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Sep 16 2009, 11:26 am
By: Forsaken Archer
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Oct 25 2009, 6:32 am Neki Post #521

too bad Armadon is countered by 210 gold. =)


Oct 25 2009, 6:33 am ShredderIV Post #522

What is this mystical 210 gold item of which you speak?


Oct 25 2009, 7:22 am Excalibur Post #523

The sword and the faith

Quote from name:Darkling
Quote from Excalibur
Quote from name:Ultimo
We would need a tank or AoE. :P
Missing my Pyro and Pest perhaps? :P

That sounds like the job of my Armadon. Too bad I stopped playing with SENners.
Same here. Hydro, Swarm, and Devilesk seem to make it their business to make everyone feel like shit anytime they aren't playing with them.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Oct 25 2009, 8:36 am Forsaken Archer Post #524

20 wins in a row! So far all games have been won by our little team of me, devilesk, hydro, kow, and neki. Lingie, FTS, and Shredder played a game or two with us as well.


Oct 25 2009, 8:38 am Kow Post #525

I'm only at about 10 or 11 but they're all wins :D


Oct 25 2009, 9:06 am Sand Wraith Post #526


Quote from Excalibur
Same here. Hydro, Swarm, and Devilesk seem to make it their business to make everyone feel like shit anytime they aren't playing with them.

No, I've invited everybody plenty of times because I wanted to play with those who I am familiar with. I rarely play any games when nobody is on -- if I log in and nobody else is online, I just wait in the channel.

When others log in, then we start playing. And then you would log in (or FaZ too -- except he is a jerk and never joins or responds or anything) while we're waiting for players to join our hosted game, and we would invite you -- or at least I would. But then you would always reply with some ass comment like "f*ck you guys, I hate you," or some other cracked up response. Even when you tried to enact a "[Ex]/We invite you" policy, it hardly ever happened that you would try to invite me. And then I try to f*cking return the f*cking courtesy, you have the f*cking balls to f*cking decline any invitation in such a rude f*cking manner that it pisses the f*cking sh*t out of me. YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE! Do you think that I f*cking try to invite you just so that you can say "NO" and feel bad for not joining? I want you on my team, so I try to invite you. F*ck. But then you go off and be a penisface with those asshole friends of yours. I swear, all of those people are worse than Devilesk -- at least Devilesk has semi-legitimate reasons to be an ass.

Lingie also has some sort of superiority complex. Can't f*cking admit a mistake without making some sort of excuse to soften the mistake up a little.

And Devilesk should shut up.

Sh*t, it's people like the latter two that make me want to strangle humanity. Sh*t, I have made a good effort many times to include you, Ex, in our games, but you know what? Why should I invite somebody that I know, for certain, will not join my/our games no matter what time it is, and even if we have IP, Kow, Devilesk, Neki/Ultimo, FTS, and a slew of others on at the same time, or so that including me, we have 4 people and only require one more person (such as you)? And from what I have heard, even if IP and Neki were on at the same time and playing together (being our best SEN-regular players), you wouldn't play with those 2.

So, how can this be summarized? If you, Ex, are invited out of courtesy (and in my case, respect) and you decline it in a rude manner 98% of the time (other 2% is times you don't swear and call us assholes). If you, Ex, are invited out of the hope that you would agree to play with other highly skilled players (IP and Neki/Ultimo, throw in Devilesk and Kow for their specialties), you would decline, and again, 98% of the time, follow the declination with a rude or derogatory comment. If you, Ex, are invited because we have an awesome party of four and need one more player (especially one who is good -- admittedly, for myself, I rarely actively invite ShredderIV and Raccoon/Reflection), you would AGAIN decline, etc.

So why is it that you still think that our goal is to make you feel bad? In all cases, we/I invite you because we find value in your presence yet you always decline in such a negative manner. Now, are we (I) making you feel bad in trying to invite you to our game? Do you even consider how I f*cking feel when I just invited one who I respect and I feel is skilled into a game only to be utterly rejected with a few curses sprinkled on top? And then you go on to generalize all of the SEN regulars, condemning all of us.

