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SEN Mafia XIII: Tough Luck
Jun 29 2009, 2:45 pm
By: JaFF
Pages: < 1 « 29 30 31 32 3337 >

Jul 24 2009, 12:59 am Ashamed Post #601

Hear me Raor!!

yeah guys, all clues that he gave us can't be true, and if they are we dont have enough to say they are true, Of course he knows he is going to die, so he is going to try to make us as confused as possable before he does die.


Jul 24 2009, 1:02 am MadZombie Post #602

I know this is stupid but when talking about bronto eh could be either a mafia defending himself and misleading votes onto townies, or a townie defending himself, Or some lulzing troll with a lot of mindfuck planned.

Just sayin. Oh and I vote for Brontobyte lols.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 24 2009, 1:17 am by MadZombie.


Jul 24 2009, 1:29 am BlueWolf Post #603


I was grouped with:

Er... how come I didn't know I was grouped with you and/or Lethal? You fail at lying. I vote Brontobyte


Jul 24 2009, 1:43 pm Zycorax Post #604

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

I vote Brontobyte

Jul 24 2009, 2:32 pm Dapperdan Post #605

I wrote that poem from today's day post. Just a BTW.


Jul 24 2009, 3:47 pm MadZombie Post #606

Quote from Dapperdan
I wrote that poem from today's day post. Just a BTW.
as JaFF said/hinted.


Jul 24 2009, 4:08 pm Dapperdan Post #607

Quote from MadZombie
Quote from Dapperdan
I wrote that poem from today's day post. Just a BTW.
as JaFF said/hinted.

O yeah. I saw that post earlier. Then when reading through again i didn't see it. Whatever.


Jul 24 2009, 5:01 pm Brontobyte Post #608

Okay, you got me? I don't think that I will stick around for the end of this game so here's who I hit:
Ultimo and WoAHorde. Unlike the rest of my team, I just hit at random and I didn't try to get anyone special. :D



Jul 24 2009, 5:56 pm lil-Inferno Post #609

Just here for the pie

Quote from Brontobyte
Okay, you got me?
Yeah, you basically gave it away with that lie...

Jul 24 2009, 8:09 pm Brontobyte Post #610

Quote from lil-Inferno
Quote from Brontobyte
Okay, you got me?
Yeah, you basically gave it away with that lie...

Yeah, because NerdyTerdy's clue interpretation could havee been anyone else but me...


Jul 24 2009, 8:23 pm FlyingHat Post #611

Why am I not de- I vote Bronto.


Jul 24 2009, 10:42 pm JaFF Post #612

Night Day will start tomorrow. Form groups and make other arrangements faster, if you wish to do any of that.


Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 24 2009, 11:24 pm by JaFF.


Jul 24 2009, 10:51 pm Brontobyte Post #613

Quote from JaFF
Day will start tomorrow. Form groups and make other arrangements faster, if you wish to do any of that.

Don't listen to him. Take your time... lol :bleh:


Jul 25 2009, 12:48 am Neki Post #614

No one special? You got rid of my master clue work and a detective. :P


Jul 25 2009, 1:16 am Brontobyte Post #615

Quote from name:Ultimo
No one special? You got rid of my master clue work and a detective. :P

It was painfully obvious that it was me who killed you. I believe that NerdyTerdy discovered all of the clues properly in that paragraph. They were all directly towards me. It took him a day to connect the dots. Nobody else should take credit for it.


Jul 25 2009, 1:31 am ForTheSwarm Post #616

Lulz Brontobyte got owned.

I vote Brontobyte.


Jul 25 2009, 9:58 am JaFF Post #617

Night will start within a couple of hours.


Jul 25 2009, 12:05 pm JaFF Post #618

Voter : Lynch candidate

Kaias : Brontobyte
lil-Inferno : Brontobyte
Lethal_Illusion : Brontobyte
Ashamed : Brontobyte
NerdyTerdy (1st) : Brontobyte
NerdyTerdy (2nd) : Brontobyte
Norm : Brontobyte
MadZombie : Brontobyte
BluEditor : Brontobyte
Zycorax : Brontobyte
FlyingHat : Brontobyte
ForTheSwarm : Brontobyte

11 of 21 players voted.
Mayor used 2 of 2 votes.

All who attempted bringing clues against the mafia to light have died so far; all but the mayor himself. Coldly and confidently, he presented his case against Brontobyte after the suspect has been detained and tied up. The town was shocked by his shameless confession and lack of guilt for the awful murders he committed, "Your ideas are pathetic. I've lived for the mob, I'll die for it!", he said. The mayor looked into his eyes, searching for anything humane, but found only blind hatered. Brontobyte seemed to him like a brainwashed follower of some terrifying regime. "Oh, are you going to get angry now? You can't scare me, you worthless worm. I am above you; I am above all of you!" said the mafia. NerdyTerdy calmly went to his office and returned with a blood-stained baseball bat. "Recognize this? It's the bat you killed Ultimo with." The ruthless leader of the town approaches his victim and beats him to death. Brontobyte dies just like his victim - in horrible pain.

* Night 3 Start *
Now that you've had a taste of the clues you will be getting, I suggest you start really analyzing them if you want to win.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 25 2009, 12:51 pm by JaFF.


Jul 25 2009, 12:37 pm Devourer Post #619


YAY Good Job.

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Jul 25 2009, 12:47 pm ForTheSwarm Post #620

I am bove you; I am above all of you!"

bove = above?

Finally, the town has a chance of winning!


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[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- no one seems to have properly cracked the puzzle of breaking habits have they
[04:59 pm]
Oh_Man -- In Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky. - I gotta read this ultra, it sounds interesting
[04:38 pm]
[04:33 pm]
Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
[04:17 pm]
Vrael -- well after some quick merriam-webstering (suck it Oxford) I think I used it right but if anyone thinks I used it wrong thats not my hill to die on
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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