This was pretty good. Some of the missions were a little difficult, which was fun. I think it's the first modded campaign I've played.

I wonder what beat this in the contest. I think you did a good job and does look like you put effort into it. I really enjoyed playing it!
Unfortunately, I got a list of bugs and other problems to report:
Potential Spoiler Alert

- Mission 1: Control Tower is available to be built, but we have no use for it.
- Mission 3: When we have to survive the final Zerg attack, we can just leave the room and sit it out, and thankfully so. I don't think it's possible to survive that many Ultralisks with only one or two control groups of infantry, even with medics.
- Mission 1: The final Zerg attack is almost impossible to defend against (if you don't think of blocking the ramp with Dark Templars). However, losing the fight doesn't matter because we have a small base somewhere else in the map, forgotten by the Zerg, and they can't see Shirok. So once again, you can just sit back and wait it out.
- Mission 4: After you find the last crystal, it's likely your army will block Shirok's path, preventing him from entering the room to meet Aaros and continue the ending scene.
- Mission 5: In the ending scene, there is a unit placement error for Shirok when he is created under the Shuttle. The ending scene thus stalls and we must skip the mission.
- Mission 6: After bringing Shirok to the reactor, the Zerg never attempt to assault Shirok's position for the whole duration of the countdown. We can again just sit there and wait. I didn't even need to destroy a single Zerg building (aside from the Cerebrate) to win the mission.
- Mission 1: Zerg attacks are very weak and infrequent, so no reason to attempt rushing the repairs other than boredom.
- Mission 2: There is just barely enough time to complete the mission, mainly due to having to destroy a Zerg base. I would suggest adding maybe 5-10 minutes to the countdown timer.
- Mission 3: Level 2 weapon/armor upgrades are available, but the Science Facility cannot be built.
- Mission 5: After only taking one base (or four), you can just build up your forces and destroy the Starports and Command Center at your leisure while the enemies are still idle. The Starports are particularly undefended.
Thanks for the positive comments, but in all honesty, I made this campaign when I was like 15, and it's pretty bad.

I think the storyline is really corny and the gameplay is boring, but I'm glad you had some fun with it. Thanks for pointing out those bugs; I'm not sure if I'll actually go back and fix them, though.
There were three campaigns that beat mine in the contest. The latter two I think won mostly because they were a lot cleaner and professional, whereas mine was riddled with bugs. The first place campaign,
Vile Egression, however, is its own beast altogether. It's fully voice acted,
heavily modded, and a completely new experience. I highly recommend you play it. It doesn't look like the links to the maps in that thread work, but I think you can still download the executable. I'll look around my old computer to see if I can find the maps, and I'll post them here.
Compared to the other campaigns I've played so far, I don't think it's that bad. I would say the storyline was its weakest point, but excluding that and the problems I've listed, the main criticism I have is I believe the mission starts were all a bit too similar/repetitive. Also in some cases the new background music, but that's more of a personal opinion.
Other than that, I still think it was interesting to play; it had that elementary style of campaign gameplay I enjoy.
Here's a link to a zip file that contains Vile Egression's three maps and modded executable.
While I'm not too into the project and generally feel like it failed to deliver on what it set out to be. However, I still think it's the most focused a campaign has been on specific cast of characters to the level of detail. I recommend playing through it just to see a different take on how campaigns are structured, even if you don't wind up liking it more.
Thank you, I will check it out.
In my first impression of Vile Egression, I don't find it particularly enjoyable
as a campaign. Maybe I haven't played enough of it yet, but so far I think this would've worked better as a movie map or something... because it seems like half of it is made of cutscenes, and feels a bit too chaotic in my opinion with all of the missions crammed up into a single map.
Though it is well made trigger-wise, and has pretty awesome voice-acting and good script for a 'custom map'. But damn, when I started the first map, I was wondering when's the first mission going to start.

And I think he should've progressed the story with more gameplay and less cutscenes.
Maybe my opinion will change as I play more of it. It certainly is a different campaign experience, that's for sure.
Pacing is incredibly important for cinematic-focused campaigns, and for the most part I agree with your take on its eclectic presentation. I also get triggered whenever the script includes protoss dialogue that features terran idioms and figures of speech, e.g. 'smackdown on some hoes'.
It has some interesting gameplay concepts, though.
Here the campaign that I encounter most errors that I found:
-Forgot to recall Aaros.
-The objective said destroy Dominion outposts instead capturing the Dominion outposts.
-Objective grammer need to be fixed. When I took out the fifth Dominion outpost. It said 3 out of 6. You better fix that.
-Forgot to add beacon from each outposts.
-Time Limited (Not enough time to remove the rest of the Power Generator)
-Can't stop the entire Power Generator. Due to some Dominion AI harassing, and I tried to rush for it but it doesn't work out well. Maybe you should change the second plot without the time limited so it can be easier.
You have to destroy the Dominion outposts, not capture, so I don't see the problem with that...
On mission 2, just build vultures (against infantry) and siege tanks (for everything else). Use the hero marines to deal with wraiths. Bring an SCV or 2 for repairs and building turrets for siege tank vision.
Destroy the Generator behind red's base, and the one on the left inside purple's base. Then you can just attack white's entrance. After you destroy white's army trying to defend his base, you can just make a run for the lab/beacon without bothering to destroy white's base.