And then you just did it now. You have just condemned Swarm, Devilesk, and I in purposefully attempting to emotionally harm you. Do you realize how ironic this situation is? Especially for me. I invite you. I don't REQUEST THAT YOU COME BECAUSE EVERYBODY ELSE IS A FAG(--Devilesk). And I think FTS would think along the lines as I do.

If you still think that your damning of us is justified, then damn you to Hell. I hope you receive an early death and be put in a shallow grave, and better yet, you find oblivion to await you when you die! From ashes to ashes, that should be your fate lest you open yourself in realizing that we have been victimized in trying to invite you out of good reasons -- far from the evil intentions that you dare suggest.


I'll leave this here until I can calm myself, for the above passage is what has accumulated in me in the past several months -- that is, time and time again, inviting and becoming rejected, feeling like a fool in both inviting you and in trying to defend you that you aren't as much of a jerk as you are. F*ck it, I had my desktop set to that "Disregard females, acquire currency" image you had your avatar as once before for a month. My f*cking iPod Touch used it for even longer. That was how much I respected you. I made myself a fool in front of f*cking Devilesk. I f*cking find your actions in trying to police any forum, be it SEN or HoN, justified, because I was sure you had enough experience to do things properly, which I still think you have. And then that hideous comment I had to f*cking bear myself to read. What the Hell are you thinking?

And I say the following with a grin, because I still have some sense of respect in you that I feel now is misplaced and must be torn to shreds: "I AM DISAPPOINT."


I expand upon what I have written.

Quote from ShredderIV
What is this mystical 210 gold item of which you speak?
The quotation above is an example of the lack of experience I see in ShredderIV and a reason as to why I would choose you, Ex, others, such as Lingie. (I hope ShredderIV now understands or has further understanding as to why I would pick another familiar player over him -- including Devilesk and Lingie.)

Devilesk is a fucking asshole.jpg (I hope Devilesk feels like an idiot.)
The modified screenshot above is an example of the blind idiocy shown by Devilesk and why Devilesk should shut up. This is why I would choose Ex over Devilesk. Not only that, but I think Devilesk is more of an ass than you, Ex. I f*cking think that all of the time. He redeems himself at least as an excellent Jeraziah.

Lingie thought a 1v1 against Thuy would prove something, after losing a game with Thuy on his team. He also thinks that Armadon is invincible or some other cracked up idea against the 210g counter called a "Mana Battery" (which can be upgraded to an unbelievably Armadon-shattering "Power Supply"). His voice is incessant. These are the reasons why I would choose you, Ex, over Lingie. (I hope Lingie feels insulted. Also, I believe that you, Lingie, are not skilled enough to redeem fully yourself as an Armadon or as Glacius. I would choose Devilesk and his sh*tty personality over you and your own sh*tty personality.)

Kow needs to pay more attention. If it weren't for the fact that I consider Kow a friend, I would be picking you, Ex, over Kow (such as if there were only one more open slot of my team). But since Kow is overall a great player and will ALWAYS play with us, I DEFINITELY choose Kow over you!

Kevin is a faggot. Honestly, he is the firewood, the metaphorical fuel, for the enemy team's fire. And no, Ex, I have not used "faggot" incorrectly, because I use it for both its aesthetic/pronunciation appeal and its metaphorical appeal.

IP plays with me, but you never do, and IP is just as good as you if not better in his own niche, so I choose IP over you.

Neki fills a niche similar to IP's. He's a lot more amiable too.

I'll expand even further later.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 25 2009, 9:26 am by New-.Hydrolisk.

Oct 25 2009, 9:34 am Excalibur Post #527

The sword and the faith

I will say simply I refuse to play with SENners for:
Disconnects (Hydro/Swarm)
Behavior (Dev/Swarm)
Being terrible (Kevin/Shredder)

I'm sorry I didn't outline the specific reasons for specific people.

