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Looking for a recommed motherboard
Sep 25 2007, 11:26 am
By: WMK  

Sep 25 2007, 11:26 am WMK Post #1

I need these things for my motherboard

Socket 939 with a CPU Fan Rack (I don't want a CPU with motherboard combo, I already have a AMD CPU)
4x 400 DDR RAM Slots (I'm going have at least 2 gigs of ram)
PCI Video card slot (I'm going use a Nivida 6800 256MB)
At least 3 PCI Slots
At least 4 USB slots
Easy to use bios :).

I'm looking for one with these things! Gimme a cheap motherboard please!


Sep 25 2007, 12:34 pm ~:Deathawk:~ Post #2

Oh god, looking for a 939 motherboard is no fun..
First off, we need to get some things straight..
I do not know what you mean by fan rack..
When you say PCI Video card slot, I'm assuming you mean PCI-express.
Do you care what form factor the motherboard supports (For example, ATX, MicroATX..)

And price range..?

How's this...?


Sep 25 2007, 4:41 pm Sael Post #3

nForce 4... those were the days.


Sep 25 2007, 5:05 pm ~:Deathawk:~ Post #4

I'm still rocking one =D


Sep 26 2007, 12:11 am WMK Post #5

Quote from ~:Deathawk:~
Oh god, looking for a 939 motherboard is no fun..
First off, we need to get some things straight..
I do not know what you mean by fan rack..
When you say PCI Video card slot, I'm assuming you mean PCI-express.
Do you care what form factor the motherboard supports (For example, ATX, MicroATX..)

And price range..?

How's this...?
Wow thanks! By CPU Rack I mean the black part around the CPU Socket.
Now I need a Case with a 500W power supply.


Sep 26 2007, 12:48 am ~:Deathawk:~ Post #6

I see, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but any cpu/motherboard combo you're going to buy retail will still allow you to remove the CPU from the motherboard. The "black part around the CPU socket" can be many different colors. I believe you are talking about a retention bracket.
Don't use powersupplies that come with cases. 99% of them will be crap, no matter what brand they are.

How much are looking to spend for both, if you want, I can lead you into the right direction ;p

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 26 2007, 2:08 am by ~:Deathawk:~.


Sep 26 2007, 1:15 am WMK Post #7

Quote from ~:Deathawk:~
I see, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but any cpu/motherboard combo you're going to buy retail will still allow you to remove the CPU from the motherboard. The "black part around the CPU socket" can be many different colors. I believe you are talking about a renetition bracket.
Don't use powersupplies that come with cases. 99% of them will be crap, no matter what brand they are.

How much are looking to spend for both, if you want, I can lead you into the right direction ;p
THanks you so much for your help :). I need a retention bracket socket 939 because my motherboard's retention bracket socket is broken. I thought you could't get retention bracket socket 939s.


Sep 26 2007, 3:22 am ~:Deathawk:~ Post #8

Well, if you can find one online, go for it. I think eBay may have them, I haven't checked.


Sep 26 2007, 3:50 am Sael Post #9

I just realized today that my current build (E6700, 3 Gb Ram, 8800 GTX) will probably have to see me through the next four years of college (and then some because I will be broke). IMHO, unless you plan on doing a lot of overclocking (such as with watercooling, etc.), any motherboard over $150 is just a waste of money. I probably made a mistake getting a 680i for $225 in December, because I only put the cpu @ 3.2 GHz and the DDR2 800 @ 4-4-4-12 timings with 1.9V power. I also hope your PC is homebuilt, because if it's HP, Dell, etc., they probably have a proprietary form factor, in which case a normal ATX motherboard is incompatible.

Is this (link) what you're looking for? It's amazing how typing "retention bracket" into Newegg will bring up several products. :lol:


Sep 27 2007, 1:01 am shooter1231 Post #10

Would this work for your case?


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