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Sep 16 2009, 11:26 am
By: Forsaken Archer
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Nov 1 2009, 6:59 am Neki Post #621

Can I send you match ids of every single hero, aka, I can random when we play then? =)


Nov 1 2009, 7:08 am Sand Wraith Post #622


As long as each Hero has at least 3 good screenies. If you acquire 3 good games with every single Hero in HoN, then we'll have to admit your supremacy.

Nov 1 2009, 7:12 am ShredderIV Post #623

well then, it's gonna take longer to get screens, since really good games dont come around all the time in pubs...

Also the list only has the previous 40 games on it, n which i've only played one hero more than twice in, vindicator...


Nov 1 2009, 7:13 am Neki Post #624

THE BATTLE FOR SUPREMACY HAS BEGUN. I probably have Valk, CD, Panda, Jeraziah, Wretched Hag, Puppet, Wildsoul, Swiftblade, Maliken, Torturer and Sand Wraith done already. ;)
edit: forgot maliken.


Nov 1 2009, 7:25 am Decency Post #625

Lol. When are you guys going to hit the stage where you realize you can go 3-7-15 as Demented Shaman with 50/25 creep stats and be your team's MVP? Or go 4-0-20 as Hellbringer with the same being true? Or go 4-2-15 with Sand Wraith?

Stop putting any value in K:D minus finding out whether someone's a feeder, especially considering the only thing half of you do is pubstomp (I won't even go into EM). I can play any carry and go 20-0 in a low level pubstomp with a carry I've never played before if my team lets me farm. It's not even remotely impressive: the other team is always way too clueless to stop your farm and then just bitch about how OP your character is after you fuck them lategame.

PS: @ Ultimo, it doesn't do much good to censor your name in the stats list when it's clearly visible in the chat window, nevermind the Match ID is right there too.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 24 2023, 12:23 pm by Decency.


Nov 1 2009, 8:25 am Neki Post #626

I did it for the epic lulz actually. :D

Also, I never mentioned anything about K:D at all. I know that the "carry" of the team isn't always the actual carry, rather, the initiator or perhaps the tank. While it's true to say that we do pub stomp a lot, to say we have no skill because we know how to play a team is quite ignorant. We don't play EM, and the fact of the matter is I truly doubt that you can go, in by yourself, and play a carry and go 20-0. Actually, I would like to see you do that FaZ. The only reason I can do it sometimes is because I know the skill builds, item builds, and my limitations, along with competent team mates in SEN members. Same with IP too. That is the reason why I play carries in the first place in pubs, because I know I can't trust my team mates enough to properly carry or initiate, so I just have to beef up and overpower their team in pubs.

I've lead a team to victory with Hellbringer, because of that very reason. He is a beast, and he initiates like no other. Every time my ult was up, I would direct our team down a lane. As soon as it looked right, I would throw down the ultimate and we would absolutely destroy them in a team battle. They had so much better carry ability than us, but we managed to beat them because we raxed them twice forty minutes in.

Apparently you don't even play with me enough FaZ, because everyone knows I'm the assist whore of the group. I might have a sub-par K:D, but I've always high on assists. I'm always willing to initiate for the team and I am willing to die for the team. I'll often go in and stop three of the enemy so two of us can escape. Being selfless in most situations is not something you can simply learn from reading a guide. Most of SEN is like that too, I think sometimes we're too crazy about saving each other, because instead of one dead, we might end up having three dead because we try helping. I also don't care if someone takes my kills, because, as long as he's dead, then he's dead. I'm not going to complain about it.

Seriously FaZ, come play with us before you make ignorant statements, you just look like a tool when you say this stuff without even having played a game with us.

edit: you act like all of us only play carries in EM, and that we've never touched a hero that didn't get any kills, because, KILLS ARE EVERYTHING. you need support 95% of the time you actually want to win the game, because, by the sound of it, you think we're constantly playing a 5 hero carry team.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Nov 1 2009, 8:44 am by Ultimo.


Nov 1 2009, 8:45 am Decency Post #627

You're going to tell how well someone can use a hero from a screenshot or stats screen, and I'm making ignorant statements? ...

