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Gears of War
Mar 17 2009, 4:22 am
By: HavoK
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Mar 17 2009, 4:22 am HavoK Post #1


Last night I decided "Hey! Let's make a Gears of War map!" So I've come up with many ideas for the map. As of now I'm working on the Trailer to the game (because every epic game as we all know needs a trailer! Lol). I plan on starting the map in the next week or so (it's when I get "unbanned").

If anyone is interested in working on it with me let me know!
(I realize that I'm working on another group project with Pyro682, but I didn't want this idea go to waste)
I've found myself caught up in all these ideas and when I start working on them, I just get the first little bit done on the map, and then I loose where I'm at or I get confused or I get bored... And that's why I want to have a partner to help me get my motivation up!

Here's and idea for hiding behind cover.


Moving into cover...

- "Current Player" brings at least 1 "UNIT X" to "Move into Cover"
- Set Switch 01
- Preserve Trigger

- Switch 01 is set
- Order "UNIT X" owned by "Current Player" to "Cover X"
- Preserve Trigger

Moving out of cover...

- Current Player bring at least 1 "UNIT X" to location "Move Out of Cover"
- Clear Switch 01
- Preserve Trigger

Maybe we can use... say a Dropship technique (drop off a unit at a specific locations, unit is sent back into Dropship immediately, then an action will take place).

And maybe if there is a way to make units miss more often, by some how bringing a doodad (doubt its possible) or make the attacker (the locust) become allies with Marcus and Dom, and then make them enemies towards the wall (if we're using the wall as a tank say or some other type of unit).

Please put input on ideas and problems with what you see here! Thanks! :D

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Mar 17 2009, 5:16 am by HavoK.


Mar 17 2009, 7:16 am FlashBeer Post #2

I figured there are three ways to make the miss system:
If players are in cover, then make enemies constantly toggle the ally status. You could make heavy cover where enemies stay allied longer so that it counts to a higher 'miss factor'.
Players are always allied in cover, so enemies need to aim their attacks.
Players constantly toggle invincibility when in cover to set miss factor.

Instead of putting locations on every tank, you could just put one location on the player, so when they are near any tank, they are in "cover mode".


Mar 17 2009, 11:02 am Magicide Post #3

Sleeping wolves wake hungry.

I really quickly thought of something when i saw the title of this thread last night >_>

When you're in "cover," you could have an obsever, dt, something cloaked that is allied to the computer player, and depending where you are in cover (as in, depending whether you're perfectly behind it or not) you could toggle invincibility on the human player and ally status or player ownage for the cloaked units on the tank at different rates. This makes it look like they're still trying to hit you, but missing, because they're hitting the observer more than you, and of course you can't see the observer.

I don't even know if I explained this right, I just woke up -_-;

Mar 17 2009, 1:32 pm HavoK Post #4

Lol! I like the ideas... I think what I'll do it test these out, and which ever one looks best I'll use! Thanks for the input guys! :D


Mar 17 2009, 5:28 pm Magicide Post #5

Sleeping wolves wake hungry.

Oh, also, I wanna test this.

I'm gonna keep an eye out, this could be good.

Mar 17 2009, 6:30 pm lil-Inferno Post #6

Just here for the pie

An individual location per cover? That's gonna run out quickly. Instead, use a burrowed unit as a means of locating a cover location.

Mar 17 2009, 6:44 pm HavoK Post #7

Maybe instead of using a dropship technique, I just came up with another thought for hiding... As in the actual game, when you press the "A" button, you dive or jump towards a wall and crouch down behind it right? I realize that Starcraft is pretty hard to play around with, because of the limitation that we have. Why not instead of using the drop ships, we just make it so that when you walk close enough to a wall or a broken vehicle or some other use of cover you are known to be "in cover" automatically, maybe just an observer like Magicide said or a zergling that some one else mentioned thats follow under the character at all times. vHP can be used for this map but it wont be as exact...

