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Mar 2 2008, 6:12 pm
By: Ultraviolet
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Are you an atheist?
Are you an atheist?
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No 20
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Mar 16 2008, 5:48 pm Akar Post #221

Quote from Centreri
Say, Akar - Answer everything in this video. The most effective ones are questions 1 & 2, but the other 8 aren't bad either. The style of it leaves much to be desired, but the questions are good :P.
Hehe, It brings up good points.
1. The fact is, one has to believe, true believing is tough to achieve. It would be very difficult to believe that you're arm will regenerate itself. It is logical processing getting in the way of believing.
2. Because we're human. And the continent of Africa is war torn. Why shouldn't God simply help everyone at the exact same time? And I have plenty of examples how God does help the people that are starving. Take the Lost Boys for example. He helps, you just don't notice it.
3. law administration.
4. Misinterpretation of the bible, he created it the same time that science says it was created, if you want me to go further in depth than tell me. Also, Jonah was dead inside the fishes stomach, God resurrected him after he was regurgitated. Mt. Everest? Are you fucking kidding me. This idiot has no idea what the fuck he is talking about. A handful of dust? He needs to stop pulling stuff out of his ass. It says the dust of the ground. Which we are all made up of the elements here on earth are we not?
5. No elaboration. They weren't slaves, they were servants and they got PAID.
6. This is full of crap. I don't seem to remember we lived in a utopia.
7. More no elaboration, yes there is proof. I have a bible that corresponds with archaeological proof of such events.
9. He was talking figuratively! The Roman Catholic Church should be blamed for this retarded nonsense.
10. Most christians don't even do what the bible says. And few know even a little about it. It isn't God's fault that you fuck up you have free will ya know.
The guy has no clue what he is talking about honestly. He thinks God controls us all and that we all live by our own "fate." Not true, we all have free will and we all have the possibility of screwing up.

I think I'm done here. All I'm getting is flamed about how all my ideas are wrong without proof that they are, when I have proof mine are correct. I'm not about to have a debate with people who's only supporting statements are, "You're stupid thats why I know more than you." Your logic and reason is entirely flawed upon false idiotic rants.


Mar 16 2008, 6:31 pm WoAHorde Post #222

Quote from Akar
when I have proof mine are correct.

You are truly ignoramus. Leave the Internet, and never come back.


Mar 16 2008, 6:34 pm Syphon Post #223

God == Jesus I'm afraid.

"The big bang theory does contradict itself because it needs the general theory of relativity to work yet makes it invalid at the same time." A 0 dimensional point needs general relativity to explode? Nein. You also clearly don't even know what the fuck red shift is.

Biblical proof is not valid proof.

And Lutherans are just Roman Catholics that rejected beliefs and made up some others. :)

You aren't proving yourself correct, you're throwing opinions and ideas that you think are correct, while failing to realise that BELIEVING SOMETHING IS RIGHT DOES NOT MAKE IT SO. Millions of people world wide believe things that are wrong, and you are not a beautiful and unique snow flake. Your beliefs are just as flawed, and you are just as convinced that they aren't.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 16 2008, 6:44 pm by Syphon.


Mar 16 2008, 7:46 pm Centreri Post #224

Relatively ancient and inactive

The fact is, one has to believe, true believing is tough to achieve. It would be very difficult to believe that you're arm will regenerate itself. It is logical processing getting in the way of believing.
All the cancer cases getting 'cured by god'.. do their victims really believe in it that much more then amputees? what, no Christian fanatic ever lost a limb?

Because we're human. And the continent of Africa is war torn. Why shouldn't God simply help everyone atthe exact same time? And I have plenty of examples how God does help the people that are starving. Take the Lost Boys for example. He helps, you just don't notice it.
If we don't even friggin' notice it, ITS NOT HELPING! EVEN if it IS helping, there are much more who it isn't helping.

law administration.
No elaboration. They weren't slaves, they were servants and they got PAID.
So, they could lawfully just quit?

