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Magical Divinity - ultimate AoS
Feb 22 2010, 5:29 am
By: MetalGear
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Feb 25 2010, 12:56 am MetalGear Post #21

hmm new hero idea... suggested by TassadarZeratul... the Reality Hacker which is going to be the Goliath. i wasnt too keen on his spell list though. the idea is that this hero is going to use incredibly advanced technologies to render his opponents weak and helpless. anyway, my partner and i talked through some ideas but we need more. so far...
Spell ideas
Torturous Rockets: Launches a series of deadly missiles towards an enemy hero. If the target is reached in time, the missile explodes, dealing 150 damage and staggering the collided unit.
Projection: Projects holographic illusions in the minds of his enemies, forcing them to face themselves. Lasts 15 seconds.
Passive ideas
Electro Mechanics: Emits radioactive waves, disrupting the frequency band of biological brainwaves in surrounding units, weakening their spell attributes by 16%.
Radar Hacker: Receives data from outer-space satellites, giving him location signals every 5 seconds of enemy heroes around the map.


Feb 25 2010, 3:24 am Kaaysel Post #22

Uhh, some ideas for reality hacker:

Orbital Bombardment:
Orders an outer-space bombardment vessel to, well, drop bombs around map/nearby enemies/around hero.

Engange (insert name here) Mode:
Transforms Reality Hacker into (insert mech unit name here).

Positronic Charge:
Emits positronic charges around Reality Hacker, damaging nearby units.

Passive Ideas:

Moderate Positronic Charge:
Same as above, except more time to actually deal damage, and less damage dealt.


Feb 25 2010, 7:55 am MetalGear Post #23

Orbital Bombardment: The Reality Hacker instructs an outer-space bombing vessel to fire deadly bombs around his vehicle. His transmissions to this vessel transmit intensive reality decoding data, which forces his vehicle to momentarily suppress its physical coordination. Each unit hit is dealt 525 damage. Lasts 4 seconds.

this spell will target random places in a 5 AoE. all units, including computer units will be affected.
Engange (insert name here) Mode:
Transforms Reality Hacker into (insert mech unit name here).
transforms are probably a bit too cheap. unless i weaken him in other areas and prolong the transformation time?
Positronic Charge:
Emits positronic charges around Reality Hacker, damaging nearby units.
Moderate Positronic Charge:
Same as above, except more time to actually deal damage, and less damage dealt.
this could be cool... although hes already got an AoE spell. i will think about it :)


Feb 25 2010, 6:38 pm xnikozx Post #24

Spawns hallucinated mines arround an enemy hero every 2 seconds to stop his movement till the mines explodes. Concussion works 2 times and grants 20% to work again, when the effect is over the target recives 300 or 450 damage if the mines are spawned 3 times.
"The Reality Hacker sends a powerful signal that works in different frequencys, when it reaches the brain's frequency it stops most of it's activities during a while."

Reality bend:
Makes the targeted hero moves erraticaly during 4 seconds, when that effect is over it slow down the hero during 2.5 seconds, if the target try to launch a spell while he is being affected by the first effect he have 60% chances to recibe the negative effects of his spell.
"The Reality Hacker using his most advanced technology can bend the world itself around an enemy to confuse him and make him move in a way that he doesn't want and blinding most of it's reason."

If an enemy hero kills his projection he recieve 450 damage.
"The Reality Hacker with his all mighty skills can make the enemies attack themselves when they think they are attacking their projections."

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 25 2010, 6:54 pm by xnikozx.


Feb 25 2010, 8:32 pm fat_flying_pigs Post #25

I think the reality hacker should be a probe :D [edit: with stacked rines+firebats on it!]

Radar Jam: Spams text across the screen, pings everywhere for the enemy, makes the enemy hero go to P11, then back the the player, making them lost control, mess with their alliance status, random move orders, random screen relocation.


Feb 25 2010, 8:47 pm ImagoDeo Post #26

I've been thinking that it would be really cool to have a unit like an SCV or Drone that has disabled unit sprite zerglings constantly moved on top of it. As it levels up, it could gain more. Therefore, if it gets close to its opponent, the zerglings get in range and attack. It'd be kinda like a point-blank damage aura.

Quote from fat_flying_pigs
I think the reality hacker should be a probe :D [edit: with stacked rines+firebats on it!]

Radar Jam: Spams text across the screen, pings everywhere for the enemy, makes the enemy hero go to P11, then back the the player, making them lost control, mess with their alliance status, random move orders, random screen relocation.

