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Hushcreek Boarding School : Redux
Jan 25 2012, 1:51 am
By: Fire_Kame
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Jan 29 2012, 8:55 pm lil-Inferno Post #41

Just here for the pie

Quote from Fire_Kame
Ash Ketchum is not a legitimate character. Your parents would not send you to a penal institution to make friends.
He's fist fodder obviously!

Jan 29 2012, 8:56 pm FatalException Post #42

Quote from Fire_Kame
If you gave him a real name that classmates could call him I'll add you.
But he would refuse to tell his classmates a "real name"; it's part of his character.


Jan 29 2012, 8:56 pm TiKels Post #43

Quote from lil-Inferno
Soot Ketchup?
Quote from Fire_Kame
Ash Ketchum

Now I get it...

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Jan 29 2012, 9:03 pm Fire_Kame Post #44

wth is starcraft

Quote from lil-Inferno
Quote from Fire_Kame
Ash Ketchum is not a legitimate character. Your parents would not send you to a penal institution to make friends.
He's fist fodder obviously!
You don't trope, apparently.

Jan 30 2012, 2:40 am Bar Refaeli Post #45

Quote from Fire_Kame
Quote from lil-Inferno
Quote from Fire_Kame
Ash Ketchum is not a legitimate character. Your parents would not send you to a penal institution to make friends.
He's fist fodder obviously!
You don't trope, apparently.
awww fuck man does this mean I'm gonna die first? :bored:


Jan 30 2012, 6:01 am Fire_Kame Post #46

wth is starcraft

:lol: No Raccoon you won't die first.

Some more information on game play and ground rules: (Collapse box so that the 'yea I get it' thing doesn't happen. Truthfully this is all rather simple and unnecessary for people who play rpgs on forums, but I'm assuming there aren't many of you).

Remember, you must respond and post your character sheet before orientation tomorrow. If you are reading this later, send me a pm. I may be able to help.
Collapsable Box

Jan 30 2012, 10:04 pm Fire_Kame Post #47

wth is starcraft

Orientation Day - January 31st, 2012.

You help your parents pack up the rented car with all of the necessities you spent the past week collecting to start your 'new life' at Hushcreek. Overall, your parents had seemed rather optomistic about the endeavor, your mother gushing about its graduation rates, your father nodding along as necessary. They bought you the things you needed - such as sheets to fit your bed, and a printer with ink and paper, and of course your uniform, - along with even a few choice luxuries, such as a small television for your room and your favorite junk food. But it was the last night you would be staying in a hotel, and your parents had already scheduled their red eye flight back into town late that night. It was cloudy, as it appeared to be every day you were here. You hoped it was only because it was January. Maybe as the spring months approached it would brighten, and maybe everything wouldn't seem so dreary. You had heard your parents speak about a lake off of the school's property, maybe once it warmed up they would allow students to swim in it?

The drive to Hushcreek was boring. Your hotel had been on the outskirts of a busy metropolitan city, centered in what appeared to be several other hotels all meant to serve the airport. Your mind drifted to life at Hushcreek and the anxiety of starting a new school - what type of people were there, what was the class structure like, would there be school activities there? You popped back into reality only to realize that the skyscrapers and hotels were gone, replaced with open land and looming walls that surrounded private properties. The road were small and could only handle one car at a time, forcing you to pull over and allow another vehicle to pass if one came up. It had a certain charm to the area, but at the same time felt old and tired, as if the community itself was rooted in history and refused to move forward.

Suddenly, the houses were gone entirely. At first there is a heavily wooded area, and then nothing but open land. After another twenty minutes of nothing but open land you come up to a line of cars, all of which were heading into a set of gates. The crawl was unsufferable when you had nothing to look at but frost bitten grass. You assumed this was the school, and were surprised to see the entire property surrounded by wrought iron fencing, with more land than you could ever imagine inside the gates, seperating each building from each other. Your parents were finally at the gates, where a young man, older than you but not old enough to be considered an adult, stepped up to the car. His hair was long and wavy but well kept, and he looked friendly. "Welcome to Hushcreek Boarding School. May I see your registration papers?" He doesn't even look at you as your parents hand over the registration papers. "Alright, looks like you're registered to park in the east lot. Just follow this roadway around the back of that building and you should see the lot on your left. Lunch is being served on the central quad, and the Dean's Welcome is in the central gym, which you can see from the quad." Your parents thanked him and you were off.

