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[2014-10-25. : 5:24 pm]
Moose -- jjf what IDE do you use or are you a manly text editor?
[2014-10-25. : 5:22 pm]
Moose -- LoveLess
LoveLess shouted: jjf28 more than you jj :massimo:
[2014-10-25. : 5:21 pm]
jjf28 -- LoveLess
LoveLess shouted: jjf28 more than you jj :massimo:
yea prolly if he made maps at all, I just have a new helms version and narrow straits; the rest aren't really worth mentioning
[2014-10-25. : 5:19 pm]
LoveLess -- jjf28
jjf28 shouted: Heinermann made a map? :P
more than you jj :massimo:
[2014-10-25. : 5:17 pm]
jjf28 -- Heinermann made a map? :P
[2014-10-25. : 5:15 pm]
LoveLess -- "if you don't do it, i'll call you a fucking faggot"
[2014-10-25. : 5:15 pm]
LoveLess -- threats or something proly
[2014-10-25. : 5:14 pm]
Moose -- How did Dem0n convince Heinermann to make a map with him? XD
[2014-10-25. : 5:11 pm]
LoveLess -- eww
[2014-10-25. : 5:08 pm]
Dem0n -- Hey, guys, check this map out
[2014-10-25. : 5:02 pm]
Dem0n -- ~~~
[2014-10-25. : 5:02 pm]
LoveLess -- Oooooooooo~
[2014-10-25. : 5:02 pm]
Moose -- Spooooooky
[2014-10-25. : 5:02 pm]
Moose -- Oh
[2014-10-25. : 5:02 pm]
LoveLess -- It's on Halloween night
[2014-10-25. : 5:01 pm]
Moose -- Hey LL, how was your date?
[2014-10-25. : 4:59 pm]
LoveLess -- Ex, remember what happened over at the HON forums? You are lawful evil.
[2014-10-25. : 4:59 pm]
Moose -- The flooders killed op sen. I don't know if Illuminatus was a TS player.
[2014-10-25. : 4:48 pm]
Dem0n -- If the greater good was handing SEN over to the TS losers, then I agree. :wob:
[2014-10-25. : 4:46 pm]
Excalibur -- Never Dem0n. Always for the greater good.
[2014-10-25. : 4:41 pm]
Dem0n -- Some good that did. Go take a looka at Op SEN. :wob:
[2014-10-25. : 4:40 pm]
Dem0n -- Ex was more concerned about keeping the power to himself than he was preserving the nature of SEN.
[2014-10-25. : 4:39 pm]
jjf28 -- Because I'm Batman :wob:
[2014-10-25. : 4:23 pm]
jjf28 --
[2014-10-25. : 4:19 pm]
Moose -- wat
[2014-10-25. : 4:15 pm]
lil-Inferno -- I still think back to that day. What if things had gone differently? ;-;
[2014-10-25. : 4:14 pm]
lil-Inferno -- I remember being at Op 5EN when it happened. It was 2009, a clear and sunny day, and the draconian bot laws of Op SEN prompted several users to rebel and form Op 5EN, a new home free from tyranny. All was going well and we were happy in our new home. The children played, the women cooked and cleaned, and the men went hunting. Then we heard the village's warning bells ringing. We rushed back to the town, and saw Excalibur leading a battalion of cavalry over the hill. I recall him carrying a Staredit Network banner. He stormed into the village and no one dared say anything. He demanded our surrender or we faced total annihilationWe had no choice, we waved the white flag and forfeited all that we had to Excalibur the Terrible.
[2014-10-25. : 4:05 pm]
jjf28 -- Mini Moose 2707
Mini Moose 2707 shouted: Do intentions matter? Most people see what they're doing as "good".
[2014-10-25. : 3:56 pm]
Moose -- I wasn't being philosophical, I was talking about D&D rules of alignment :P
[2014-10-25. : 3:55 pm]
Excalibur -- But in my current job which is very difficult but I am growing to like very much, I referenced what I did here as part of what gave me the skillset I needed to do it. And that's really the truth. Without SEN, without custom content, I would not be the person I am or in the position I am. Its so surreal. Also sorry for the tangent I'm usually more quiet these days.
[2014-10-25. : 3:54 pm]
Excalibur -- I love this place. After renting homes for most of my teen years and hopping to a new one every time a lease was up, this has been the only consistency in my life since I was 12. There is nowhere I feel more at home and I would give my life defending it if need be. It seems silly. Its silly enough in text and its worse when you say it out loud. I notice people don't really get what places like this are like to those of us who are so involved. Its hard to say in an interview that experiences I've had modding games and participating in communities about making that content are evidence for why I'm qualified for a position.
