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[2015-8-19. : 2:21 am]
Jim_Raynor -- its part of this longer trilogy called Cowbell
[2015-8-19. : 2:20 am]
Jim_Raynor -- its called The Tyrannosaurus which just from the title we can obviously see its just a ripoff of whispers of extinction like cmon.
[2015-8-19. : 2:19 am]
Jim_Raynor -- smh........................
[2015-8-19. : 2:19 am]
Jim_Raynor -- did you hear about his new campaign thats copying laconius again
[2015-8-19. : 2:19 am]
Jim_Raynor -- lets go back to dissing pr0nogo
[2015-8-19. : 2:15 am]
Jim_Raynor -- you some kind of sexistst
[2015-8-19. : 2:15 am]
Jim_Raynor -- Fire_Kame
Fire_Kame shouted: :\
u got a problem with girl power motherfucker
[2015-8-19. : 2:13 am]
Moose -- Ahli
Ahli shouted: had to google IKR
[2015-8-19. : 2:11 am]
*Ahli had to google IKR*
[2015-8-19. : 2:11 am]
Moose -- Fire_Kame
Fire_Kame shouted: :\
[2015-8-19. : 2:03 am]
Fire_Kame -- :\
[2015-8-19. : 1:59 am]
KrayZee -- GIRL POWER!
[2015-8-19. : 1:53 am]
KrayZee -- Get rid of testosterone and pump in estrogen
[2015-8-19. : 1:53 am]
Jim_Raynor -- obviously
[2015-8-19. : 1:52 am]
KrayZee -- Make sure everyone is hairless except for head, eyebrows and eyelashes
[2015-8-19. : 1:52 am]
Jim_Raynor -- im starting a public protest and we just keep chanting Sever The Dick Sever The Dick, etc
[2015-8-19. : 1:52 am]
KrayZee -- And give all men boobs
[2015-8-19. : 1:51 am]
Jim_Raynor -- my vote: Sever All Dicks
[2015-8-19. : 1:51 am]
Jim_Raynor -- and instead of having a hand, they have a hole that excretes a couple different bodily fluids
[2015-8-19. : 1:51 am]
Jim_Raynor -- theyre like ugly third arms that hang between your legs
[2015-8-19. : 1:51 am]
Jim_Raynor -- dicks are disgusting
[2015-8-19. : 1:50 am]
KrayZee -- Unlike boys, they feel insecure seeing another penis
[2015-8-19. : 1:50 am]
Jim_Raynor -- i dont fart
[2015-8-19. : 1:50 am]
KrayZee -- At least we girls are comfortable seeing each other naked
[2015-8-19. : 1:49 am]
Generalpie -- Everyone knows that chicks don't fart
[2015-8-19. : 1:49 am]
Generalpie -- lol
[2015-8-19. : 1:49 am]
Jim_Raynor -- case in point: me
[2015-8-19. : 1:49 am]
Jim_Raynor -- some girls have dicks
[2015-8-19. : 1:49 am]
KrayZee -- for some reason
[2015-8-19. : 1:49 am]
KrayZee -- Though some girls in SEN have a tendency to say "my dick"
[2015-8-19. : 1:48 am]
Jim_Raynor -- boys are gross and wrong
[2015-8-19. : 1:48 am]
Jim_Raynor -- i only talk to girls
[2015-8-19. : 1:48 am]
KrayZee -- No boys allowed
[2015-8-19. : 1:48 am]
Jim_Raynor -- thank god
[2015-8-19. : 1:48 am]
KrayZee -- We're all girls
[2015-8-19. : 1:48 am]
KrayZee -- All of us a girls
[2015-8-19. : 1:39 am]
Jim_Raynor -- hey friends guys and pals and everyone here hey whats up
[2015-8-19. : 1:38 am]
Jim_Raynor -- hey gang wahts going on in the shoutbox today boys and girls and gender nonconforming individuals
[2015-8-19. : 1:21 am]
Oh_Man -- Pr0nogo = textbook example of the Dunning–Kruger effect
[2015-8-19. : 12:58 am]
Pr0nogo -- there, i said it
[2015-8-19. : 12:00 am]
Jack -- brb will talk more later
[2015-8-18. : 11:54 pm]
Jack -- Lanthanide
Lanthanide shouted: Jack Of course there is. Because obviously a just fertilised ovum (ie, 1 single cell) is not comparable to a human being. in fact the body frequently spontaneously aborts many pregnancies within the first few days,, and obviously there are lots of women who have miscarriages even beyond the first trimester - so clearly human biology doesn't even hold with your "any potential birth is a living human" definition
I don't think that's obvious at all. Humans vary in quantity of cells throughout their lifetimes, and having a lesser number of cells doesn't necessarily invalidate humanity. Nor does natural death (which happens after birth as well as before birth). By that logic, any natural death means that person was not a living human.