From the corner of your eye you see clumps of students sitting together or talking in different parts of the grass, all wearing their uniform. "Older students must have started classes already," your mom says to you when she catches you staring. "Are you nervous?" You don't respond. As you near the parking lot you notice a particular group of boys - three of them, to be exact - following your car with their eyes. As you step out, they look you and your parents up and down, and then do the same for the next car to park behind you.

"Lock the car, mom," you say firmly. She gives you a strange look but does as you say. As you walk away you notice that they found their mark and test the doors on a recently left vehicle. Finding it unlocked, they rifle through the contents.

"Don't stare," your mom says, clearly missing the behavior of the boys behind you, "come on let's go get lunch." You follow a stream of parents and students to the quad, and eat lunch in silence. The lunch was free, but it was hosted by the alumni association who asked for a 'suggested donation' at the end of the line, which your parents caved into. While your parents seem to be able to get along just fine with anyone there who happens to sit beside you, you find yourself and the other new students to be sullen and withdrawn - not necessarily shy, but not entirely interested in their surroundings. You stare jealously at the students that were allowed to keep their cell phones, obviously texting away to their friends back home about how lame this all was. In one corner you see a girl who isn't eating at all, just staring with a straight face at her parents - obviously rich judging by their clothing and manners - who were lecturing her about one thing or another. Her eyes were glazed over, but you still found her to be incredibly beautiful. In another section of the crowd you saw a boy with acne and glasses playing on a handheld game system. If you didn't know any better you would have thought this was a normal school, not one meant for 'uninspired' students. You try to determine how many students are there with you - 50? 100? Its hard to tell, as every time one sits down another one decides to leave.

SUddenly one of the alumnis hosting the meal stand up on top of a table and yells, "The Dean's Welcome is going to start in ten minutes, please make your way to the gym at this time." Slowly the crowd migrates into the gym, which is much smaller than you would have expected a gym to be for a high school. It held everyone, but not comfortably, and the bare walls and high ceiling made voices echo so much that there was a dull roar.

"You know, they say this isn't a boarding school, its a reform school," you over here a student say to another, "and the parents play along with it because they want to punish us." You look around, trying to find where the voice was coming from, but can't. All around you are unfamiliar faces, lips moving but no discernable speech coming out.

Feedback rings through the speakers, halting conversation almost immediately. "Thank you, please take your seats now so that we may begin," a booming voice says. Once everyone has seated and you find a clear view, you take in the man before you. "I am the Dean of Students, Mr. Thatcher, but students may call me Stan," you hear a general remark of surprise from students and parents alike at this greeting. He was a portly man with a receeding hairline. His hair was black with flecks of gray, and his cheeks were red and rosy. "We welcome you the Hushcreek Boarding School, both parents and students alike, and I speak for all the staff when I say we want to make your child succeed, regardless of the cost." Behind him are four others, all seated and hanging on his everyword, nodding at appropriate times. On the far left was a short woman in her late 50s, her hair was blond-brown but you could not tell if this was because of age or if it was a natural hair color. She wore a power suit straight out of the 80s and plastic looking high heels. Beside her was a young man, maybe 30 at the oldest, smiling as well, dressed sharp in a well tailored black suit, a total lack of facial hair and slicked black hair. Next to him was another gentleman, much older than the others in a tweed jacket and brown slacks, leaning heavily on a cane with a crystal on the end. Occasionally he would nudge the man on the other side of him, comment and point, to which the other man would not and smile, rarely doing more than that, still focusing completely on the Dean of Students.

"We understand that there are many rumors that circulate around our school properties, and we want to advise all of you that your students are in good hands here," The Dean continued, "You may have heard rumors that Hushcreek is a penal institution, or a reform school. Let me assure you that it is not. While it is true that we are built on property originally intended for such use, we have taken great care in the past hundred years to ensure that this is an alternative education system, intended for students that have trouble succeeding in a normal educational environment.

"We would also like to stress that alternative education does not mean that our classes are all 'easy A's'. We still seek to challenge our students and to help them grow into compitent young adults on the same level - or higher - than those that seek typical education.

