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Desert Strike Night - Fixed
May 11 2010, 10:37 am
By: Lanthanide
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Jan 9 2012, 1:17 am Mp)HellFire Post #381

by a lot more powerful do you mean more damage?
then when the hybrid is released and the broods attack the Silo they would damage it right?


Jan 9 2012, 1:28 am Leon-037 Post #382

Oh, I was also curious about High Templars. Is their storm damage normal right now, or is it changed a bit weaker or stronger?


Jan 9 2012, 2:15 am 3FFA Post #383

Quote from Leon-037
Oh, I was also curious about High Templars. Is their storm damage normal right now, or is it changed a bit weaker or stronger?
Pretty sure it is normal right now although I may be wrong on that.


Jan 9 2012, 2:31 am Lanthanide Post #384

Quote from Mp)HellFire
by a lot more powerful do you mean more damage?
then when the hybrid is released and the broods attack the Silo they would damage it right?
More powerful in that you get 2.5 per creep colony instead of 2, and they have 70 hp instead of 60. This means they'll last longer against zealots and marines than zerglings do. They still do 10 damage but then zerglings do 9 (they attack faster, though). I'm actually seeing more zerg players intentionally building broodlings now, which is good.

Quote from Leon-037
Oh, I was also curious about High Templars. Is their storm damage normal right now, or is it changed a bit weaker or stronger?
Storm is currently normal, at 112 damage for full exposure (storm ignores armor). For a while it did 120 damage instead, which is only 8 damage more for a full exposure so it was never that big a difference.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 9 2012, 2:59 am by Lanthanide.


Jan 10 2012, 5:49 pm InFeSTeD-HuMaN Post #385

I think you have the changes set up right for 2.48 Lanth, so I'd say lets get down with 2.48 hosted this week? I think u got everything in the right spots


Jan 10 2012, 8:00 pm Lanthanide Post #386

I was going to get it up last night but I found that although Blizzard made a special death sound for Infested Duran, they never actually hooked it up so his death sound animation/sound is that of a regular ghost. I was playing around to see if I could get some other unit like a zerg egg or zerg larva to spawn to use it's death sound for the infestor, but didn't have any luck. I might look at trying to use infested terrans for the nydus worm spawn graphics and use the drone for the infester. Otherwise I'll have to keep using Kerrigan's death sound which is not ideal.


Jan 11 2012, 9:40 pm Biophysicist Post #387

Are you trying to play a sound via trigger? If so, why is there a problem?


Jan 11 2012, 10:08 pm Lanthanide Post #388

No. I create a unit and kill it under the infestor, which plays the death sound and leaves a blood splat.


Jan 11 2012, 10:11 pm Leon-037 Post #389

It's not that important is it? :bleh: And why not try using the hero Defiler? I don't think it's used as a unit in your map, is it?


Jan 11 2012, 10:18 pm Lanthanide Post #390

The death sound was chosen to be unique. Previously infested kerrigan wasn't used anywhere, so her death sound was unique and very distinct. The hero defiler just sounds like a defiler when it dies. Duran would have been perfect, but he just sounds like a ghost because Blizzard never hooked the sound up.


Jan 11 2012, 11:45 pm Mp)HellFire Post #391

you could use larva for it? move the larva over the reaver and kill all you gotta do is preplace the buildings somewhere (stacked with 3-4 hives or something for each computer) and move it ontop of the zerg reaver. it would take up 20 units but that's not much.


Jan 12 2012, 12:29 am Lanthanide Post #392

I tried creating hives/lairs/hatcheries via triggers. Unfortunately they do not create larva until the next frame, so I'd have to have the hatcheries sitting around somewhere on the map to harvest the larva from them. With the way the map currently is, realistically I'd need to make a new island to stick them on.

It's possible, but looks pretty tacky/unprofessional IMO.


Jan 12 2012, 1:33 am Mp)HellFire Post #393

ehh you could do something cool and make zerg lairs and terran special buildings and protoss special buildings behind the fortresses, which are the cities and when the fortress dies the army of either team attacks the cities and wins, and there city will still stand when everything else dies, this provides a professional way and it is creative. yes? no?


Jan 12 2012, 1:38 am Lanthanide Post #394

It's creative, not sure I'd call it 'professional'. Doesn't really make a lot of sense.


Jan 12 2012, 1:41 am Mp)HellFire Post #395

how else would these Zerg, Protoss and Terran races be getting these units to fight well lol, I just thought it would work for the zerg hives mostly.

a fortress usually is defending a city or some strategics location to defend from invasions.

I mean whatever ;( I just want to see more buildings on the map cuz it was cooler with the Hybrid Cells and it would be cooler with these cities, like in Tarpit Defence theres a city at the end.....


Jan 12 2012, 1:42 am Lanthanide Post #396

The armies spawn from behind the temples. There really isn't much room to put more buildings back there.


Jan 12 2012, 1:56 am Mp)HellFire Post #397

Quote from Lanthanide
The armies spawn from behind the temples. There really isn't much room to put more buildings back there.

resize the map a little and adjust. then for any unused section you can fill in some cool designs -> SCPicture -> copy n paste pictures.


Jan 12 2012, 2:08 am Lanthanide Post #398

Now you're just trolling.


Jan 12 2012, 2:39 am 3FFA Post #399

Quote from Lanthanide
You've just been trolling.
Fixed it for ya, Lanthanide. No need to thank me.


Jan 12 2012, 2:52 am InFeSTeD-HuMaN Post #400

lmao@ trolls, but yeah I guess there wwill be 2.48 out by this weekend hopefully cause I really wanna try those infested kerrigans along with a huge zerg army. the one thing i luv about 2.42 and so on is the insta thing cause it puts some strategy into the game like I usually use it early just to get their silo or to force them to waste booms, out so they wont have much booms later on, however I dunno which ghosts has the farthest range, I think Duran has... if so it would b cool to replace him with kerrigans


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