and collects items from discarded material to survive. Your leader, Major Money had accepted a job offer from a group of desperate Terrans who also have mutual relations with the protoss. The Protoss' main goal is to exterminate all zerge presence. The Terran faction, which is situated on an orbital platform, wanted your group to steal technology and equipment from the Protoss and capture some zergs for research.

Your Saboteur managed to steal a probe, zealot armor, and a new navigation interface device among other things. Meanwhile, the Raider helps the Chef chatch a few zerglings. The creative Chef decides to try and cook one of the zergs. Unbeknownst to Abbey that the chef cooked a zerg, Abbey is asked to taste the Chef's latest recipe. Abbey loves it and begins to gourge himself. Later, Abbey becomes violently sick. Abbey begins to mutate and is infested yet he is not influenced or controlled by overmines, overlords, kerrigan... yet. Abbey starts to behave like an animal and become more feral. The doctor had to wear parts of the zealot armor to protect himself while treating the violent Abbey.

Upon fulfilling the contract of stealing protoss technology, and capturing zergs for the Terran faction, your Leader, Major Money tries to negotiate for a higher price. The Terran Faction's leader is insulted and decides to kill you and your group and take the Protoss technology and catured zergs from you. Your group was out-numbered and out gunned, yet you managed to escape with a few of the protoss technology, but your leader Major Money is crittically wounded.

The Terran Faction pursues the your group as they try to escape in their cruiser. Your group manages to fight the group of Valkeries off, but the Cruiser suffers heavy damage. Your crew is forced to make an emergincy landing. Upon crash landing, Major Money's life support went off line and he dies. Before his last breath, everyone in the crew swore an oath to avenge him. Hence forth, your crew became the ScAvenger Avengers!...and teh cruizer is r3znamed Major Money Maker to honor him.

Intro Video: I really want to include a brief video of the above story. I dont know how to do this yet.

Gameplay: You and five other players can choose from eight characters and everyone must work together. You start in the middle of the map and must fight off the first wave of zerglings around the crash site. Afterwards, you must explore and gather resources.

Victory conditions:

The main goal is to kill that Terran Faction Leader (Stukov). At least one person must be an SCV or Probe in order to retrieve/ salvage critical parts (psi emitters) from other derelict cruisers and buildings so it can be brought back to repair the ship. All purchase able items cost minerals, all upgrades cost gas. Getting a kill & raze score of 1000 will give 1ore and gas.


The Items:
Med Kit/ Medic
Shield Battery/ defiler
Ration/ Defiler Hero
Grenades/ Infested Terran
Missle/ Scourge
Clone for ressurection/ Civ

The items are purchased inside the ship. When items are purchased, it is created in an inventory pool. The player can bring an Overlord (Hero) over and load up the item. Then the overload is moved over a beacon and when the item are dropped, it activates specific triggers. By hot keying the Ovie, the player can quickly drop a unit to use an item. The inventory system is set up to encourage item sharing. Load your item on to your Ovi and drop on other player's beacon to give that unit/item to that player. Trading resources will be implimented. I dont know which unit to use and how much is traded. Im thinging about incriments of 10 or all ore of player A will be given to player B.

I need some feed back on how to encourage players to work together.

Special character union/guild benifits:

When choosing from Doc, Raid, or Chef, the player randomly gets a free item that he can trade other players with when he does not have that particular item.
Since the Raider is a Marine, The Doctor should trade away all his med kits, the Raider should trade away his batteries, and the chef should trade away his rations in order to activate the trigger.

Gauntlets/ Challenge: Certain characters must kill a certain critter to activate a challenge trigger. Finding the critter is 1/4 the fun. Killing the right critter is 2/4. Completeing the challenge/ Gauntlet is 3/4. and then actually getting the speical reward is 4/4 the fun!

The Characters:

Name: Abomination Abbey
SC unit: Drone
HP: 400
Description: She is the only female on the ship full of [sea]men. She is the nurse and Doctor Donovich's assistant. All of the other men on board would look at her with lustful eyes even though she is not the prettiest girl. However, she became infected with the zerg virus and began to mutate. Despite her transformation, the rest of the men could not bear to kill her as long as she was still human on the inside where it counts.

