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Middle Management the Game
Mar 15 2013, 7:20 pm
By: Fire_Kame
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Mar 15 2013, 7:20 pm Fire_Kame Post #1

wth is starcraft

This is a kame RP. You know the drill - don't be a dick and have fun. You control one character.

You have recently be hired by Savvy Tech Industries as an associate manager of advertising. You are grossly under-qualified for the position, having spent the last three years on your mother's couch, complaining about how awful the world is and how hard it is to just be you. Tomorrow is your first day, so you should get ready. A freshly pressed suit is laying out on your bed (thanks mom!) and you've already set aside five dollars for lunch. It is already getting late! Before you go to bed, let's get your paperwork in order:

[HINT: FILL OUT BELOW. ONLY ONE WILL BE USED. Keep in mind that depending on your response to this your future actions may be altered in some way.]

Highest Level of Education:
Lifelong Dream:



Mar 15 2013, 7:27 pm lil-Inferno Post #2

Just here for the pie

Name: Brick "Long" Johnson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Highest Level of Education: Associate's degree in IT from ITT Tech
Lifelong Dream: Prove he's not a complete piece of shit/waste of space. Get out of the friendzone but still be a "nice guy".

Mar 15 2013, 7:28 pm Sacrieur Post #3

Still Napping

Name: Upon Request
Gender: Sometimes
Age: Venerate
Highest Level of Education: Neckbeard
Lifelong Dream: Get Laid


Mar 15 2013, 9:23 pm Lanthanide Post #4

Name: Stacii
Gender: Girl
Age: 21
Highest Level of Education: third year student, majoring in psych
Lifelong Dream: Party in Ibiza


Mar 15 2013, 9:34 pm Vrael Post #5

Who on Earth honestly wants to play this? Ever?

Name: Richard Swallows
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Age: 47
Highest Level of Education: GED
Lifelong Dream: Travel to Cuba


Mar 16 2013, 4:52 am rayNimagi Post #6

Name: Violet Holland
Gender: Female
Age: 27 (took until 24 to get out of college)
Highest Level of Education: B.A. in History (Liberal arts degree->unemployed for three years)
Lifelong Dream: To become a professor at an Ivy League university

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Mar 18 2013, 4:30 pm Fire_Kame Post #7

wth is starcraft

Having got your papers in order, you crawl into bed. Anticipation keeps you awake and you allow your eyes to wander around your childhood room, dimly lit by a streetlight outside. You see the word "Violet" in large blocky letters above your vanity mirror, books on the fall of Rome scattered all over your makeshift desk and transcripts from NPR littering the floor. Don't let all that fool you though - you know that it has all been sitting there since the day you graduated barely on-touched; your aspirations to become an Ivy League professor beaten out of you by your mother's constant nagging. You wonder to yourself if this will be the end or the beginning of a new life; will you give up your aspirations? Will you find new ones? Will the other kids like me..... awaken the following morning to your cell phone's alarm. You groggily push yourself out of bed, not used to having to awaken at such an early time. You carefully pull yourself together and sulk down the stairs, dressed and ready but barely awake. Having no car, you have two choices on how to get to work: you could ask your mom to drop you off, or you could walk the two blocks to the nearest bus station. Either way you should get there about time with your mom driving you getting you there a few minutes before the bus would.



[A/N: Stat Caps = 20; Win Condition: Life Success]

Mar 18 2013, 4:36 pm lil-Inferno Post #8

Just here for the pie

Get mommy dearest to drive you. Arriving early always makes a good impression.

Mar 18 2013, 5:42 pm Fire_Kame Post #9

wth is starcraft

Your mom drives you to work and even buys you a breakfast sandwich and some orange juice on the way there. Score!

She tells you about how proud she is of you, and she goes into a bit of a monologue about how fortunate you are to find a job in this economy, and that if you screw this up there is no hope for you. You know better than to argue or to interrupt, so you roll your eyes and sulk in you seat, habitually straightening out your jacket just to have something to do. Your nerves are wracked as you go into the building for the first time since your last interview, but the food you ate gives you a slight strength bonus. As you get out of the car you see that you are five minutes early, compounding your good luck. The receptionist at the desk gives you a tired but overall nice smile and says in a practiced chipper voice, "Hello, how are you today?"

"Good....I'm uh, I'm a new employee here. This is my first day," You say. Your confidence sinks at the lack of information you actually have about your job, your new boss or the right way to be processed. The receptionist flips a few pages on her desk and moves a few files out of the way.

