Staredit Network > Forums > Games > Topic: YU GI OH THREAD
Jun 15 2011, 10:45 pm
By: MadZombie
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Sep 10 2011, 4:14 pm ClansAreForGays Post #41

Not to mention heavy storm back it! It's a new ball game.

Sep 12 2011, 4:05 am LoveLess Post #42

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Orly. And why am I not in that, wasn't it me who found the site? I don't even remember.


Oct 10 2011, 2:32 pm Riney Post #43

Thigh high affectionado

Just tried this out after finding the damn soundtrack to Yugioh Online, which got me in the mood.

Is there seriously barely any automation? Im just wondering cause I mean its nice to have to play like its real cards and all, but I forget shit like my Coffin Seller all the time.

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Oct 12 2011, 2:45 am MadZombie Post #44

Yea, it's sort of annoying but understandable. This is some guy who coded this from his house in his spare time. It's honestly the best card dueling system for any game out ever imo. It's better than playing the games for DS or PSP because it's a lot easier to search through all of the cards by certain effects or names or whatever. But some cards are still unsupported. Like 'Exchange' where you look at each others hand and trade a card. You can't add a card from your opponents deck to your hand. Also you can't play convulsion of nature which would have you flip your entire deck upside down.

Some cards people just do a workaround that everyone just agrees with. Like your opponent choosing the card for a random discard since it's the closest thing to random. Or when your opp uses Pot of Duality he banishes or mills the top 3 cards from his deck because the card effect says to reveal the cards so they reveal it this way.

Also the biggest thing it doesn't support is counters or monster attack changes. Counters is huge. It makes aliens nearly unplayable because it's so tedious since they place alien counters on cards everywhere and keeping track of them is such a hassle.

Feels bad man. I REAAALLY want support for Exchange.

Also DM you should come hang out in our IRC. It's in the OP.


Oct 14 2011, 11:36 pm Riney Post #45

Thigh high affectionado

I might I might. And that thing about Pot of Duality, we did that impulsively. It just made sense.

I hope the guy coding this is open to ideas though, a few things couldnt be too hard to code in, like only being able to place cards on M1 and M2, or not being able to end turn until you click EP.

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Oct 14 2011, 11:54 pm Raitaki Post #46

Quote from Riney
I might I might. And that thing about Pot of Duality, we did that impulsively. It just made sense.

I hope the guy coding this is open to ideas though, a few things couldnt be too hard to code in, like only being able to place cards on M1 and M2, or not being able to end turn until you click EP.
"only being able to place cards on M1 and M2" What about my meklords :( Are you saying I can't crash my non-darks into Castors to get free ss any more D:


Oct 15 2011, 1:07 am MadZombie Post #47

I don't think limits of any kind should be placed. There are cards that activate at all kinds of steps during a turn. Some during your drawphase or the damage step or when you declare an attack. We need more options not less.

not being able to end turn until you click EP.

if you are talking about card effects that activate during the end phase then in a sense clicking the "End turn" button is the same as clicking the "End Phase button" since it's like a last phase since it's not your turn/draw phase until YOU accept the turn ending and draw 1.

A common example is that you go first and set mystical space typhoon and end the turn. Then your opponent sets threatening roar and ends his turn. Before you accept and let the turn end you can say "At the end phase..." and flip mystical space typhoon and destroy the facedown card. Naturally you could chain threatening roar to mystical space typhoon but since your opponent set that trap card on that same turn he can't activate it. Shouldn't be a problem.

also my latest boss monster, check it out:
(can't get an image of him to load properly)

He sets up one turn kills (8000 to 0) in one turn if you have no protection and allow his attacks to connect in my vylon deck. when he declares an attack I'd use his effect to pull Tryce

which allows me to attack twice per turn at the cost of 500 attack and and discarding one card except he bypasses the discard since the magic card isn't activated and is simply equipped. And usually in vylons their equip cards allow me to add another vylon equip card from my deck to my hand when they are sent to the grave from the field. And assuming I start out with no attack boosting equip cards the main why I synchro summon Vylon sigma is by normal summoning trident warrior

with him I summon Vylon cube (lvl 3 tuner monster) and then synchro summon. Vylon cubes effect is to add an equip spell card to my hand when he is used for a synchro summon. I'd add mage power.

