I bring, StarCraft Uprising.
this campaign returns to my original design of continuing the SC story following BroodWar, yet even so it has no relation to the other series in question.
If anything it's a "spiritual successor"
Three campaigns one for each race:
Episode IX THE NEW ORDER Terran
Download link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kru9eakhbw53r45/StarCraft%20Uprising.zip?dl=0Join a new infested Terran and the last remaining Cerebrates as they conspire with familiar powers against the Queen of Blades
Fight alongside the Akilae Executor and former conclave sympathizer, Matiego as he attempts to channel the skill of Tassadar to defeat the Zerg.
Fix the mistakes of the past with Commander Raynor and his allies during the height of war and the plight of the Umojans
Doesn't look like this has a mod component, so I'll be able to let's play it after I finish my LP of the original vanilla and BW campaigns.
do you have a location where others (like myself) can download Episodes V, VI, VII?
I am going through all your work in order of release.
I tried to go through Starcraft - Firestorm. Firestorm is sadly the worst starcraft campaign I have ever seen. It consists of 40 barely functioning maps with a completely nonsensical story. The cherry on the cake was the mission where you put yourself into the campaign as a goliath and task me with killing you but then immediately after killing you the next mission begins with a dialogue where you and raynor discuss forming an alliance against kerrigan and mengsk. By the way, how is it even humanly possible to misspell Aiur so many times in so many ways?
I then proceeded to Attempt Starcraft - Storm surge, it was basically as bad as firestorm, except that here there was the added problem of a complete lack of order. Seriously, the numbering is all wrong, I can't even find what is supposed to be the first mission. I had to give up halfway into the first mission I tried to play.
I then decided to attempt Star adairis, the second largest single series of custom starcraft campaigns ever made with a whopping 8 episodes each containing around 10 missions. This was a huge improvement over the last two but it still suffered from "ordinary" problems such as a boring story, confusing names, and boring maps, some of which were reused from previous campaigns. Still, the improvement in this over the last two is worth praising even if it was too boring for me to continue playing after just three maps.
Now I finally arrive at Starcraft uprising and once again I'm seeing an improvement compared to star adairis, I may actually be able to proceed with this campaign in its entirety, we will see.
do you have a location where others (like myself) can download Episodes V, VI, VII?
The original starcraft campaign is version VI and before, this is intended as a sequel
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 13 2019, 6:16 pm by Zincoshine.
Does anyone have a link to this campaign? The old link is broken

C.I.S. Conversion Mod creator
Does anyone have a link to this campaign? The old link is broken
The new link is located here: