Basic IdeaOk so, If you've ever played the game -The Quiz- you'll be right on track with me. If you haven’t, this is how you play. There is one quizzer and 6 quizeyys. The game is simple and is just a bunch of preplaced units. The quizer just asks quiz questions of their choice to the quizeyys. The more answers the quizeyss answer, the farther they get through the game and when they get to the end, they win!
What I'm DoingSo basically what I'm doing is the exact same thing as this map (lest there is a better system for making a quiz game) where there is a quizzer and quizeys etc. Except for I’m going to create a "Random Question" selector for the quizzer. Using this will generate a random question for the quizeyss while showing the question and answer to the quizer.
The MethodI'm going to have about 1000 questions, using a Cycling Method. Using death counters to continually count down/up, and each death represents a questions. Thanks to R00k
Help MeAs you can see, that's a lot of questions and categories. I need help coming up with some. So, if anyone has any ideas for trivia questions or trivia catagorys, please give them to me so I can use them in my game! (with answers included) your name
will appear next to your question in the game! Some basic ideas for categories I have are: Sports, Movies, Television, StarCraft, Music, History, World, Politics. But that's about all I've come up with. I've also come up with the questions too, but I wont show you those just yet (because I only have like 5 lol). So help me out with some categories and questions. Any and all help is appreciated.
Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jul 9 2009, 5:05 pm by m.0.n.3.y.
Instead of using 10 switches, you could always use one switch and death counters. might be a little more efficient. Ooo I have one, who was the first prime minister of Canada?
This should go into UMS Theory and Ideas, or map productions... This is for map help like if you can't get a trigger to work right, but what ultimo said would work much better.
It might be a little more efficient. Ooo I have one, who was the first prime minister of Canada?

I just read the article but I don't really understand the single switch method.
Start by randomizing the switch.
- Always.
- Randomize Switch 1.
If the switch is set, add 1 to your counter.
- Switch 1 is SET.
Modify death counts for Player: Add 1 for Unit.
Randomize the switch again.
- Always.
Randomize Switch 1.
If the switch is set this time, add 2 to your counter.
- Switch 1 is SET.
Modify death counts for Player: Add 2 for Unit.
I mean, the first time you drandomize it, wouldn't it also add +2 to the counter (see like the bottom end of the triggers, I'm guessing more condidtions need to be added)
Unless you're talking about the cycling system with death counters, (see the same link you gave me, I think I'll do that one, depending on how effective it is, is it effective?) So, any ideas/comments/help anyone?
Thanks Ultimoo
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 8 2009, 4:51 pm by m.0.n.3.y.
The triggers are read from top to bottom. Meaning this will happen first:
- Always.
- Randomize Switch 1.
Then this happens if Switch 1 is set:
- Switch 1 is SET.
Modify death counts for Player: Add 1 for Unit.
Randomize the switch again.
Now, that means if the switch 1 is cleared, you won't get the +1. Then after that:
- Always.
Randomize Switch 1.
- Switch 1 is SET.
Modify death counts for Player: Add 2 for Unit.
And now you add 2 if switch one is set. So your first outcome will not affect your second outcome because they're independent of each other. So as such, in this case, you can either get 0, meaning the switch cleared both times, you can get +1 as the switch sets the first but not the second, you can get +2 if the second sets but not the first and you can get +3 if switch is set twice. That's basically the premise of using one switch and death counters.
If you really wanna do this, i´d just go with the
Cycling Counter Method.
You can not predict, how long people will take to answer the question, and it will count 12 (11.8) Questions a second.
This way you can always define the Number of Max Questions very easy, just change the max Death Count Value, where you set it back to "Zero".
So your Map is always playable, from Question 1 till 1000, which makes it easy for testing.
Ooh I see, thanks for clearing that up for me Ultimoo.
If you really wanna do this, i´d just go with the
Cycling Counter Method.
You can not predict, how long people will take to answer the question, and it will count 12 (11.8) Questions a second.
This way you can always define the Number of Max Questions very easy, just change the max Death Count Value, where you set it back to "Zero".
So your Map is always playable, from Question 1 till 1000, which makes it easy for testing.
Unless you're talking about the cycling system with death counters, (see the same link you gave me, I think I'll do that one,
Yeah, so, I think I'll do that one, as I said before. But thanks for clearing up for me that is indeed an effective system.
Ooo I have one, who was the first prime minister of Canada?
But what's the answer lol?
Ok guys, give me your trivia questions and/or catagory suggestions, your name WILL appear next to your question.
btw, this is going to be a very big map, with over like 2000 triggers.
When did brood wars come out: Release Date: December 18, 1998
website: by the way is my birthday ><!
That's pretty sweet Ashamed, same year as well?
1. When did the US enter World War II? December 8, 1941
2. What year did World War I begin? 1914
3. Which was the last state to ratify the US Constitution? Rhode Island
Possible incorrect answer choices for them:
1. December 18, 1941; December 8, 1940; December 18, 1940
2. 1913, 1919, 1907
3. North Carolina, New York, Virginia
Category: Video Games
In what year was war beginning? In AD 2101
What happen? Somebody set up us the bomb!
What you say? You have no chance to survive make your time.
Throw some zero wing in there.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 5:51 am by rockz.
"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"
i could come up with about 300 questions about music theory and such if you want me to lol, just let me know and i will
Look on the internet for Trivia Bot Question lists. They're loaded with shitloads of questions, from SC, to Religion, to Elmer Fudd quotes, to Santa Clause. They have it all.
i could come up with about 300 questions about music theory and such if you want me to lol, just let me know and i will
Yeah go for it. Except, just put in your best questions. If you could, 10-15, but I'd assume that 10-15 wouldn't be too hard since you have 300 bottled up in your head
A Note to Everyone Else:Also, if you post a question, could you please say what catagory it would be in. Speaking of catagories, if you have any suggestions for them, I'l like to here um'. Examples are History and Music.
Idk if many people on sc actually know this stuff but here goes
Music Questions
1) How many notes are in a Major Scale?
A: 7
2) What is the whole/half pattern for a Major Scale?
3) What insturment family does the Euphonium fit into?
A: Brass (low brass if you want to be specific)
4) How many strings are on the typical eletric guitar?
A: 6
5) What makes a chord minor?
A: Lowering the 3rd of a major chord
6) What makes a chord augumented?
A: Raising the 5th on a major chord
7) How many scales are in the Circle of 5ths?
A: 12
8) Which chords on a major scale are always major?
A: I IV V chords
9) Where does Tenor fit realtive to pitch?
A: Mid low's
10) E to F# is how many half steps?
11) The Pentatonic scale has how many notes?
A: 5 (hints the penta)
12) What are the notes in a B flat major chord?
A: Bb D F
13) What does Forte mean?
A: Loud
14) What does Presto mean?
A: Very quick tempo (170 - 200 Bpm usually)
15) How many clefs exist in modern music?
A: 4 (Treble, Alto, Tenor, Bass)
Theres 15, let me know if you want some more lol
I tried to make them somewhat easy, though i still dont think many people will know these
Some catagory suggestions: Literature, Mathematics, Science, Cooking, Misc Computer Knowledge, Geography (cities of the world perhaps? captials etc.), Poopourie (random questions), Cultures of the World, Past Presidents (thats automaticly a lot of questions), Archetieture, The Olympics (counts as sports i guess)
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 10 2009, 5:44 am by Toothfariy.
Those are all very good questions, Toothfairy, however, some may not be the best questions for such a map.
2) What is the whole/half pattern for a Major Scale?
doesn't seem like a good question imo, because I think that the average SC player would most likely have limited knowledge of music theory, and understanding what the question is even asking could be confusing. It's one thing to have a question that nobody might exactly knows, but they understand what it's asking for (ex. how many notes in the major scale, it is apparent that it is asking for a number answer) but this question may leave many players completely confused >.<
5) What makes a chord minor?
A: Lowering the 3rd of a major chord
6) What makes a chord augumented?
A: Raising the 5th on a major chord
Also, take question #5. Lets assume the "Quizzer" has not much knowledge on the subject of music theory, but one of the Quiztakers knows a lot about it. So the "Quizzer" can see the correct answer on his screen as saying "A Major Chord with a Lowered 3rd". However, what if a Quiztaker phrases it different, such as "Flatten the 3rd of a Major Chord"? The Quizzer who does not know much about music theory may not consider this a correct answer, when in fact it is quite correct. I think the questions need to be more static, in that they do not have an excessive amount of ways in which the answer can be phrased, so as to avoid confusion in the game. My argument applies to question #6 as well.
The rest of your questions seem better-suited for such a game, however

