Staredit Network > Forums > Modding Discussion > Topic: Mod Recruiting
Mod Recruiting
Mar 17 2012, 3:54 pm
By: Reynor333  

Mar 17 2012, 3:54 pm Reynor333 Post #1

Hello if your are reading this, this is about making a mod for starcraft broodwar and I was wondering if there are any good Grp editors and coders that are willing to help me make a good starcraft mod I am thinking about making a story along with some voice acting if it is necessary to do so. The plot to this whole mod is adding different variants of units onto the mod like instead of just having a plain old marine you can have a Rocket marine or a jet pack marine, especially with super weapons. this mod is for people such as myself wanting variety in a good old game and to have fun with. if you are willing to join reply to this thread or contact me on Xfire (Xfire=Dowman333) thank you for reading and I hope we can talk. [This is Reynor333 signing out]


Mar 17 2012, 4:36 pm LoveLess Post #2

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Not trying to be a dick here or anything, but all of the modders here are either done or work entirely solo.

You should just spend time learning the trade yourself, asking questions and a lot of searching/lurking.


Mar 17 2012, 5:11 pm Reynor333 Post #3

well I honor your Honesty but you do not get it you kinda are being a dick and if no one wants to help then they do not have to read this post. this thread is for people who do want to not for the ones who do not so thank please if you are trying to be a dick just leave the thread alone and go on with your business, and thank you


Mar 17 2012, 7:51 pm Sand Wraith Post #4


Fact: Modders don't help out no-name strangers.
Fact: You weren't the first to come to us posting this sort of request.
Fact: All of the people that have come to us posting this sort of request were rejected.
Fact: Most of us modders are either done or are working entirely solo. (What Loveless said is truth.)

Summary: You're going to get nowhere if you expect help (in the form of a team) for making your mod idea.

I know maybe one or two of us still post in Modding Assistance though, whenever a thread comes by.

If you really want to make your mod, you should do it yourself. You can get help doing whatever you want to do, but in the end, if you really want to get somewhere in the modding commnity, you have to do it yourself.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 17 2012, 8:09 pm by Sand Wraith.

Mar 17 2012, 8:13 pm DevliN Post #5


Quote from Reynor333
well I honor your Honesty but you do not get it you kinda are being a dick and if no one wants to help then they do not have to read this post. this thread is for people who do want to not for the ones who do not so thank please if you are trying to be a dick just leave the thread alone and go on with your business, and thank you
I don't see any of his post as him being a dick. It seems like maybe there's some unresolved bias from the Shoutbox feud. If he wants to post with advice about just doing it yourself, he can. You can't dictate who can and cannot post in the thread unless they're breaking SEN's rules. Speaking of the rules, we do have one regarding grammar use and such:
A decent level of spelling, proper grammar and sentence structure are expected in posts on SEN. You are expected to put effort into formulating your posts.
So some extra commas and periods may help.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Mar 17 2012, 9:00 pm TiKels Post #6

I agree with Devlin. No reason to be fighting y'all. (also grammar)

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Mar 18 2012, 12:38 am Reynor333 Post #7

Now see I did try somewhat but it is just like what I said to Loveless, Now if you guys want to pick on a new person then you guys are the ones being the dick not me, I ask for simple help and not one time did I demand it. I mean shit, you guys just like picking on newbs. I get that but in all reality, but if someone is asking and not demanding since that is your preference of me, well then I could be a dick myself and tell you all to go fuck off and be an internet troll about it, but I am being the the bigger man here and just simply asking for help and not for a dicks opinion. So if that is the way you guys want to treat someone that is not even looking for trouble then go right ahead, but dont let the door hit you on the ass, on the way out. Now this can go both ways I could banned but that still makes you all the lower child and no better than I.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Mar 18 2012, 12:44 am by Reynor333.


Mar 18 2012, 12:52 am Reynor333 Post #8

Quote from Sand Wraith
Fact: Modders don't help out no-name strangers.
Fact: You weren't the first to come to us posting this sort of request.
Fact: All of the people that have come to us posting this sort of request were rejected.
Fact: Most of us modders are either done or are working entirely solo. (What Loveless said is truth.)

Summary: You're going to get nowhere if you expect help (in the form of a team) for making your mod idea.

I know maybe one or two of us still post in Modding Assistance though, whenever a thread comes by.

If you really want to make your mod, you should do it yourself. You can get help doing whatever you want to do, but in the end, if you really want to get somewhere in the modding commnity, you have to do it yourself.

And me not having a name, how about you pry your eyes open a little bit and look at the creator of the post and seeing the name as it is Reynor333. So maybe just think before you type, instead of creating a shit excuse of four of the same fact of number one of your facts okay? Because it might help for future references, But knowing your rude excuse of a reply to my thread, I doubt you will take any of my knowledge to your collection.


