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Temple Siege v1
Jul 10 2008, 8:31 am
By: ClansAreForGays
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May 27 2009, 12:48 am FlashBeer Post #1981

Throughout many years of his life, one professor was constantly mocked and insulted for having ideas that were too impractical or just too beyond the realm of the possible to work. Soon after graduating at a university, the professor joined Aeon industries, which manufactured technologically advanced weaponry. However, an opposing business known as OpTech Corperations, created similar technology which emulated many of the weapon ideas. One man in particular that was working for OpTech Corp was the professor's rival, for he too was working on a vehicle that transforms. The military seemed to favor the rival's weapon over the professor's.
The professor had to have his weapon selected, he needed to make a name for himself so that everyone may realize the genius that he is— by any means necessary. The professor arranged for a secret meeting between himself and his rival.
The professor murdered his rival and left no trace. No investigation ever took place because the body was never found.
The military eventually figured that's OpTech's project was abandoned and decided to go with the professor's.
It was now time for the professor to show off his life's work, his grand creation.
The destination was a remote military base on a small island.
As the plane was steered over a strange island with two temples, the plane lost all control and immediately crashed.
The professor's dead body lied within his beloved machine.
After a moment of silence, the system started up.
Pistons drove, gears were grinding, hydrolyics slammed, metal was twisting, bending and contorting.
Immense heat steamed the air completely as the machine calmed down.
A new form was created, an unrecognizable one from before, it had become a Mech.
The artificial program encoded into the Mech's software shows sequences that are similar to the professor's thought patterns, as if he had become the machine.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 27 2009, 3:37 am by FlashBeer.


May 27 2009, 12:50 am ShredderIV Post #1982

Sry, maybe I shuda been clearer. It wasn't the meteorite that was alive but the temple that brought it to life. And your lm story is mad good yo.


May 27 2009, 3:32 am FlashBeer Post #1983

Summoner's Ascension

I have a wretched secret.
I lead a twisted life.
I worship the one called Satan,
and he answered back.

You ask anyone about me, and they may tell you that I'm a great guy. They may go as far to say that I'm the nicest guy they met. But all of that is an illusion, a facade; it's purely for appearance's sake. Of course, not everybody likes lawyers.

I have a power like no other...

The power to control demons— well, Goblins to be precise.

I will never forget that blessed day, the day my life forever changed.
Well, for months I have working on a case, a losing case. Evidence was piling up that my client had murdered wife. Get this, this guy 'The Bloodluster" killed his four of his previous wives and two of his girlfriends, and supposedly drank their blood. This guy was so clean, noone could lay a finger on him— but he finally slipped up. If I lost this case and word got out I was defending this nutcase, my reputation would be shattered.
So I prayed, as a faithful servant, I even offered my life in exchange.
I would give anything to win this case, even if it meant my soul.

On that day I was driving home from the courthouse. It was raining like a madman.
I was frustrated about the case, I could lose at any moment.
The coffee I was drinking was extremely hot; It had spilled on my hand, so I slammed on the brakes.

He must have been watching out for me.

A large truck came crashing from the oncoming traffic and smashed the car in front of me to bits.
I slowly stepped out of my car.
A robber came dashing from the museum next to me.
He was carrying an arm-full of stolen items.
The dumbass tripped on the sidewalk in front of me and a small amulet slid to my feet.
Needless to say, he was caught immediately. Who knows how long he will spend in prision.
Anyway, I pick up the thing and hear a screech— it was the freakiest sound I ever heard.

The next day at work, I opened the door to the courtroom and find the judge and most of the jury dead. The whole place was a friggen' bloody mess, I mean streaks of blood up the wall and dripping from the ceiling.

That wasn't even the scariest part.
As I stood in the corner of the room, these holes opened up on the walls and floor everywhere.
They were swirling dark tunnels that connected to an abyss, and out crawled these treacherous monsters.
Everyone in that room was torn apart in front of my eyes.
I dropped to my knees as they approached me.
All 5 or them halted and bowed their heads.
That's when I knew...
I had been chosen by the Devil himself.

I could kill anyone in my way, and I did.
If I had a list of people to kill, they would have already been taken care of.
I no longer had a purpose to stay and here and live this mundane life.
I packed everything I needed in a small suitcase and left to find the temple where this amulet was originated.
What more power could possibly await?