"Another rumor we seek to squash from the beginning is that we do not smother our students with rules. While it is true that the first semester a student spends has harsher curfews than our older students, it is for the protection of the student that we do this. We are aware that in the past some students have stayed out too late and have ran into unfortunate consequences as we have many wild animals roaming the area surrounding our property, and so we feel it is best that students obey curfews until they are familiar with thier surroundings. Failure to do so will meet punishment.

"I must also advise new students that it is not only our guidelines that restrict movement, but also the community that surrounds us. They are so graciously allowing us into their community that it is only respectful that we comply to their wishes. As such, students should be advised that they are not allowed in the town after eleven pm regardless of reason, and that no students are allowed in an establishment that serves alcohol after nine pm. I believe this is only fair.

"On this note, we have several documents available in the Dean's office, so please stop by if you have any questions. Documents include ground rules, new student rules, and this pink piece of paper," the Dean says as he holds up a pink piece of paper with a form printed on it, "this is our Call to General Assembly Request Form. Students and faculty alike have come together over the years and have decided that all policies decided on by the school are open to scrutiny by any student who wishes to discuss it. If you feel a rule, teacher or regulation is out of line, simply come to my office, fill out this form, and we will walk you through the steps that follow. Please remember that this is a serious and lengthy process, but a valuable asset to our students none the less.

"Again, I wish to welcome you to Hushcreek Boarding School. You may have noticed large posters on the outside of the walls, with a student beneath each one," He waves his hands around the edge of the room to smiling and waving students, one beneath every posterboard with a different set of names. "You will see your name beneath one of the posters. Please line up beneath these posters and get to know your fellow classmates. Parents, stay seated and let your students leave, and then I'll tell you what we're doing.

You look around under a poster labeled GROUP G you see the following list of names:
Inigo Montoya
Dan Buelem
Zach Lance
Kim Lee

You stand over there awkwardly with your fellow classmates. You look at each other but no one says anything. Suddenly, a particularly bubbly girl says, "Hi! My name is Salena, and I'm going to be your RA while you attend Hushcreek! RA's work a little differently here, because we expect you to move around as time goes on. But from this point forward, any questions you may have about the school can be directed at me. Let's go around and introduce ourselves. I'll start.

"My full name is Salena Irene Carpone. I started here in 9th grade because I had behavioral issues in middle school. I was a bully, and me and my friends got expelled for bullying. My parents sent me here and this education system really helped me. I am now going to the college adjecent to the property, and I'm in my third year there. They allow former students to work here as RA's and live here for free to do so, so its a good deal for students. I have two cats that live with my parents, and three older brothers two of which are married, one of which is expecting a child in March.

"Alright, you're next."

You all awkwardly go around and introduce yourselves to each other, reading off the bio you had prepared before coming there. At the conclusion Selena says, "alright, I think we're done a little early, so I guess I'll go a little more into what this group is.

"This group is for all of you to come together and discuss your experience and any problems you have here. All students have this and all are aware of the nature of the conversations that go on here. You can talk about anything and rest assured I will not tell anyone, nor will your fellow group mates. If you do tell other people, you might face consequences. We meet once a week, except for this first week of class where we'll meet every evening to adjust you to here. We'll work out a good time for meetings after everyone is done with homeroom tomorrow."

"If you don't have any questions, I guess you're free to go. I live in Lois Dorm on the third floor - room 318. You are free to rejoin with your parents or to leave right now and go get adjusted to your new room."

You start to walk up to your parents, which have turned their chairs into a circle. Some of them were crying, and each one was going around talking. You thought better of it, and as a group you walk out the door.

"Hey, you're new around here aren't you guys?" An upper classman says. He is leaning against the banister. He was tall and lanky, with unkept black hair, but he was smiling a strange crooked grin. He is flanked by two other blond just as tall upperclassmen, both with glazed over, bored looks on their face, almost identical in appearance. "Want to go on an exclusive tour?" Seeing your hesitation he adds, "My name is Bryan. This is Harry and that's Louis. Come on, we promise to have you home before bed," he laughs a little to himself.

Jan 30 2012, 10:19 pm FatalException Post #48

Glare silently through my glasses. Hope they're intimidated by my massive APM, displayed by an uncontrollable twitching of my Starcraft fingers.