Anyway, I don't mind playing with IP/Neki/Kow, but they usually have one of the above people on, which is why I don't go play with them. The chances are that when I want to play, my friends are on, so I don't need to ask the above three to play. Neki has accompanied me and some of my friends in a couple of games, his play, conduct, and attitude were exemplary.

I have some qualms with IP's playstyle, which I've outlined before. He's a good player, but I feel he lacks a certain attachment to his team I feel very few others have. To be fair he's not the only one I've seen with such an issue, but when you take someone like Neki who's Jereziah is near perfect and will throw himself infront of three heroes to save his ally, that is something you will not see IP doing. Not that I generally recommend such suicide missions, but Neki knows his place as a support hero. IP plays carries, and I feel we have too many people trying to fill that roll. Even so, a carry still has team obligations BEFORE late game, and in my experience IP didn't really want to acknowledge this. So be it. As for Kow, Kow like any player, has on and off days. Unfortunately his off days are pretty bad, and his good days are only sometimes very good. He lacks consistency but is still a nice guy, I'd just rather a player I can really depend on if I can find one.

Honestly the worst offender has indeed been devilesk, but because no one says 'dev you're being an asshole shut up', it pushed me away from the group as a whole. No one has my back, and no one wants to change their playstyle because as you noted Hydro, no one wants admit to their mistakes. With everyone trying to be a carry, and everyone getting pissed off at everyone for every little thing, and hating on someone because they're not in the mood to play last hit for the first ten minutes, its a lot easier and a lot less stressful to go play with my nooby EM only friends, be their best player, and enjoy a good game.

I feel a lot of pressure when I'm playing with you guys, I can't afford to have a bad game. With my friends, they know in a 1v1 I'd tear them to shreds, and even so, I've got more experience. I can fuck around and not have an amazing KD, and no one is going to say 'Man I think Ex is losing his touch.'. That's why you saw so much Pyro play from me, because I needed to be consistent in order to give you guys advice that I could be sure you'd listen to. I can't afford to have a team that doesn't realize that even if I'm 0-5, I've been 0-5 a lot more than they have, and know how to properly assess and come back from the situation. I'm not saying you guys have done that, but that I was not going to give it the chance to happen. You guys have been good with advice given, and I feel like the only reason that's been so is because I could keep a consistent KD. Maybe I'm wrong, and I was being pessimistic here, but I was not going to take chances.

I think if you look at how easy it is for me to game with them combined with how much stress it is when I go to play with you guys, you can see why I turn down your invitations.

Oh and on another note Hydro, I get you and Swarm confused CONSTANTLY because the both of you are of similar skill and style, and frankly, neither of you has really distinguished themselves from the other. I group you two together as the two guys that I can count on to be disconnected before the match is over.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 25 2009, 9:47 am by Excalibur.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Oct 25 2009, 9:54 am Neki Post #528

To be fair, IP often goes out of his way to help team-mates in most of our battles, going back and slowing down enemies while we run away. Also, IP is usually content and willing to help gank bottom and top lanes when they need help. He doesn't farm as much as he may have used to, he ganks a lot more now.

Devilesk is a fucking asshole.jpg (I hope Devilesk feels like an idiot.)
The modified screenshot above is an example of the blind idiocy shown by Devilesk and why Devilesk should shut up. This is why I would choose Ex over Devilesk. Not only that, but I think Devilesk is more of an ass than you, Ex. I f*cking think that all of the time. He redeems himself at least as an excellent Jeraziah.
Honestly the worst offender has indeed been devilesk, but because no one says 'dev you're being an asshole shut up', it pushed me away from the group as a whole. No one has my back, and no one wants to change their playstyle because as you noted Hydro, no one wants admit to their mistakes. With everyone trying to be a carry, and everyone getting pissed off at everyone for every little thing, and hating on someone because they're not in the mood to play last hit for the first ten minutes, its a lot easier and a lot less stressful to go play with my nooby EM only friends, be their best player, and enjoy a good game.
It's who devilesk is, it's his personality. I've yelled at devilesk a lot about his gameplay and about his attitude, but I doubt he'll ever change much. So I grow to accept with his skill, I will have to sometimes deal with his clashing personality and general rudeness towards almost everyone =). I can tell him to shut up, but he'll tell me to shut up and we'll go along our way with playing. I usually understand him better now, and when we start arguing, we realize that we're joking and no one really gets hurt when we finish the argument.
In this regard, I don't think the statement about everyone being a carry really holds true right now. Everyone has picked a certain niche and most of us fill that nicely. IP usually plays our carry, Hydro and Devilesk are usually support, Kow is usually semi-carry/support and I usually go semi-carry/ganker/tank. Swarm also usually plays a good initiator or tank though. I haven't played enough with Lingie or Shredder to think about what they play.