Special Abilities:
Abbey's morph ability:
Abomination Abbey allows the player to choose how she will morph. At first, the player is a drone. After gaining enough minerals, the player can have the drone morph into a hatchery. The hatchery is quickly replaced by a creep colony. From that point, the player can choose to replicate wings to be a Mutilisk (spore colony) or replicate a tail and be a hydralisk (sunken). If the player chose hydra, she can latter evolve into a lurker. If the player chose Muta, she can evolve into a gurda or a devur. Abbey can also build an extractor on top of gas and become Kerrigan.

I have one major problem! The hero units for Hydra and Mutalisk can not morph. So I must make the player use regular units or I must create a new morph system. If I make the player use regular units then I can not set AI scripts for the zerg's units since they will be using hero units and hero units dont follow AI Scripts. I want to use an AI SCript for all of the idle zergs to harass the center of the map.
If I create a new system so that the player uses hero zerg units, then the player will miss out on the cool evolution aspects and will be unable to play with the lurker, guarda, or devu units. I probbably need to make 2 versions and see how many people like which version more.

Please give comments regarding this.

Abbey can give birth to broodlings like creatures in egg sacs that she carries on her back/belly. Abbey makes broodlings by using the Queen's ability.

Abbey's ressurection:
When a player's units are killed, an expensive clone (Civ) is required to bring that player's character back into play. However, Abbey can revive himself like a cerrabrate. However, Abbey must evolve past the drone stage. If the player is killed as a drone, then an expensive clone is required to be revived.


The player can make another drone for less than the expensive Clone. Just select the Hive and then have a larvae turn into a drone.

(The Avengers choose not to clone their fallen leader since Major Money was a man of experience and nothing else was special. You cant clone memories. Cloning the Major is a waste)

Name: Eugine the Engineer
SC unit: SCV
HP: 600
Age: 37
Description: Eugine is incharge of maintaining the ship and making crucial repairs. He was an engineer prodigy durring his youth. He enjoys wrenching on anything mechanical. He loves the smell of rocket fuel and grease. When ever the ship is working properly he likes to tinker with the scraps that the crew manages to salvage. He would devote his free time to dismantling spare parts and reconstructing them to forge new parts. He is meticules and works like a clock. He pays attention to every detail and has trained himself to work faster than the clock.

Special Abilities:

Eugine Builds War Machines!:
Eugine is able to build vultures, tanks and goliaths. Might consider making wraiths as an option. Eugine builds a supply depo and on completion, it is turned into a vulture. Eugine can build a turret which makes a goliath. Eugine needs to build a barrack to make a tank. Eugine will control the vehicles similtaneously with a remote control. Eugine remains out side of the vehicles in order to repair it. The machines should be expensive, durable and should take a minute to build. Damage output is a step above low since they are intended to be blockers. The machines are named after german animals/vehicles durring WW2.

The war machines that he builds will provide him with additional abilites, such as laying down land mines, bombarding an area, provide anti-air support.

Name: Defense Director Droid
SC unit: Probe
HP: 50 Shield: 450
Age: 4
Description: Eugine was able to analyze the salvaged probe. He was quick to take it apart and analyze how it worked. He succeded in learning a little bit of the secrets of the Protoss after 10 years of intense research. He figured out some of the mechanics of how the probe worked. After many years of analyzing, he was able to create a replica using Protoss metal and he understood how the protoss was able to teleport objects to some extent 4 years ago. All he needed was the energy crystal (power source) from another probe to power his imitation properly.

Warp in Insectoid Droids:
DDD can warp in preconstructed droids that Eugine has made in reserve. First, DDD warps in an imitation pylon that Eugine has preconstructed. Then DD can warp in a photon cannon which turns into a dragoon. When a robotics facil materializes, a reaver is warped in. Building a Nexus will create a carrier. Building an assimilator will create an arbitor. The droids should be cheap and weak. Damage is low. The droids are warpped in quickly. The droids are named after insects to create a sense of swarming.

Name: Psionic Pilot Piotr
SC unit: Tassadar (High templar)
HP 80 SH: 500
Age: 32
Description: Piotr (Russian for Peter), was a young and skilled pilot. However he lost most of his limbs in a wraith dog fight. Despite his handicap, new technology developed by Eugine enabled Piotr to pilot the ship with his mind. Doc Donovich surgically implanted a flight control system relay device developed by Eugine into Piotr's spine to allow a zero delay and high sensitivy control of the ship. Piotr's mind works inconjuction with the ships computers wich combines super fast computing power with raw human instinct and battle scarred experience. Piotr is able to do so since he has latent psionic powers that allow him to use over 75% of his brain.