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on May 27 2009, 3:43 am by FlashBeer.


May 27 2009, 3:43 am Jack Post #1984

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Shredders assassin idea is good as it explains why he never changes. Like no new technology comes to help him cos he isnt supported by anyone,and maybe he is like a robot type thing. Maybe bio-organic AI?
I'll make a little story here now in fact.

The child bestowed a form of intelligence upon the temples, to help them control their powerful defences. So powerful where the artificial intelligences that, when the first outsiders appeared, the temples realised that their defences, while powerful, would not be enough to protect them alone. One temple decided to remedy this by creating a techno-organic creature. Shaded by powerful cloaking devices, and with a Null Sword of immense power, the Assassin was a mighty creation indeed. Imbued with the power and intelligence of the temple, it was even able to teleport from the surroundings back to the temple!

The other temple took a different approach to its defence. One night it saw a fallen star, and decided to create something powerful to protect itself. INSERT MECH STORY HERE FROM PREVIOUS POST.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

May 27 2009, 4:21 pm UnholyUrine Post #1985

@Shredder .. ty :P..

@Flashbeer .. I liked parts of your Mech story, but I like Shredder's idea where the machine gained the ability to transform due to the Temples.
.. And I don't see any reason to have a connection between the summoner and a lawyer :P... Altho the part that really struck me as awesome is that it was the Devil's Jewelery that gave him this power...
.. U guys have awesome stories.. but I'd have to cut them down so it can fit inside the game somehow XD.. U guys made me go overboard with the LM too XD...


May 27 2009, 4:45 pm Pigy_G Post #1986

Okay guys seriously? Cut the crap with the friggin storyline no one cares about and fix the damn game, there's still tons of imbalances and glitchs out there and you're prancing around making up biographys for characters that dont even have a real friggin name.


May 27 2009, 5:19 pm UnholyUrine Post #1987

Go play V1.5 d4
Seriously, both YOU and FAZ- need to read BOTH v1.5 and this thread before posting sm crap like this. I worked hard on v1.5, and I am very happy with the results... Go play it before you bitch at me
Why would we "cut the Crap"? I have worked on v1.5 and produced D4. Neither you or Faz- has commented on it, and I doubt you have played it. And FYI, if you're complaining about M6, then your complaints are not relevant.. as I was the one who started this story thing, and Moose has nothing to do with it. Also, this is still the same game. The story fits for the game as a whole, and it is most relevant to put it at the original post.

Furthermore, I will not stop even if you want me to stop, as I believe this is important for this game... As you stated, there isn't even Names for the characters ... :( .. I want to personify the game to make it more attractive. This is a creative endeavour that has to happen for this map to bring it to the next level. If u wish not to contribute or think this is total bullsh*t (which u probly do).. Go play v1.5 d4 and complain about Everything you can so I can fix and release a final ver asap.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 27 2009, 5:31 pm by UnholyUrine.


May 27 2009, 5:35 pm UnholyUrine Post #1988

Then you have no Fucking right to complain.
What's to point of me fixing my map if you're not gonna play it any way?
I thought I made it clear that v1.5 is a fucking BETA version. It was meant to have tons of bugs and stuffs because I was never done with it, and it was only a progress map... an Experimental map if you like.
Should've named it Alpha...

This d4 one right now is a LOT better.

Remember who made the game in the first place.
Plus, go read the Changelist if you don't want to try. It has been updated.


May 27 2009, 6:02 pm FlashBeer Post #1989

Quote from UnholyUrine
@Flashbeer .. I liked parts of your Mech story, but I like Shredder's idea where the machine gained the ability to transform due to the Temples.

Well, the Mech in my story was immediately affected by the temples when he crashed. People melding with machines isn't exactly an everyday thing.

Quote from UnholyUrine
.. And I don't see any reason to have a connection between the summoner and a lawyer :P...

It was just to add depth and character to him. If summoner was once a normal human given this power, I viewed him as being something like a lawyer- kinda evil/manipulative.

If you couldn't tell before, I just like making stories. So they just end up being long.


May 27 2009, 6:16 pm Moose Post #1990

We live in a society.

