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By: poiuy_qwert
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Sep 22 2008, 9:12 pm Hercanic Post #101

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Dear Poiuy Qwert:
Quote from poiuy_qwert
I don't think its that confusing currently anyway. Just install python and its exactly like the *.pyw's are exe's (except to run them through command line it would be "python Py*.pyw -options" instead of just "Py*.pyw -options").
Well, the need for an outside program was never clear. Thus the confusion.

Reading over your first post and here to make sure I didn't overlook anything, the only mention of Python I found is that PyMS uses it, not that PyMS requires it to run. Maybe those familiar with Python would automatically know you need it to run applications made with it, but I'm certainly not familiar with Python. No ReadMe provided, either. Without basic setup instructions provided at the forefront, you've accidentally ramped up your program's barrier to entry, and as such could be losing out on a number of testers.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Sep 22 2008, 10:01 pm by Hercanic.

Sep 22 2008, 10:28 pm poiuy_qwert Post #102

PyMS and ProTRG developer

I see. I'll update the first post to make it more clear. As to your edit:
You're right, I don't supply a readme.txt, but I would have thought that once you noticed its not there, the next logical step is to check the Docs folder, and once there intro.html seems like an obvious choice too.

Oct 1 2008, 12:06 am Sand Wraith Post #103


Do you think that with enough this might eventually replace our current modding tools?

Just curious.


Just noticed that it gives weapon ranges in pixels (I think; based on a picture).
If it is actually measured in pixels, then that is just sick. Would SC round pixel values to the matrices?

Oct 1 2008, 2:47 am poiuy_qwert Post #104

PyMS and ProTRG developer

No idea, all i know is they replaced the current tools for me.

And the weapon range is the same as DatEdit, unless i don't know what you mean.

Edit: Oh you are talking about whats in the tooltip in the screenshot? No, thats the "Y Offset" tooltip, which is not the range.

Edit2: Ooh, or did you mean how the ATS Laser Battery (21) has a max range of 192 instead of 12? Either that was a bug in 1.3 that has been fixed (PyDAT is at 1.6 now), or I had changed the value myself.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 1 2008, 2:52 am by poiuy_qwert.

Oct 1 2008, 3:07 am Hercanic Post #105

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Dear Poiuy Qwert:
Quote from "poiuy_qwert"
I would have thought that once you noticed its not there, the next logical step is to check the Docs folder, and once there intro.html seems like an obvious choice too.
Whenever testing your own creations, or that of someone else's, abandon all assumptions. If I really put my brain to it and read through everything, I'd have probably figured it out. I don't do that, intentionally, on anything I'm giving feedback on. I put myself in a basic, unassuming state of mind to mimic the average person, as a means of really feeling out the user-friendliness of something. Long ago, I once said this, in so many words, to DarkWizzard, and he later told me it really helped him with designing user-friendliness.

Now, you could simply create a shortcut to intro.html in the main folder. However, since installation is so essential, it really should be the only thing to concern the user with at first. Intro.html has a lot of extra stuff, "Changes" being your first category, burying those crucial instructions and making their location less obvious. This program requires unusual preparations, so the user needs to be made well-aware of that. I'd suggest separating the setup instructions and putting them on prominent display out front, in the main folder, with a to-the-point name.

Oct 1 2008, 5:28 am poiuy_qwert Post #106

PyMS and ProTRG developer

I don't think an average person would ignore the Docs folder when looking for a readme or install instructions. Also, the actual first thing in Intro.html is the description with a table of contents, which lists Installation (Changes is an important part of docs, you upgrade more then you install).
Thanks for your advice, but I don't think its necessary.

Oct 1 2008, 6:01 am Hercanic Post #107

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Dear Poiuy Qwert:
You are assuming people think like you, that they will make the same 'logical' conclusions you have. I can assure you, in unwavering, literal fact, that that is not true. Teach kids sometime, and you'll experience firsthand the drastically different modes of thinking and approaches that can exist.

Also consider, how difficult would my suggestion really be to execute? A right-click drag -> create shortcut, or a separate document with just the copied & pasted install instructions saved in the main folder? This is your project, I respect your decision, but do you really feel I am so wrong on this point that any accommodations, no matter how small, are entirely unnecessary?

Oct 1 2008, 6:11 am poiuy_qwert Post #108

PyMS and ProTRG developer

I don't want to clutter up the main folder, and I want to keep documentation in a central area (specifically in the form i have it), and i find you wrong enough not to change it. Also, I'm fairly certain windows shortcuts don't work on Macs or Linux. If enough people are complain enough, they might annoy me into doing it, but until then I'm fine with the way it is.

Oct 7 2008, 1:45 am poiuy_qwert Post #109

PyMS and ProTRG developer

I just uploaded a new release of PyMS, containing many fixes and new features. I highly recommend upgrading. Check the main post or follow the links in my sig.

Oct 9 2008, 2:43 am SubFocus Post #110

I'll download this and use it tonight when I work on my mod


Oct 9 2008, 8:26 pm poiuy_qwert Post #111

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Thanks for the support! Ask any questions or give comments/ideas/bugs if you have em, im glad to help. Good luck with your mod!

Oct 9 2008, 11:43 pm Devourer Post #112


all modding tools in one, and it is even more powerful i think.... :)
nice work.... damn i also want to learn how to program programs :l

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Oct 14 2008, 1:24 am poiuy_qwert Post #113

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Ok BIG news! I have successfully compiled all the programs into windows EXE's! Windows users are no longer required to install Python, just download PyMS and run it!