I'd never really thought of interfering with a player's ability to control their character and the StarCraft screen itself. That's an interesting idea.


Feb 26 2010, 3:08 am samsizzle Post #27

Ok Gear i don't really like AoS's but i'm gonna have to say this looks freakin sweet, add in some screen shakes when players get hit by it, and some screen shakes for the reality hacker and it'll be awesome.


Feb 26 2010, 6:03 am LoTu)S Post #28

Make it a probe :O, with each building as an effect or something!. Pylonless Blue cannon ftw.


Feb 26 2010, 11:11 pm Kaaysel Post #29

Quote from MetalGear
Orbital Bombardment: The Reality Hacker instructs an outer-space bombing vessel to fire deadly bombs around his vehicle. His transmissions to this vessel transmit intensive reality decoding data, which forces his vehicle to momentarily suppress its physical coordination. Each unit hit is dealt 525 damage. Lasts 4 seconds.

this spell will target random places in a 5 AoE. all units, including computer units will be affected.
Engange (insert name here) Mode:
Transforms Reality Hacker into (insert mech unit name here).
transforms are probably a bit too cheap. unless i weaken him in other areas and prolong the transformation time?
Positronic Charge:
Emits positronic charges around Reality Hacker, damaging nearby units.
Moderate Positronic Charge:
Same as above, except more time to actually deal damage, and less damage dealt.
this could be cool... although hes already got an AoE spell. i will think about it :)

Okay so i just pressed something and this LENGTHY post i tried to type up went to waste. I'm gonna try again.

For first quote: well you coudl use multiple transforms, like tank-probe-scout-goon, so that the strategical values are different for each transform, but of course, make the alternate transformations somewhat weaker.

Tank: Can siege, i think that's strategical.
Probe: Well give it expensive pylon and cannons, and if you save up gas and put those in a good place, there, strategical value.
Scout: It can fly, so you could try to outrace a retreating hero and deal the final blow or transform into another form for that.
Goon: Well, it does extra damage to bigger units am i right? Well there.

Second quote: You can just ignore the passive and use the active, you can even make it instant damage.

Also another idea:

Critical Strike:
Summon-Transform into an unit for a powarrful hit and then transform back/un-summon.

Finally, i'm glad you took in Orbital Bombardment, and the skill looks pretty darn pro. Hope this helped, also, :P.


Mar 2 2010, 11:27 pm MetalGear Post #30

nice ideas all you guys. im working on him :) he definately wont be a probe. all heroes will literally be hero units. otherwise its not really a hero is it?
Radar Jam: Spams text across the screen, pings everywhere for the enemy, makes the enemy hero go to P11, then back the the player, making them lost control, mess with their alliance status, random move orders, random screen relocation.
sounds messy and annoying. nice idea though. maybe there is some other way to disrupt players.
you could use multiple transforms, like tank-probe-scout-goon, so that the strategical values are different for each transform, but of course, make the alternate transformations somewhat weaker.

Tank: Can siege, i think that's strategical.
Probe: Well give it expensive pylon and cannons, and if you save up gas and put those in a good place, there, strategical value.
Scout: It can fly, so you could try to outrace a retreating hero and deal the final blow or transform into another form for that.
Goon: Well, it does extra damage to bigger units am i right? Well there.

Second quote: You can just ignore the passive and use the active, you can even make it instant damage.

Also another idea:

Critical Strike:
Summon-Transform into an unit for a powarrful hit and then transform back/un-summon.
it could be his ultimate maybe? like transforming into an air unit to chase enemies and then maybe transforms into a siege tank for a single powerful hit and then transforming back? i also like the sound of critical strike. would this be an active or passive ability?

okay here is a new system im developing. im not 100% sure about it yet though. the idea is that once you select a hero, you can check your mission objectives to browse his spell list. the problem is, theres so much information it would take about 4-5 pages of objectives, which would automatically update through the pages every so many seconds. therefore it would take at least 30 seconds to read a complete hero analysis. thoughts on this?

also can we get some more hero ideas guys? check out the topic if you have an idea for a complete hero :)


Mar 3 2010, 12:46 pm Multivision-Doors Post #31

Metal, I think if you want to create the ultimate AoS, you need to start by creating a standard unit as the player's hero, and then let them choose their spells and attributes. The purpose of the AoS is to allow players to play competitively in unique ways. By creating already built heroes, you're creating linear gameplay, that becomes predictable.

