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Pages: < 1 « 3136 3137 3138 3139 31403541 >

[2014-12-22. : 10:10 pm]
Moose -- Any of the score based ones are preserved
[2014-12-22. : 10:10 pm]
Moose -- Which examples are you talking about
[2014-12-22. : 10:10 pm]
zsnakezz -- is what your saying
[2014-12-22. : 10:10 pm]
zsnakezz -- but you dont need the preserve trigger
[2014-12-22. : 10:09 pm]
Moose -- So if the trigger is preserved and the conditions are true, it will keep running
[2014-12-22. : 10:09 pm]
Moose -- Unless something makes one of the conditions not true, they'll keep being true
[2014-12-22. : 10:09 pm]
zsnakezz -- or is it a once and done kind of thing
[2014-12-22. : 10:09 pm]
zsnakezz -- so long as the conditions are met?
[2014-12-22. : 10:09 pm]
zsnakezz -- will they do the same thing more than once?
[2014-12-22. : 10:08 pm]
zsnakezz -- do conditions continue to apply, after they executed an action?
[2014-12-22. : 10:08 pm]
zsnakezz -- my main question is
[2014-12-22. : 10:08 pm]
zsnakezz -- im looking at it here, and there is no preserve triggers in any of the examples
[2014-12-22. : 10:07 pm]
zsnakezz -- and i may have put some actions in the wrong hoobajoob
[2014-12-22. : 10:07 pm]
zsnakezz -- i think my main problem is that i preserved the triggers
[2014-12-22. : 10:06 pm]
zsnakezz -- i see
[2014-12-22. : 10:06 pm]
Zoan -- yay starcraft!
[2014-12-22. : 10:06 pm]
Moose -- The distinction between kills and kill score is unfortunately something we have to deal with because we cannot subtract from the first but can from the second.
[2014-12-22. : 10:03 pm]
zsnakezz -- it works alot differently than how i had in mind
[2014-12-22. : 10:03 pm]
zsnakezz -- hmm
[2014-12-22. : 10:01 pm]
lil-Inferno -- Assuming you want different rewards for different kills, anyway.
[2014-12-22. : 10:00 pm]
lil-Inferno -- "Perfect" kills to cash version 1 is probably the easiest to implement that works well IMO.
[2014-12-22. : 9:59 pm]
zsnakezz -- but if that is an actual thing i will change it
[2014-12-22. : 9:59 pm]
zsnakezz -- i thought those were just for namesake
[2014-12-22. : 9:58 pm]
zsnakezz -- gives you like 7 options
[2014-12-22. : 9:58 pm]
zsnakezz -- make kills generic points instead?
[2014-12-22. : 9:57 pm]
zsnakezz -- so just set the score type to something else?
[2014-12-22. : 9:57 pm]
zsnakezz -- <>.<>
[2014-12-22. : 9:57 pm]
lil-Inferno -- You can't do that. Kills aren't subtractable.
[2014-12-22. : 9:57 pm]
zsnakezz -- so it should give money and then stop if the conditions are false
[2014-12-22. : 9:57 pm]
zsnakezz -- but i have it set to subtract 1 kill in the trigger though
[2014-12-22. : 9:56 pm]
lil-Inferno -- If it continues running it's because the conditions are still true
[2014-12-22. : 9:56 pm]
zsnakezz -- maybe it will work fine without the preserve trig
[2014-12-22. : 9:55 pm]
zsnakezz -- when i kill an enemy, the kill count skyrockets
[2014-12-22. : 9:54 pm]
zsnakezz -- where killing specific enemies would yield specific rewards
[2014-12-22. : 9:54 pm]
zsnakezz -- kill to reward system
[2014-12-22. : 9:54 pm]
zsnakezz -- there was a link before
[2014-12-22. : 9:54 pm]
zsnakezz -- i need help doing the kill count thing
[2014-12-22. : 9:14 pm]
Roy -- zsnakezz
zsnakezz shouted: but i think it would be much more practical to have a simple end trigger function
Use the condition "Switch 1 is cleared". Then when you want to end the trigger, do a "Set Switch 1". As a bonus, you can start up the trigger again by doing "Clear Switch 1".
[2014-12-22. : 8:55 pm]
Moose -- Aristocrat
Aristocrat shouted: Trust me, you stop being able to brute force Euler problems with dumb algorithms some time before 100.
This. The earlier problems are easier from a CS background, but I'm starting to see where you need mathematical knowledge in later problems
[2014-12-22. : 8:54 pm]
Moose -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: a) what makes you think it can't? b) What makes you think anything can't be bruteforced? (you just have to know what to do)
Sacrieur shouted: So no, I really don't believe this is a problem that can be brute forced.
Being able to be bruteforced and being able to be bruteforced on an average person's system in a reasonable amount of time are very different things.
