Staredit Network > Forums > Modding Discussion > Topic: Unpacking and Repacking Installation Files.
Unpacking and Repacking Installation Files.
Feb 12 2019, 9:58 am
By: Kolokol  

Feb 12 2019, 9:58 am Kolokol Post #1

So, as some of you might know, I am currently working on translating a custom campaign for Starcraft BW and, unless I die or some other horrible thing happens*, share the translated version on SEN. Now, this campaign requires one to run an installation and setup wizard, since it does create its own registry entries. I've seen on some other forums that simply transferring a .exe file from one computer to another won't work if it creates its own reg. entries. I am editing some of the campaign files and am wondering if the installation program can be modified to instead install the modified files the next time it's used, instead of the original. Is that possible? Is there some other way to work around that issue (Besides, of course, just letting people install the original version and the modified files and having them manually replace each .txt, rez, and .scx file as needed)?
*(Might happen. I'm due to have a procedure under general anesthesia on 2/13/19. If you don't hear from me again, assume that I died)

Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Feb 15 2019, 5:46 am by Kolokol.


Feb 13 2019, 12:20 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #2

The Curious

Windows has the IExpress.exe utility that creates compressed packages for program setup, but I'm not sure if it can smoothly implement registry changes. However, you might create a .reg file and have the user run it, or do this through a batch file.

Good luck with the medical stuff.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Feb 15 2019, 4:02 am Kolokol Post #3

AAnd I'm back. Currently asking around on some other places on the Internet about this and awaiting responses.

Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Feb 15 2019, 10:27 pm by Kolokol.


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