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Obama or McCain?
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Jul 4 2008, 6:22 am
By: MillenniumArmy
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Who would you pick?
Who would you pick?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Obama 100
McCain 26
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Poll has 126 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Oct 3 2008, 5:57 am KrayZee Post #381

Quote from Echo
Keep it up and denying your wrong doing.

Anyways if you want to discuss that, being African American and being a liberal and democratic has NOTHING TO DO WITH ONE ANOTHER. African Americans are not one person, there are individuals with different views. Most African Americans have a strong Christian belief in the United States, therefore most support McCain. I appreciate George W. Bush because he did his duties as a president when our great country was attacked. Our economic failure is actually from Clinton, who was also a president I really appreciated. And yes, I am favoring the conservative side, but not the republican.
African Americans are either religiously catholic/christian and/or at a Muslim descendant. Some claims to be atheists. My mom has a strong catholic belief yet she is supporting Barack Obama. President George W. Bush did not do well on his job despite the countless facts. And former President Clinton had shaped this economy a lot better than President Bush. For one thing, didn't you see the surplus improvement towards the debt?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 3 2008, 6:01 am by MillenniumArmy. Reason: post clean up


Oct 3 2008, 9:33 am MasterJohnny Post #382

(I am late in this topic because I could not decide :crazy: but half of this topic is off topic anyway :><: )
I would vote for Barack Obama because I like his energy plan. Obama will put more emphasis on green energy and jobs relating to green energy while Mccain will put more emphasis on nuclear power and jobs relating to nuclear power. Obama also seems to have a good plan on education reform and increasing min wage. Obama will try to reduce green house gas emissions by 80 percent.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Oct 3 2008, 9:52 am by MasterJohnny.

I am a Mathematician

Oct 3 2008, 11:01 am SilentAlfa Post #383

Quote from Falkoner
So the top 50% of people excluding the top 10% actually pays 35% of the taxes. That means 40% of wage earners (basically our middle class) are paying 35% of the taxes. That's alright with me. The top 10% honestly doesn't need 40% of the money, does it? They aren't doing 40% of the work, why should they get 40% of the money?

Your math is a bit off, but while it's not so extreme, there's a reason why it's a percentage, they worked to get that 40% of the money, it took effort to get to that position, what's the drive to work hard if you can't have a nicer life because of it?

I know people who are in the top 10%, and I can definitely tell you, they're living a really nice life. And no, it doesn't take all that effort. These people didn't work their way from the bottom up, they were born into rich families so they could go to nice colleges and get great jobs. People don't deserve to be rich because their parents were rich, they should have to work their way from the bottom up instead of being born at the top and staying at the top. Besides, even if they're getting high taxes, they're still making a lot of money. It's not like millionaires are suddenly in the poorhouse because of taxes, they're still very, very rich. You're family is an exception, perhaps--most people generally don't have half-a-dozen children unless they know they can comfortably support them all.


Oct 3 2008, 9:55 pm Centreri Post #384

Relatively ancient and inactive

People made the point that your little bash on religious people is ridiculous, and rather than admitting your error, you simply brush it aside, saying:
My conclusion was backed up by two distinct arguments. Yours was made by twisting and using a generality. Your conclusion is, because of your own generality-hating stance, invalid. My bash on religious people was not ridiculous. It wasn't my main argument, I backed it up with statistics and I explained my reasons. So far, no one has explained their point on that issue with more detail then me. Certainly not you.
So, you can just ignore other's conclusions, yet they are supposed to listen to yours? The point makes just as much, if not more sense than yours, even if that's not saying much, but you continue to ignore it.
My conclusion: 'Congress and the other 'checks and balances' will stop a nuclear war, but they won't stop a great decline in US power. If McCain dies, Palin becomes president. She has very little financial, foreign, security or, really, any other qualifications. The US's image will really be screwed if she becomes president. Other countries will look at the US and its president, who can't hold her own against the media, who literally believes in the bible, who's 'just like us!' to the stupider portion of the US. Do you want Palin representing the US? '. Your conclusion:'I could infer that Obama is stupid, because the majority of Black people have a lower IQ than most.'. Yes, I'd say that I can completely ignore any conclusions you draw. You're getting worse and worse :D .
She got owned.
Agreed. I loved it when she said 'I'm not going to answer this question, but I'll reiterate why ... blah blah blah'. That was hilarious. I also loved the Senator Obiden bit. Hilarious. Biden made no such mistakes, and actually answered the questions. Sadly, most Americans won't see it that way.

