Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: [™] Constructor Wars!
[™] Constructor Wars!
Jun 19 2010, 2:07 am
By: TM-Magic  

Jun 19 2010, 2:07 am TM-Magic Post #1

Introducing Constructor Wars!

What Do You Do?
This is an extremely fast paced game that requires a lot of macro as well as some strategy.
You start with 1 scv a depot and a cannon and you must defeat all your opponents.
Sounds easy right?

Well a game can last between 10 mins and possibly a few hours depending
on how fast the players are, how many there are and how good they are.

How Do You Build?
Construct Supply depots for +1 Income
Construct Starports for +8 Income
Construct Refineries for gas
Construct Command Center for SCVs

Construct Factories for Cannons

Construct Academies for 4 Zergling
Construct Bunkers for 2 Marines
Construct Academies for Zealot

Construct Science Facility for FB/Ghost
Construct Covert Ops for Ghost
Construct Physics Bay for Firebat

☼NEW Construct Engineering Bay for Technology advances!
[Technology can give you faster gas income or new units or w/e

Known Issues:
Cannons sometimes but rarely turn off, this effect however shouldn't last long.

Please Leave Feedback

Constructor Wars v0.26b.scx
Hits: 3 Size: 475.49kb

Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Jul 26 2010, 6:50 pm by TM-Magic.


Jun 19 2010, 5:24 pm Positively Post #2

So is this kinda like.. Probe Arena 2x or w/e?


Jun 19 2010, 6:18 pm Aristocrat Post #3

Jesus I make one map and everyone copies from it.

(j/k) :P

This is closer to SCVArena than Probe Arena mainly because you can get other units. Magic hit the same problem that my SCVArena did: games stalemate too easily due to the nature of terran units,


Jun 19 2010, 9:25 pm TM-Magic Post #4

If you consider this a copy of yours then I must consider yours to be a copy of town wars :D

I haven't run into a stalemate yet, also, I do plan to add a lot more to it that'll give it far more dept. ^^


Jun 20 2010, 2:25 am Positively Post #5

Ooohh okies. Looks nice though :D. But can they like just spam units..... in my personal experience... Mass Ghosts = Rape.


Jun 20 2010, 6:41 am fat_flying_pigs Post #6

If you consider this a copy of yours then I must consider yours to be a copy of town wars
I was gonna say. This is very much alike town wars, except by the looks of the number of buildings, not as good.

And it would appear that mass ghosts = rape. Haven't played it yet.


Jun 21 2010, 2:29 am TM-Magic Post #7

And how the hell could you even make that assumption that ghosts rape without playing it. You have no idea how its balanced...


Jun 21 2010, 11:49 am Aristocrat Post #8

Quote from TM-Magic
And how the hell could you even make that assumption that ghosts rape without playing it. You have no idea how its balanced...

He's assuming that you have lockdown and can therefore disable all of the enemy team's SCVs.


Jun 21 2010, 5:50 pm TM-Magic Post #9

lol probably. Or cloak or both.


Jun 23 2010, 4:34 am Positively Post #10

Okay, I played this, I admit I was wrong to judge. This map, without a DOUBT was the ABSOLUTE worst map EVER, ahem, just kidding. I mean, it was pretty good. I kinda loved it when I played it.



Jun 24 2010, 6:51 am TM-Magic Post #11

I actually sat down and balanced it now, things are far more better than before and games don't last as long as before. I'll post an update tomrrow.


Jun 26 2010, 3:30 am Positively Post #12

:0. Good. Will Marines still rape all creation? :).


Jul 18 2010, 12:30 am TM-Magic Post #13

Zealots rape marines hardcore.


Jul 20 2010, 4:30 pm Positively Post #14

You ass :/


Jul 25 2010, 11:27 am Darknessmanlol Post #15

I remember playing this on one of its first testings when it was called Speed wars or something.. Cant remember TM, let me know what it was called k?

Very fun game. I dont see any flaws with it. :3


Jul 26 2010, 6:48 pm TM-Magic Post #16

First it was just called War. That only lasted like a day until I changed it to Legionary Wars, which fell through so I renamed it Speed Wars. That caught on a little but not as much as I was hoping for so I changed it to APM wars, which totally sucked so I changed it back to Speed Wars. Then I finally called it constructor wars, which is a name I was keeping in my head to name it but I was hesitant to call it that cuz its kinda lame too, but hey it caught more people's attention and it's a little more descriptive.


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