[2014-12-22. : 8:33 pm]
zsnakezz -- but watchya gonna do
[2014-12-22. : 8:33 pm]
zsnakezz -- not having to come up with out of the box solutions around it ya know
[2014-12-22. : 8:33 pm]
zsnakezz -- but i think it would be much more practical to have a simple end trigger function
[2014-12-22. : 8:33 pm]
zsnakezz -- im thinking about implementing the kill counter system
[2014-12-22. : 8:32 pm]
zsnakezz -- huh
[2014-12-22. : 8:24 pm]
lil-Inferno -- Congratulations, the answer you gave to problem 36 is correct. You are the 50700th person to have solved this problem.
[2014-12-22. : 8:20 pm]
NudeRaider -- Sacrieur
Sacrieur shouted: I'm a cat and thus incapable of being evil.
cats are probably the most evil animals on the planet
[2014-12-22. : 8:17 pm]
NudeRaider -- *acceleration = "felt push"
[2014-12-22. : 8:16 pm]
NudeRaider -- I think I figured it, I just need confirmation: If M1 were bigger than M2, the resulting acceleration would be smaller than for a same M2 and M1 similar to M2. And this is the "felt push", right?
[2014-12-22. : 8:14 pm]
NudeRaider -- man usually I'mgood with physics, but I'mstruggling with this thought experiment: Force F pushes mass M1. Mass M2 is right in front of M1, so it gets pushed by M1. Obviously the resulting acceleration will be the same for M1 and M2, but what about the amount of "felt push" induced by F?
[2014-12-22. : 8:12 pm]
lil-Inferno -- Congratulations, the answer you gave to problem 35 is correct. You are the 47765th person to have solved this problem.
[2014-12-22. : 7:56 pm]
lil-Inferno -- Congratulations, the answer you gave to problem 33 is correct. You are the 39520th person to have solved this problem.
[2014-12-22. : 7:53 pm]
Roy -- Your suggestions are noted and will be taken into consideration for the Warcraft III editor, coming soon.
[2014-12-22. : 7:49 pm]
Zoan -- They should have loops or goto things, and be able to say things like "number of deaths of X = number of deaths of Y"
[2014-12-22. : 7:37 pm]
lil-Inferno -- That's like, what conditions are for.
[2014-12-22. : 7:25 pm]
zsnakezz -- so if a trigger is preserved, it can happen more than once, but without happening constantly
[2014-12-22. : 7:24 pm]
zsnakezz -- end trigger if you will
[2014-12-22. : 7:24 pm]
zsnakezz -- i think there should be a stop trigger function
[2014-12-22. : 7:22 pm]
jjf28 -- i think SEN should only parse LF CR FF VT together as a new line
[2014-12-22. : 7:16 pm]
zsnakezz -- errybody wants to beeeya cat!
[2014-12-22. : 7:16 pm]
zsnakezz -- i liked that movie
[2014-12-22. : 7:13 pm]
Aristocrat -- Sand Wraith
Sand Wraith shouted: 1:47 PM - Nui Harime has changed their name to Ryūko Matoi. 1:51 PM - Kiryuuin Satsuki: who r u 1:51 PM - Kiryuuin Satsuki: what did you do to nui 1:51 PM - Ryūko Matoi: Your sis 1:51 PM - Ryūko Matoi: :3 1:51 PM - Kiryuuin Satsuki: o tru 1:51 PM - Ryūko Matoi: I crushed Nui with my titz 1:51 PM - Kiryuuin Satsuki: o 1:51 PM - Kiryuuin Satsuki: did you tuck her in too 1:51 PM - Ryūko Matoi: Ye. 1:52 PM - Kiryuuin Satsuki: tuck her right in the life fibre. 1:52 PM - Kiryuuin Satsuki: thanks sis 1:52 PM - Kiryuuin Satsuki: I knew I could count on you 1:52 PM - Ryūko Matoi: Ye.
[2014-12-22. : 7:11 pm]
zsnakezz -- simmer down
[2014-12-22. : 7:11 pm]
zsnakezz -- whoa sand
[2014-12-22. : 7:09 pm]
Sand Wraith -- ugh I think it was traumatizing. Makes me feel sick. I shouldn't have watched it.
[2014-12-22. : 7:09 pm]
Sand Wraith -- reminds me of that one cat video where it cuts the inside of a girl's eye and she starts bleeding everywhere
[2014-12-22. : 7:08 pm]
Sacrieur -- I'm a cat and thus incapable of being evil.
[2014-12-22. : 7:07 pm]
Sand Wraith -- Jack
Jack shouted: Well, most people are evil
No, most people are stupid and don't have the capacity to be evil.
[2014-12-22. : 7:06 pm]
Sand Wraith -- You are whatever you want to be Corbo.

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Members Online: Roy