[2014-10-25. : 3:52 pm]
Excalibur -- I don't do philosophical debates anymore. Not on the internet not even in real life. It does nothing for anyone. All I know is that I see people with obvious self serving agendas, trying to make things better for themselves. Everything I've done, even when it was the wrong thing, was done with the intent that it might make SEN a better place for everyone involved. I didn't always see clearly and more often than not I wasn't as right as I thought I was. But at the time there was no convincing me of that.
[2014-10-25. : 3:37 pm]
lil-Inferno -- BloodyZombie117
BloodyZombie117 shouted: If they matter to the person, then they matter to something. It doesn't matter to all, just them.
Well, if intentions are relative to the person, then how can one legitimately say that another person's intentions are wrong?
[2014-10-25. : 3:36 pm]
lil-Inferno -- Also that quote is so lawful evil.
[2014-10-25. : 3:36 pm]
lil-Inferno -- R.I.P. Op 5EN :crybaby:
[2014-10-25. : 3:36 pm]
lil-Inferno -- Excalibur
Excalibur shouted: I'm lawful evil eh?
Excalibur shouted: I consider myself more of a chaotic good. Unpredictable and explosive but always with the best of intentions.
You're lawful evil because of your treatment of Op 5EN ;-;
[2014-10-25. : 3:20 pm]
BloodyZombie117 -- If they matter to the person, then they matter to something. It doesn't matter to all, just them.
[2014-10-25. : 3:16 pm]
Moose -- Do intentions matter? Most people see what they're doing as "good".
[2014-10-25. : 3:15 pm]
Excalibur -- I consider myself more of a chaotic good. Unpredictable and explosive but always with the best of intentions.
[2014-10-25. : 3:13 pm]
Excalibur -- I'm lawful evil eh?
[2014-10-25. : 2:33 pm]
Moose -- I'm still amused that I get to be lawful because I wrote the laws. :moose:
[2014-10-25. : 2:29 pm]
lil-Inferno -- I'm still impressed at the badassery of my quote.
[2014-10-25. : 12:50 pm]
Devourer -- Chaotic Evil :3
[2014-10-25. : 6:32 am]
Azrael -- Sacrieur
Sacrieur shouted: Azrael Fucking dictator faggot fucker. (it's mod night)
Isn't it "dictating"? :O
[2014-10-25. : 5:55 am]
Sacrieur -- space.
[2014-10-25. : 5:38 am]
[2014-10-25. : 5:25 am]
jjf28 -- :wob:
[2014-10-25. : 5:13 am]
BloodyZombie117 -- :wob:
[2014-10-25. : 4:52 am]
Dem0n -- :wob:
[2014-10-25. : 4:51 am]
Moose -- :wob:
[2014-10-25. : 4:07 am]
Fire_Kame -- sacfaec?
[2014-10-25. : 4:03 am]
Echo -- school boy
[2014-10-25. : 4:03 am]
Echo -- q
[2014-10-25. : 4:00 am]
Excalibur -- Since when is it mod night?
[2014-10-25. : 3:30 am]
Sacrieur -- Azrael
Azrael shouted: Dem0n Dem0n You're a bad person.
Fucking dictator faggot fucker. (it's mod night)
[2014-10-25. : 3:08 am]
BloodyZombie117 -- u cn blm it a11 0n m3.
[2014-10-25. : 3:04 am]
BloodyZombie117 -- Bby cum bak.
[2014-10-25. : 3:04 am]
jjf28 -- he used to slay dem0ns, but he's gone the way of the dark wanderer
[2014-10-25. : 3:01 am]
BloodyZombie117 -- Azrael
Azrael shouted: Dem0n Dem0n You're a bad person.
Maybe that's why he's called Dem0n... Just speculating on that though.
[2014-10-25. : 1:30 am]
Azrael -- Dem0n
Dem0n shouted: :roy:
Dem0n shouted: Fuck you all.
You're a bad person.
[2014-10-25. : 1:12 am]
jjf28 -- :rob:
[2014-10-25. : 1:12 am]
trgk -- :bow:
[2014-10-25. : 1:12 am]
trgk -- :wob:
[2014-10-25. : 1:08 am]
*jjf28 :wob:*
[2014-10-25. : 1:08 am]
jjf28 -- tried to whisper a wob to everyone :P
[2014-10-25. : 1:08 am]
jjf28 -- lame.
[2014-10-25. : 1:08 am]
jjf28 -- i just can't see sent whispers
[2014-10-25. : 1:07 am]
jjf28 -- owait

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