Kow needs to pay more attention. If it weren't for the fact that I consider Kow a friend, I would be picking you, Ex, over Kow (such as if there were only one more open slot of my team). But since Kow is overall a great player and will ALWAYS play with us, I DEFINITELY choose Kow over you!
I agree here, Kow lacks presence of mind in most situations, he sometimes is very idle in his actions and thought processes. :P But he can improve though.

Kevin is a faggot. Honestly, he is the firewood, the metaphorical fuel, for the enemy team's fire. And no, Ex, I have not used "faggot" incorrectly, because I use it for both its aesthetic/pronunciation appeal and its metaphorical appeal.
lol well Kevin, not sure what to say. He just needs a lot more practice, he has to get outside of his comfort zone and be pushed around. I think by constantly playing with us, he may get worse.

I will say simply I refuse to play with SENners for:
Disconnects (Hydro/Swarm)
Behavior (Dev/Swarm)
Being terrible (Kevin/Shredder)
I don't think Swarm has a terrible attitude at all, maybe not around us at least. And his d/c rate with us is perfectly fine, I think I've only had one incident. In that regard, would you hate playing with Almost Alive? He sometimes likes leaving for no reason and ditching us mid-game. Hydro usually does disconnect a lot, but he's gotten a little better lately so I don't mind as much, but of course everyone will still get pissed off when he does d/c.

I feel a lot of pressure when I'm playing with you guys, I can't afford to have a bad game. With my friends, they know in a 1v1 I'd tear them to shreds, and even so, I've got more experience. I can fuck around and not have an amazing KD, and no one is going to say 'Man I think Ex is losing his touch.'. That's why you saw so much Pyro play from me, because I needed to be consistent in order to give you guys advice that I could be sure you'd listen to. I can't afford to have a team that doesn't realize that even if I'm 0-5, I've been 0-5 a lot more than they have, and know how to properly assess and come back from the situation. I'm not saying you guys have done that, but that I was not going to give it the chance to happen.
lol you can have a bad game, we all have bad games. We're very critical of each other because we're very competitive, and we want to win. I think this goes especially for me, I will tear someone a new one for some small mistakes in a game, but that's because I think we can do better in most situations. This also includes me though, I still have quite a bit ways to go before I can say I'm happy with my playstyle. We say that because that is what we know you for, the high k:d Pyro that is always owning people. If you no longer wish to be that person, then do not be him. :P You can diddle daddle all game if you please, but it only makes me upset when it costs us a game or multiple deaths. You can still have fun and be competitive with us. Hydro, Kow, Swarm, everyone can go 0-5 and have a bad game but we would still value their advice in hero-picking, item choosing and team battles.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is, people need to start having fun again. We can be competitive and we can be critical, but that can coincide with having fun.

edit: also, I don't enjoy EM so much because of it's effect on the meta-game, hence why I sometimes don't like playing much with you Excalibur. It's just a difference of preference for me. If we could always play normal mode, it'd just be gravy. Otherwise, I don't mind the occasional EM game.

Now I see your declinations to be justified. It is true that there is a lot of stress to win, especially when IP and Devilesk and Neki are playing. But I feel that you should still enjoy a game or two with us occassionally.

fix'd. :bleh:

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Oct 25 2009, 10:07 am by Ultimo.