Wave Particle Duality:

Piotr is able to wear the salvaged protoss power suite and utilize some of the psionic technologies. He has taught himself to use Psi storm and hallucination after many years of meditation. Now, with a newly stolen Protoss power suite and energy crystal, Piotr can also focus infared waves (dark templar) to attack. Latter, he may learn how to focus ultraviolet rays (Archon) to attack. These manipulated infared waves and ultraviolet rays can be destroyed but are quickly remade.

Name: Sabastian the Sabatuer
SC unit: Ghost
HP: 550
Age: 23
Description: Sabastian defected from the Confederacy as Mengks took control. Sabastian is a mischivious man. He would cloak him self and sneak into Abbey's quarters and watch her. He is sent in to any battle zone first to perform reconiacance. He is often tasked with assasination, infiltration, and demolition missions. He is basically a ninja. He is silent but deadly.


Sniper's Spotter:
Sabastian gets to use an observer to increase his vision and detect hidden enemies. The ghost dedicates brain power to keep it invulnarable. Eugine tinkered with the salvaged oberserver and modified it so that Sabastian can see through it's eyes.

Name: Doctor Donovich
SC unit: Zealot Fenix
HP: 100 SH: 1500
Age: 49
Description: Donovich, like Eugine, are seekers of knowledge. However, Donovich is fascinated in anotomy. Don is a skilled surgen and proficient with the cutting edge since he has high dexterity hands. Eugine was able to modify a salvaged protoss power armor for Don that lets him perform surgery in the line of fire. Don loves to discect zerglings. After several years of analyzing the zerglings through optopsies, he learn the weakness of the zergs and also found many cures by studying how the zerg body reacted to human viruses, cancer, and diseases. He is able to treat Abbey of her zerg infection. He is not yet able to cure her. It pains him deeply that he will eventually lose his beloved nurse, assistant and mistress.

Special Ability:

Recycle Salvaged Med Kits: Since the Doc is a Zealot unit, and I've set it up so that he has a high shield point and low hit point, he will scrap together used med kits for other players. This occasionally occurs when the Player controling Doc Don trades away all his med kits to other players. It may also happen when the entire crew has used X amount of med kits (recorded by Medic's death counter).

On the spot surgery: Random chance of Doc Don healing everying near him after X amount of players are around him X amount of time.

Name: Chef Jeff
SC unit: Firebat
Age: 29
Description: Jeff is a thermo-phile. He loves to play with fire. He is like Emeralde, except he tends to burn the food and says "Burn!" instead of "Bam!". He is known more for being a grill master (BBQ) then an Iron Chef. He cooks amazing barbeque for the crew. Lately, he has been experimenting with BBQing zergs and often talks to Don as to which part is edible since there is a shortage of food due to the TvPvZ war.


Rationing Rationality: Jeff can make rations from left over food which restores energy. Jeff occascionally makes extra rations when he has given all of his away. This may also occur randomly when the crew has eaten X amount of rations.

Salvation from Starvation: Jeff would promise everyone near him that he will make his super special and deliciously succulent spare ribs for them secretly if they survive the mission. This may let them forget the hunger and run on empty longer. This happens randomly as X ammount of players are nearby for X amount of time.

Name: Renegade Wade
SC unit: Jim (Marine)
Age: 52
Description: Wade was 10 years younger than Major Money when he first joined the Scavengers 20 years ago. Major Money was an incredible stragetist and tactician. Wade had been under Major's command for 20 years of strife. Wade had stuck with Major Money through thick and thin, all the while learning every dirty little trick Major Money had to teach him. Now, the student must surpass the teacher. Wade must lead the crew in Major Money's steed. Can Wade live up to the crew's expectations and avenge Major Money?


Recharge Battery Juice: he will salvage used batteries that recharge shields which he can trade for medkits. Wade occascionally recharges extra bateries when he has given all of his away. This may also occur randomly when the crew has used X amount of batteries.