Jan 30 2012, 10:42 pm Bar Refaeli Post #49

"Exclusive tour? Fuck yea!" I (Tyrawn) grab Kim Lee by the shoulder. "You come with us too! I like the way you look. Hey Bryan, you know that Salena girl? She single? 'Cause dayum she is fine. And man, I even think she was givin me a look. She did tell me where her room was. ;) "

(so are the grades that we said we were in obsolete?)
(And just for clarification, how old is Inigo Montoya?)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 30 2012, 10:54 pm by Raccoon.


Jan 31 2012, 12:18 am Dem0n Post #50

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

That orientation reminded me of Harry Potter when Dumbledore always spoke at the beginning of each year and the professors sat behind him... Megan liked Harry Potter... God fucking damn it.

I stand there looking at Tyrawn.

I fucking hate ghetto people. He seems kinda funny, but if he's dumb as shit, he can go fuck himself.

I look back at Bryan and his friends.

Well, these guys don't seem too bad. Hopefully this school isn't filled with toolbag douchebags. Probably will be, though.

"Where do you wanna take us? I kinda just wanna go to my room, but if you've got something interesting to show us, I guess I'll come."

Jan 31 2012, 3:39 am FatalException Post #51

I brush Tyrawn's hand off my shoulder and shoot him a menacing "I kill you" in the style of my favorite Code-S protoss player. Resume glaring.


Jan 31 2012, 3:50 am BiOAtK Post #52

Noticing Kim's attitude, I chuckle, saying, "Chill the fuck out man." Turning to the three boys: "Alright," then in a joking tone, "Any bud around here, man?"


Jan 31 2012, 8:08 pm Fire_Kame Post #53

wth is starcraft

"Bud?" Bryan says loudly with a smile on his face, "no no, we don't have anything like that here." He starts to walk away, laughing and shaking his head. Jeremiah, Tyrawn, Zach and Kim follow him, leaving Dan and Inigo lingering on the staircase. The two twins fall in step behind the welcome party. Once you are a great distance away, he turns to Zach and says, "dude keep it down, alright? This is a substance free facility, with punishment if you disobey, alright? So if you want something, you gotta keep it quiet." Zach stares at him, and Bryan sighs, "Alright, come by my place later tonight, I'll let you know who's holding what. But the prices here are a little inflated - you can't even get a beer without paying ten bucks - so unless you know a better way to get it past the 'guards,' that's your only option."

"Guards?" One of your party asks.

"Yea," one of the twins say, "The Reform Assistants - sorry, resident assistants - guards the front gate at night and checks purchases. You can't go to the store without them checking your purchases. Your best bet is to smuggle it in on the first day of your first year. Today. And since its clear you didn't do that, you're outta luck."

"They even check the mail," the other twin says, "and rewrap your packages."

You stop in front of an old building, with beautiful molding that was kept in impeccable shape, with new hard wood porch and a fresh coat of pale yellow paint. It looked to be ten stories tall. "This is Payton Hall, where most of the classes are held, the showcase building for the campus. The top floor is the Dean of Students' office. It isn't as old as it looks, you know, they aged it to make it look like it had always been here, to soften the image of being a former penal institute."

"The college attached to us, up the road a little ways, is Forester College. Its structure is mainly based on the prison that was there, with cells converted into dorm rooms and public areas converted into class rooms. They covered it with 60's tile and paint and called it a school. Hushcreek inherited the reform school attached to it, and started as a boarding school with the purpose of moving students from here to that college after finishing high school," one of the twins said. You search for a discerning feature that would set the two apart but nothing did. Same color hair, same general build, same glazed over, bored expression. Giving up you take in your surroundings. Well kept yard and walk ways, and a strange, quiet hush over the campus. You saw students occasionally, walking to class or to one of the other buildings.

"This is Hushcreek Dorms, the former reform school. girls live on the right, guys live on the left," Bryan says, pointing. "There's a main lobby in between the two, but don't mix genders, you'll be punished. Or, if you do, don't get caught." He pointed over the right, at another building, "that's Lois dorm. That's where the RAs and the good students live that one day will be RAs. Stay on people's good side, don't cause trouble, and you'll get in there."

The tour continued uneventfully. Another gym, much bigger than the other one, housed most of the athletic department, and beside it was faculty housing, with a rather large house belonging to the Dean. You found another building that housed classes, Baylor, shorter than Payton but much more gloomy.