Oct 25 2009, 10:02 am Excalibur Post #529

The sword and the faith

Last time I played with IP, which I admit was awhile ago, that's how he played. Same is said for everyone's hero choices. Everyone was trying to carry, and I was just trying to keep up on the carrying with a nuker so that I could hold them and their shit item choices together long enough for us to secure a win.

dev gets no excuses, not from you, not from anyone. I don't care if he's joking, not that I took him seriously in the first place, but he stopped being funny a LONG time ago.

AA is a special case, I couldn't yell at him if I wanted to. That being said, I know he isn't any good, hence why we have seldom played together.

I tolerate ZERO leaves. Zero. For. Any. Reason. I don't care if your parents are making you get off at gunpoint while your power goes out while you are getting struck by lightening. You get a gerbil powered generator, a gun of your own, and tell the lightning to fuck off.

And what I'm saying is, I don't think its possible for me to have fun with most of our SEN players anymore, at least, not with how things were before I stopped.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Oct 25 2009, 10:04 am Sand Wraith Post #530


Within a few days, a three-week D/C-free spree will begin. I see why you should have this faith that I should D/C before a game ends. However, it is slanted in that I join and complete many more games than I leave. When I do leave, it would be after a streak of games, thus you are inclined to this faith and I hold no blame to you -- only that you should give me a chance to prove myself through a superior support role, especially with PR and DS.

Now I see your declinations to be justified. It is true that there is a lot of stress to win, especially when IP and Devilesk are playing. But I feel that you should still enjoy a game or two with us occassionally.

Oct 25 2009, 1:06 pm ForTheSwarm Post #531


That is all.

Ex, what is this mysterious bad behavior/attitude of mine?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 25 2009, 1:14 pm by ForTheSwarm.


Oct 25 2009, 1:32 pm Bar Refaeli Post #532

ive played like 2 games with SENers. Once we pwned, i was puppet master. and once pretty much the whole team got pissed at me cause i swaped with a nother person on our team who randomed thunderbringer and didnt want to play as him. and i suck with thunder.

i see a lot of people from SEN online, but usually when i log on they are in the middle of a game, and i dont want to wait until they finish.

god, vindicator + master's incantation + sheepstick is a lot like puppet and harkons blade. its pretty amazing. and i am amazing with rampage, too. hes not good early game, but once he gets some xp, he is unstoppable.


Oct 25 2009, 3:33 pm ShredderIV Post #533

The quotation above is an example of the lack of experience I see in ShredderIV and a reason as to why I would choose you, Ex, others, such as Lingie. (I hope ShredderIV now understands or has further understanding as to why I would pick another familiar player over him -- including Devilesk and Lingie.)
Maybe you didnt understand that i was making a sarcastic remark about how one single item can completely destroy a single hero, and about how a lo of the noobs out there dont understand that at all. It was actually a quote from a game i played as armadon, where the enemy said that when i told him he could counter me with 210 gold.

I will say simply I refuse to play with SENners for:
Disconnects (Hydro/Swarm)
Behavior (Dev/Swarm)
Being terrible (Kevin/Shredder)
Ex, i have never played a single game with you, and if i did it was when i first started playing. You can look at my stats all you want, but that still really has no way of you knowing if i'm truly that bad or not. You keep your argument against me as "you're terrible" but you then refuse to play any games with me because you think i'm so terrible, thus nor letting me show in any way, that i'm not really that bad. You've put me in a catch-22 situation, which really make me hate your guts. I have the same stance as hydro; i respect you and the skill you have at HoN and in the great job you've done moderating, but your ego on this matter and some others is just beginning to slowly kill any respect i have for you. There is a quote that says: "in order to gain respect, you must first give respect." Which is something i think yu need to do more of Ex.


