Huh, it fails to write a file to a temp directory. Most likely to "%TEMP%\samase", not sure why that would ever fail.
Anyway, here's an update that reports the exact path that is failing, so try it and see if you see something on your system that would prevent accessing that path. May be antivirus software that doesn't trust the exe?
DownloadIn other news, this update also has support for locale paths. That is, `Locales\enUS\Assets\rez\stat_txt.json` now gets priority over plain `rez\stat_txt.json` if the game is currently in English.
You can still use the non-locale paths in case you only want to support one language, or if there is a specific language that should be "preferred default" for languages that you don't have localized files for.
Samase will always try to load a file for any locale if it exists, instead of loading default Blizzard files. The full file lookup order is now:
1) Currently active language `Locales\___\Assets\PATH`
2) Plain `PATH`
3) Any other language `Locales\___\Assets\PATH` in order enUS, deDE, esES, esMX, frFR, itIT, jaJP, koKR, NOLA, plPL, ptBR, ruRU, zhCN, zhTW
4) If the path starts with `HD2` or `SD`, check steps 1-3 without the `HD2`/`SD` prefix
5) Load default Blizzard file