Mar 18 2012, 1:17 am Biophysicist Post #9

Unfortunately, he is right. You're not being picked on; this is pretty much how it is. Modding teams do not work out. There aren't enough people, for one; also they're impossible to coordinate and keep motivated. You aren't going to get a team; like people said, either do it yourself or don't. Now, those of us who are still around will help out, at least with technical help and so on, but teams don't work and asking for one will be met with this kind of reply. I suggest that you calm down, stop assuming people are out to get you, and figure out what you need to learn and so on. That we will help with.


Mar 18 2012, 1:25 am lil-Inferno Post #10

Just here for the pie

Quote from Reynor333
Now see I did try somewhat but it is just like what I said to Loveless, Now if you guys want to pick on a new person then you guys are the ones being the dick not me, I ask for simple help and not one time did I demand it. I mean shit, you guys just like picking on newbs. I get that but in all reality, but if someone is asking and not demanding since that is your preference of me, well then I could be a dick myself and tell you all to go fuck off and be an internet troll about it, but I am being the the bigger man here and just simply asking for help and not for a dicks opinion. So if that is the way you guys want to treat someone that is not even looking for trouble then go right ahead, but dont let the door hit you on the ass, on the way out. Now this can go both ways I could banned but that still makes you all the lower child and no better than I.
If I asked for people to dedicate their time, effort, and energy into a project that could take a while without providing sufficient information or proof of my competence, they'd say the same thing to me and I have been here for about 6 years. You can't expect people (yes, we are all people just like you on SEN) to possibly want to risk their time on something that probably wouldn't be completed, and you've proven to us that you would be a terrible project lead judging from this thread.

Quote from Reynor333
And me not having a name, how about you pry your eyes open a little bit and look at the creator of the post and seeing the name as it is Reynor333. So maybe just think before you type, instead of creating a shit excuse of four of the same fact of number one of your facts okay? Because it might help for future references, But knowing your rude excuse of a reply to my thread, I doubt you will take any of my knowledge to your collection.
He doesn't mean it literally... He means that you have no portfolio built up so that we would want to work with you. You just came in here as some random guy, and your poor use of sentence structure and spelling certainly doesn't help your case.

Mar 18 2012, 1:27 am Reynor333 Post #11

Quote from Biophysicist
Unfortunately, he is right. You're not being picked on; this is pretty much how it is. Modding teams do not work out. There aren't enough people, for one; also they're impossible to coordinate and keep motivated. You aren't going to get a team; like people said, either do it yourself or don't. Now, those of us who are still around will help out, at least with technical help and so on, but teams don't work and asking for one will be met with this kind of reply. I suggest that you calm down, stop assuming people are out to get you, and figure out what you need to learn and so on. That we will help with.

I get what you are saying, but these guys have been at me ever since the shout box argument so nothing to less these guys are out to get me or at me and all I have asked for is a way of communication and response not an argument such as these fellows want. Maybe I have worded it wrong but these guys do not need to be so cruel in their argument or even if there should be an argument, which I do not want, but they seem to.


Mar 18 2012, 1:30 am lil-Inferno Post #12

Just here for the pie

Quote from Reynor333
I get what you are saying, but these guys have been at me ever since the shout box argument so nothing to less these guys are out to get me or at me and all I have asked for is a way of communication and response not an argument such as these fellows want. Maybe I have worded it wrong but these guys do not need to be so cruel in their argument or even if there should be an argument, which I do not want, but they seem to.
I don't see how this helpful advice was intended to instigate an argument.

Quote from LoveLess
Not trying to be a dick here or anything, but all of the modders here are either done or work entirely solo.

You should just spend time learning the trade yourself, asking questions and a lot of searching/lurking.

Mar 18 2012, 2:13 am Sand Wraith Post #13


The phrase "no-name," in the context which used it, means that you have yet to garner any amount of respect (or disrespect) from the modding community (which is on its deathbed, I'd like to add; at least here at SEN, anyway). AKA you are not well-known. I was not literally calling you out for having no name.

Nah, those four facts are different.

Because you are a newbie, you don't know what you're asking. Asking others to make a mod for you or whoever is not "simple." A lot of time, thought, work, and effort is put into making a mod. There is also the factor of emotional investment. Additionally, modding has no physical or monetary reward.

There are actually a lot of reasons why someone would not make someone else a mod.

Anyway, I'll have you know that seeing this sort of no-content request thread is really quite vexing for me (and a lot of other people).

If the OP actually showed all that you wanted in the mod, maybe some modder with similar interests would help you.

It's pretty obvious that you've never been in a creative-hobby type of community. Otherwise, you wouldn't have posted this sort of thread.