"Ah yes, you must be here for advertising? Violet Holland I'm assuming." She pulls out a security badge and hands it to you. It has a large green sticker on it. "And sign the log right there with your name, date and the name of your escort...your manager's name is Pauline, so put that there. Don't worry; once you're processed you'll get your own badge. Alright, thank you, and if you follow the hallway to the right, take the second left and go up the elevator to the third floor you'll arrive in marketing. I'm not quite sure where they're training new employees, you'll have to ask when you get up there." She gives you another kind but practiced smile and goes back to her paperwork as you go through the security door. The hallway before you is empty except for a few doors or hallways here and there. You could go straight to the marketing department as instructed or you could wander around - but if you're late it probably won't do you any favors.


STRENGTH STAT: 3 +2 (temporary boost due to breakfast)

Mar 18 2013, 5:49 pm lil-Inferno Post #10

Just here for the pie

Seek out Pauline and ask if she's ever been kidnapped by a giant ape and saved by a red and blue clad plumber.

Mar 18 2013, 6:01 pm rayNimagi Post #11

Follow the hallway to the right, take the second left and go up the elevator to the third floor. Make sure to smile when you pass by others in the hallway so you make a good impression. If you get lost, ask someone that looks like they would know where advertising is.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Mar 21 2013, 4:48 pm Fire_Kame Post #12

wth is starcraft

On the way to the elevator you nearly crash right into a woman in her late forties rolling a large suitcase-like brief case behind her. She's wearing a teal power suit straight out of the 90s, right down to big padded shoulders in the jacket. You apologize and press the button to go up. As the elevator makes its approach, you notice the ID badge on the woman next to you says Pauline. " I think you're my new boss," you say with a hint of amusement. If you were nervous you didn't show it. The woman smiles at you.

"Ah, so you must be Violet," she reaches out to shake your hand as the elevator doors open, "I know this is strange to meet this way, I usually like to be at there for the interview process but that didn't work out this time. You're the only one in training today so," she stops suddenly when she sees a young man, barely older than you running for the elevator door. She holds them open for him.

"Thanks," he says in an untraceable accent. He attempts to smooth out his bedhead and tucks his shirt into his gray slacks. "My name's Charles, but everyone calls me Chuck," he says holding out his hand panting.

"Violet," you respond, shaking it gingerly before returning your gaze to the front of the elevator. A long and awkward pause follows. In a desperate attempt to break the ice with your new boss, you make a comment referencing a Donkey Kong game you played when you were younger. Pauline smiles and almost responds, but Chuck beats her to the punch.

"So you're a gamer are you Violet? That's cool. We should meet up and play sometime," the elevator dings as the doors open, "this is my floor, I'll see you around won't I?" Fortunately you don't have time to respond before the door closes. Pauline lets out a sigh of relief as the door closes.

"That's the Development floor, no wonder he was so annoying. Heaven forbid you ever have a reason to go down there again."


STRENGTH STAT: 3 +1 (temporary boost due to breakfast)

Mar 21 2013, 11:41 pm rayNimagi Post #13

Ask Pauline about some of the responsibilities that you'll be given.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Apr 2 2013, 4:49 pm lil-Inferno Post #14

Just here for the pie

Break into song.

Apr 2 2013, 11:04 pm Fire_Kame Post #15

wth is starcraft

"We'll discuss your specific duties when we get to my office," Pauline says carefully.

"Your office? What about my orientation?" You ask her as the elevator doors opens, but she doesn't directly respond. Before you is an awfully yellowed room, cubicles lining the walls with a circle of chairs in the middle.

Sitting there are several young, seemingly out of place faces, looking around hesitantly as a large woman dictates to them the correct way to fill out their tax forms. The large woman looked up and with bubbly enthusiasm said, "Oh look! Pauline I already got them going on the-"

"Not today Chrissy, I need to take my assistant into my office and we'll continue orientation there," Pauline says, her voice dripping with annoyance. You struggle to keep up pace with her as she walks into one of two office doors hidden from immediate view by cubicles and file cabinets.

"Wait, assistant? I thought I was a-" you start, but she silences you.

You follow her into the office and she closes the door behind you. It is small, closer to an over sized closet. There is a large desk taking up most of the space in the room, a leather executive style chair (although clearly warn with time) behind it, and a chair in front of the desk that had clearly seen better days. Papers were strewn about in a disorganized fashion, but they were mostly unfilled or straight out blank. "Please, take a seat," she says, waving to the tattered chair in front of the desk.