I'm not slighting you for playing as a team, I'm slighting you for playing as a team and not seeking out other teams to play against. And hell, a few of the times I've played with you guys I've gotten disgusted and just left after 3 people got banned for being "too good." I don't remember who the host of those games were, but that's just pathetic and probably the #1 reason I stopped joining invited SEN games. It's not even remotely fun to play against 5 disorganized idiots when you have a competent team.

With a good team in a 1500 pubstomp game 20-0 is not even remotely far fetched, you literally just need to farm for 40 minutes while the braindead pub team doesn't stop you. I babysit someone who does pretty much that every few games, not that they realize why they're free farming. I didn't say I could do it in any game, I said I could do it in a pubstomp, because it's guaranteed that your teammates are at least competent. I don't play pubstomps, but I thrash them all the time just by being a good support hero and telling people what to do. I'm not the best player, but I consider myself pretty good at analyzing lineups and figuring out what we need to do as a team. That means not taking kills when I'm the Pyro or TB even if I did 90% of the damage, not farming creeps when I'm Demented Shaman, and above all bitching out the people who are too stupid to analyze it themselves.


Nov 1 2009, 8:48 am Sand Wraith Post #628


M-ID: 9476336. I was Devourer. See my 27 assists? Hi. That was me. Not a carry.

M-ID: 9423649. I was Thunderbringer. I had as many assists as I had kills. 11. Not a carry.

M-ID: 9168244. I was Vindicator. Neki was Panamonium. We both did some SERIOUS sacrificing and assisting and sh*t.


Any further uninformed dirt-talking should lead to replacing your "Z" with "G".

Nov 1 2009, 8:58 am Neki Post #629

You're going to tell how well someone can use a hero from a screenshot or stats screen, and I'm making ignorant statements? ...
I'm not sure how else I can convince you, because you don't even play with us. If I can't prove it with a match id, what can I prove it with? It's going to take some semblance of skill to pull off a good record. There is a reason why you don't see Kevin or Shredder or Almost Alive posting amazing scores when they play with us, because there is still a skill set involved when you're playing, not everyone can steam roll in a pub stomp. Not to say they're bad, but they still need more improvement before they could reach that stage. They also may not like posting screens as much as some of us do too though. :P But hey Kevin, if you ever get an amazing score, feel free to post it so you can laugh in all our faces. :D
I'm not slighting you for playing as a team, I'm slighting you for playing as a team and not seeking out other teams to play against. And hell, a few of the times I've played with you guys I've gotten disgusted and just left after 3 people got banned for being "too good." I don't remember who the host of those games were, but that's just pathetic and probably the #1 reason I stopped joining invited SEN games. It's not even remotely fun to play against 5 disorganized idiots when you have a competent team.
It's because I don't think, or rather, I know that our team probably wouldn't do well against another team. Why? Because not all of us are even ready to make that leap yet. If we wanted to be truly organized, we would play on vent or team speak. We play because it's enjoyable to play with friends rather than pubs who can't even tie their own shoes. Not everyone wants to become the best and most competitive player. We would organize our line-ups to synergize both in lane synergy and team synergy if we really wanted to CRUSH a team. But we don't, we usually try new heroes or try improving old ones. But we play because we're trying to have fun. I guarantee most people would enjoy a game where it wasn't too hard, but the group of people we played gave us a few scares and had us on the ropes. No one wants to get to stressed while they're playing, because it's a game, we can try to have fun. They would not want a game where we absolutely demolished them, because, that's no fun for everyone, winning 18-12 with a two tower advantage, and the other team conceding. Its a waste of everyone's time, and no one likes playing those games. I'm also sure no one likes getting stomped into the ground, so we tend to avoid those games. My favourite games are the nail-biters that basically come down to who was actually the better team, with constant pushing and team battles, but I'm sure most people would not want that much stress in a game.

