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Esponeo, mad with power?
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Sep 18 2007, 10:49 pm
By: Falkoner
Pages: < 1 2 3 46 >

Sep 19 2007, 12:41 am Moogle Post #21

Predator of Bed Chambers

Even so Shmidley and myself never really get along, I see no issues with what he doing. He just doing his job which he was given to him by Admin. If you have problems with it all I say is tough luck deal with it. Shmidley isn't someone whom would just do something for hell of it. Just that you posted something stupid or wrong and caused hassles within his forums where he mods. To me Shmidley is more logical then most people even on this forum.

If you don't like Shmidley being a mod then your problem, all you have to do is not post stupid posts in the forums he mods.


If all else fails, crowbar the fucker

Sep 19 2007, 12:48 am Golden-Fist Post #22

He's a global mod so good luck with "avoiding his forums."

Maybe if we had a forum called "Post here if you're not a jackass" then you could avoid him but until then you're outta luck.

Disclaimer: I don't hate Esponeo/Sala/Shimdley


Sep 19 2007, 12:50 am cheeze Post #23

Quote from Golden-Fist
To prove Esponeo is a power grabbing whore he sent me this log:

[19:02] Esponeo : Also I'm going to be trying to get you fired.
[19:02] Esponeo: Every day.
[19:02] Esponeo: Until you are.
[19:02] Me: why
[19:02] Esponeo: Because I don't respect you.
[19:02] Esponeo: At all.

Demod is imminent.
I thought I was the only one. :unsure:


Sep 19 2007, 1:05 am Syphon Post #24

He deleted my post saying that I agree.

LAWLAWL I'm higher on the staff hierarchy than you, LAWLAWL

EDIT - Apparently, he didn't. LAWLAWLBUG.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 19 2007, 1:20 am by Syphon.


Sep 19 2007, 1:23 am FatalException Post #25

You know, I thought the rules stated that you weren't to make whine-topics like this, and you were supposed to take it up directly with the moderator via PM, and if that didn't work, the admins. All through PM of course. :whistle:


Sep 19 2007, 1:35 am Moose Post #26

We live in a society.

Falkoner: You certainly CAN reccomend OSMAP... anything besides providing the program is fine. PM me regarding further abuses (though you appear to be leaving. Thanks for taking this up with the higher powers?).

Esponeo: In regards to OSMAP and policy, you should be enforcing what the rules say, not making your own policy.

I will resolve this further when I have more time.

Sep 19 2007, 1:59 am cheeze Post #27

But Moose..
If, at any time, it is judged that it is not in SEN's best interest to maintain your membership, it may be terminated (blunt hint: no rule violations required), with or without notice.
Do these rules apply to administration and moderators?
If you have to ask this, you didn't read the Terms of Service. Otherwise, I'm not going to lie to you here. No.
Technically speaking, nothing was wrong. Although I've no idea what just happened so... :(


Sep 19 2007, 2:04 am Demented Shaman Post #28

Esponeo is just trying to get rid of the garbage. I like that.


Sep 19 2007, 12:05 pm JordanN Post #29

I love how Espeono locked my 12/21/2012 topic calling it a "tabloid headline".


Sep 19 2007, 1:12 pm mikelat Post #30

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Falkoner: You certainly CAN reccomend OSMAP... anything besides providing the program is fine. PM me regarding further abuses (though you appear to be leaving. Thanks for taking this up with the higher powers?).
The same should apply for protectors then. People can recommend protectors but not provide programs or suffer the same punishment as those who would provide unprotectors. It's only fair if you want to treat everyone equally.


Sep 19 2007, 2:13 pm cheeze Post #31

Oh. I thought it was pretty clear SEN was not treating everyone equally. Not that that's a bad thing. I kind of like it. :}


Sep 19 2007, 2:48 pm DT_Battlekruser Post #32

Quote from Cactuar2000
I would suggest, in the future, if you ever decide to suggest the use of any program that may corrupt someone's map that you put some kind of disclaimer telling them that it is a possibility.

Any editing program has the possibility to corrupt someone's map if they are stupid enough. That's like saying 'we should put a warning on everything you could kill someone with.'

Quote from Yoshi da Sniper
Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Falkoner: You certainly CAN reccomend OSMAP... anything besides providing the program is fine. PM me regarding further abuses (though you appear to be leaving. Thanks for taking this up with the higher powers?).
The same should apply for protectors then. People can recommend protectors but not provide programs or suffer the same punishment as those who would provide unprotectors. It's only fair if you want to treat everyone equally.

Map protectors do not have to potential to abridge the intellectual property rights of mapmakers. I've said this before, but OSMAP forces all maps to be open. Protectors do not force all maps to be closed.

as SCMDraft 2 is currently, 1200% better than Starforge in every aspect.

No, it isn't. It still doesn't have a better trigger editor.


Sep 19 2007, 2:49 pm mikelat Post #33

I'm not for protection. I'm not for unprotection either. I prefer neither, but there's people on SEN who support one side or the other.

