Script Frenzy
Mar 12 2009, 11:21 pm
By: Fire_Kame  

Mar 12 2009, 11:21 pm Fire_Kame Post #1

wth is starcraft

After a successful bout with NaNoWriMo, I am ready for Script Frenzy next month. Anyone else?

Mar 13 2009, 4:07 pm Cnl.Fatso Post #2

Negatory, good sir, but I'll see you in November


Mar 13 2009, 5:24 pm Kellimus Post #3

Kame = Woman.


More info please?


Mar 14 2009, 9:42 pm Fire_Kame Post #4

wth is starcraft

Who: You and everyone you know. No experience required.

What: 100 pages of original scripted material in 30 days. (Screenplays, stage plays, TV shows, short films, and graphic novels are all welcome.)

When: April 1 - 30. Every year. Mark your calendars.

Where: Online and in person (if you want!). Hang out in the forums, join your fellow participants at write-ins, and make friends by adding writing buddies online.

Why: Because you have a story to tell. Because you want a creative challenge. Because you’ll be disappointed if you missed out on the adventure. Because you need to make time for you.

How: Sign up. Tell everyone that you are in the Frenzy. Clear your calendar. (US participants: Get your taxes done now!) Start some wrist exercises. Have fun!

That's basically it. :) You can write any genre. Its from the same beautiful people who host NaNoWriMo.

Mar 15 2009, 12:10 am Kellimus Post #5

Quote from name:-_- Kame -_-

Who: You and everyone you know. No experience required.

What: 100 pages of original scripted material in 30 days. (Screenplays, stage plays, TV shows, short films, and graphic novels are all welcome.)

When: April 1 - 30. Every year. Mark your calendars.

Where: Online and in person (if you want!). Hang out in the forums, join your fellow participants at write-ins, and make friends by adding writing buddies online.

Why: Because you have a story to tell. Because you want a creative challenge. Because you’ll be disappointed if you missed out on the adventure. Because you need to make time for you.

How: Sign up. Tell everyone that you are in the Frenzy. Clear your calendar. (US participants: Get your taxes done now!) Start some wrist exercises. Have fun!

That's basically it. :) You can write any genre. Its from the same beautiful people who host NaNoWriMo.

That's actually pretty interesting, I'm going to send that to a friend of mine and discuss it with him.


Mar 24 2009, 4:26 am PridefulOne Post #6

Actually I'm tossing together some people I've been picking up at my job over the past few months (around 50). We're all going to meet in a forum at my college this weekend to get comfortable around each other and brainstorm for the zombie movie we'll be working on this Summer :D.

I'm going to be writing the script for Script Frenzy ^^.


Mar 25 2009, 2:14 am FlyingHat Post #7

I've never written a script, don't know the basics of writing one and I've never seen one in my life. But this sounds interesting enough to make me take a stab at it.


Mar 25 2009, 4:08 am ClansAreForGays Post #8

I get the feeling that they don't read them all or do any judging. Like if I did this I'd like to know that if I wrote something really awesome, it would be put in some kind of spot light.

Mar 25 2009, 4:27 pm PridefulOne Post #9

It's just to show that you wrote something in a month, to give you a sense of accomplishment and get you to understand writing isn't that bad. Something a lot of people (including myself) don't understand on a psychological level :P.


Mar 28 2009, 1:27 am Fire_Kame Post #10

wth is starcraft

For people like me, who can't finish a work of writing to save my life, its to show the value of finishing a work before you get tied up with editing and plot holes. You aren't supposed to come out with a clean, polished script; its so that you have a place to leap from and edit in order to get to the polished script.

The point is: Even the pros write and rewrite and shape and massage for a long while before ever getting to the deceptively easy-looking brilliance of a great screenplay.

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