Look at the flaws of Temple Siege and try to create a game without those flaws.

The first and simplest suggestion would be to make all stat gains static and non-scaling. The player of the highest level by the end of the game will be the winner, not the player who invested most into damage+mana and can spam reavers of 500+ damage each. Mana gains increase the amount of spells you cast, and damage gains increase your base damage. That's unique ways of building your character, and creating real flexibility, instead of bottle necking your character into one or two different builds.

An HP gain of 10% should always be equivalent to a damage gain of 10%.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 3 2010, 1:00 pm by Multivision-Doors.


Mar 3 2010, 4:59 pm MetalGear Post #32

Metal, I think if you want to create the ultimate AoS, you need to start by creating a standard unit as the player's hero, and then let them choose their spells and attributes. The purpose of the AoS is to allow players to play competitively in unique ways. By creating already built heroes, you're creating linear gameplay, that becomes predictable.

Look at the flaws of Temple Siege and try to create a game without those flaws.

The first and simplest suggestion would be to make all stat gains static and non-scaling. The player of the highest level by the end of the game will be the winner, not the player who invested most into damage+mana and can spam reavers of 500+ damage each. Mana gains increase the amount of spells you cast, and damage gains increase your base damage. That's unique ways of building your character, and creating real flexibility, instead of bottle necking your character into one or two different builds.

An HP gain of 10% should always be equivalent to a damage gain of 10%.
prebuilt heroes can still be fun as the player is given the choice of heroes, all of which provide unique gameplay tactics. maybe some players even prefer the linear system because its easy and friendly? also its good to have a variation of units.

however this is a really good idea. i may actually go ahead and develop this system. maybe though it would be a good thing to offer a few units who carry unique attributes and physical factors? or not?

im even thinking of a system which allows players to purchase custom designed spells by offering a systematic structure in which they use a barracks or something to design the type of spell they want, including its
targets, delay time, duration, cooldown, direct magic damage, mana cost and other spell factors.

it would have to be a display text system. here is a screenshot of how it would look:

btw can i get some other opinions on this type of system? im quite doubtful of this idea as i think it would it be way too complex for the average player. maybe i should just stick to the original preset hero build system despite its flaws?


Mar 3 2010, 6:29 pm xnikozx Post #33

I think that isn't a bad idea but I prefer a lot the pre built heroes, and that's not a predictable game at all, if we can be creatives enough and make good spells that can be combined or used in different tacticals ways it makes a really big diference.
Everyone of the heroe's spells that we are plaining have something to do with the next and can be used as a combo to use it in the best way possible.


Mar 3 2010, 6:38 pm Multivision-Doors Post #34

Just create preset spells that the players can choose from. The spell creation system doesn't work anyway, it's not worth investing tremendous amounts of time into.

If you want to use preset heroes, then you need to avoid major pitfalls. Marines, Zerglings, Ghosts, Vultures, Ultralisks, Archons are all pretty messy when it comes to unit balance. Goliaths, Zealots, Hydralisks, Firebats, Siege Tanks, DTs, Templars, and Infested Kerrigan would be good choices. Broodlings might be worthwhile too. Dragoons are kind of campy.


Mar 3 2010, 7:16 pm Jack Post #35

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Making stats static makes it more linear. Allowing players to choose how to build their character as they play gives them more choice, instead of forcing them to play a certain way.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Mar 3 2010, 7:21 pm Multivision-Doors Post #36

Static gains, Jack. Not static stats. Scaling is a different thing though.


Mar 3 2010, 7:23 pm Jack Post #37

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Ah, you mean HP upgrades always give +5percent of max, or mana always adds 30 max, something like that?

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Mar 3 2010, 7:32 pm Multivision-Doors Post #38

Basically, yeah.


Mar 3 2010, 9:10 pm ClansAreForGays Post #39

Metal, I think if you want to create the ultimate AoS, you need to start by creating a standard unit as the player's hero, and then let them choose their spells and attributes. The purpose of the AoS is to allow players to play competitively in unique ways. By creating already built heroes, you're creating linear gameplay, that becomes predictable.

Look at the flaws of Temple Siege and try to create a game without those flaws.

The first and simplest suggestion would be to make all stat gains static and non-scaling. The player of the highest level by the end of the game will be the winner, not the player who invested most into damage+mana and can spam reavers of 500+ damage each. Mana gains increase the amount of spells you cast, and damage gains increase your base damage. That's unique ways of building your character, and creating real flexibility, instead of bottle necking your character into one or two different builds.