So then I'd have sigma on the field, equip mage power, declare an attack, sigma effect to equip tryce, destroy the monster and deal battle damage assuming it's in attack position, attack again which activates tryce again. Depending on the situation I can pull another mage power for a HUGE boost or a vylon equip card that allows my vylon monster to inflict piercing damage.

It's a pretty consistent deck. It's incredibly easy to whip out sigma and have him all juiced up with equips but where the deck falls down is running into magic cylinders, dimensional prisons, or just having the summon negated by solemn warning or bottomless trap hole.

I run royal decree to stop it but I can't search royal decree with any card unlike my other cards required for my sigma combo. I just have to have the heart of the cards and draw into it and be able to flip it on the turn I have everything else ready. I've had so many times where I have my sigma combo ready but I JUST set royal decree THAT turn so I can't flip it.

We never really talk about card combos or tactics or ask for help card wise so yea. just throwing this out here. If anyone has any decks they want help with or suggestions...

I wish this thread was more active and more people were interested in this game. It's so much fun. I make a new deck almost everyday just because of all the different card combinations, archetypes, and card effects. But I mean I imagine anyone who tries to play this game in rated will get mad an rage quit at people who duel pros that can summon like 3 heavy attackers in one turn and thinking it's over powered and that the game is broken. That really rustles my jimmies. "Herp derp SYNCHROS AND XYZ MONSTERS RUINED THE GAAAME"

losing is fun guys. you learn new cards and combos when someone does a huge combo on you and you lose. Play game with us :c


Oct 15 2011, 2:07 am Raitaki Post #48

I quit cuz I was having too much own except against one turn that-monster-who-wins-game-if-you-have-his-5-parts-on-hand decks.



Oct 15 2011, 3:00 am MadZombie Post #49

Exodia decks are the worst. It's either you win first turn or your opponent trishes you or makes you discard a piece and you quit anyway. Either way everyone loses time. It's like running exodia with the rest of the cards in your deck being like 20 pot of greeds.


Oct 16 2011, 9:37 pm LoveLess Post #50

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

So some kids I play ROTT with were talking about Yugioh. I told them about the site and they were all excited to play it, then once they found out it isn't fully automated, they bashed the game and called it gay. So I offered the counter argument,

"So you used Heavy Storm."

"Yeah. And the cards didn't go to the discard."

"So when you play IRL and play Heavy Storm, do you have to move the cards yourself or does someone do it for you."

"...That's not the same!"

"Yeah, it is."

"But this is on a computer!"

"Put your cards on top of your tower and see if they move themselves."

"You are an idiot, that's not the same."

"No, you are just a lazy fuck that can't move his mouse a few times."


Oct 17 2011, 12:55 am ClansAreForGays Post #51

Quote from LoveLess
"But this is on a computer!"

"Put your cards on top of your tower and see if they move themselves."
I love you.

Oct 17 2011, 11:41 am MadZombie Post #52

CAFG do you still play? Play with us. I've gotten much better ;0

Also the group decided to make a blog after this 'huge' yugioh player, deathaspect, decided to shut down his blog so they thought they could make their own to take over or replace or whatever the reason. It's pretty neat since more than one person writes for it so it can get multiple posts per day which is one up from Death Aspects blog who posted like once a week.

Hope it works out


Oct 18 2011, 2:28 pm LoveLess Post #53

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

So I have been running an old school Beatdown deck, get the most powerful cards and the fastest way to pump them out, then support them with the best cards available with as much combination as you can get without watering down the damage. It works!

Pump out the Level 4 Monsters like it's nothing, then XYZ and Synchro them like crazy. If I can shut them out by the second turn, I will win on the third. Otherwise, I can just start with an easy Stardust Dragon and slowly whither them down, only bringing out a second combo if the Stardust gets taken out or they have nothing.