With a good team in a 1500 pubstomp game 20-0 is not even remotely far fetched, you literally just need to farm for 40 minutes while the braindead pub team doesn't stop you. I babysit someone who does pretty much that every few games, not that they realize why they're free farming. I didn't say I could do it in any game, I said I could do it in a pubstomp, because it's guaranteed that your teammates are at least competent. I don't play pubstomps, but I thrash them all the time just by being a good support hero and telling people what to do. I'm not the best player, but I consider myself pretty good at analyzing lineups and figuring out what we need to do as a team. That means not taking kills when I'm the Pyro or TB even if I did 90% of the damage, not farming creeps when I'm Demented Shaman, and above all bitching out the people who are too stupid to analyze it themselves.
Too bad not all five of us can farm for 40 minutes and not lose the game. Is that what you honestly think we do every game? We stall out for forty minutes so we can out carry them with our five carry team? Of course not. There is a lot of ganking, and there is a lot of team battles in our game. We'll force a push, and we will force the other team to face us. I would like to see you direct a team of pubs against our pub stomp FaZ, would be epic. =) And yes, I'm sure most of us are aware when taking the kill is appropriate.

Also, we've tried playing 3v3 with pubs, but it doesn't work out, ever. It sucks when you lose the game because you have a terrible pub who farms all game, or who can't speak english, or goes rambo. It's so much easier for them to be on the other team because I know that someone like Hydrolisk won't suddenly go crazy and rush the team head on. We also try playing inhouses, but we can never find a true balance, and I don't think some of us like losing, or playing against people that are so much more skilled. :P

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Nov 1 2009, 9:10 am by Ultimo.


Nov 1 2009, 9:07 am Sand Wraith Post #630


My favourite games the ones in which the game lasts upwards of 45m and victory depends on a few coordinated team battles near the end.

Nov 1 2009, 9:08 am Decency Post #631

Let's take a look at the last screenshots posted and maybe you'll get the idea why I know you guys are just pubstomping: - 3.5 carries. - 3 carries - 4 carries - 3 carries - 4 carries - 1.5 carries, actually a viable team! Oh wait, your brain-dead opponents picked 4 melee heroes. - 3 carries - 5 carries - 2.5 carries, 5 agility heroes. - 4 carries - 0 carries, AoE team with 3 heroes that are pretty much autobans.

Have I proven my point yet? I didn't even have to skip any screenshots, it's that pathetic. I have not seen a competitive game yet that has more than 2 carries, so if you're picking these terrible fucking teams and actually winning with them it says a hell of a lot about your competition.


Nov 1 2009, 9:47 am Sand Wraith Post #632


I can tell you didn't skip any screenshots, because you're f*cking retarded and can't support your argument properly.

BTW: Our average game time is <40m.

Pyro is a carry (ID 9496103). am i rite? Succubus and Blacksmith must also be carries. Obviously, Predator and Corrupted Disciple are not carries.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 1 2009, 10:14 am by New-.Hydrolisk.

Nov 1 2009, 10:19 am Neki Post #633

I don't know how you can say it's a pub stomp when it's only one or two of us playing? ARE WE THAT GOOD? apparently.
Hm, not really a pub stomp, but yes, maybe the other team was very incompetent compared to us.
Uh, this is like the opposite of your argument and the core of mine. I accidentally went into this game and it was duplicate heroes with a pre-made of five. I picked a carry because I didn't trust my team mates, because I thought they would be incompetent, turns out, they WERE incompetent. So really, is it a pub stomp when it's only me killing them all?
no comment, because I'm not in this game, and it's one person.
no comment, I'm not in the game, one person, and there was a leaver. It basically turns into a stomp when it's 5v4, which happens a lot.
Uh, lol. Swarm is pretty good, I guess that kinda goes with your whole "anyone can own in pubs." I'd be more inclined to agree if Swarm actually showed this prowess more with us, and pulled it off more consistently.
I'm surprised you don't consider Puppet a full carry. Also, Devourer is good when played right, and Maliken is basically half ranged/half carry. But yeah, this was a pretty good stomp because Maliken was useless the whole game.
Uh, this is the same picture? Padding the argument a bit huh?
I don't even know what this screenshot proves. Raccoon didn't have an amazing score, and it was only him. Okay.
Once again Raccoon, and I guess he was decent. Not awesome carry though. Good support though, what is your point?
Okay, this one. Even though the score doesn't show it, this game was much harder than it looks. Maliken was getting pretty beefy by the end of the game, and Magmus's ult really hurt. We won because we had better teamwork, and superior disables. And I don't consider Panda a carry, maybe a semi-carry, but even then. He seems more like an initiator/tank. But yeah, I guess we beat them good? Also, the other team had 3 carries, so the only way to counter carries in the late-game, is more carries! ;)
Hm, yeah, Tempest and Behemoth do get banned quite often, but your argument is apparently against us constantly playing carries and pub stomps. :P But yeah, we won because I got very strong at the end, and basically raped AoE face. =) I'll get you some closer match ID's if you want.