Quote from UnholyUrine
@moose: Technically, it is for Temple Siege as a whole. I'm suprised you don't want any part of this. :\ ... it's a creative process
I can understand having a creative process, but backstories will further limit my flexibility in balancing and evolving characters because they must conform to them. I'll pass. That's even more restricting than predefined "niches".

Plus, some of our heroes don't even match up anymore, such as Assault/Special Ops.

Quote from UnholyUrine
I think maybe you should fix the gameplay before you add a story that no one is going to read.
I think maybe you should read the v1.5 thread sometimes before saying dumb things like that.
Quote from UnholyUrine
Go play V1.5 d4
Seriously, both YOU and FAZ- need to read BOTH v1.5 and this thread before posting sm crap like this. I worked hard on v1.5, and I am very happy with the results... Go play it before you bitch at me
Why would we "cut the Crap"? I have worked on v1.5 and produced D4. Neither you or Faz- has commented on it, and I doubt you have played it.

Go play v1.5 d4 and complain about Everything you can so I can fix and release a final ver asap.
I can see that you're getting angry. I did suggest that you post in the 1.5 thread for a reason.

But anyway, I'm at the point where I feel that a new thread should be opened when I get around to finishing M7. ;o

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 27 2009, 6:23 pm by Mini Moose 2707.

May 27 2009, 6:31 pm UnholyUrine Post #1991

I can understand having a creative process, but backstories will further limit my flexibility in balancing and evolving characters because they must conform to them. I'll pass. That's even more restricting than predefined "niches".

Plus, some of our heroes don't even match up anymore, such as Assault/Special Ops.
Okay.. I guess you have a point :O... but... the stories really shouldn't restrict you.. Right now, we're simply brainstorming.. none of it is solid :P... Just trying to have a little fun an creative session... I'm unhappy to see only Shredder and Zany and Flashbeer contributing tho :(.. I guess many people have better things to do :stfu:

and lol, i know about the assault/special ops thing XD... it'll somehow have to work.
and yeah, I got angry, because I really did work hard on D4.. but people didn't even notice it because of the initial v1.5... Srsly, if I knew you guys would be so sensitive, I would have waited.. but I had you guys PM'ing me to hurry and all that stuff :crazy: ... and I'm just a procastinator like any of you.

EDIT: @Flashbeer ... I c the connection with the lawyer now :P... evil and manipulative.. just like every lawyer in this world.. :lol:
EDIT: @ moose .. feel free to change the chars man :\ .. your vers are seperate from mine :(


May 27 2009, 7:48 pm ShredderIV Post #1992

Pigy, you flame on these posts multiple times, just stop.

Also, i've been thinking moose, do you have any plans about adding other heroes like unholy did in 1.5? I think it would also help to make a bigger distinction between the two versions.

Also, could you take out the cooldon for mutants l4? I find it dumb that he can't use it right after, especially since it IS his l4, so it's not like he can spam it that much. There's also not a cooldown on most of the other heroes l4's such as assassin or warrior. You can even reduce his damage to make up for it but please take out the cooldown.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 28 2009, 2:35 am by ShredderIV.


May 28 2009, 7:19 pm FlashBeer Post #1993

The Man and the Mutant

I don't know who I am anymore.
I can't quite think straight.
I can feel the last pieces of humanity drifting away from me.

However, I still remember enough to tell you this story.
There was once a man living in a time of strife.
He was sick of the fighting and famine in his village.
The man led the villagers in a search to find new resources and new land.
Only a single child was left behind, the one that would build a magnificent temple.

Eventually, after becoming delusional from hunger, the man wandered away from the group.
The man circled the barren lands and found nothing.
It didn't take long for the man to collapse from hunger.
The man was nearly unconscious when he saw a wolf standing in front of him.
"Are you ready to die?" the wolf spoke.
The man shook his head.
"What if I could take away your hunger, take away your wounds, and give you a family?"
"Would you accept it?"
The man whispered "Yes"
"Then I will be your family" the wolf said.
The wolf bit the man's neck and spilled his blood.

The man woke up and saw nothing around him.
There was no wolf nor any blood.
But he felt a burning fire in his heart.
The man then noticed a razor sharp claw hanging over his shoulder from something behind him.
He reached his hand toward his back and then realized...
the claw was coming from him.
In an instant, several more claws tore through the man's flesh as he cried out in agony.
He could feel his bones breaking and his organs bruising.
The man heard a familiar voice calling to him.
"This power is now yours as it is mine, for we are now one."