-Terrain: 50% (still needs more variation and doodads)
-Triggers: 30% (still have alot of spawn enemy trigs to do and many other trig to fix)
-Units: 30% (Still need to balance each unit out accordingly)
-Ideas: 30% (still need more ideas)


Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on May 28 2008, 5:48 am by Pi1fer. Reason: included more info characters


May 17 2008, 8:36 am DevliN Post #2


Please include some screenshots or I'm going to have to close this thread. :/

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

May 17 2008, 8:50 am Pi1fer Post #3

I was going to go to sleep :flamer:

Reason for edit: Updated map and new pics

@Devlin, how do you post screen shots and other files? I'm running out of space.

ssaa draft alpha.scx
Hits: 1 Size: 192.7kb
Terran Backstabber Base.JPG
Hits: 0 Size: 197.34kb

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 22 2008, 12:59 am by Pi1fer.


May 17 2008, 9:02 am DevliN Post #4


WellI was going to give you a day's grace period, I figured you had already signed off.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

May 18 2008, 12:42 am Pi1fer Post #5

So what do you guys think about my map so far? I wanted to map an RPG thats very different from the rest. I also want each experience different from the last so Im thinking of trying to randomize some events. Most of the RPGs that I have played are very linear and most are fantasy and not sci-fi. If I want to play a fantasy RPG then I'll play with WC3 since its made for it.

I would like to hear any suggestions on:
Random events, character names, back story, side quests, character abilities, terrain, doodads and anything else that can be added. I want to make everything to have some significance.

Should I rename Albert to Abby? So it would be Abomination Abbey? And what should I name the stages of evolution by?
What about the Doctor's name? The doctor is more of a surgent since he likes to cut people up.
Should I rename droids to have more of a scientific name? Spider=Arachnid
Are there some plot holes or inconsistancy in the story that I should fix?
What kinds of side quest should I include? Kill certain number of units to retrieve item?
What should I do to make the terrain look more interesting? I also want the player to see the stars to remind him that this is a sci-fi rpg. What kinds of dooddads should I use an where?
What things should be random? Character selection?

Major Money is a reference to Major Major and another cut throat business man from Catch 22.
The 9 characters are somewhat based off of the Wild9. I am thinking of making an rpg map about the Wild9 after I finish this one.


May 22 2008, 1:19 am Pi1fer Post #6


Terrain: 30% Spiced it up with doodads and space holes
Triggers: 30% Completed downed Bcruiser vHP, set up spawn units at most locations, set up insane comp ai at bases, completed player inventory and trade system.
Units: 21% Changed minor stats and names but still need to balance units
Ideas: 30% most ideas implement through trig but still need to figure out way to simulate Aeon of Strife. Included sumary of story in briefing and set the primary objectives.

Im trying to think of some ideas that will randomize the experience. For example, a player suffers from diarehha, so the player's unit is placed in a bound maze and must reach the finnish line to come back to play. Maybe some random item duds or malfunctions when the player goes and uses the items. Maybe some random chatter when two characters are around each other too long. There will be random attacks from the comp

I want to work more on character relationships and back stories to make it interesting. No, there will be no love triangles since they are all guys. Maybe one of the characters can be a homo. It is my experience that characters with problems are the most memorable ones.

Also, I need some ideas for side quests. I've included a challenge/gauntlet for individual characters when they kill a certain critter. But that's not fully completed so avoid killing any critters or else your unit will get stuck.

I really want the 2 computers to wage war on each other and if they have extra units, they can send them on a suicide mission to attack your downed Cruiser. When the cruiser is 100%, it will be restored and turned into a mighty Cruiser that player 1 can use. Im thinking of including a way for players to swap control of the Cruiser with each other.

I want to make this map stand out from all of the ordinary RPG maps.

I would like some feed back please.


May 22 2008, 5:31 am Impeached Post #7

It sounds pretty interesting. I suggest you make your topic post more compact and easily readable, though, so more people will want to read it/comment.


May 22 2008, 10:59 pm DevliN Post #8


Quote from Pi1fer
@Devlin, how do you post screen shots and other files? I'm running out of space.
I downloaded the ones you posted and then uploaded them to and then reposted them here.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

May 22 2008, 11:40 pm Vrael Post #9

For Resource Sharing, you could do something like:
Oh, and you'll need to set up a system to determine if a player is in the game to prevent loss of minerals

Players: 1,2,3,4,5,6
Current Player has most Ore
Subtract 1 Ore for Current Player
Add 1 Ore for Computer Player X