Also, perhaps some questions involving types of notes and time signatures?
Q: How many eighth notes are found in one measure of a song in 3/4 time?
A: 6
They're really easy to me XD
some of them were just questions from my entrance music theory exam lol
They may be easy to you, but not to others.
Also, perhaps some questions involving types of notes and time signatures?
Q: How many eighth notes are found in one measure of a song in 3/4 time?
A: 6
The answer is ambiguous, since there could be other notes in the measure.
They may be easy to you, but not to others.
Also, perhaps some questions involving types of notes and time signatures?
Q: How many eighth notes are found in one measure of a song in 3/4 time?
A: 6
The answer is ambiguous, since there could be other notes in the measure.

i think he would need to rephrase it to somthing like "Whats the max number of 8th notes you can put in a single measure if the time signature is 3/4?"
Ooh, I have some great questions (that most b.neters won't be able to answer because they're too busy with secular activities like playing SC =P):
Category: BIBLE TRIVA! =D
In 2nd Kings, Elisha is on the road to Bethel and some youths started making fun of him.
1.) What were they making fun of him for? (His baldness)
2.) What happened to them as a result of their actions? (Elisha brought a curse down on them and two bears came and mauled them as a result)
Stories from Judges
1.) What was king Eglon's most notable physical feature? (He was ridiculously fat. Jabba the Hut kind of fat XD.)
2.) What ended up happening with Samson's first wife? (Samson stormed away from the wedding after losing a bet. After a while, he came back to sleep with his wife, but unfortunately for him, her father had already given her to another man, because he thought he hated her.)
3.) How did Sisera end up dying? (A woman named Jael let him into her tent so he could stay safe from the Israelites. After he fell asleep, Jael pounded a tent peg into his head.)
I could probably think up more if you really want me to =P.