Issue: Roughly 1-4 seconds into the game all "new" players drop, but remain in-game(no crash). So basically every player is now in a single-player game.
Fix: Hosting a RM with the exact same unedited game file = players who previously dropped at game start no longer do, and any "new" players still drop.
I've tested this multiple times, and every time a player who previously dropped will be in-game with me without issue from there on out, and if we picked up any "new" players in the RM, only they will drop.
I've read that having too much happening all at once right @ start can cause issues like this, so I added a "intro scene" to delay the start of, and block vision of things like bunkers being disabled to make them invisible & create a "fire" effect.
The intro scene didn't work...
-1 second in, I start a "intro sound" that's 52 seconds long.
-4 Seconds in, I order a no-shared-vision CPU battlecruiser to move from point A-B with a location that follows it. Also @ 4sec I'm create/killing an observer for each user @ the battlecruisers location to give vision of only this area.
-8 seconds in I start disabling bunkers 1-by-1 (8 total).
-9 seconds in I disable 21 beacons all at once, , no users have vision of the bunkers/beacons as they are disabled.
-Also maybe noteworthy is that this map has no EUDs, 2696 units, 368 doodads, 748 sprites and runs on unit limits: Extended.
So anyways, I've basically made it so nothing "significant" happens until about 8 seconds and on, but players are dropping in the first 4 seconds.
Convincing strangers your RPG *DOES* work but only after a RM is difficult.
Any advice greatly appreciated!