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Observer Effect Spell
Jul 10 2009, 4:14 pm
By: r00k  

Jul 10 2009, 4:14 pm r00k Post #1

I want to do this:

I want the Observer to come in like this:

and in the end they should make a nice circle, not a rectangle.
i can do that easy, when i use 18 (3*6) or even better, 24 (3*8) Locations or more.
As i am doing a big map i canīt waste so many Locations, maybe i can but i donīt know yet.

So i thought i do this: (with burrowed Lurkers of course...)

with this Triggers:

Unfortunatly it doesnīt do it the way i planned, it starts correct, but than gets kind of messed up, moves back and forth and wants to move to the outer ring again.
I apologize for asking such easy thing, but i am extremly tired, lazy and bored today, and i thought that maybe someone can think it up with less Locations, or has another great idea that could be usefull here.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 11:54 pm by r00k.


Jul 10 2009, 4:28 pm JaFF Post #2

You aren't clear about what exactly you want. The effect in the first screenshot is the arbiter recall, not some observer effect. If you want that, use the corresponding AI script.

The location names in your second screenshot do not match with your triggers, even the given IDs don't match: 0-5 and 1-6. I vaguely understand what you're trying to do, but don't blame me if I'm wrong here. The most probable reason why it fails are the center location actions. SC centers a location on the leftmost, last created or moved unit (in that order) that matches the conditions. From the second screenshot I see that locations with IDs 0, 1 and 2 will always stay on the same Lurker. I won't post a solution to this (mainly not to confuse you) until you confirm that this is what you want.


Jul 10 2009, 4:37 pm Toothfariy Post #3

If you're trying to conserve locations, i suppose you could use a different zerg unit for every important spot around the circle. then have somthing center location, move your obs over there. then in the same trigger, it'll move on to the next unit and so forth

so like this

           Drone       Defilier
Lurker                             infested terran

zergling                            hydralisk

            hero ling     hero hydra

triggers would be like this
Whatever will set off this spell (death counts i presume)
Negate the conditions (-1 death count)
Center location labeled "Observer Spell" on zerg lurker owned by player 9 @ anywhere
Move "X" observer to "Observer Spell" for player 9
Wait "0" milleseconds
Center location labeled "observer spell" on zerg drone for player 9 @ anywhere
preserve trigger

you could split the triggers up i suppose so you dont run into a wait block situation

it would of course be more circular than that, but you get the idea. That would mean you only use 1 location. Its similar to a grid i suppose.

since those units are burrowed, you wont have to worry about wasting them for this, since no one will see them.

I havent expeirmented with things like this before, but im curious to know what would hapen if you have them all set up like that, have a location that covers the whole circle, then move that location and move the units to it again. then it would be mobile. but im not sure that the units will hold that shape or not.


Jul 10 2009, 4:39 pm Pyro682 Post #4

Quote from JaFF
You aren't clear about what exactly you want. The effect in the first screenshot is the arbiter recall, not some observer effect. If you want that, use the corresponding AI script.

The location names in your second screenshot do not match with your triggers, even the given IDs don't match: 0-5 and 1-6. I vaguely understand what you're trying to do, but don't blame me if I'm wrong here. The most probable reason why it fails are the center location actions. SC centers a location on the leftmost, last created or moved unit (in that order) that matches the conditions. From the second screenshot I see that locations with IDs 0, 1 and 2 will always stay on the same Lurker. I won't post a solution to this (mainly not to confuse you) until you confirm that this is what you want.

The observers are in a ring around the Arbiter Recall.

@ Rook:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I beleive you are trying to order the observers to come in a spiral.
An Easy way to do this is to set up a Mobile Grid (Using 2x2) around the Arbiter Recall Effect. Find some generic locations (Either like the manner you made the locations with the lurkers, or you can use the 8 generic directions (Up, down, left, right, and the 4 diagonals inbetween them) to find the area around.
Then, Make a few locations: (Dimensions given below are subject to change, depending on how you set up the outside border of this.. "Void" you are trying to make)
"Top"- 2 x 6
"Left"- 6 x 2
"Bottom" - 2 x 6 (another, unless you are tight on locations)
"Right" - 6 x 2 (Another, unless you are tight on locations)
"Quad 1"- 4 x 4
"Quad 2" - 4 x 4 (Another, Unless you are tight on locations)
"Center" - 2 x 2 (This is the middle of the giant effect)

Now, Teleport the observers in the desired Spiral Ends, and then What you're going to do is have an alternation between Ordering the observers to move in a clockwise direction, and ordering the observers to move towards the center.
The more often you order them to the center, the steeper and straighter each spiral is. The more you order them to the next counter clockwise destination, the ... more "Spiralie" and Longer each spiral is.
If you were to have a gradient demonstration, we would relate the frequency of orders to the next counterclockwise destination with the shapes of an asterisk Shape ( * ) with a Circle.