Quote from Magicide
Oh, also, I wanna test this.

I'm gonna keep an eye out, this could be good.

I assure you, this will be good! :D

I will be making a few maps to test out which one will work best for me... I will post it up sometime later today!


Mar 17 2009, 7:49 pm Magicide Post #8

Sleeping wolves wake hungry.

I just though that you could just as easily give the tanks or whatever you're hiding behind to a player that's unallied to the computer when a player's standing behind them.


Mar 17 2009, 7:52 pm HavoK Post #9

I will keep this post updated to the best I can... Like I said earlier I'm still working on the Trailer, and when thats done I'm getting right to the map! Wish me luck! :D

Quote from lil-Inferno
An individual location per cover? That's gonna run out quickly. Instead, use a burrowed unit as a means of locating a cover location.

Oh well of course... I was gonna use a different method for this. I was just using it as an example to show to everyone what I meant.


Mar 17 2009, 9:21 pm Magicide Post #10

Sleeping wolves wake hungry.

Have you thought about weapons or abiliities for this yet?

How about the health-system? GoW has a rather different health system than most shooters, will you be using vHP for that? It'd be interesting to see an ASCII skull or something appear while you're getting shot at >_>

Mar 17 2009, 9:58 pm HavoK Post #11

Quote from Magicide
Have you thought about weapons or abiliities for this yet?

How about the health-system? GoW has a rather different health system than most shooters, will you be using vHP for that? It'd be interesting to see an ASCII skull or something appear while you're getting shot at >_>

I love the idea of the skull appearance... Mind if I use it? Lol

As for weapons and such, I don't have much really... Since this is Gears of War 1, I'd like to use the weapons from that, so like Lancer, Boom Shot, Boltok Pistol etc.

I want to use vHP, but I want it to be a unique style of vHP and you came up with it... Lol!


Mar 17 2009, 10:22 pm Magicide Post #12

Sleeping wolves wake hungry.

Quote from HavoK
I love the idea of the skull appearance... Mind if I use it? Lol

As for weapons and such, I don't have much really... Since this is Gears of War 1, I'd like to use the weapons from that, so like Lancer, Boom Shot, Boltok Pistol etc.

I want to use vHP, but I want it to be a unique style of vHP and you came up with it... Lol!

Use it. That's the whole reason I mentioned it.

You could have it so that health regenerates only if there are no Locusts in the area or when you're behind cover. Pretty much just add burrowed units back under the hero at timed intervals while in cover, and replace all of them when in complete safety.

Also, for grenades - have a gateway or dropship casting system, and have scourges as grenades. Most effective way, I think >_>

Weapons could be difficult if you want to keep the marine visuals... Although you could use a casting system to fire the boomshot or torquebow, and have a scarab for the grenade. With the torquebow, you could have a location around the scarab to detect when it's in proximity with an enemy or cover and constantly move it to that unit, and explode after a short period. Or, for an alternative, you could use a scourge or something similar as a target for the scarab, remove the scourge, and have the scarab move to the location that the scourge was in until it explodes.

As for the other weapons, unit switching should suffice :P

I dunno, I like contemplating...

Mar 17 2009, 10:57 pm HavoK Post #13

Quote from Magicide
Quote from HavoK
I love the idea of the skull appearance... Mind if I use it? Lol

As for weapons and such, I don't have much really... Since this is Gears of War 1, I'd like to use the weapons from that, so like Lancer, Boom Shot, Boltok Pistol etc.

I want to use vHP, but I want it to be a unique style of vHP and you came up with it... Lol!

Use it. That's the whole reason I mentioned it.

You could have it so that health regenerates only if there are no Locusts in the area or when you're behind cover. Pretty much just add burrowed units back under the hero at timed intervals while in cover, and replace all of them when in complete safety.

