Staredit Network > Forums > Games > Topic: WoW ~ WOTLK
Nov 17 2008, 11:27 am
By: Moogle  

Nov 17 2008, 11:27 am Moogle Post #1

Predator of Bed Chambers

World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King

I was one of these people whom was looking somewhat forward to release of the game, I even went to the Midnight releasing of the game.

Once I go the game I raced home to install it and try it out.

First thing I did was created a death knight and was fun to play and experience.

Reason I did this because I knew the starting areas would be over packed, later on I switched to my main and tryed out the newer areas.

Sadly blizzard rushed the game too soon to counter the ever so late Warhammer Online Release, WOTLK has it good points as well bad right now.

Stupid quests don't even give half amount of gold as Burning crusade, 4g to 6g ATMOST!

Blizzard expects us to save 20k off these kinda of quests? Or even yet 12.5k for a Motor Bike!

Zones like nice in detail and stuff, creatures and skins of mobs are pretty cool Other then blizzard horns on a lot of stuff.

Leveling was meant to be harder, LAWL!

30 hours into game first level 80 was made, showing us that blizzard didn't really make it hard enough or something.

Overall it a seems like expansion is smaller area then Burning Crusade but with a few nice updates and bad things.

Hoping patches to come will make it more funner then it is at this time.

But I must say Death knight is worth playing! Try it out! Starting area is kickass.

Questing Items: WTF all I can say a lot of lame items and so forth nothing to even upgrade my epic gear out.

What with all the haste rating on damn plate? What really sucks is that a lot of D rating gear in my blacksmithing forcing my paladin to tank again or even my Death Knight.

Some Str / Crit gear but not much, Sigh hoping it gets better with more to come.


If all else fails, crowbar the fucker

Nov 18 2008, 7:04 pm Fisty Post #2

So overall is it worth getting? I have a Level 28 and think I'll just go Death Knight when I get him to level 60.


Nov 19 2008, 6:58 am ETEFT(U) Post #3

LoL Moogle, I remember when you hated WoW, you use to tell me to stop playing WoW and go on SC more.. hmm seems the tides have changed huh? I bought WotLK. I really wanna buy Left 4 Dead though... I haven't even started to play WotLK.. oh man...


Nov 19 2008, 5:11 pm Moogle Post #4

Predator of Bed Chambers

Quote from name:Deathman101
So overall is it worth getting? I have a Level 28 and think I'll just go Death Knight when I get him to level 60.

Overall a lot is still to be added to it, but blizzard going to have a big patch coming out soon since all raiding dungeons have been cleared and were too easy lol.

You can make a Death Knight once your main hits level 55, I right now have a level 75 Death Knight.

Quote from name:ETEFT
LoL Moogle, I remember when you hated WoW, you use to tell me to stop playing WoW and go on SC more.. hmm seems the tides have changed huh? I bought WotLK. I really wanna buy Left 4 Dead though... I haven't even started to play WotLK.. oh man...

Uh did I? I been playing since 2004.. I didn't like somethings about WoW and other things I did. I play on Maiev as horde.

If all else fails, crowbar the fucker

Nov 20 2008, 12:28 am Zycorax Post #5

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

I haven't bought it yet, but I will in near future. The problem is just that I can't decide what I will play as or which server I'll play on (everyone I know or meet always play on different servers!).
From what I've heard, WotLK is far better than TBC so I suppose it's worth giving it a try. The only thing I really dislike about it, is the Death Knight.

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