Download Here!

Edit: In my thanksgiving haste i forgot to include unitdef.txt, and didn't notice PyICE did not work. I just uploaded the fixed zip, so if you are one of the 7 that downloaded the other version you should update.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 14 2008, 9:18 pm by poiuy_qwert.

Oct 18 2008, 2:05 am FlyingHat Post #114



I really do wish I had caught onto this earlier.


Oct 19 2008, 8:21 pm poiuy_qwert Post #115

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Well im glad you like it :)

And i'm right here! *cuddles FlyingHat*

Oct 28 2008, 5:04 am Hercanic Post #116

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Dear Poiuy Qwert:
Are you open to suggestions, or just bug reports?

Oct 28 2008, 2:21 pm poiuy_qwert Post #117

PyMS and ProTRG developer

I am very open to suggestions, in fact I would really love some.

Nov 4 2008, 7:04 am Hercanic Post #118

STF mod creator, admin, staff

It would be really awesome if there was an intermediary editing program between the likes of ICE and IceCC. IceCC is intimidating, but safe. ICE is user-friendly and has a number of helpful reference features (graphic and sound preview, opcode dropdown list, StarEdit trigger format), but causes nasty file corruption.

Naturally, what DatEdit was to Arsenal, something to ICE would be equally grand. However, in the interest of not asking for the moon, how about something a bit simpler: A program that can open the extracted *.txt and provides a Notepad-like editing environment with need-matched enhancements.

Features could include a color-coded structure like your other program environments, opcode list with attached descriptions (tooltips) for quick reference and insertion, maybe even an interpretive input system where as you type it tries to fill in the rest based on the closest match (you can continue typing if it’s incorrect, but otherwise hitting enter with confirm the suggestion).

Once the opcode is identified, the program could then automatically provide the parameter fields the opcode requires to function correctly. Parameters could then be quickly changed with a click-and-type insert function. Such user-friendliness would cut down on a lot of human-error and silly typos or forgotten values.

The program would work with and save as *.txt files, so the .bin is never directly modified.

Nov 4 2008, 7:28 pm poiuy_qwert Post #119

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Quote from Hercanic
It would be really awesome if there was an intermediary editing program between the likes of ICE and IceCC. IceCC is intimidating, but safe. ICE is user-friendly and has a number of helpful reference features (graphic and sound preview, opcode dropdown list, StarEdit trigger format), but causes nasty file corruption.

I never intended to add support for anything other then scripted iscripts, but its possible I might add a classic trig edit type feature into PyICE, since I already plan to do it for PyTRG. I'm also already planning on having an iscript previewer, not just a graphics previewer (use PyGRP for that), which will run parts of scripts and let you change things like burrow/powerup/liftoff settings.

Quote from Hercanic
Naturally, what DatEdit was to Arsenal, something to ICE would be equally grand. However, in the interest of not asking for the moon, how about something a bit simpler: A program that can open the extracted *.txt and provides a Notepad-like editing environment with need-matched enhancements.
The program would work with and save as *.txt files, so the .bin is never directly modified.

PyICE can easily do that, thats what the Export and Import is for. You can select your scripts in the main window, then either edit them in the built in script editor, or export them to a txt file. You can also import and export inside the internal script editor to include all the extra features it comes with, then compile them into the bin whenever you want.

Quote from Hercanic
Features could include a color-coded structure like your other program environments, opcode list with attached descriptions (tooltips) for quick reference and insertion, maybe even an interpretive input system where as you type it tries to fill in the rest based on the closest match (you can continue typing if it’s incorrect, but otherwise hitting enter with confirm the suggestion).

PyICE has syntax highlighting, a reference generator (actually now that I think about it I may not have put a toolbar button for this, i'll have to check), very informative tooltips, and tab-completion (type the first part of a command/keyword and hit tab to cycle through matches).

Quote from Hercanic
Once the opcode is identified, the program could then automatically provide the parameter fields the opcode requires to function correctly. Parameters could then be quickly changed with a click-and-type insert function. Such user-friendliness would cut down on a lot of human-error and silly typos or forgotten values.

The tooltips list the command and paramaters, a description of the command, and then a list of descriptions for all the parameter types. There is also an easy code testing button which gives helpfull errors/warnings to correct your code.

Nov 7 2008, 9:01 pm Hercanic Post #120

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Dear PoiuyQwert:
I completely missed the Iscript Editor in PyICE. It has a lot of what I described in my suggestion. You must be psychic, or a time-traveller. =oP

In the Iscript Editor, if I double-click on any field, then try to right-click on it, sometimes the scrollbar wigs out and jumps somewhere different. It seems to return to wherever my cursor had been previously, or something of that nature.

There is an untapped potential to creating a whole suite of modding applications. It is the ability to tie them all together into a cohesive system with the ability to jump across to relevant areas fluidly. If I’m editing the Siege Tank in the Dat editor, the ability to jump to its Iscript, TBL string, or *.LO to edit it would be phenomenal.

"PyMPQ" would be a visual hub program where all other Py applications can be accessed. From PyMPQ, you could open your mod’s MPQ, and then any subset Py program you open from the hub will automatically reference from the files inside your mod.

To summarize:
- One program to access all other applications from
- Can open your mod's MPQ
- All Py applications will default to that MPQ
- Cross-application Jump buttons


Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 7 2008, 9:13 pm by Hercanic.

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Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
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Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
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Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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