"And that concludes this exclusive tour. Any questions?" Bryan said, smiling again. You notice that you've drifted away from campus and into a woody, uninhabited corner of campus, just north of the newly found gym. In the distance you hear cars. You must be close to a road. You find yourself surrounded by Bryan and the twins, no clear mode of escape.

Collapsable Box

Jan 31 2012, 11:47 pm Dem0n Post #54

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Why the fuck are we in the woods? Are they about to gang bang us or some shit?

"So... Are we going back or what?"

Jan 31 2012, 11:55 pm Bar Refaeli Post #55

"The fuck is that smell? You crackers smell something? Smells like SHIT out here? God damn, what the fuck is that smell? Geeze, we gotta get back to campus. I don't want to smell like shit all night long."


Jan 31 2012, 11:59 pm FatalException Post #56

"I must practice." Leave, going back to the dorms.


Feb 2 2012, 11:46 pm BiOAtK Post #57

What the fuck is going on here?
Oh well. I hope they have a good fucking weight room...


Feb 3 2012, 1:05 am Fire_Kame Post #58

wth is starcraft

The twins maneuver again to block your exit. "I see you are anxious to get back to your dorms? Perhaps kiss your mother and father good bye? They won't be visiting very often from now on, you know. It isn't really...encouraged. The school sees them as an outside influence, and for most of us, outside influences cause us to fall back into our old habits. But that doesn't make any sense, does it? Why would someone knowingly lock up a bunch of delinquents together? Do they expect us not to talk?" He starts to walk further into the woods, stopping in front of a rather large tree. You notice a rope, as whether worn as the tree bar itself, secured tightly around a section of the trunk. The further from the walk way you got, the worst kept the grounds looked. Even in its winter barren stage, everything seemed cluttered and untouched. "I can't answer these, although I've tried since I got here last year. But word gets around, and these trees...are great at hiding the school's secrets. No one ventures out this far, least of all campus staff."

"Is this going anywhere?" one of your companions asks, nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"Yes, I'm sorry it is. I didn't mean to babble," Bryan says pointedly, "Last year there were forty nine student disappearances. The year before that, thirty eight. The students that disappeared were known to be flighty, or high risk for suicide. In the end, some of the bodies were found, but many others still remain missing," the wind picks up, and you smell a sick stench coming from the other side of the large tree. Your initial instinct to leave picks up, and you take a step back into one of the twins. "This year, it would appear that this occurrences have started early," Bryan says as he walks to the other side of the tree. He stares at what he sees thoughtfully, scratching his chin. He throws up his hands and sighs, "The faculty won't send someone to investigate this until after orientation is over. They'll say in the commotion of all the new students they didn't even think to call the authorities. So really, this will stay like this until all the parents leave." Bryan stares at you. "Well, come on then. You don't want to see? You wanted an exclusive tour, and now you'll have it. This isn't something you'd see with your RA, this is a look into the psychological nightmare that some students deal with every day they are here, severed off from the rest of society."

You and your companions walk around the tree to see what Bryan is looking at. To your horror a dead body is hung, suspended by a rope around his neck, tied tightly, a look of horror on the body's face. An adrenaline rush surges through you as you run for your life, and didn't look back. Faintly you hear Bryan and the twins laugh as you take off, and you don't stop running until you reach the dorms.

It is already late, and it would appear that your parents have already left you there. A tired looking RA sits at a desk at the front, "you must be the last three students. Can I see an ID please?" he says with an agitated groan. You are late for check in. Very late. "Alright, let me get your dorm keys. It has your floor and number on each one. Try not to forget where you sleep. Home room classes are assigned on this paper, everyone in the same RA group goes to the same teacher - it looks like you guys have Mr. Freugonson, his class room is in Payton, room 215. You meet at 7:30am, don't be late." He picks up a stack of papers and a back pack and leaves.

You are left there to decide what to do, but the day is quickly ending. You start to come down off of your adrenaline rush, and fatigue takes over.

Feb 3 2012, 1:21 am Bar Refaeli Post #59

"WOooo... THAT SHIT WAS CRAZY MAN! Well I'mma call it a night. G'nite my brothers." *lightly smack Lee Kim on the back* "You the man, man." Go to my dorm, make sure alarm clock is correct time and on, then go to sleep after brushing my teeth with baking soda.


Feb 3 2012, 9:52 pm BiOAtK Post #60

"What. The. Fuck."
I need a fuckin smoke.
Engage bedtime preparations


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