Also, for grenades - have a gateway or dropship casting system, and have scourges as grenades. Most effective way, I think >_>

Weapons could be difficult if you want to keep the marine visuals... Although you could use a casting system to fire the boomshot or torquebow, and have a scarab for the grenade. With the torquebow, you could have a location around the scarab to detect when it's in proximity with an enemy or cover and constantly move it to that unit, and explode after a short period. Or, for an alternative, you could use a scourge or something similar as a target for the scarab, remove the scourge, and have the scarab move to the location that the scourge was in until it explodes.

As for the other weapons, unit switching should suffice :P

I dunno, I like contemplating...

I love all those thoughts, but the problem is, is that I don't know how to do a few of them...

So I came up with a way for cover, and here's what I got, I got really confused cause I'm burning out, but I'm sure I can get if eventually, see if anyone can fix it up or something... Lol

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 19 2009, 7:14 pm by HavoK.


Mar 17 2009, 11:07 pm MobiusOne. Post #14

I'll help you once more Havok. :D
I'm gettin my computer wiped, so i'm unable to do anything at the moment.
I'll also apply as the Terrain/Trigger/Tester guy; Basically the general above average map maker.


Mar 17 2009, 11:10 pm Magicide Post #15

Sleeping wolves wake hungry.

All the test map did for me was create a helluva lot of observers whenever i stood next to a tank...

I'd love to help out with this btw, anything i can help you with, just shout.

Mar 17 2009, 11:25 pm MobiusOne. Post #16

Another fast, simple, easy idea for a cover system is have every player have their own "Move Location" trigger on them. Then have like "Cover[whateverunit]" bring into "Players Cover Location".
And wham. Maybe like what other people said, make the enemy forces ally the player.. OR add high terrain doodads on pre place/perm cover?


Mar 17 2009, 11:40 pm HavoK Post #17

Quote from Magicide
All the test map did for me was create a helluva lot of observers whenever i stood next to a tank...

I'd love to help out with this btw, anything i can help you with, just shout.

Well it worked perfectly for me once, then when I returned to the location, it did the same thing... And I can't figure out what's going...

Quote from MobiusOne.
Another fast, simple, easy idea for a cover system is have every player have their own "Move Location" trigger on them. Then have like "Cover[whateverunit]" bring into "Players Cover Location".

Well I did do this, but I can't seem to get it down pat... Wont work...
Maybe instead of the observer idea I'll just make it so the tank just keeps healing...

Quote from MobiusOne.
I'll help you once more Havok. :D
I'm gettin my computer wiped, so i'm unable to do anything at the moment.
I'll also apply as the Terrain/Trigger/Tester guy; Basically the general above average map maker.

What did you help me on before? Refresh my memories...


Mar 18 2009, 12:16 am Magicide Post #18

Sleeping wolves wake hungry.

Quote from HavoK
Maybe instead of the observer idea I'll just make it so the tank just keeps healing...


I'll whip something up for you when I get the chance.

Maybe later.

Mar 18 2009, 1:02 am MobiusOne. Post #19

I didn't really help you on anything cause' your never on, but it was the RPG your working on.


Mar 18 2009, 2:27 am Pigy_G Post #20

Some suggestiongs.
For gernade, use the Waypoint Casting System + a reverb effect to bounce it off walls, I beleive loveless is doing this so you can contact him.
For cover, when your stuck on a wall and walking pinned against it, slow the player down with air units or burrow ground unit.
For that giant light gun use a ghost with nuke and find the point the nuke would hit, then initaite bang.
When the player is behind cover, constantly negate the enemy attacks or make them less damaging. HOWEVER using EUD's to detect if the player is firing, i.e over wall and exposed, increase the damage/amount of being hit, it would be more realistic and reliable then just random invincibility, seeing as you have to give a little if you want to be effective.
For firing, use EUD's to detect the player firing and subtract appropriate ammo and play respective wav. I've gotta go, dad's turning off internet, later!!
For switching weapons use EUD's to detect HP so the player doesnt get free life everytime he switchs.


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