An HP gain of 10% should always be equivalent to a damage gain of 10%.

I wrote something years ago in response to the main stream idea of "open > linear" or "custom > pre-built". It was concerning game design in general, but it works out here too by just ignoring a few things.
In a story driven game, it’s always a good idea to have the player look at the main character almost as a mirror. There are three ways to approach this as I know of (please respond if you know more):

1. Give the player a character, with core values (usually the standard virtues) and let him/her 'tweak' it to match their attitudes. This is the most common road taken. FF7 does this, FF8, Legend of Legia, god the list goes on and on. Sometimes, they can go as far as to make alternate endings for each due attitude.

2. Create-o-matic character generator! I'm not really big into these, as my bias will tell. Here you actually get to make a character however way you want! Even yourself, what could be more immersive than that? The problem is that no matter how much time you spend on the limited details you can adjust, the end result will always be a body builder in skin-tight clothes. "Yeah that's totally me". If you decide to make the character at least half representational of yourself, or if the game just doesn’t give you the option (ie freeware MMO’s) to make your character a god, the result is even worse. The create-o-matic then spits out a starved crack whore that has escaped from the circus. It’s really one end of the pole or the other. When you get bored of the game, you find yourself trying to make the sickest character that only a mother could love… if she was drunk. Wait, I haven't started on the story yet! Now you have to guide your little crack whore through the game. In the end you say "Wow, I (the character who symbolizes you) had some unique adventures, and I saved the day in my own way!" You enjoyed the experience so much that you tell your friend to come over, so he could try it too. It’s all smiles until you notice he is the same cool super-buff model you chose. What are the odds?! As the story progresses you realize it's the same cookie-cutter dialogue that you called unique. Does anyone remember playing The Sims (1), and how EVERYONE picked the same the guy with the shades and bleached spiked hair?
This reined is the supreme approach to character immersement
On paper, this looks like the best idea on Earth, but in practice it just falls to pieces.

3. Another biased argument figuring that this is the approach I am probably taking in my fighter.
You choose the character that suits you best from a selection of (hopefully) different characters. One of the only draw backs of this approach is that it often re-enforces stereotypes. The character will embody what the world thinks a person of his/her type consists of.
Anyways, here a player looks the character over, and reads their bio. If something resonates with the player this will become his avatar. This is what I feel selection should be based on. Most of the time though, it depends more on finding the character that isn't exactly balanced and gives the player an edge. Even if the back-story for the character makes her a crack whore circus runaway.
Just to point of the obvious, here are some advantages to using the method over the others:
1. A player can have a unique experience as opposed to his friends.
2. Can learn a lesson, or answer a question that they could be dealing with.

Mar 4 2010, 3:07 am Multivision-Doors Post #40

That's more in regards to RPGs than AoS's. Let's go back to Starcraft for a moment....

Every time you add in another hero you're risking unbalancing some factors. Using balanced units in general such as Zealot, DT, Hydralisk, Siege Tank, and Infested Kerrigan would be optimal, not sure about Firebats. In retrospect, I realize you couldn't use Goliaths or Templars either, without causing some huge imbalances. This is stuff that's easy to point out. But, someone will always question this, and ask, "why aren't the Marine or Zergling playable as heroes?" Well, you and I know they're unbalanced. But, someone just like you comes along and describes an article they wrote years ago explaining why Marines and Zerglings are cool, fun to play, and differ greatly in gameplay. So now we're going to redesign the map and potentially crap all over it for the sake of a popularity contest.

Because Goliaths are cooler than Siege Tanks. Well, yeah sure, but are they wise to use in a game with a limited ability to balance the unit? You couldn't use the Templar for the same reason. The Goliath knocks out all of the melee, and all of the ranged units counter the Templar. Go through the arduous task of trying to balance that and you end up with something like Temple Siege. Instead of just saying, "well it's not THAT important".

It's like making a game where all you can do really is just bash things, but you decided you could do it in 5 different ways. Then you add in the Bow, and it's awesome, because you can shoot things. Well, now you've got someone running around with a Bow. You added a unique design to a game that it wasn't intended for. The issue is about "what can be done". In SC2 it doesn't look like this will be a problem. But, right now it is.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 4 2010, 3:17 am by Multivision-Doors.


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