Player: Computer Player X
Computer Player X accumulates at least 1 ore
Computer Player X has suffered exactly 0 deaths of Cave (or other unused unit)
P1 is in game
Subtract 1 ore for Computer Player X
Add 1 ore for p1
Add 1 deaths of cave for Computer Player X

Player: Computer Player X
P1 is not in game
Computer Player X accumulates at least 1 ore
Computer Player X has suffered exactly 0 deaths of Cave
Add 1 to Cave for Computer Player X

Player: Computer Player X
Computer Player X accumulates at least 1 ore
Computer Player X has suffered exactly 1 deaths of Cave
P2 is in game
Subtract 1 ore for Computer Player X
Add 1 ore for p2
Add 1 deaths of cave for Computer Player X

Player: Computer Player X
P2 is not in game
Computer Player X accumulates at least 1 ore
Computer Player X has suffered exactly 1 deaths of Cave
Add 1 to Cave for Computer Player X

Player: Computer Player X
Computer Player X accumulates at least 1 ore
Computer Player X has suffered exactly 2 deaths of Cave
P3 is in game
Subtract 1 ore for Computer Player X
Add 1 ore for p3
Add 1 deaths of cave for Computer Player X

Player: Computer Player X
P3 is not in game
Computer Player X accumulates at least 1 ore
Computer Player X has suffered exactly 2 deaths of Cave
Add 1 to Cave for Computer Player X

Player: Computer Player X
Computer Player X accumulates at least 1 ore
Computer Player X has suffered exactly 3 deaths of Cave
P4 is in game
Subtract 1 ore for Computer Player X
Add 1 ore for p4
Add 1 deaths of cave for Computer Player X

Player: Computer Player X
P4 is not in game
Computer Player X accumulates at least 1 ore
Computer Player X has suffered exactly 3 deaths of Cave
Add 1 to Cave for Computer Player X

Player: Computer Player X
Computer Player X accumulates at least 1 ore
Computer Player X has suffered exactly 4 deaths of Cave
P5 is in game
Subtract 1 ore for Computer Player X
Add 1 ore for p5
Add 1 deaths of cave for Computer Player X

Player: Computer Player X
P5 is not in game
Computer Player X accumulates at least 1 ore
Computer Player X has suffered exactly 4 deaths of Cave
Add 1 to Cave for Computer Player X

Player: Computer Player X
Computer Player X accumulates at least 1 ore
Computer Player X has suffered exactly 5 deaths of Cave
P6 is in game
Subtract 1 ore for Computer Player X
Add 1 ore for p6
Set to 0 deaths of cave for Computer Player X

Player: Computer Player X
P6 is not in game
Computer Player X accumulates at least 1 ore
Computer Player X has suffered exactly 5 deaths of Cave
Set to 0 deaths of Cave for Computer Player X

Not quite sure how you set up the Player-determining condition. Oh wait, duh me

Player: Current Player (1,2,3,4,5,6)
Subtract 1 for Player Status Unit

Player: Computer Player X
Player 1 suffered at most 2 deaths of Player Status Unit
Add 1 deaths of Player Status Unit for Player 1

For this trigger copy 1 each for each player 1-6. This way if they leave they'll end up with 3 DC of the Player Status Unit, and you know they're not there anymore.


May 23 2008, 5:04 am Pi1fer Post #10

um... that looks like a lot of work to duplicate 6 times and change it for 6 players. I was thinking of using the inventory system to work in conjunction with the resource trading. For example, if I bring a unit such as Medic to a player's beacon, and it gives it to that player, why cant I make it so that when a player gets a certain unit such as Hero Ghost/DT, all or a set amoount of the current player's resources is given to that player who owns that beacon.

Current player brings 1 Gerald DeGull to location (give unit to player #) then remove 1 Gerald DeGull for Current player and give # ore to player #.

Wait, are those trigg suppose to equally distribute resources among players when a player leaves? Im confused, how does that trig work?

Oh and sorry, the map was pretested, but i made changes and did not pretested it again before posting. I will try and fix it. Also, are there not that many people posting in Map production since they are working on their map to submit to the summer contest? I guess I dont care about 300 minerals

How am I suppose to make my topic easily readible? I think i can compact it if I dont go into much detail.

Thank you everyone for your replies

Reason for Edit: Ask a question

OMG! I cant seem to understand why or what trigs are causing all/any of the player's units to automatically reset to 100% every 5 sec or so.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 23 2008, 5:15 am by Pi1fer.


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