Map protectors do not have to potential to abridge the intellectual property rights of mapmakers. I've said this before, but OSMAP forces all maps to be open. Protectors do not force all maps to be closed.
Map unprotectors don't have the potential to abridge the intellectual property rights of map makers either. Simply because there are no intellectual property rights on SC maps. Thats just fancy words for saying "I am afraid of people stealing or editing my map". If you're going to start relating map making to real actual legal issues, then please stop, because you are not telling me your opinion, you're telling me lies in order to scare me into taking your side, which doesn't work on me.

At this point I'm not making an issue about unprotection vs protection. Theres two different sides of people here and both sides deserve to be treated equally. Just like theres people who are "Against or for off topic forums", there are people who are "Against or for unprotection". The only way we can really make this "fair" is if the rules are neutral and not taking one side or the other.

Unprotectors don't force all maps to be open either. OSmap has a wonderful compression ability (which ironically will "protect" the map as you say). Your opinion is that unprotectors should be not be allowed, okay, but the same should apply for protectors, because the people who like unprotection feel strongly about this too.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Sep 19 2007, 3:01 pm by Yoshi da Sniper.


Sep 19 2007, 5:41 pm Kellimus Post #34

Quote from Falkoner
You do tend to make a lot of useless posts.

Not in UMS Assistance, and allowing us to be fined by an idiotic moderator just because he is narrow minded and can't see how OS map can be used for good, is just wrong to me. I'm done with SeN, there have been too many stupid policies coming up, and having to take crap from a power mad moderator is the last straw.

LW put out OS Map so that people could USE it, and still holding it back, even after it has already been released and the damage done, is the most retarded idea I have ever heard. Bye SeN, I'll miss you, but I won't miss your policy.

Oh boo-hoo Falkoner. No one really cares if you leave, I bet you $50 on it. Unless you have some "friends" that pretend to be your friend and will "miss" you, but talk smack on you behind your back (Have had my fair share of them from here :))

Whatever though. IP is better than you, and always will be, so no one cares :D

Quote from Golden-Fist
To prove Esponeo is a power grabbing whore he sent me this log:

[19:02] Esponeo : Also I'm going to be trying to get you fired.
[19:02] Esponeo: Every day.
[19:02] Esponeo: Until you are.
[19:02] Me: why
[19:02] Esponeo: Because I don't respect you.
[19:02] Esponeo: At all.

Demod is imminent.


Quote from devilesk
Quote from cheeze
Shmidly doesn't go logicless. He is logic.
I agree, Shmidley is a good mod.

Also, Falkoner that screenshot in your first post tells me nothing. For all I know it could have been 4 spam messages that were deleted. Without such information I cannot pass judgement on Shmidley's actions. However, I'm sure he had a good reason to do it, because he's Shmidley.

Isn't that last sentance one of those "logical fallacies" you always talk about? :rolleyes:

Quote from Moogle
Even so Shmidley and myself never really get along, I see no issues with what he doing. He just doing his job which he was given to him by Admin. If you have problems with it all I say is tough luck deal with it. Shmidley isn't someone whom would just do something for hell of it. Just that you posted something stupid or wrong and caused hassles within his forums where he mods. To me Shmidley is more logical then most people even on this forum.

If you don't like Shmidley being a mod then your problem, all you have to do is not post stupid posts in the forums he mods.


Moogle pwns.


Sep 19 2007, 5:49 pm Esponeo Post #35

I actually had not remembered what Falkoner had suggested be done to a person's map until just now. He told someone to manually delete strings using SCMDraft 2 and to use some kind of volatile program (OSMAP2 I think?) to remove strings automatically. The actions he suggested would corrupt any map's string section beyond repair of even the most talented user or programmer.

Any editing program has the possibility to corrupt someone's map if they are stupid enough. That's like saying 'we should put a warning on everything you could kill someone with.'
Asking people to put up disclaimers is a little ridiculous. However, telling someone to use a specific program in such a way that it is GUARANTEED to corrupt their map beyond recovery, as Falkoner did, is clearly overstepping the line. You are right however, and I do not really know where the line should be drawn.

Does anyone have any ideas where the line should be placed?

No, it isn't. It still doesn't have a better trigger editor.
That joke is getting mighty old.


Yoshi this topic has absolutely nothing to do with protection or unprotection. Falkoner merely mentioned OSMAP as a ruse to confuse people into thinking I was breaking rules, when actually I was just deleting shitty posts of his that had nothing to do with anything of the sort. That having been said...