So I thought Biden would do much better in this than he did. He kept attacking McCain for some reason, instead of addressing issues. McCain didn't agree to so-and-so, but I don't have to make an argument now because he was wrong and I can point that out.
Palin made some rather lame missteps, and on several topics I liked how she simply came out and said her position. She didn't repeat the same phrase over and over again.
Biden talked about both McCains and Obama's policies. I didn't really find any fault in what he said, though that alligator grin was unnerving. Palin came out and kept repeating 'Stand with American people.. against the government.. blah blah blah'. She kept repeating something along those lines to completely unrelated questions.
So the top 50% of people excluding the top 10% actually pays 35% of the taxes. That means 40% of wage earners (basically our middle class) are paying 35% of the taxes. That's alright with me. The top 10% honestly doesn't need 40% of the money, does it? They aren't doing 40% of the work, why should they get 40% of the money?
Yeah, I'm not communist enough to agree with this. They're earning that money along the rules of capitalism. I agree that they should be taxed more heavily since they are making ridiculous amounts of money and don't need it, but it's their money.
Agreed, I'd like to see less partisanship and more substance from my fellow Obama supporters.
It just gets better and better. Irony galore.
I would vote for Barack Obama because I like his energy plan. Obama will put more emphasis on green energy and jobs relating to green energy while Mccain will put more emphasis on nuclear power and jobs relating to nuclear power. Obama also seems to have a good plan on education reform and increasing min wage. Obama will try to reduce green house gas emissions by 80 percent.
I approve of McCain's nuclear energy plan. That's one thing I like from him, though his drilling plan is bull. Nuclear energy is much more powerful then 'green' sources of energy. Reduce GSG emissions by 80%? I call bull on that, too. He can't do it. America is either the first or second largest polluter (I think China's ahead now), but is by far the largest developed economy to not sign the Kyoto Protocol limiting GSG emissions to cold-war levels.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 3 2008, 10:11 pm by Centreri.


Oct 3 2008, 10:43 pm WoAHorde Post #385

Quote from Echo
Keep it up and denying your wrong doing.

Anyways if you want to discuss that, being African American and being a liberal and democratic has NOTHING TO DO WITH ONE ANOTHER. African Americans are not one person, there are individuals with different views. Most African Americans have a strong Christian belief in the United States, therefore most support McCain. I appreciate George W. Bush because he did his duties as a president when our great country was attacked. Our economic failure is actually from Clinton, who was also a president I really appreciated. And yes, I am favoring the conservative side, but not the republican.


African-Americans voted for Kerry(a white liberal senator from Massachusetts) 9:1. Blacks turned away from the Republican party when it embraced racism.


Oct 4 2008, 5:50 am MillenniumArmy Post #386

Blacks turned away from the Republican party when it embraced racism.
Technically it was the Democrats that embraced racism/slavery. In the 19th century like around the Civil War era, the Union was Republican (hence Lincoln's affiliation as a republican) and the Confederates were Democratic. From Reconstruction up till like the 1960's or so, the south had always been Democratic. But as time has passed, I guess the ideologies of the two parties seemed to have gradually changed.



Oct 4 2008, 6:00 am Demented Shaman Post #387

Quote from MillenniumArmy
Blacks turned away from the Republican party when it embraced racism.
Technically it was the Democrats that embraced racism/slavery. In the 19th century like around the Civil War era, the Union was Republican (hence Lincoln's affiliation as a republican) and the Confederates were Democratic. From Reconstruction up till like the 1960's or so, the south had always been Democratic. But as time has passed, I guess the ideologies of the two parties seemed to have gradually changed.

Technically it was the Southern Democrats.


Oct 4 2008, 2:55 pm KrayZee Post #388

Quote from MillenniumArmy
Blacks turned away from the Republican party when it embraced racism.
Technically it was the Democrats that embraced racism/slavery. In the 19th century like around the Civil War era, the Union was Republican (hence Lincoln's affiliation as a republican) and the Confederates were Democratic. From Reconstruction up till like the 1960's or so, the south had always been Democratic. But as time has passed, I guess the ideologies of the two parties seemed to have gradually changed.