The creature spiraled out of control and hunted down many villagers, and became a symbol of evil.
He spotted another temple, or perhaps the same one.
The creature leaped at a single boy that was working on the temple.
The child merely looked at the creature and the creature vanished.
The creature sat imprisoned in a dark abyss for a hundred years.

Then a man of goblins came to this land— a summoner.
He called me forth and broke me from this prison.
"You will obey me" he demanded.
He immediately instructed me to kill someone who opposed him.
I don't know whether to be grateful or to dispose of this arrogant fool.

My mind feels torn in two. The voice keeps telling me one thing— KILL!


May 28 2009, 7:29 pm xYoshix Post #1994

I'd love to see a new Temple Siege with completely new heroes and terrain, but with a similar feel. :O

And has anyone noticed were on page 100? :O (when it seperates by 20 posts/page)
And 6 away from 2000 o.O


May 28 2009, 9:04 pm ClansAreForGays Post #1995

Quote from UnholyUrine
.. U guys have awesome stories..
All my faith in you is gone.

May 28 2009, 10:21 pm ShredderIV Post #1996

Well, CAFG did say that he wanted to make his own temple siege.... It would be pretty cool and would defenitely give more variety.


May 28 2009, 11:44 pm killer_sss Post #1997

Quote from UnholyUrine
I can understand having a creative process, but backstories will further limit my flexibility in balancing and evolving characters because they must conform to them. I'll pass. That's even more restricting than predefined "niches".

Plus, some of our heroes don't even match up anymore, such as Assault/Special Ops.
Okay.. I guess you have a point :O... but... the stories really shouldn't restrict you.. Right now, we're simply brainstorming.. none of it is solid :P... Just trying to have a little fun an creative session... I'm unhappy to see only Shredder and Zany and Flashbeer contributing tho :(.. I guess many people have better things to do :stfu:

personally i don't see the point to creating stories. It is one thing to do a pre story for a map your making or have recently released. It is completely different to release stories after a game has evolved and changed so much.

Personally each character's niche was more than enough of a story and it really does restrict the game and developement especially when you won't even attempt to go out side certain areas { Medic still quite linear either battle or full heal. Mana useful but still not enough to define another build }.

The stories aren't restrictive for now, but had they been completed at time of creation i'm quite sure they would define each hero's niche even more than is currently.

Creativity is nice and i see a purpose, but you thinking this will somehow elevate temple siege to a new level, i just can't see it. Gameplay is what elevates games. Yes stories are great and they do provide an element to a game, but it is the gameplay that is the true difference between games. For Rpgs though it can be almost 50/50, but the rest it is not as necessary.

this is why i will continue to focus more on testing/playing the actual game than "being creative". Btw keep up the good work 1.5 is coming along great just try not to kill the lurk :} plz.


May 29 2009, 12:24 am UnholyUrine Post #1998

For Rpgs though it can be almost 50/50

@Cafg .. it's called Encouragement =D


May 29 2009, 1:05 am ShredderIV Post #1999

@CAFG for a person who says he wants to focus on gameplay testing more, and also at everyone else who says we shud just Focus on balancing, it's kinda ironic that my last 2 posts with suggestions have been completely ignored even though they have to do with balancing and gameplay... Just saying it's not like all we're doing is making the story, that's just what YOU guys decide to focus on. If you don't care about the stories then just don't post on the stories... And also, creating more specific niches for characters doesn't necessarily resrict the gameplay editing, you could easily just change the story slightly if you need to. And if you read a lot of flash's stories, they all just basically keep the same niche that was already defined so it's not like it's restricting gameplay ne more than it is already restricted...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 29 2009, 1:12 am by ShredderIV.


May 29 2009, 4:26 am FlashBeer Post #2000

I don't see why people make such a big deal about the stories being pointless...
It's still entertaining to read, and I like to make stories.

Not that anyone cares- but we are now at 2000 posts!

I wanted to make my own Temple Siege too, but for some reason, everyone other than me that plays it, even if they host it, crash immediately. So I just kinda dropped the whole thing. I had a bunch of spell ideas and new character themes.


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[2024-6-02. : 4:58 am]
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