9476366: Close game, we have an all melee team. We were winning early game, they were winning mid-game, and we won late game.
8700712: We have 1.5 carries on our team, against their 2.5ish carries. I'd say Hellbringer basically won the game, because they were pushed to death. He was the mvp, but not the carry.
8385547: Hydrolisk basically fed the other team, made it very hard to win. We only have two carries this game.
9329542: yes, all carry team! though even though we're all playing carries, this is basically the hardest game we've had in a while. It was basically carry vs CC, and CC was winning most of the game, until we turned it out very late game.

This game was VERY close, we almost lost actually.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Nov 1 2009, 10:45 am by Ultimo.


Nov 1 2009, 12:48 pm Forsaken Archer Post #634

Quote from name:FaZ-
Let's take a look at the last screenshots posted and maybe you'll get the idea why I know you guys are just pubstomping: - 3.5 carries. - 3 carries - 4 carries - 3 carries - 4 carries - 1.5 carries, actually a viable team! Oh wait, your brain-dead opponents picked 4 melee heroes. - 3 carries - 5 carries - 2.5 carries, 5 agility heroes. - 4 carries - 0 carries, AoE team with 3 heroes that are pretty much autobans.

Have I proven my point yet? I didn't even have to skip any screenshots, it's that pathetic. I have not seen a competitive game yet that has more than 2 carries, so if you're picking these terrible fucking teams and actually winning with them it says a hell of a lot about your competition.
A lot of those screenshots have only one sener in them and makes your whole post retarded. Raccoon and reflection don't even play with us.
# 9321301 1 semi carry
# 9318511 what is this, i don't even
# 9309244 ouch, raped
# 9302650 almost lost this
# 9174842 how is this
i could go on...


Nov 1 2009, 5:04 pm LoveLess Post #635

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Name: SafeReality

I have my ups and downs, constantly. 14-1 one game and 0-8 another, its just how it works.


Nov 1 2009, 5:53 pm ShredderIV Post #636

Lol, this is actually pretty unrelated to the topic, but just thought it was pretty funny... Look at hydro's k/d/a in this game


Nov 1 2009, 6:33 pm LoveLess Post #637

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Seeing as some people are posting up their mains, I pretty much only play Ophelia seriously. Good at macro and I build to heal. In an EM with Ophelia, I usually get a Heart and SotM, 25.5 second cd on heal.

M-ID #9422999 - Ophelia

M-ID #8864567 - Ophelia

M-ID #8826262 - Ophelia

M-ID #8842931 - Ophelia


Nov 1 2009, 6:40 pm Sand Wraith Post #638


Quote from ShredderIV
Lol, this is actually pretty unrelated to the topic, but just thought it was pretty funny... Look at hydro's k/d/a in this game
I think it's a sign. I think it says... Bow down to Hydrolisk and pray for mercy!?

SafeReality: Adding you to the list... But we don't play EM, so I'm making a note here: GREAT SUCCESS. Wait, what?

One of my best games ever is #8163965.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 1 2009, 7:03 pm by New-.Hydrolisk.

Nov 1 2009, 7:29 pm Bar Refaeli Post #639

on most of my games that i screenied to SEN i have an average kdar of 1:1:4 or like 2:1:3


Nov 1 2009, 8:11 pm Sand Wraith Post #640


Assassin's Shroud is one of the most worthless items ever, especially for Slither. When the opposite team has Hag *and* Pyro, you get SHRUNKEN HEAD. NOT ASSASSIN'S SHROUD. It also helps when the opposite team no longer cares about your Slither and allows him to get his ultimate activated. And really, DPS Slither is only good when you don't already have hard carries like Maliken and Chronos on your team. In which case, just get some survivability and shut down two of the Enemy's Heroes. The game is basically finished, then.

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