Staredit Network > Forums > Media, Art, and Literature > Topic: Anyone on sen still make sigs?
Anyone on sen still make sigs?
Apr 11 2010, 6:04 pm
By: Lakai  

Apr 11 2010, 6:04 pm Lakai Post #1

If someone could make me a sig thatd be cool

Name : Lakky
size: 320 x 100
render: Render Here

Other then that I leave full creative control to the creator to do as you please, im not very picky.


Apr 11 2010, 11:28 pm Dem0n Post #2

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Apr 12 2010, 3:19 am Lakai Post #3

Is there anyway you could color the link back how hes supposed to be and keep the sword trail that color? other then that I like it :) he just looks weird pink


Apr 12 2010, 5:15 am Centreri Post #4

Relatively ancient and inactive

I lol'd. If people here were still making sigs, they'd bop Demonslayer on his head and whip out a masterpiece. Alas, I'm lazy and not that good, and no one else does, so... :P


Apr 12 2010, 2:00 pm Zycorax Post #5

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

I still do it sometimes if I feel like it, but they always end up being worse than my current one (imo), so I never change it. I'm not very good either.

Apr 12 2010, 6:29 pm BlueWolf Post #6


Apr 12 2010, 10:05 pm LoTu)S Post #7

Quote from name:Dem0nS1ayer

Classic remove background, change hue, slap on text? :P

Btw those look really nice Blu, though it seems not much is done.


Apr 12 2010, 11:38 pm BlueWolf Post #8

I like to keep meh sigs simple.

Like so:


Apr 13 2010, 12:54 am Lakai Post #9

Winner, thank you sir


Apr 13 2010, 2:20 pm BeDazed Post #10

I did this out of boredom.


Apr 14 2010, 1:41 am Dungeon-Master Post #11

beDazed one is totally winner imo.


Apr 14 2010, 2:01 am Lakai Post #12

Yeah that ones sweet but it doesnt say lakky on it :(


Apr 14 2010, 2:01 am BlueWolf Post #13

yeah, no doubt. Just needs lakky in there somewhere.


Apr 14 2010, 8:37 am BeDazed Post #14

now it does :/


Apr 15 2010, 12:57 am LoTu)S Post #15

The font is too small :><:. Wouldn't it be better if you made the text bigger and move it to the top left corner?


Apr 15 2010, 1:02 am MadZombie Post #16


I never render things myself unless it's for myself or it's like for something important. I dislike how (no offense) badly the pic was rendered but I can't complain if I didnt have to do it myself.


Apr 15 2010, 8:48 am BeDazed Post #17

I usually don't put text on my sigs at all. They are really hard to do, and almost always ruin the sig.


Apr 15 2010, 11:20 am MadZombie Post #18

Quote from BeDazed
I usually don't put text on my sigs at all. They are really hard to do, and almost always ruin the sig.

imo text is the make or break it in most sigs. I don't put text no things when I want to play it safe, which is probably most of the time now since for some reason photoshop can't read some fonts for some reason and that leaves me at a lack of fonts to use. I should fix that some time soon :C


Apr 17 2010, 3:16 pm Super Duper Post #19

Quote from BeDazed

now it does :/
If you seriously slapped Lakky on in the top left that would be a nice sig.


Apr 18 2010, 10:06 am BeDazed Post #20

'full creative control to the creator'
I don't 'slap' text on sigs. It would be like slapping any 'perfume' on yourself, only to find in disgust that the smell is 'grotesque', if you know what I mean by that.


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