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Lost Souls RPG
Sep 12 2009, 6:56 am
By: CecilSunkure
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Sep 12 2009, 6:56 am CecilSunkure Post #1

Lost Souls RPG

Latest Version Released:

You grew up in the land of Visus, a peaceful and prospering world full of awe-inspiring beauty. Despite the world's natural glow, there seemed to be dark spots; times when the Shedu would appear.. Periodically throughout history attacks from Shedu have been recorded. The attacks seem to be worsening over time with no sign of stopping. The Shedu are those who have passed from life, and, unable to enter into Heaven are cast down into Dystopia. Many Shedu become malevolent once cast into Dystopia, although a few stand firm and remain benign. These Shedu that remain benign, and sometimes even benevolent, are called Lost Souls. Recognizing this attack frequency increase you, a humble servant of the Basilieus (Emperor), rush to make this problem common knowledge. Though the Basilieus doesn't take a liking to your tale in the least bit; you are siezed, imprisoned, and finally executed.

As you slowly come to your senses you realize that are no longer in Visus, you seem to be in the fabled realm of Dystopia. At first you have a slight rage building up inside of you, but you slowly calm yourself and focus, becoming a Lost Soul. You must fight your way through Dystopia and the Shedu, even the legendary Cerberus, longing to return to your beautiful world of Visus.. The only being around you that doesn't have violent tendencies seems to be the senile Orpheus, who couldn't tell which direction was up or down..

You play through this RPG in SINGLE PLAYER. The other player is now just an over-glorified observer, as I decided that the support player was just no fun. Both the player and observer can switch positions anytime during gameplay, and neither have an advantage over the other (experience is shared but displayed seperate), except for gold. Hence, there are no support spells; the ones I have in menu are lies and will be deleted.

Casting Spells:
To cast a spell, simply drop a unit out of your overlord on the bottom left of the map. The probe in the overlord is used to switch between player and observer.

Mana is represented in vespene. For every vespene you have you gain a +1.5% chance of a spell failure. The lower your vespene the better.

This will mainly focus on allowing the player to equip certain items, though there will also be in game "dice rolls" and checks that, depending on your strength level, will allow to access secret areas. Perhaps moving a large builder, and busting through a barricade (in this so far only 1 strength point is required, don't spend more than 1 or it will be a waste).

This is your health factor, as in, how "sickly" are you. This will allow you to make poison checks against a variety of enemies that utilize poison, as well as a few checks during cut scenes. I won't spoil any gameplay though, as I believe this attribute can be rather useful and fun xp (constitution has yet to be implemented even though it is a working trigger system on its own).

Mana Degeneration:
Self explanatory. The higher your level of this, the faster your mana degenerates. This is a good thing!

Armour Class:
Simply your character's actual armour upgrade. This can be increased with attribute points, or with certain augmentative items ((to be implemented).

Attack Rating:
Simply your character's actual attack upgrade. his can be increased with attribute points, or with certain augmentative items (to be implemented).

In Game Menu

Map Specs


Post has been edited 21 time(s), last time on Jul 18 2011, 9:25 pm by CecilSunkure.


Sep 12 2009, 3:25 pm darksnow Post #2

looks great, and i love how you share control.
that just makes it sexy :P


Sep 12 2009, 4:52 pm Kaias Post #3

I really like the prospect of two players switching off primary and support control of the same character. The terrain also looks very nice. What I'm most curious about right now is what kind of spells you'll have (and how you plan to make them do damage if any of them do damage). So far it looks exceptional.. the demo will just have to confirm this.

By the way, you can disable computers in use of leaderboard lol


Sep 12 2009, 4:56 pm CecilSunkure Post #4

Quote from Kaias
By the way, you can disable computers in use of leaderboard lol

And how would we do this.. Would I just run the display leader board for only the people I want to display..?


Sep 12 2009, 4:59 pm Kaias Post #5

Quote from CecilSunkure
Quote from Kaias
By the way, you can disable computers in use of leaderboard lol

And how would we do this.. Would I just run the display leader board for only the people I want to display..?
Use the "Leaderboard Computer Players(State)" action


Sep 12 2009, 5:07 pm CecilSunkure Post #6

Lol, yet another action I have ignored.. I have a confession to make, I've only had internet for 2 years, and have been on for less than that.. What a lot of people find common knowledge (like that secret leaderboard action) I don't know. But I do understand and can use some more advanced concepts, like binary countoffs, and coordinate detection, etc.. :C


Sep 12 2009, 5:18 pm Biophysicist Post #7

Looks awesome, DLing the demo once it comes out.


Sep 12 2009, 5:22 pm darksnow Post #8

the demo wont be out for another month, i just know it


Sep 12 2009, 5:28 pm CecilSunkure Post #9

Quote from darksnow
the demo wont be out for another month, i just know it
Yeah if anyone here has ever put some serious effort into a work of art, and enjoys doing so, you find that it is VERY hard to know when to stop ^^

I keep coming up with more and more ideas, especially pertaining to the storyline, but I have to keep things to a minimum due to the string maximum.