Unprotectors don't force all maps to be open either. OSmap has a wonderful compression ability (which ironically will "protect" the map as you say). Your opinion is that unprotectors should be not be allowed, okay, but the same should apply for protectors, because the people who like unprotection feel strongly about this too.
As long as I'm not a mod at the moment and cannot simply delete your posts I'll go ahead and respond, everyone should hear this anyway. SEN has a very clear cut policy about these things in the rules* and I don't think things are going to change any time soon. That policy is quite simple: not protecting your maps is perfectly fine by us, but taking people's protected maps and then breaking that protection is not something we are going to stand for under any circumstances. You can throw around a lot of talk about how some people support it or all the wonderful uses breaking protection has, but that is a load of bullshit to us and it is only going to get your posts deleted and your account suspended. And hiding behind "open source" is the biggest fabrication of them all, the whole point of using that term was to confuse people into thinking you may be on to something. In the real world there is a big difference between open source and copyright infringement. You have been using 'open source' to describe the map making equivalent of the latter.

Hopefully I am properly conveying the administration's wishes and not stepping out of line by using terms like "we" and "us".



Sep 19 2007, 6:01 pm mikelat Post #36

As long as I'm not a mod at the moment and cannot simply delete your posts
Delete my posts for discussing an SEN policy? I don't care about your personal preferences but when things like that get in the way of your judgment when moderating then theres a problem with your ability to moderate. Please don't treat me like im child who you need to "set straight", I'm a living, breathing human being and I'm actually trying to help out at SEN and taking part more than it appears that you are aware.


Sep 19 2007, 7:54 pm Demented Shaman Post #37

Quote from Kellimus
Quote from Falkoner
You do tend to make a lot of useless posts.

Not in UMS Assistance, and allowing us to be fined by an idiotic moderator just because he is narrow minded and can't see how OS map can be used for good, is just wrong to me. I'm done with SeN, there have been too many stupid policies coming up, and having to take crap from a power mad moderator is the last straw.

LW put out OS Map so that people could USE it, and still holding it back, even after it has already been released and the damage done, is the most retarded idea I have ever heard. Bye SeN, I'll miss you, but I won't miss your policy.

Oh boo-hoo Falkoner. No one really cares if you leave, I bet you $50 on it. Unless you have some "friends" that pretend to be your friend and will "miss" you, but talk smack on you behind your back (Have had my fair share of them from here :))

Whatever though. IP is better than you, and always will be, so no one cares :D

Quote from Golden-Fist
To prove Esponeo is a power grabbing whore he sent me this log:

[19:02] Esponeo : Also I'm going to be trying to get you fired.
[19:02] Esponeo: Every day.
[19:02] Esponeo: Until you are.
[19:02] Me: why
[19:02] Esponeo: Because I don't respect you.
[19:02] Esponeo: At all.

Demod is imminent.


Quote from devilesk
Quote from cheeze
Shmidly doesn't go logicless. He is logic.
I agree, Shmidley is a good mod.

Also, Falkoner that screenshot in your first post tells me nothing. For all I know it could have been 4 spam messages that were deleted. Without such information I cannot pass judgement on Shmidley's actions. However, I'm sure he had a good reason to do it, because he's Shmidley.

Isn't that last sentance one of those "logical fallacies" you always talk about? :rolleyes:

Quote from Moogle
Even so Shmidley and myself never really get along, I see no issues with what he doing. He just doing his job which he was given to him by Admin. If you have problems with it all I say is tough luck deal with it. Shmidley isn't someone whom would just do something for hell of it. Just that you posted something stupid or wrong and caused hassles within his forums where he mods. To me Shmidley is more logical then most people even on this forum.

If you don't like Shmidley being a mod then your problem, all you have to do is not post stupid posts in the forums he mods.


Moogle pwns.
Shmidley transcends logic. Good call though.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 19 2007, 8:00 pm by devilesk.


Sep 19 2007, 7:55 pm Demented Shaman Post #38

Quote from DT_Battlekruser
as SCMDraft 2 is currently, 1200% better than Starforge in every aspect.

No, it isn't. It still doesn't have a better trigger editor.[/color]
I agree with Shmidley, what a joke. Anyway your opinion about anything mapmaking related doesn't really mean anything.


Sep 19 2007, 9:45 pm InsolubleFluff Post #39

Sender: Cactuar2000
Time: Yesterday, 10:07 pm
Type: Moderation Action
A post of yours in this topic has been deleted. Soon you will be able to see such a post.

Sender: Cactuar2000
Time: Yesterday, 9:09 pm
Type: Moderation Action
A post of yours in this topic has been deleted. Soon you will be able to see such a post.

Sender: Cactuar2000
Time: Yesterday, 6:17 pm
Type: Moderation Action
Fine: 10 minerals
A post of yours in this topic has been deleted. Soon you will be able to see such a post.

Sender: Cactuar2000
Time: Yesterday, 6:16 pm
Type: Moderation Action
Fine: 10 minerals
A post of yours in this topic has been deleted. Soon you will be able to see such a post.

Okay, I am pretty sure that only one of those posts deleted was off topic, and even that is about 1 month old, either this guy is out to get me, or he's just plain bad at moderating.


Sep 19 2007, 9:53 pm Golden-Fist Post #40

Guys you've all won. Not only is Sala not a mod, but no one is!


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