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New ideas for RPG/hero maps
Feb 19 2010, 5:14 pm
By: MetalGear  

Feb 19 2010, 5:14 pm MetalGear Post #1

Im thinking of designing a new AoS map that incorporates unique hero attribues. These attributes upgrade at different rates through leveling up your hero and you can also buy items that give you extra attribute points. Each attribute can gain a maximum of 50 levels and each level increases the attribute by +2%. They are as follows:

Strength = increases spell defenses by reducing the time of negative spell effects
Aptitude = improves the prowess of your spells by maximising their timers
Intuition = upgrades mana and mana regeneration rate

So it would look something like this in the game...

Since you can buy items to give you extra attribute points, there will be a 5-item limit capacity, therefore players are forced to customize their style of play. For example, some players may want to play defensive: therefore they will upgrade their physical armor and Strength points (armor reduces damage from spells and strength reduces the negative spell effects) etc...

So I think this is a new concept? Its a bit different from the usual upgrade your spells for improved spells. This system involves upgrading your character to perform better or defend against spells effectively however you choose to play. And theres lots of different levels which all influence the in-game-timers :)



Feb 19 2010, 6:56 pm xnikozx Post #2

I think it could be better if every hero have a different "stat incrase ratio".
I was planning something like this a time before and I based it on DOTA, the stat points were strenght, dextery and intelligence, every hero have a "main stat", only some specific spells ara affected by the stat points of the hero.
Strenght: +50 HP per point / Increase the HP regeneration.
Dextery: Increase the movement speed (maybe the attack speed) every point / Grants an armor point every 3 points.
Intelligence: +30 mana per point / Increase the mana regeneration.
Main stat: +3 damage every point.
Here I have an example of an hero that I made a few months ago, it was made for a 20 levels system.

Soul hunter:
Main stat: Dextery
Strenght: 12 (+1.2)
Dextery: 14 (+2.3)
Intelligence: 9 (+1.0)
HP: 600
Armor: 4
Mana: 270
Damage: 42

Movement speed would work moving a burrowed zergling under the hero, if he have more dextery points the zergling would be vanished faster in a 6 seconds system, I mean, with 0 dextery the zergling is under the hero all the time, if the hero have, maybe 12 dextery, the zergling is removed after 5 seconds in the 6 seconds system, so after a second with normal speed the zergling is created again.
Even if this is uneffective, boring or complicated can be replaced with evasion, setting him as ally during a while (0.5 seconds?) every several seconds based on the dextery points.


Feb 19 2010, 7:27 pm samsizzle Post #3

Wouldnt this be pretty much exactly like athlit?


Feb 20 2010, 12:09 am MetalGear Post #4

I think it could be better if every hero have a different stat incrase ratio
thats the idea :)
Strenght: +50 HP per point / Increase the HP regeneration.
i highly dislike the TS style HP gain system. then again i may need some other opinions on this before i jump to this decision. also HP regeneration isnt possible really.
Dextery: Increase the movement speed (maybe the attack speed) every point / Grants an armor point every 3 points.
nice ideas however again its not really possible without looking and feeling extremely messy and annoying. players will complain their hero is glitched.
evasion, setting him as ally during a while (0.5 seconds?) every several seconds based on the dextery points.
this was my original idea but i had to remove it because it would get annoying having to keep reclicking the same unit. the only solution is to make all heroes protoss units and use their shields for the evasion... but theres not enough protoss units :/


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Vrael -- :)
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