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Your weirdest Pet peeves
Oct 15 2007, 10:04 pm
By: MillenniumArmy
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Oct 23 2007, 11:38 pm Syphon Post #61

Quote from FatalException
Quote from Kow
When windows aren't maximized.
It annoys me even more when windows are stretched so they look like they're maximized, but they really aren't.

The sound of ice grinding on ice.
People who chew on ice.

You guys must hate Mac OSes.

Quote from Doodan
Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Those are exactly the same color as mine! :omfg:

However, I only wear them around the house. I don't consider them stylish.



Oct 24 2007, 2:07 am Zycorax Post #62

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

Déjà vus...

Oct 24 2007, 2:25 am Akar Post #63

People that write something... AND IT HAS NO STYLE WHAT SO EVER... and they get a good grade on it..


Oct 24 2007, 2:30 am Kow Post #64

When teachers expect everyone to be able to interperet and WRITE poetry. That line doesn't make sense because I HATE POETRY! God damn woman!


Oct 24 2007, 7:52 am blacklight28 Post #65

Blackboards too....

And I know someone who had his first kiss when he was 18. He was a social outcast.


Oct 24 2007, 8:10 am payne Post #66


Quote from Doodan
- My car radio has a number display for the volume, and I must always have the volume at a multiple of 5. But after someone borrows my car and I find the volume at 28 or something, for some reason I find it really annoying. God, I'm so OCD sometimes. :(
Totally true! :D


I'd also like to add that when I use the microwave, I always add '3' to the total time if seconds can be divided by 10 without having decimals and I add '2' when it's not dividable by '10' without having decimals and when it's dividable by '5'.... :S I'm weird...


Oct 25 2007, 3:19 am Nimitz Post #67

Quote from payne
I'd also like to add that when I use the microwave, I always add '3' to the total time if seconds can be divided by 10 without having decimals and I add '2' when it's not dividable by '10' without having decimals and when it's dividable by '5'.... :S I'm weird...

I hate people with strange habits.


Oct 25 2007, 4:09 am FatalException Post #68

I hate haters.1 :P


Oct 25 2007, 4:13 am GuN_Solar90 Post #69

When I have a click pen thats jammed so the pen is out and I'm not using it. I just NEED to click it again.


Oct 25 2007, 8:51 am Kow Post #70

I hate how I have a really crappy memory. I'll walk into the bathroom, really needing to pee, but I'll get distracted by myself in the mirror and start messing with my hair or getting a zit I may have developed. I then will leave the bathroom and resume what I was doing without peeing.


Oct 26 2007, 4:08 am omginbd Post #71

-Paper rubbing against itself/other papers
-When someone buys a pair of shoes, wears them once, then buys new shoes.
-Marti Gras
-Louisiana (states shouldn't be shaped like anything... ITS NOT RIGHT!!!!)
-Biting ice cream
-When people use so many "smiles" that it takes 3 minst just to load them.
-Many many others


Oct 29 2007, 3:07 pm Kow Post #72

"Where you at?"


Oct 29 2007, 5:07 pm omginbd Post #73

Quote from Kow
"Where you at?"

Got some more:
-American Idol
-English (the class not the nationality)
-French accents
-Laugh tracks
-When a rock band does a soft song


Oct 29 2007, 7:45 pm Fire_Kame Post #74

wth is starcraft

I work at a multi-national corporation known as Starbucks, and when we start our rush, we usually get about 100 people each half hour. Anyways, to prevent coffee from spilling every other second, someone taps the cashier on the shoulder to let them know there is hot coffee right behind them. Anyways, I CAN'T STAND IT when they push me or touch my shoulder too much...or this one guy basically hits my (gently) on the side and its like GRRRR I DIDN'T SAY YOU COULD TOUCH ME.

Same with certain customers. I get 'babydoll' a lot. And its like, did I SAY you could call me baby doll? NO. I DIDN'T. Most girls would be flattered, especially since our guests are usually pretty well known sports stars. Also my boyfriend's roommate decided once it was okay to touch me. *twitch* not inappropriately, but it still pisses me off...and my boyfriend.

In short, DON'T. TOUCH. ME.

Oct 29 2007, 8:02 pm MillenniumArmy Post #75

Quote from -_- Kame -_-
I work at a multi-national corporation known as Starbucks, and when we start our rush, we usually get about 100 people each half hour. Anyways, to prevent coffee from spilling every other second, someone taps the cashier on the shoulder to let them know there is hot coffee right behind them. Anyways, I CAN'T STAND IT when they push me or touch my shoulder too much...or this one guy basically hits my (gently) on the side and its like GRRRR I DIDN'T SAY YOU COULD TOUCH ME.

Same with certain customers. I get 'babydoll' a lot. And its like, did I SAY you could call me baby doll? NO. I DIDN'T. Most girls would be flattered, especially since our guests are usually pretty well known sports stars. Also my boyfriend's roommate decided once it was okay to touch me. *twitch* not inappropriately, but it still pisses me off...and my boyfriend.

In short, DON'T. TOUCH. ME.


Oct 30 2007, 12:40 am Kow Post #76

Quote from -_- Kame -_-
I work at a multi-national corporation known as Starbucks, and when we start our rush, we usually get about 100 people each half hour. Anyways, to prevent coffee from spilling every other second, someone taps the cashier on the shoulder to let them know there is hot coffee right behind them. Anyways, I CAN'T STAND IT when they push me or touch my shoulder too much...or this one guy basically hits my (gently) on the side and its like GRRRR I DIDN'T SAY YOU COULD TOUCH ME.

Same with certain customers. I get 'babydoll' a lot. And its like, did I SAY you could call me baby doll? NO. I DIDN'T. Most girls would be flattered, especially since our guests are usually pretty well known sports stars. Also my boyfriend's roommate decided once it was okay to touch me. *twitch* not inappropriately, but it still pisses me off...and my boyfriend.

In short, DON'T. TOUCH. ME.
Baby doll. :P

When people use ellipsis (...) a lot, and when they do more than three.


Oct 31 2007, 1:21 am omginbd Post #77

Quote from Kow
When people use ellipsis (...) a lot, and when they do more than three.
Haha that only bugs me when it doesn't need a long pause.

I.E. long pause= ........
short pause= ...


Oct 31 2007, 3:33 am Kow Post #78

... implies pause. Any longer and it's gratuitous and annoying. >.>

Also: Short pause: ,
Long pause: ...


Nov 1 2007, 11:07 pm Symmetry Post #79

Dungeon Master

You forgot the one in the middle: ;.

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Nov 3 2007, 3:43 am FatalException Post #80

Being in photos. Having pictures taken of me. People (girls) trying to get pictures with me. I DON'T WANT MY PICTURE TAKEN, GET OVER IT. :/


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[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
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Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
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Vrael -- well after some quick merriam-webstering (suck it Oxford) I think I used it right but if anyone thinks I used it wrong thats not my hill to die on
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Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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