The outer parameters of the shape you make would be 0 to 1.
0 Would be the Asterisk (No Movement to any Counterclockwise Destination)
1 Would be the Circle (100% movement to respective Counterclockwise Destination.)
.5 would be [obviously] half-way inbetween.
The gradient you're looking for is up to you. I suggest somewhere between .5 to .8.
In other words, a .7 gradient would be saying that 70% of the orders you give to the observers are towards the next Counterclockwise Destination.4

Hope that helps. ^^

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 4:52 pm by Pyro682.


Jul 10 2009, 5:17 pm crutex Post #5

are you saying you want them to come in as a spiral and THEN move to form a circle?
this seems pretty god damned complicated for an effect that is barely noticeable


Jul 10 2009, 5:51 pm rockz Post #6

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!

make a 9x9 mobile grid.

Center a location over each location shown in my picture. Create/move a burrowed unit there (preferably all different ones, but it doesn't matter much). Create an observer at each location, then order them to move to the next location, as described by the orange line. Once they reach their 3rd and final location, order them to move to the next one, constantly. This should create a bit of a circular effect due to hyper triggers. You may want to make the location slightly bigger to enhance the circle, but I'd be happy with a square or a diamond.

Oh, and if this is all preplaced, simply put 8 burrowed units as the "track" you want each observer to follow. Constantly center/give on each track, and always order the observer at the previous location to the next location on its track.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 5:58 pm by rockz.

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Jul 10 2009, 6:03 pm crutex Post #7

btw pyro showed me a method for making a pretty accurate circle, stacking hundreds of interceptors and then running junkyard dog on them and removing after 0.5 second or however long you want.
the observers will follow random paths for 0.5 seconds and with more interceptors, you have more points of your circle.
not sure if this would help with whatever effect you are looking for.


Jul 10 2009, 11:31 pm r00k Post #8

thx for ideas everyone, but i somehow feel, you just told me what i already knew, maybe i explained to bad tired as i was...
Anyway i slept 6 hours and now i am fresh for a fight with this thing. When i have done it i post it here.
I was going to do it like rockz said, as i already did it this way, except with only 3*6 preplaced Units and not 6*8,
and i can only use lurkers player 9-12, as i already used all other burrowable units for other things...
And exactly this is the Problem, i canīt use many locations (rockz you used 32, to much), and i dont have that Units.
If i had iīd be done with this thing yesterday.

So what i thought was:
I use 3 Player and make the Location so big, that when i center it on a Lurker it touches the next Lurker.

center LocationX on p9, at LocationX, create obs its preplaced on P9
center LocationX on p10, at LocationX, order to move obs Location X to Location X Location Centers on next lurker, middle Ring. Obs flies from P9 to P10 Lurker
center LocationX on p11, at LocationX, order to move obs Location X to Location X Location Centers on next lurker, inner Ring Obs flies from P10 to P11 Lurker
order to move obs Location X1 to Location X2, center LocationX on p10, at LocationX Obs flies from P11 Location X1 to P11 Location X2 Lurker. Location Centers on previous lurker, middle Ring

Thats what the Triggers said, maybe you didnīt read them, they have been a little small.

Nice, while i wrote this, the answer flew right there through the window into my room. It does not work, because
  • A: The Time is to short, 3 Dcīs is not enough for the Observer to move to the Center of the next Location
  • B: As in the beginning (the outer Ring) there is always only one Observer in the (6*6) Location, when they move to the middle,
    the Locations overlap and maybe 2 Observers are in 1 Location, getting the same order, or maybe both orders,
    so they donīt fly to the next Lurker, they fly to the next but one.

damn, you are right, there is Arbiter recall in the middle of the Observer Ring, i havenīt seen that.
thx for the Travails
I will reread your post 3 more times and than give up ^^. Ok i understood it now. That is pretty helpful, thx man.
Yes. Its the for the Final Boss, and trust me, you can see this effect and it will make the Player jump up and down on his chair, giving him sweaty hands, make his mouth drool and his brain think:" I want to kill this Motherfucker once and for all."
Thatīs how i wanted to do it, but the pyro thing isnt bad at all, i have to combine these 2 ideas.

Oh and i am pretty sure none of you have read this:
The Triggers

The Triggers



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