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High Dirt to Mud
Jan 13 2010, 12:15 am
By: Apos  

Jan 13 2010, 12:15 am Apos Post #1

I order you to forgive yourself!

Hey all! I was always amazed at some good terrain so I decided to try to make high dirt to mud transition.

Tell me what you think, and was it done before?

Also, I have never made any good terrain experimentation before this.

Jan 13 2010, 12:20 am samsizzle Post #2

Nice experimenting but there isn't much of a transition, you just used normal mud tiles and bridge tiles. If you know what i mean.


Jan 13 2010, 12:24 am Apos Post #3

I order you to forgive yourself!

I have tried an other attempt:
My image

Jan 13 2010, 12:28 am Howler Post #4

Quote from Apos
I have tried an other attempt:
My image

wow that's really great, I've never seen the top part being done before. The transition from high dirt to mud looks so smoooth!!!


Jan 13 2010, 1:43 am payne Post #5


Quote from Howler
Quote from Apos
I have tried an other attempt:
My image

wow that's really great, I've never seen the top part being done before. The transition from high dirt to mud looks so smoooth!!!


Jan 13 2010, 1:57 am Howler Post #6

Wow, I just got served...I must have overlooked that part of Yoshi's blend :\


Jan 13 2010, 2:06 am Apos Post #7

I order you to forgive yourself!

I was starting to think it was pretty surprising no one would have done that before since it's kinda pretty simple.

Jan 13 2010, 2:24 am payne Post #8


Well, it didn't get discovered before Yoshi (which is pretty recent), AFAIK.


Jan 13 2010, 3:40 am stickynote Post #9

Feel good in that you discovered it on your own.


Jan 13 2010, 3:48 am Apos Post #10

I order you to forgive yourself!

It took me about one minute to find it (the good tile). And then I arranged the other tiles around.

Jan 13 2010, 4:48 pm samsizzle Post #11

Yeah i was gonna say...

But anyways, try making the blend go all the way around so we can have mud on high dirt.


Jan 13 2010, 9:42 pm Apos Post #12

I order you to forgive yourself!

Here I did all around
Mud on high dirt

Jan 13 2010, 9:44 pm samsizzle Post #13

yeah but that's not mud to high dirt thats like mud to bridge tiles to high dirt and mud to jungle to high dirt and stuff.


Jan 13 2010, 9:48 pm Apos Post #14

I order you to forgive yourself!

But since it seems all on the same high level, I think it makes it look on the high dirt pretty much.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 13 2010, 10:24 pm by apos.

Jan 13 2010, 10:36 pm payne Post #15


Quote from Apos
Here I did all around
Mud on high dirt
I really love it!
It somehow gives relief to the grass O.o
Anyone see it like me?


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