Apr 2 2013, 11:53 pm rayNimagi Post #16

Sit down in the seat she indicated.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Apr 10 2013, 6:46 pm Fire_Kame Post #17

wth is starcraft

You sit down in the chair indicated and watch dumbly as Pauline sifts through the mountains of papers on her desk and file cabinets. "So I suppose I should tell you a little bit about our company. Savvy Tech Industries was found in 1995 by Jordan Franklin," she said, her voice partially muffled by her continuous paper pushing, "an entrepreneur who dreamed of one day running one of the largest technology research and development companies in the U.S. Ah yes," she paused for a second and placed a tax form and a pen in front of you, "please fill this out. Where was I? Oh yes. Now as you might imagine that was rather difficult as we do not exist in an area such as Silicon Valley in California, so we met quite a bit of resistance. The first instance of this was-" there was a knock on the door. Pauline rolled her eyes irritably, "Come in!" she said in a clearly fake chipper tone. Chrissy opened the door and popped her head in, smiling genially at Pauline and then at you.

"I'm sorry, Mark needs those forms filled out by this evening - you know, the TPS reports? Our quarterly review is coming up and he needs to consolidate the reports..." Chrissy said. Pauline nodded quickly, waving her hand for Chrissy to stop talking.

"Are those his exact words?" She asked, picking up a blue file with loose pages slipping out at the edges.

"Yes yes," Chrissy responds with a bob of her head.

"Alright I'll be out in a minute. Violet, here are the rest of the forms that I need from you, and if you don't mind please get your social security card and driver's license ready," Pauline said placing several more forms on the desk before you. "This shouldn't take more than a moment, I'll be back soon if you have any questions." She shuts the door behind her as both women leave.

You quickly fill out the forms as told; for the most part they are wavers stating that you went through the proper training, mostly to do with proper safety and first aid procedures. There was also a non-disclosure agreement, a contract, and a couple of pages on the company's healthcare offerings that you left empty as your mom still covered you as a dependent. Having completed your paperwork you wait for her in the office. Several hours pass.

TIME: 11:25 AM


Apr 10 2013, 7:08 pm rayNimagi Post #18

Continue waiting until someone enters the room.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Apr 10 2013, 8:15 pm Positively Post #19

Throw a complete bitchfit, ripping and throwing papers everywhere, screaming that you've waited long enough, all because Pauline comes off as a stuck up little brat when someone asks for the cause of your complete meltdown.


Apr 10 2013, 10:28 pm Fire_Kame Post #20

wth is starcraft

You wait a little longer...a clock ticks in another office, you hear the shuffling of busy employees outside the door behind you. You read and reread the waivers, contracts and tax forms out of sheer boredom. Occasionally you hear laughter, or a phone ringing, or a computer buzzing a notice for a new message, but never does anyone come back to your office.

Another hour passes. You think you hear Chrissy, but you wait anyways. Maybe she'll come in; maybe they'll remember you.

Then another hour passes.

You lose track of time, and in a fit of hysteria you stand up from your chair so rapidly it falls backward. You would like very much to flip the desk in front of you up on it's end, but being made of solid wood you find that impossible. Instead you set your eyes on Pauline's stacks and stacks of paper. How did someone so disorganized become anyone's boss? You wonder. She shouldn't have hired a - a - what the hell was your job title again? You had only heard it once over the phone probably from Pauline - it was never mentioned again.

What were you doing here?

Where was your life going?

What was the point?

In this moment of existential crisis, you pick up the nearest binder and throw it behind you. It makes a resounded thud against a file cabinet that echoes off the walls of the office. Your heart stops for a moment and you hold your breath - what if someone heard? What if you get fired? Several moments pass before you realize you are quite alone, and so you continue your rampage through Pauline's files; tearing up accordian files, ripping desk drawers from their socks and letting them fall aimlessly on the floor.

The door squeaks open slowly, your maniacal laughter of liberation coming to a sudden halt. You are painting, your fists raised up in brutish glory, as a woman in a pastel green smock comes towards you. "Ma'am?" she says softly. You can see behind her that their are several others in the same smock, many of which caring cleaning liquids, sponges or towels. "Ma'am, this isn't your office," she says in a clear voice, "you must leave before I call security."


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