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Map Nights' Official Thread
Sep 20 2010, 5:50 am
By: payne
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Nov 12 2010, 7:52 pm payne Post #101


Quote from Temp
Quote from payne
Updates: the map -will- be completed for the incoming Map Night.
Mozared joined the team of the makers as Terrainer.

Err, ya I will get right on that
Haha, didn't mean to rush you. :><:


Nov 12 2010, 8:47 pm Dungeon-Master Post #102

So for when is the next map night?


Nov 12 2010, 9:42 pm Devourer Post #103


I would love to participate :(

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Nov 12 2010, 11:47 pm UnholyUrine Post #104

Saturday.. as it was always? :D


Nov 13 2010, 4:20 am payne Post #105


Quote from Dungeon-Master
So for when is the next map night?
Learn to read OPs. :><:


Nov 13 2010, 4:32 pm Chirus Post #106

Hey there,

I play on the NA server and I was interested in joining you guys tonight for Map Night. It looks like you guys play the more fun maps out there, and I love the idea of getting people together to play for a purpose. I was also wondering if you'd be willing to try a map that I made. It supports up to 14 players and is very playable. I'd just like to test some new features to see if they are fun/balanced.

Also, do you guys do any sort of voice chat communication, like ventrilo? If not, I would recommend it, because (from what I've seen) it makes these kinds of events all the more fun.


Nov 13 2010, 4:43 pm NicholasBeige Post #107

Welcome to the Forums Chirus :)...

I'm unfortunately on EU so cannot really contribute to the map nights... Maybe we should look into organising an EU map night too? I'm not too sure about the availability or interest in it though.

I think Ventrillo or Skype is a good idea for the map night. Payne - look into setting something up :P


Nov 13 2010, 4:55 pm UnholyUrine Post #108

Well.. it's okay..
this thread is not bad already.

there's also
which is a chat channel :D


Nov 13 2010, 5:07 pm Chirus Post #109

Quote from name:Cardinal
Welcome to the Forums Chirus :)...

Thank you, heh. I pretty much zero'd in on this topic from the first page after seeing a link to the wiki here.


Nov 13 2010, 5:40 pm payne Post #110


Quote from Chirus
Hey there,

I play on the NA server and I was interested in joining you guys tonight for Map Night. It looks like you guys play the more fun maps out there, and I love the idea of getting people together to play for a purpose. I was also wondering if you'd be willing to try a map that I made. It supports up to 14 players and is very playable. I'd just like to test some new features to see if they are fun/balanced.

Also, do you guys do any sort of voice chat communication, like ventrilo? If not, I would recommend it, because (from what I've seen) it makes these kinds of events all the more fun.
Every time I speak in my micro, everyone tells me my voice sux! :><:
Anyways, as far as I know, we aren't that many that have mics...
If you want to set up a Ventrilo or TeamSpeak server, please go on. Tell us all informations about it and share a download link for the program you are using (V or TS). We could try it for this Map Night. :)
Also, we'll be glad to try new maps (in occurence, yours)! :awesome:

Oh, and the "surprise map" is published:


Nov 13 2010, 5:49 pm OlimarandLouie Post #111

Quote from Chirus
Also, do you guys do any sort of voice chat communication, like ventrilo? If not, I would recommend it, because (from what I've seen) it makes these kinds of events all the more fun.
This is our teamspeak thingy | Port:9987


Nov 13 2010, 5:59 pm payne Post #112


Quote from name:Cardinal
Welcome to the Forums Chirus :)...

I'm unfortunately on EU so cannot really contribute to the map nights... Maybe we should look into organising an EU map night too? I'm not too sure about the availability or interest in it though.

I think Ventrillo or Skype is a good idea for the map night. Payne - look into setting something up :P
You could always try, but it looks like you guys are 3 over EU:

Quote from OlimarandLouie
Quote from Chirus
Also, do you guys do any sort of voice chat communication, like ventrilo? If not, I would recommend it, because (from what I've seen) it makes these kinds of events all the more fun.
This is our teamspeak thingy | Port:9987
Ask him to create a server for the Map Night (SC2).

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 13 2010, 6:13 pm by payne.


Nov 13 2010, 6:36 pm Lingie Post #113

I created a channel for Map Night. Feel free to use it. If anyone needs admin rights, and can respect Server Admin privilidges, let me know.

Lingie#3148 on Discord. Lingie, the Fox-Tailed on Steam.

Nov 13 2010, 10:13 pm payne Post #114


Quote from name:Rammus
I created a channel for Map Night. Feel free to use it. If anyone needs admin rights, and can respect Server Admin privilidges, let me know.
I'm there. :)
P.S. Map Night starting in 47 minutes.


Nov 14 2010, 2:53 am payne Post #115


Started at 6h06 PM. Ended at 9h34 PM (for me... there were still 10 people in there when I left).

People that participated:

  • payne
  • Lial
  • aalleecc
  • Temp
  • PaxBellum
  • OlimarLouie
  • SirRoland
  • Apito
  • HighVoltPIES
  • EvilEntropy
  • Chirus
  • Aries

Maps we've played:

  • Raynor Party
  • Phantom Dodge Race
  • Phantom Mode
  • Mega Phantom
  • Star Strikers
  • Swarmed Heroes
  • Warlords and Merchants


  • Mega Phantom sucks. It lets you control everyone's units! :><: The match ended up me getting gang-banged because I had booted UU, which didn't have any mouse. :P
  • Temp won the Raynor Party... but everyone else was 1 point away from the victory!
  • The Phantom game we've played was kinda boring: we killed the 2 phantoms first and pretty early.
  • aalleecc did sing! Curse you Lial for pressing that button! :wtfawesome:
  • We were only three in the TS channel. I heard Ventrilo was the best. Just give your opinions about that.
  • Temp won the Dodge Race.
  • Star Strikers is the best Sport map out there. :awesome:
  • People seemed to like Swarmed Heroes. Many feedbacks were given to me, so I guess I still have a bit of work to do on it. But thanks to the Map Night for boosting its popularity. It now has a chance of getting seen. :><:


Ending note:

I will not be there next Map Night: I'm going to watch a Hockey game. ^^

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 14 2010, 3:39 am by payne.


Nov 14 2010, 3:04 am OlimarandLouie Post #116

But I was there too for a few games :-_-:


Nov 14 2010, 3:11 am Cerepol Post #117

Thanks for this was fun times and I found a new forum too lurk!

So (don't) expect to see me around.


Nov 14 2010, 3:15 am Alzarath Post #118


I was near your TS channel. Does that count for nothing? :P

But ya, I've stopped coming to map nights cuz honestly, SC2 has gotten boring really fast. :\ Needs a new custom map system or something that'd really help me get back into it for me to really consider actually playing SC2.


Nov 14 2010, 3:39 am payne Post #119


Quote from OlimarandLouie
But I was there too for a few games :-_-:
Oops. :blush:
Quote from Cerepol
Thanks for this was fun times and I found a new forum too lurk!

So (don't) expect to see me around.
I'm not sure if I'm understanding this correctly. :P
Quote from name:Artanis186
I was near your TS channel. Does that count for nothing? :P

But ya, I've stopped coming to map nights cuz honestly, SC2 has gotten boring really fast. :\ Needs a new custom map system or something that'd really help me get back into it for me to really consider actually playing SC2.
It's because you haven't tried Raynor Party and Swarmed Heroes. >:O


Nov 14 2010, 4:49 am DevliN Post #120


Regarding the question about Ventrilo, I definitely prefer that to TeamSpeak. The issue is that you'd need someone to pay for a Vent server. They are pretty cheap, though.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

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