Oct 25 2009, 3:40 pm Excalibur Post #534

The sword and the faith

Quote from ShredderIV
Ex, i have never played a single game with you, and if i did it was when i first started playing. You can look at my stats all you want, but that still really has no way of you knowing if i'm truly that bad or not. You keep your argument against me as "you're terrible" but you then refuse to play any games with me because you think i'm so terrible, thus nor letting me show in any way, that i'm not really that bad. You've put me in a catch-22 situation, which really make me hate your guts. I have the same stance as hydro; i respect you and the skill you have at HoN and in the great job you've done moderating, but your ego on this matter and some others is just beginning to slowly kill any respect i have for you. There is a quote that says: "in order to gain respect, you must first give respect." Which is something i think yu need to do more of Ex.
Are you kidding me? Do you know who you are? You're Shredder. I laugh about you on MSN with a few others. You can hate me all you want. I never had any respect for you, nor have you done anything to deserve any. I wouldn't game with you at gunpoint, hell, I'd rather play with kevin.

Wow that was a serious laugh, man. Seriously. Did you honestly think I gave two shits what you think? :lol:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 25 2009, 4:05 pm by Excalibur.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Oct 25 2009, 3:47 pm ShredderIV Post #535

And this is exactly my case and point. You seem to like making people feel like shit ex, and this is exactly what you've done with me. You have a huge superiority complex about yourself that really makes no sense except for the fact that you're a mod. Do you really think i give two shits about what you think? You talk like you're above me and shit but you know what the truth is ex? I alos laugh about you with my friends. I show them some of your emo posts and they laugh their heads off about some of this shit.

Your post did nothing for me except make me respect you even less.


Oct 25 2009, 4:33 pm Bar Refaeli Post #536

has anyone checked out the new void talisman? they changed it in the new patch.


Oct 25 2009, 4:59 pm Decency Post #537

The easiest solution to the problem that I'm seeing: why do any of you play with Ex?

He's the one that causes all of this drama, and I have no idea why any of you respect him. If you stop playing with him, suddenly everyone else can play together. I really don't care who I'm playing with unless they don't listen, and I haven't played with anyone from SEN who won't at least consider advice.


Oct 25 2009, 5:16 pm ShredderIV Post #538

Quote from name:FaZ-
The easiest solution to the problem that I'm seeing: why do any of you play with Ex?

He's the one that causes all of this drama, and I have no idea why any of you respect him. If you stop playing with him, suddenly everyone else can play together. I really don't care who I'm playing with unless they don't listen, and I haven't played with anyone from SEN who won't at least consider advice.
The reason that comes to mind quickly is that he's good. I'm not gonna lie, even though i've never played with him, I still know he's good just from the advice he's given and sorta from his stats. It gives them a higher chance of winning.

And he's also a fellow member of SEN who is friends with them.


Oct 25 2009, 5:42 pm Forsaken Archer Post #539

I have some qualms with IP's playstyle, which I've outlined before. He's a good player, but I feel he lacks a certain attachment to his team I feel very few others have. To be fair he's not the only one I've seen with such an issue, but when you take someone like Neki who's Jereziah is near perfect and will throw himself infront of three heroes to save his ally, that is something you will not see IP doing. Not that I generally recommend such suicide missions, but Neki knows his place as a support hero. IP plays carries, and I feel we have too many people trying to fill that roll. Even so, a carry still has team obligations BEFORE late game, and in my experience IP didn't really want to acknowledge this. So be it. As for Kow, Kow like any player, has on and off days. Unfortunately his off days are pretty bad, and his good days are only sometimes very good. He lacks consistency but is still a nice guy, I'd just rather a player I can really depend on if I can find one.

Last game you played with me, which was like forever ago, I was playing support heroes at the time.
And the shit you talk about was when I first started playing (even longer ago), usually being madman, and I would buy no starter items, not even runes or hp pots, which is probably the last time we played a bit. I would also go sustainer first on arachna, it's been awhile since I did that. I've greatly evolved since then.
I really want to see if you evolved, because your old play style was "get the kills, fuck everything else", which really doesn't fly when you are playing an int hero. And it is really, really annoying when I say I'm going to go farm a 3x creep wave only for you to tp there while I'm on route and nuke it all, and then turn around and complain how long it takes me to get to carry status, especially when I say 'oh, my lane was pretty brutal, I'm behind'.