This is full of crap. I don't seem to remember we lived in a utopia.
Our point is that we don't live in a Utopia exactly because God doesn't do a friggin' thing.

Most christians don't even do what the bible says. And few know even a little about it. It isn't God's fault that you fuck up you have free will ya know.
I would think that the 1% that do do what the bible says would weigh the scales in favor. And yet, depending on your source, Christians have either the same or higher divorce rates. I'd say god isn't living up to what he promised.

The guy has no clue what he is talking about honestly. He thinks God controls us all and that we all live by our own "fate." Not true, we all have free will and we all have the possibility of screwing up.
So, basically he does nothing to help most of the people out there, he only cures people who have something that can perhaps be curable by the immune system itself, whose promises don't live up to reality.. You can leave from this argument, but I'd say everyone would agree that you lost.


Mar 17 2008, 6:55 pm Demented Shaman Post #225

Akar is a nub, THIS is a real christian. Yea, thank god for dead soldiers!


Mar 23 2008, 4:59 am AntiSleep Post #226

I don't think it is possible to live according to a literal interpretation of the bible.
1. The fact is, one has to believe, true believing is tough to achieve. It would be very difficult to believe that you're arm will regenerate itself.
If it is impossible to truly believe, does that mean everyone is going to hell anyway?

It is possible to delude yourself to the extent that you think your limb will regenerate, but that hasn't helped anyone yet.


Mar 24 2008, 8:42 pm Syphon Post #227

Quote from AntiSleep
I don't think it is possible to live according to a literal interpretation of the bible.
1. The fact is, one has to believe, true believing is tough to achieve. It would be very difficult to believe that you're arm will regenerate itself.
If it is impossible to truly believe, does that mean everyone is going to hell anyway?

It is possible to delude yourself to the extent that you think your limb will regenerate, but that hasn't helped anyone yet.

Some people try.


Mar 24 2008, 8:55 pm Centreri Post #228

Relatively ancient and inactive

It's really sad. They work and work, barely enjoying life and thinking they'll be rewarded with salvation.


Mar 24 2008, 9:04 pm JordanN Post #229

Quote from Centreri
It's really sad. They work and work, barely enjoying life and thinking they'll be rewarded with salvation.

Woa, ignorance. Got any proof that says they barely enjoy life or if they wont be rewarded with salvation?
I don't think it is possible to live according to a literal interpretation of the bible.
It is possible.


Mar 24 2008, 9:08 pm Syphon Post #230

Quote from JordanN
Quote from Centreri
It's really sad. They work and work, barely enjoying life and thinking they'll be rewarded with salvation.

Woa, ignorance. Got any proof that says they barely enjoy life or if they wont be rewarded with salvation?
I don't think it is possible to live according to a literal interpretation of the bible.
It is possible.

The Amish are living proof.


Mar 24 2008, 9:10 pm Centreri Post #231

Relatively ancient and inactive

I'm not talking about ALL religious people, but there are plenty. People who follow the Bible to the letter (though.. I think those might be insane, so they may still be enjoying life), nuns, monks, Amish, those kinds of people.


Mar 24 2008, 9:25 pm FlyingHat Post #232

They're the people who are really devoted to what they do, I have respect for them because they are strong willed.


Mar 24 2008, 9:32 pm Centreri Post #233

Relatively ancient and inactive

I don't know. I'd say if I believed that living by the bible until I die would grant me paradise forever, I'd do it. I don't think I'm that strong willed, though, since I find it very hard to finish something once started.


Mar 24 2008, 9:39 pm JamaL Post #234

I'm not quite sure what I am, yet.

The idea of a Heaven and a Hell is very black and white, which is exactly how humans like things. They want things to be separated easily - good and bad. If there is, in fact, a Heaven and Hell, I don't think they are quite what we believe them to be. Everything in existence is not black and white, but the shades of gray in between - religions are too human-spawned.


