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Shared HP + Unit selection (EUD)
Mar 31 2009, 5:36 am
By: rockz  

Mar 31 2009, 5:36 am rockz Post #1

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

So I've been planning to do this for a while, but I never got around to it. Exactly what is this? A system for 4 units to fight, each with the same HP, and it's not VHP. It works a lot like the Shared Resources map, but with death counts which set hp to a certain percentage. Improvements: Revamp the system to only set hp for everyone once you switch weapons. Right now if you get hit for .5, it's rounded up to 1. An unintentional side-effect of this is the prevention of zerg regeneration.

The second part of this is the unit selection. EUD Futbol I believe uses this, and it's indeed multiplayer. Unfortunately, it's not instantaneous, and you will notice about a 10 frame delay when switching. If you want to make it single player, there's a much better address to use.

The virtue of multiplayer is so you can have coop play, or deathmatches.

I know some of you may have been looking for a way to share HP. Well here it is :). Note that you can only heal in 1% increments, so you can only SHARE in 1% increments.


Also, while this could go in the map showcase, I felt it was better to leave here.

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Mar 31 2009, 8:34 pm Morphling Post #2

Very nice, but why is there a delay of about a second?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 31 2009, 9:59 pm by Morphling.


Mar 31 2009, 8:35 pm Demented Shaman Post #3

I made a concept map that had this. You could switch between firebat, marine, and ghost and they would all have shared hp and could heal. It also had attack detection with an ammo system as well as right click on a unit detection for entering buildings.

A few people saw it before the most recent patch killed it.


Mar 31 2009, 9:32 pm rockz Post #4

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

Quote from Morphling
Very nice, but why is there a delay of about a second.
Where is your question? They are typically designated by a certain punctuation mark.

Just kidding. To reduce the total response time of this 10 year old game, I assume they limit some values in memory to update on a delay. That is why. As I said, single player can use a non shared value and achieve much faster weapon switching. I'm looking into a way to use that as well, which will play the wav before the unit is actually switched (and wavs are client side, so no desync), but unfortunately, I think the only way to achieve this is via waits and some tricky DCs.

Also devilesk, I was planning on making the SCV a chainsaw (as you can tell by the sound), and when it attacks, it would play the attack wav from doom. Just didn't bother with it yet, since the only good trigger editor out there doesn't support EUDs. The only efficient way to do these things is to hex edit it. I really hope SI adds compatibility to trigedit.

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Apr 1 2009, 9:11 pm Pyro682 Post #5

Quote from name:Barack Obama
I made a concept map that had this. You could switch between firebat, marine, and ghost and they would all have shared hp and could heal. It also had attack detection with an ammo system as well as right click on a unit detection for entering buildings.

A few people saw it before the most recent patch killed it.

Hey, I was wondering if I can see this map? I'd really like to see the triggers.


Apr 1 2009, 9:14 pm Symmetry Post #6

Dungeon Master

Quote from Pyro682
Quote from name:Barack Obama
I made a concept map that had this. You could switch between firebat, marine, and ghost and they would all have shared hp and could heal. It also had attack detection with an ammo system as well as right click on a unit detection for entering buildings.

A few people saw it before the most recent patch killed it.

Hey, I was wondering if I can see this map? I'd really like to see the triggers.

You're gonna have to downgrade if you want to actually play it.

Hits: 31 Size: 58.63kb

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Apr 1 2009, 9:26 pm rockz Post #7

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

I find it lulzy we both used terran marker for the HP tracker.

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Apr 1 2009, 9:27 pm Pyro682 Post #8

Thanks, but I just wanted to look at the triggers themselves. Didn't really want to play it.


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