Our teamwork has improved greatly over the past month. I'm not sure you'll fit in.
Devilesk may be an asshole, but he'll jump into a kraken whirlpool with me if I'm pinned down and then use sol to get me to safety. During crunch time, he'll play pretty selfless. I've seen him die in order to keep me and neki from dying. He primarily needs to learn to gank / support a gank. If someone's coming to gank, you don't heal / cleave crush a creep wave, you try to let it push as much as possible. You also don't show your presence if it wasn't already there to begin with until enough people are in position to go. Could also help kow with warding sometimes.
And I find Hydro's disconnections have been far less lately. He's generally a good support hero, seems to suck ass as an int (defiler, pyro ;o) but can rock pretty hard as tort.
FTS, I've never seen him disconnect and I'm not sure what you mean by behavior either.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Oct 25 2009, 6:01 pm by isolatedpurity.


Oct 25 2009, 8:33 pm Kow Post #540

Quote from Hydro
Kow needs to pay more attention. If it weren't for the fact that I consider Kow a friend, I would be picking you, Ex, over Kow (such as if there were only one more open slot of my team). But since Kow is overall a great player and will ALWAYS play with us, I DEFINITELY choose Kow over you!

I've gotten better about that :rolleyes:

Quote from IP
Could also help kow with warding sometimes.
Most of my warding is fine, well at least sight warding. I'm pretty hit and miss for invis wards unless we're near a structure of ours. Admittedly, I don't ward as often as I should considering the roles I play, but when I do, I blow as much gold as I can on it and buy out all the wards. Lol, remember back when you could have infinite sight wards? Man that was the best.

And to further elaborate on Hydro's playing: He's great at what he knows, but IMO, isn't familiar enough with all the heroes to not suck with ones that he doesn't know. I'm the same way. I recommend, Hydro, that you go on hon forums and just like read through as many premium guides as possible. Or go to and read through all the heroes that got ported. Generally there's better guides on that site, but they're often out of date (for port changes, etc)

And also: I have to agree with hydro regarding ex. Every time I'm on (even just me, but every time with others too) and you join a 4v4 game with 3 of your friends. "Kow, you can't come. We're full" Make a 5v5 then! I want to play with you ex but you deny me every time. Honestly I don't even know why you're on my friends list since we don't play. I'm pretty sure you haven't been as rude to me as it appears you've been to hydro (honestly I don't remember) but still. You've turned down an offer to play with me neki and IP, a dream team, imo. And what's with all the EM games? Get your friends to play AP and maybe they'll stop sucking like you say they always do. (why would you go around parading that your friends suck anyway? Not very friend-like)

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Oct 25 2009, 8:41 pm by Kow.


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[02:36 pm]
Wing Zero -- Bop em
[02:36 pm]
Wing Zero -- Mods
[2024-5-29. : 9:40 pm]
Ultraviolet -- :wob:
[2024-5-28. : 8:43 am]
TheHappy115 -- Yea, thats the issue. Thanks. It would also explain why my deleted map couldn't get updated. Updated version reduced collision on units (only thing added) since was dodging game (players collide with each other)
[2024-5-28. : 5:26 am]
Ultraviolet -- If so, I'd just focus on getting them on and then you can link to that in the showcase thread for your maps
[2024-5-28. : 5:25 am]
Ultraviolet -- I can't upload my EUD maps, I think the DLDB has some issue with handling them. Are you trying to upload EUD maps?
[2024-5-28. : 2:06 am]
TheHappy115 -- Its been awhile but ever since I requested one of the Maps I posted to be deleted since I couldn't delete it myself (or update it), I haven't been able to upload any more maps. Any reason for that?
[2024-5-26. : 7:14 pm]
Kyradax -- Hi
[2024-5-26. : 5:05 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- :wob:
[2024-5-25. : 9:22 am]
Zycorax -- :wob:
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