Right now I have most core system of the map fully functional, and the menu is pretty extensive, AND I have dummy content for a storyline, and I am at 19.7% string usage. I fear I may actually have to split this into 2 RPG's, by just reusing my trigger "engine" from the first map. But that is a worst case scenario. We will see once I get near completion what will happen.

I've been recycling strings like a madman..


Sep 12 2009, 5:58 pm darksnow Post #10

just dont forget our demo


Sep 12 2009, 8:29 pm Norm Post #11

AHH we were discussing this yesterday. Let's have a race: Will I put out my BETA of my new map? or Will you finish your Demo first? Me and you are going to take this thing for a spin either way.

p.s. You're lucky (only 14 spells). I got 82 to do for my project, so you have a head start on me =)


Sep 12 2009, 8:47 pm Tempz Post #12

Thats weird in the 2nd screen shot top leftish corner i have the same doodad thingie in my terran comp...


Sep 12 2009, 9:20 pm xnikozx Post #13

That's great (sorry if I write wrong some words, I don't write well english xD), I'm making a RPG that I thought could be one of the bests but this is awesome, I can't wait to look it finished :D.


Sep 12 2009, 9:35 pm CecilSunkure Post #14

Quote from Tempz
Thats weird in the 2nd screen shot top leftish corner i have the same doodad thingie in my terran comp...
You mean 3rd screenshot? Yeah I was messing around and made that custom doodad xp

Quote from xnikozx
That's great (sorry if I write wrong some words, I don't write well english xD), I'm making a RPG that I thought could be one of the bests but this is awesome, I can't wait to look it finished :D.
Haha, thanks! I look forward to this thing's completion too ^.^

@ Norm
Allright, I accept thine challenge. Off to work more on mah map I go..

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 12 2009, 9:42 pm by CecilSunkure.


Sep 13 2009, 12:44 am TF- Post #15


Looks pretty cool, I like the unusual story and I would have loved if it was paired with an unusual tileset but then Badlands has its (well-known) strengths; the mana system is interesting with its backward-ness, I just hope it won't take too long to get used to.
I don't even know where to begin on the 2-player system, I think I'll have to see it to believe it.


Sep 14 2009, 12:52 am CecilSunkure Post #16

Quote from CecilSunkure
I expect to have a demo available within the week, maybe even this weekend! Actually, I have changed the demo release date to "It's out when it's out". This is because when I am creating this RPG, I have to set everything to my liking, perfectly. I really am unsure as to how long it will be before my demo is ready. However, I am sure if you post in response to this thread.. It will only make me more motivated to work on this with even MORE zeal than I could ever muster before! So post already xp!
That's right. While working on the map, I keep finding more and more to improve or change. I will get the demo out as soon as possible, but fine tuning the cut scenes is taking much more time than I anticipated. I spent an entire 2 days on the intro alone, so you can use that to estimate how long it will take to fine tune the rest of the demo's storyline.

But on more of a pleasant note -fine tuning spells and my battling systems comes much more naturally to me than perfecting dialogue xp


Sep 14 2009, 1:40 am TF- Post #17


I can help with the dialogue if you want, proofread/expand etc.


Sep 14 2009, 5:02 am CecilSunkure Post #18

Quote from TF-
I can help with the dialogue if you want, proofread/expand etc.
I actually had a couple friends go over the intro today. Thanks for the offer though, appreciate it. Although, when the demo comes out, I'd be glad to have people find spelling errors. I won't really be taking suggestions for dialogue anywhere except the intro, as I need the intro to give the player an understanding of how the game systems work, which means I need people to understand the intro and understand it well.


Dec 14 2009, 11:29 pm xYoshix Post #19

So how is this game coming along? I hope this gets finished as it looks very promising.


Dec 24 2009, 2:34 am CecilSunkure Post #20

My RPG was, regrettably, at a pretty much dead stand-still as school hit until about a week ago. I've been working on this over Winter Break, and promise to finish it before I graduate from my senior year of highschool.

I currently have a very large amount of work on the map already done, and I'd say the overall map is about 50% done. The only bad part is that this 50% is largely in the mechanics of the game, as in, the trigger systems. Currently I have 1250 triggers in the map. These triggers make up a variety of systems, the largest being my in-game text based menu.

I've been recycling my strings like a madman, and I've only hit 35% of the my string usage so far :lol:

The map is very playable, and I'm almost done with all the spells for both the support and offensive player.

Once all the spells are done, I will finalize the item system (equipping, discarding, using items), and finalize some of the text based menu.

After those two are done, which should take 2 good work days, I can focus on the storyline and terrain. I've actually been told by a few people that my terrain is too detailed, and I should lower its quality to speed up production, but I won't be doing that. I might as well finish everything with top quality; I've spent so much time on this that it would be a crime to start slacking off.

I feel I'll be able to hit 70% of map completion at the end of Winter break, assuming that nothing unintended comes up, like work, or family matters.

Wish me luck!

Note: I'm past the point I wanted to release a demo at, so no demo will be released -plus, the due date is coming up anyways :P

I've also cut out a couple unnecessary stats, like lore.


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