More like 'switching names'. It is clear that Abraham Lincoln is a democrat in modern days. Remember, the Democratic-Republican party was formed to decimate the Federalist party. Once divided, they 'borrowed names' until it switched and became official.


Oct 4 2008, 3:28 pm SilentAlfa Post #389

Yeah, I'm not communist enough to agree with this. They're earning that money along the rules of capitalism. I agree that they should be taxed more heavily since they are making ridiculous amounts of money and don't need it, but it's their money.

Taxing the rich isn't communism, it's common sense. Who spends money on products every day? Normal people. Rich people don't spend their money to boost the economy, normal people do.

If they're going to make ridiculous amounts of money, without doing enough work to deserve it, and without reinvesting it all into the economy, then they deserve to be taxed. Case-in-point: CEOs making millions of dollars and getting massive bonuses even though their companies are failing. How is that capitalism? I've been told all my life that capitalism rewards the successful. Looks to me like if you're rich, it doesn't matter if you do a good job or not, you get to stay rich. If you're not rich and you don't do a good job, you get fired and struggle for some months trying to pay bills while you try to find a new job. Or, more usually, you just lose your job because the company can't afford to pay you anymore, even though it can afford to pay the CEO a couple millions of dollars a year to run a failing company.

But conveniently, there are no jobs to get. Rich people, being pretty smart, have moved production over to China and are moving more advanced sectors over to India. Damn, that's a bad hit. So even though you were doing a good job, working well and earning your money, you lost your job and you might not get another one for a while. Why should the rich be allowed to fail consistently without any detriment to their financial futures, while the people working under them are forced to lose their jobs for mistakes their employers made?


Oct 4 2008, 3:56 pm Centreri Post #390

Relatively ancient and inactive

Saying that they don't do 40% of the work so they shouldn't get 40% of the money is communism.

One of the key features of capitalism is that you have to be the best to stay successful. See, since you desire better wages than those in India, you're not the best, and thus don't get a job. Socialism-Capitalism > Capitalism.


Oct 4 2008, 3:57 pm Falkoner Post #391

And former President Clinton had shaped this economy a lot better than President Bush. For one thing, didn't you see the surplus improvement towards the debt?

Actually, Clinton poured money into the ACORN project, which Obama supported before becoming a senator, and is planning on pouring money into now, and this caused a huge amount of the debt which the 700 billion dollar bill was intended to repay.


Taxing the rich isn't communism, it's common sense. Who spends money on products every day? Normal people. Rich people don't spend their money to boost the economy, normal people do.

Of course you tax them, but why can't you tax everyone at the same percentage? They have more money, so yes, they should have to pay more taxes, but it's just wrong that they have to pay a higher percentage.

Rich people don't spend their money to boost the economy, normal people do.
Yeah, there's usually a reason why people are rich, they don't unnecessarily spend their money.

If they're going to make ridiculous amounts of money, without doing enough work to deserve it, and without reinvesting it all into the economy, then they deserve to be taxed. Case-in-point: CEOs making millions of dollars and getting massive bonuses even though their companies are failing. How is that capitalism? I've been told all my life that capitalism rewards the successful. Looks to me like if you're rich, it doesn't matter if you do a good job or not, you get to stay rich. If you're not rich and you don't do a good job, you get fired and struggle for some months trying to pay bills while you try to find a new job. Or, more usually, you just lose your job because the company can't afford to pay you anymore, even though it can afford to pay the CEO a couple millions of dollars a year to run a failing company.

I admit that while I feel that it's a bit injust with CEOs, some people just manage to get there, it's capitalism, some get lucky, some don't, it's just life. Capitalism is getting what you earn, and sometimes to earn things you just have to get lucky.

But conveniently, there are no jobs to get. Rich people, being pretty smart, have moved production over to China and are moving more advanced sectors over to India. Damn, that's a bad hit. So even though you were doing a good job, working well and earning your money, you lost your job and you might not get another one for a while. Why should the rich be allowed to fail consistently without any detriment to their financial futures, while the people working under them are forced to lose their jobs for mistakes their employers made?

Yeah, that was just a recent thing, as China was beginning to open up to jobs, I suspect it will stop in a few years. People in America still get jobs, as it's useful to have people on-site working.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 4 2008, 4:19 pm by Falkoner.


