Staredit Network > Forums > SC2 General Discussion > Topic: Modifcation of Team colors is not working
Modifcation of Team colors is not working
Oct 10 2015, 7:54 pm
By: StratosTygo  

Oct 10 2015, 7:54 pm StratosTygo Post #1

(using a friends PC since I can't play SC2 on mine anymore thanks to this patch)

So i've been able to change the team colors before, IE (changing the aqua color to SC1 teal, or Blue to dark blue ETC)

it won't work or recognize the changes, am I doing something wrong (like you need to change something else) or is the patch just breaking something else?

(cross posting from Bnet)

Oct 10 2015, 9:22 pm Pr0nogo Post #2

Not too savvy with the editor and team colours. As for not being able to play on your computer, I'd recommend changing it from the 64 bit client to the 32 bit one since the 64 bit is even worse-off than the original. You can find this option in the launcher.

Oct 10 2015, 9:52 pm StratosTygo Post #3

Eh the bit switch thing doesn't work, tried that the day the patch went out :/

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