Oct 18 2011, 8:23 pm MadZombie Post #54

De synchro is a funny card. It's sort of like a smashing ground that only works on synchros or doubles up as a way to switch from synchros to XYZ or other strategies. Use it on your opponents synchros to get rid of them or on your own to SS the material used for them from the grave. Works decently with sacred crane. I don't think Crashbug spell is worth it. I think you are better off running other Spell/Traps (mainly traps) since photon lead should already take care of SS monster for you. You're losing two cards from your hand to get an extra monster on the field. (crash bug plus the monster you SS). If you ran traps to keep your monsters on the field instead of MORE cards to get monsters on the field from your hands your deck would be more consistent. You're going to run out of monster from your hand eventually and will end up burning your entire hand for something that can easily be negated or countered (Torrential tribute, next turn Dark hole, Black luster soldier out of nowhere, simply negated the summon or a card that summon by counter traps, Mindcrush/Dustshoot,etc). It's never good to over extend your plays.

Morphing jar might seem good at first but you can't search it so it's not your answer to dumping your hand to get your monsters on the field and then flipping morphing jar to replenish your hand. If you went up against a dark world deck (it's the current meta so most likely) you'll just end up helping them out. It's not that great of a card to run this format.

Nova summoner only pulls light fairy monsters with 1500 attack or less on destruction. You can't really grab anything with it except itself. Reborn tengu might be a better choice though I suppose you picked it over shining angel (which could search out your prisms) because nova summoner can SS the monster in attack or defense. I guess I can see why.

For your extra deck I highly doubt you'll need 3 scrap dragons. I've never needed more than 1 but of course that depends on the deck. I wouldn't say to run more than 2, you could use other cards. I see you're runnign vylon epsilon. He's like scrap dragon sure but you can't synch him with prism and another card and equip prism to him apparently. It's some weird ruling that an admin on dueling network said that Prism activates BEFORE the synchro hits the field so it can't target it. You can equip it to another monster that is already on the field though. You should run Crimson Blader. When he destroys a monster and sends it to the graveyard (if the monster doesn't hit the graveyard the effect won't work) then your opponent CANNOT normal summon or Special summon a level 5 or higher monster. Usually people don't summon a monster so that they can escape the "crimson blader lock" so you can attack directly for 2800. Or they whip out dimensional prison or something.

I find it unlikely that you need TWO lavalval chains. You don't have any cards worth really sending to the graveyard. I would just run 1. Also I wouln't run illuminate at all. If you can afford to waste THREE decent attack monsters for illumiknight then chances are you are already winning, in which case you are giving your opponent a chance to dimensional prison all of the monsters just by using it on the XYZ monster. knight is really only good for cards that can use his effect to drop cards to the grave to their advantage like Gem-Knights. I would run 0. If anything you should run Utopias and Disigma.

but that's just my opinion

What MadZombie would do:
-1 de synchro
-3 crashbug spell
-3 vylon prism
-3 nova summoner

+3 thunder king rai-oh
+3 Reborn tengu
+2 dimensional prison
+1 solemn judgement
+1 solemn warning

other notable cards to run:

Burden of the mighty (this card stacks so if you have two on the field the effect is applied twice ex. a level 4 monster would lose 800 attack instead of 400)
Forbidden lance (-800 attack usually lets you swing over anything and it's effect to have the monster unaffected by Magic/trap can be used on your own monsters to save it from mirror force or dark hole)
Pot of duality (lets you draw into your deck but stop your from SS that turn as a trade off)
Gracekeepers spy (when flipped can special summon another one from your DECK which is a +1 and also thins out your deck which is always good. Has 2000 defense so it can stop a lot of things. level 4 so if it was attacked and survived you'll have 2 level 4's on the field, summon another level 4 and you can run Disigma to steal a monster or Shock ruler to prevent your opponent from having any fun)
Pot of avarice (draw 2 and get some cards back into your deck like reborn tengu)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 18 2011, 8:34 pm by MadZombie.


Oct 19 2011, 12:03 am ClansAreForGays Post #55

Yugioh is old news bro, I'm Boy Crazy now!

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