thx for ideas everyone, but i somehow feel, you just told me what i already knew, maybe i explained to bad tired as i was...
Anyway i slept 6 hours and now i am fresh for a fight with this thing. When i have done it i post it here.
I was going to do it like rockz said, as i already did it this way, except with only 3*6 preplaced Units and not 6*8,
and i can only use lurkers player 9-12, as i already used all other burrowable units for other things...
And exactly this is the Problem, i canīt use many locations (rockz you used 32, to much), and i dont have that Units.
If i had iīd be done with this thing yesterday.
So what i thought was:
I use 3 Player and make the Location so big, that when i center it on a Lurker it touches the next Lurker.
center LocationX on p9, at LocationX, create obs its preplaced on P9
center LocationX on p10, at LocationX, order to move obs Location X to Location X Location Centers on next lurker, middle Ring. Obs flies from P9 to P10 Lurker
center LocationX on p11, at LocationX, order to move obs Location X to Location X Location Centers on next lurker, inner Ring Obs flies from P10 to P11 Lurker
order to move obs Location X1 to Location X2, center LocationX on p10, at LocationX Obs flies from P11 Location X1 to P11 Location X2 Lurker. Location Centers on previous lurker, middle Ring
Thats what the Triggers said, maybe you didnīt read them, they have been a little small.
Nice, while i wrote this, the answer flew right there through the window into my room. It does not work, because
- A: The Time is to short, 3 Dcīs is not enough for the Observer to move to the Center of the next Location
- B: As in the beginning (the outer Ring) there is always only one Observer in the (6*6) Location, when they move to the middle,
the Locations overlap and maybe 2 Observers are in 1 Location, getting the same order, or maybe both orders,
so they donīt fly to the next Lurker, they fly to the next but one.
Jaff:damn, you are right, there is Arbiter recall in the middle of the Observer Ring, i havenīt seen that.
Toothfairy:thx for the Travails
pyro682I will reread your post 3 more times and than give up

. Ok i understood it now. That is pretty helpful, thx man.
crutex:Yes. Its the for the Final Boss, and trust me, you can see this effect and it will make the Player jump up and down on his chair, giving him sweaty hands, make his mouth drool and his brain think:" I want to kill this Motherfucker once and for all."
rockz:Thatīs how i wanted to do it, but the pyro thing isnt bad at all, i have to combine these 2 ideas.
Oh and i am pretty sure none of you have read this:
The Triggers
The Triggers

Trigger("Player 8"){
Set Deaths("Current Player", "Alan Turret", Subtract, 1);
Preserve Trigger();
Trigger("Player 8"){
Deaths("Current Player", "Alan Turret", Exactly, 0);
Move Location("Player 9", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 1", "Final Center 1");
Move Location("Player 9", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 2", "Final Center 2");
Move Location("Player 9", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 3", "Final Center 3");
Move Location("Player 9", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 4", "Final Center 4");
Move Location("Player 9", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 5", "Final Center 5");
Move Location("Player 9", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 6", "Final Center 6");
Create Unit with Properties("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", 1, "Final Center 1", 17);
Create Unit with Properties("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", 1, "Final Center 2", 17);
Create Unit with Properties("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", 1, "Final Center 3", 17);
Create Unit with Properties("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", 1, "Final Center 4", 17);
Create Unit with Properties("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", 1, "Final Center 5", 17);
Create Unit with Properties("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", 1, "Final Center 6", 17);
Set Deaths("Current Player", "Alan Turret", Set To, 12);
Preserve Trigger();
Trigger("Player 8"){
Deaths("Current Player", "Alan Turret", Exactly, 9);
Move Location("Player 10", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 1", "Final Center 1");
Move Location("Player 10", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 2", "Final Center 2");
Move Location("Player 10", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 3", "Final Center 3");
Move Location("Player 10", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 4", "Final Center 4");
Move Location("Player 10", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 5", "Final Center 5");
Move Location("Player 10", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 6", "Final Center 6");
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 1", "Final Center 1", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 2", "Final Center 2", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 3", "Final Center 3", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 4", "Final Center 4", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 5", "Final Center 5", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 6", "Final Center 6", move);
Preserve Trigger();
Trigger("Player 8"){
Deaths("Current Player", "Alan Turret", Exactly, 6);
Move Location("Player 11", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 1", "Final Center 1");
Move Location("Player 11", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 2", "Final Center 2");
Move Location("Player 11", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 3", "Final Center 3");
Move Location("Player 11", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 4", "Final Center 4");
Move Location("Player 11", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 5", "Final Center 5");
Move Location("Player 11", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 6", "Final Center 6");
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 1", "Final Center 1", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 2", "Final Center 2", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 3", "Final Center 3", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 4", "Final Center 4", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 5", "Final Center 5", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 6", "Final Center 6", move);
Preserve Trigger();
Trigger("Player 8"){
Deaths("Current Player", "Alan Turret", Exactly, 3);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 1", "Final Center 2", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 2", "Final Center 3", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 3", "Final Center 4", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 4", "Final Center 5", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 5", "Final Center 6", move);
Order("Player 5", "Protoss Observer", "Final Center 6", "Final Center 1", move);
Move Location("Player 10", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 1", "Final Center 1");
Move Location("Player 10", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 2", "Final Center 2");
Move Location("Player 10", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 3", "Final Center 3");
Move Location("Player 10", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 4", "Final Center 4");
Move Location("Player 10", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 5", "Final Center 5");
Move Location("Player 10", "Zerg Lurker", "Final Center 6", "Final Center 6");
Preserve Trigger();