Mar 24 2008, 9:42 pm JordanN Post #235

I don't think they are quite what we believe them to be.
It never was. People just over exaggerated things like that. Such as, no where in the bible does it mention "being tortured for all of eternity".


Mar 25 2008, 9:58 am Excalibur Post #236

The sword and the faith

Quote from Syphon
Biblical proof is not valid proof.

You aren't proving yourself correct, you're throwing opinions and ideas that you think are correct, while failing to realise that BELIEVING SOMETHING IS RIGHT DOES NOT MAKE IT SO. Millions of people world wide believe things that are wrong, and you are not a beautiful and unique snow flake. Your beliefs are just as flawed, and you are just as convinced that they aren't.

Im keeping this until the day i die. I believe with its Fight Club reference it has potential to be epic win.

On topic to the ACTUAL TOPIC QUESTION *GASP: I am a proud atheist.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Mar 25 2008, 10:08 am candle12345 Post #237

Just throwing it out there. Atheist. Now y'all know.

I'm atheist becaues of someting else though, I'm doing it as a sort of 'boycott' to religion [Christianity in particular.], now you tell me that the absolute horrors caused by religion outweigh the things they've done for the good of humanity.

Aid and stuff like that.
Education [filled with their propaganda, you decide whether it's good or bad]
Supposed 'Salvation'

Mass Murder:
Witch Trials
Hatred towards negroes with the bible as an excuse! Just because it stopped doesn't mean it didn't happen!
Teaching us the bible at a young age, at 8 years old, you can't make your own decisions!
Making many of us narrow-minded through 'scripture'

I mean come on!
Anything you want added just say.


Mar 25 2008, 10:15 pm JordanN Post #238

Mass Murder:
Witch Trials
Regarding those. The bible condemns many of such things. (Such as Racism, God hates those who hate others as seen with Moses wife passage, who was black). Those "so called Christians" aren't considered true Christians do to such acts.
Hatred towards negroes with the bible as an excuse! Just because it stopped doesn't mean it didn't happen!
Lol wut? Once again, the bible condemns racism of any kind so people defending racism with the bible are hypocrites.

Teaching us the bible at a young age, at 8 years old, you can't make your own decisions!
Once again, lol wut? Whats wrong with children being taught the bible at a young age. Ok, before I continue, I hate atheist of these kind who bring on such cases without actually thinking about it. The same way how Atheist hate those Christians who did those acts. No side is right. Now, the bible never says "you can't make your own decision". Even too the point where you can even choose to abandon it. The only closest thing to that is "bible related" judgements. Now, when a child has reach the age of maturity, then they can ask themselves "do I really want to continue with this". Parents overseer alot of children's actions because they really don't know better.
Making many of us narrow-minded through 'scripture'
Lol, wut? People use a dictionary to correct things. Does that make them narrow-minded?

Supposed 'Salvation'
Unless you can prove it won't happen then that, can't be questioned.


Mar 25 2008, 10:20 pm Syphon Post #239

The dictionary is not scripture. SEE DICTIONARY FOR DETAILS.

Scrip·ture /ˈskrɪptʃər/ [skrip-cher]
1. Often, Scriptures. Also called Holy Scripture, Holy Scriptures. the sacred writings of the Old or New Testaments or both together.
2. (often lowercase) any writing or book, esp. when of a sacred or religious nature.
3. (sometimes lowercase) a particular passage from the Bible; text.


Mar 25 2008, 10:21 pm MillenniumArmy Post #240

Mass Murder:
Witch Trials
Hatred towards negroes with the bible as an excuse! Just because it stopped doesn't mean it didn't happen!
Teaching us the bible at a young age, at 8 years old, you can't make your own decisions!
Making many of us narrow-minded through 'scripture'
Do note that there is a difference between "religion's fault" and "people's fault." All of those examples lean primarily towards the latter.


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Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
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[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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