[2015-8-18. : 11:53 pm]
Moose -- Or Heroes of the Autistorm ayyyy lmao
[2015-8-18. : 11:52 pm]
lil-Inferno -- Mini Moose 2707
Mini Moose 2707 shouted: Calm down, Pr0nogo
No, then it'd be "Heroes of [RACIAL EPITHET]"
[2015-8-18. : 11:49 pm]
Jack -- just me or SEN is REALLY SLOW right now
[2015-8-18. : 11:43 pm]
jjf28 --
[2015-8-18. : 11:39 pm]
KrayZee -- Wtf
[2015-8-18. : 11:39 pm]
KrayZee -- Wait, we're all girls
[2015-8-18. : 11:39 pm]
KrayZee -- Dem0n
Dem0n shouted: heroes of my diiiicckk
Your sperm will be a hero one day
[2015-8-18. : 11:34 pm]
Moose -- Calm down, Pr0nogo
[2015-8-18. : 11:24 pm]
Dem0n -- heroes of my diiiicckk
[2015-8-18. : 10:52 pm]
Ahli -- Heroes of duckhunt
[2015-8-18. : 10:51 pm]
Vrael -- Heroes of the Swoosh
[2015-8-18. : 10:50 pm]
Ahli -- omg, the heroes of the storm home screen easter egg is so amazing...
[2015-8-18. : 10:43 pm]
KrayZee -- Heroes of the Swarm or Heart of the Storm?
[2015-8-18. : 10:34 pm]
Generalpie -- I think we should call HOTS "Heroes" and HOTS just "HOTS"
[2015-8-18. : 10:30 pm]
Vrael -- maybe they did it on purpose
[2015-8-18. : 10:29 pm]
Ahli -- soo it is not a problem anymore... then herald of the stars will be released...
[2015-8-18. : 10:26 pm]
Generalpie -- Blizz really should have considered that would be an issue.
[2015-8-18. : 10:18 pm]
KrayZee -- Heroes of the Storm or Heart of the Swarm?
[2015-8-18. : 9:14 pm]
Echo -- Anyone here plays HOTS?
[2015-8-18. : 9:01 pm]
lil-Inferno -- Cartridges were already stupid expensive to manufacture relative to discs.
[2015-8-18. : 8:59 pm]
zsnakezz -- then again that would be stupid expensive
[2015-8-18. : 8:58 pm]
zsnakezz -- get this crazy game you couldn't possibly run, don't worry, it's built to be friendly to shitty computers
[2015-8-18. : 8:58 pm]
zsnakezz -- its almost like the cartridge could potentially share some of the hardware burden
[2015-8-18. : 8:57 pm]
zsnakezz -- if it were you know perfected
[2015-8-18. : 8:57 pm]
zsnakezz -- could end up holding more than a disc
[2015-8-18. : 8:57 pm]
zsnakezz -- i just wonder if that specific technology could of been like idk
[2015-8-18. : 8:56 pm]
Moose -- They did some impressive cart packing
[2015-8-18. : 8:56 pm]
zsnakezz -- mm the days before dvd

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