Look, all I can say is that you're highly unlikely to get any of the help that you're asking for. Like I said, if you really want to see your ideas become reality, you're just going to have to work on it yourself. This pretty much goes for any hobby that involves making stuff.

If you want to know why you're highly unlikely to get a team of modders working for you, just do some modding yourself. Or, ask yourself to do the same thing you're asking us, but with a completely different idea that you have absolutely no interest in.

I mean, are you going to pay us to do this? Maybe some of us might be interested then. I know I won't be though, unless it's a pretty absurd amount of cash.


Haven't seen much of the shoutbox all day.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 18 2012, 2:20 am by Sand Wraith.

Mar 18 2012, 3:40 am LoveLess Post #14

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

I really do not get how me encouraging someone to learn a trade they want to enter, who is asking others to do a large majority of the work when he himself is new to it, ends up with me being the dick. Even I can work the modding tools for SC, including limited sound/voice manipulation and a little bit of the other things needed to work on mods. I learned this all myself when I got interested in making a mod strictly for mapping purposes.

In the end, like so many before me, I just didn't see the point in making it any longer since we would need SF's server to run it all anyway with very limited participants. I ended up giving that up, but I can still recall what I did and in all honestly, learning wasn't that hard.

All I meant with my comment was to encourage you to learn, because you cannot depend on others, especially not here. We are very knowledgeable and capable when it comes to anything SC related, but extremely flaky. The least of us here is Ahli who is truly a jack-of-all-trades here at SEN, but even he prefers to work alone on his projects and loves to share the knowledge he has accumulated with others.

That is what we do here: We offer our experiences and limited assistance, mostly in the form of troubleshooting, not actual labor. I hope you can understand where I am coming from with this.

You better because I fucking spent 5 minutes typing/venting it.


Mar 18 2012, 3:54 am IskatuMesk Post #15

Lord of the Locker Room

I qualify for everything you're asking for.

But I'm a colossal dick and there's no hiding that, so I'll just pull this out out of the mess.

And me not having a name, how about you pry your eyes open a little bit and look at the creator of the post and seeing the name as it is Reynor333.

Your name is the best name on this entire forum, the others are only blind to your brilliance. Good luck!

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Mar 18 2012, 4:42 am Sacrieur Post #16

Still Napping

Wow guys, nice job helping point him in the right direction to learn how to do these things himself.


Mar 18 2012, 4:58 am Sand Wraith Post #17


I used to know a few resources for this exact purposes (learning to mod), but I can't find any anymore, asides from the sitckies in the Modding Assistance forum. BW modding is pretty fucking dead by now. :x

Maplantis resources seem to be down; there used to be some sort of SEN wiki but where that has gone, I don't know; has turned to shit; stormcoast fortress is outdated...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 18 2012, 8:17 am by DevliN. Reason: Cleanup

Mar 18 2012, 5:03 am Jack Post #18

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Hey Reynor333, welcome to SEN!

Unfortunately there aren't really any people who will make any GRPs or do any coding FOR you, anymore. However, we're happy to help you learn how to do these things yourself. With that in mind, I'll firstly direct you to some GRP-making tutorials, and GRP databases.

Those tutorials should get you started on making GRPs. In addition, here are some links containing custom GRPs which you can download and use:;pg=mods
There also used to be a site called corboland, but it seems to be down; I'll see if I can find corbo and get his GRP databse put up somewhere.
You can also google around to find more GRPs, and there should be some on SEN and on modcrafters in the forums, which may take a bit of searching.

ANYWAY. Now that we have some fancy graphics, you need to read Mesk's Modding Bible (link above) and look in SEN's wiki, modcrafter's wiki, and the forums to see tutorials about the other aspects of modding, such as iscripting.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Mar 18 2012, 5:18 am Sand Wraith Post #19


Maplantis is pretty much all that remains of at least semi-updated modding tutorials, I think.

Mar 18 2012, 7:16 am IskatuMesk Post #20

Lord of the Locker Room

I don't remember covering grps in that ancient half-assed "bible", honestly... just iscript.

I also think CC's variant is more updated? I don't even remember putting my bible on MC, maybe Herc asked some time and I totally forgot. Anyways, here's some doctored versions of the TL guides I posted a time ago. If Herc rolls by and sees these he can copy paste for all I care. (edit - Oh, I see, that's not the bible. That's the same guides, but on a wiki, and wikis are terrible. And the image links don't seem to actually show images. My link is better!)

But I never made an article about grps - modeling in 3ds max is kind of outside the scope of individual articles.

Oh, and before you spam me relentlessly, I'm not answering any questions at all related to those guides anymore.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 18 2012, 7:40 am by IskatuMesk.

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

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