Spell Help
Dec 27 2009, 1:19 am
By: Warlord_Master  

Dec 27 2009, 1:19 am Warlord_Master Post #1

How To Make Computer Cast Defense Matrix On Allied Human Players, I found somewhere on this site about the spell page where it said "it will cast on higher level units. I made a map before and i saw that the computer d-matrixed his own jim raynor marine so im thinking if thats possible, will he d-matrix a Jim Raynor Vulture or Hunter Killer Hydra or Fenix Zealot or Devouring One Zergling which are the heroes in my rpg. Does putting an insane ai script increase the chance of a d-matrix occuring because that was the case in the arbitrary map that matrixed the jim raynor marine.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Dec 28 2009, 8:54 pm by Warlord_Master.


Dec 27 2009, 2:48 am NudeRaider Post #2

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

It should. When it comes to AIs it's hard to tell for certain. Many things in your map can change the behavior of the AI, so it's best you test for yourself.

Dec 28 2009, 8:54 pm Warlord_Master Post #3

ive never in my life seen a computer science vessel d-matrix an allied player, let alone a human player like it says on that spell page so i understand nukeraider that spells vary according to the circumstances but give me 1 situation where a vessel is guaranteed to d-matrix a unit and i can work with that, i can get units plagued, storm, blinded, etc...
To me i dont even think its possible but it says and i quote
"Science vessels will use this spell on a unit that is nearby, is missing over half its total HP/Shields and is currently being attacked. The unit being damaged has to be a higher level unit, like a Goliath, Tank, Wraith, etc. It will also cast it on allied units."


Dec 28 2009, 11:23 pm poison_us Post #4

Back* from the grave

Quote from Warlord_Master
but give me 1 situation where a vessel is guaranteed to d-matrix a unit and i can work with that

Quote from NudeRaider
it's best you test for yourself.

He gave you a set of parameters that need to be filled...there isn't a situation in which will work in EVERY map, regardless of surrounding terrain, units attacking the vessel, etc. SC's AI is very temperamental, so it's best you test for yourself.

Dec 28 2009, 11:27 pm Marine Post #5

When I use AI scripts I don't worry about terrain, I worry about unit placement and amounts for that computer player. If the CPU has units other than the sci ves, then it's going to matrix them at full hp when they're attacked over your guy no matter what hp attacked or not.


Dec 28 2009, 11:45 pm Kenoli Post #6

ive never in my life seen a computer science vessel d-matrix an allied player, let alone a human player like it says on that spell page so i understand nukeraider that spells vary according to the circumstances but give me 1 situation where a vessel is guaranteed to d-matrix a unit and i can work with that, i can get units plagued, storm, blinded, etc...
To me i dont even think its possible but it says and i quote
"Science vessels will use this spell on a unit that is nearby, is missing over half its total HP/Shields and is currently being attacked. The unit being damaged has to be a higher level unit, like a Goliath, Tank, Wraith, etc. It will also cast it on allied units."
I wrote all those little spell descriptions. I can't remembers specifically what I did with defense matrix since it was quite a while ago (and I only did each spell briefly), but I probably saw an allied matrix go down at some point or it wouldn't say that.

Or maybe some crazy person added it in later. Hard to say since all the editing history is gone.


Dec 29 2009, 12:00 am Biophysicist Post #7

You could use virtual HP. Then you wouldn't have to worry about matrix. Or, if the unit in question is Protoss, you can spam its shields to a certain percent. Or you can just invulnerable the unit for a few seconds.


Dec 29 2009, 5:29 am stickynote Post #8

Move the unit you want to matrix to a separate arena with a science vessel. Give the unit to the computer owning the science vessel and put some cannons or sunkens to attack it(make sure they dont do lethal damage). That should nearly guarantee a matrix.


Dec 29 2009, 4:33 pm SierraKomodo Post #9

Stickynote: That would take some time to actually do though right? It might mess with the flow of his game, and you cant actually detect when DMatrix is cast, so you would have to set up a wait or kill counter to delay the heroes return, as far as I know. Here's hoping SC2 comes with a feature to force casting of a spell on a certain unit in a certain location >.>


Dec 29 2009, 4:34 pm Sacrieur Post #10

Still Napping

Quote from stickynote
Move the unit you want to matrix to a separate arena with a science vessel. Give the unit to the computer owning the science vessel and put some cannons or sunkens to attack it(make sure they dont do lethal damage). That should nearly guarantee a matrix.

I'm actually trying to make a small map that does this.


Dec 29 2009, 4:36 pm SierraKomodo Post #11

What exactly are the circumstances in which the spell will be cast? Are you trying to make it like a hero spell?


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