Staredit Network > Forums > SC2 Custom Maps > Topic: "ALL IN" Co-Op map
"ALL IN" Co-Op map
Nov 25 2015, 2:48 pm
By: JCarrill0  

Nov 25 2015, 2:48 pm JCarrill0 Post #1

2 years ago I was inspired to create a map much similar like my 2 player sc1 Protoss Final mission map "Eye of the Storm" & XTerran5 "Emperor's Fall" (Ground Zero & Birds of War).

The new map Idea had been posted already on sc2 Forums, but I will post it here:
Quote from JCarrill0
I been wanting to make an "ALL IN" Co-Op myself, would anyone be willing to help me out if I get any questions along the way?

My idea for the map is just a basic Co-Op of the map:
- Co-Op (2 Terran players)
- Difficulty Selector (Casual, Normal, Hard, Brutal)
- Having both the Air Version, and the Nydas Worms version in the same Map
- Both Players would be shared units, not individual.
- Player have access to all mercenaries
- Player has all Armory upgrades!
- Players Choose Lab Research via Science Station or possibly have all
I Need help on that last part, and possibly other parts such as adding a special harder then brutal difficulty called "Fatal". Le me know if you interested. I'm not looking for it to be #1 Co-Op map, just a CO-Op me and my buddy can play.

2 and a half years Later, is it possible now with the new archon mode?
or has someone already done this?

Jan 23 2016, 5:44 pm JCarrill0 Post #2

Starting to revisit this idea...but if I can, I want to keep it playable for WoL users.

Few issues:
- I have no idea to make a research option for the extra zerg/protoss upgrades.
- Mercs are not available, not sure how to unlock them since it tells me to go to the cantina in the campaign.
- I have also is for some strange reason, Both events wont take place. It's always one or the other.

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