Oct 4 2008, 4:01 pm Centreri Post #392

Relatively ancient and inactive

7 billion dollar bill
Whoa. Those exist? I thought 1000 was the biggest.


Oct 4 2008, 4:19 pm Dapperdan Post #393

Quote from Centreri
7 billion dollar bill
Whoa. Those exist? I thought 1000 was the biggest.

Actually, 100,000 is the biggest dollar bill. And obviously Falkoner's meaning was not the one you were pretending it was so you double fail. Make more useful comments.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 5 2008, 5:58 pm by Dapperdan.


Oct 4 2008, 4:34 pm Centreri Post #394

Relatively ancient and inactive

There's no 7 billion dollar law-type bill either. I don't understand :(.
Yeah, that was just a recent thing, as China was beginning to open up to jobs, I suspect it will stop in a few years. People in America still get jobs, as it's useful to have people on-site working.
China 'began' to open up for jobs more then a decade ago. It's not really going to stop anytime soon, because they'll need more and more jobs. While the government wants its workers to get more money, it also keeps getting more workers so the salaries won't increase drastically there. Same in India.


Oct 4 2008, 7:23 pm Falkoner Post #395

There's no 7 billion dollar law-type bill either. I don't understand :( .
First of all, you know exactly what I'm talking about, second of all, it had already been edited:
this caused a huge amount of the debt which the 700 billion dollar bill was intended to repay.

China 'began' to open up for jobs more then a decade ago. It's not really going to stop anytime soon, because they'll need more and more jobs. While the government wants its workers to get more money, it also keeps getting more workers so the salaries won't increase drastically there. Same in India.

Will they actually keep needing jobs? The rich population of China is decreasing by half each generation, if anything, there will be less jobs.


Oct 4 2008, 7:55 pm Centreri Post #396

Relatively ancient and inactive

If there are less jobs they'll need more jobs and will work for less which would make it more and more attractive to other countries. Unless China passes laws to 'protect its citizens' and establishes a rather high minimum wage, the world will rely more and more on China. And India. Those 2.5 billion people are just too attractive.
you know exactly what I'm talking about
Yep. However, when someone starts annoying me I try to do the same.

One thing that Obama offers America is a break from neoconservatism, which I think can only be a good thing. With the US in the middle of the transition from a superpower to a power, we need someone less used to the US being able to thump anyone who raises his head.


Oct 4 2008, 7:55 pm ClansAreForGays Post #397

If you listened to Obama speak about his religion, he speaks about his faith and specifically jesus more than anyone else, and much more than John McCain. Just because he doesn't see how gays having civil unions would destroy the average person's marriage, doesn't make him any less of a godly man than McCain. Jesus actually said that THE BEST thing you could do is to look after the poor and homeless, something the democrats fundamentally do more than the republicans. Maybe Jesus said in your book of Mormon that the best thing you can do is have nine kids and crowd the Earth til every crevice is full, but the BIBLE says otherwise.

Oct 4 2008, 11:35 pm Kaias Post #398

Quote from ClansAreForGays
If you listened to Obama speak about his religion, he speaks about his faith and specifically jesus more than anyone else, and much more than John McCain. Just because he doesn't see how gays having civil unions would destroy the average person's marriage, doesn't make him any less of a godly man than McCain. Jesus actually said that THE BEST thing you could do is to look after the poor and homeless, something the democrats fundamentally do more than the republicans. Maybe Jesus said in your book of Mormon that the best thing you can do is have nine kids and crowd the Earth til every crevice is full, but the BIBLE says otherwise.
Obama is a bit confused about religion.


Oct 4 2008, 11:40 pm ClansAreForGays Post #399

That's seriously all you fucking have? A muslim jab? A meaningless muslim attack?

Oct 4 2008, 11:51 pm Kaias Post #400

Quote from ClansAreForGays
That's seriously all you fucking have? A muslim jab? A meaningless muslim attack?
Lol, I didn't demean Muslims in any way. I just think it funny that you mention that when you mention Obama talking about his faith he mentions Jesus more than anyone else. So I linked a video of him saying he was Muslim by accident.

Perhaps more hilarious though is your previous statement in conjunction with something else you said
I'd love to help ya cent, but if someone really doesn't see how not believing in evolution is a bad thing, they're too backwards to reason with.


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