Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: Haunted Hotel
Haunted Hotel
Jul 28 2008, 7:09 pm
By: BlackWolf99  

Jul 28 2008, 7:09 pm BlackWolf99 Post #1

This is a puzzle, you will be confused, i have had many people say they were scared lol xD. A lot of people find it fun. to giv you a hint dont touch the tv!!! it will kill you no matter wat so dont go near it and S1 S2 is another hint. And i am BlackWolf[K9] jus didnt want to add tag making the account
Sniper Rifle : 5 bullets per clip and starts with 2 clips
Assault Rifle : 30 bullets per clip and each time you kill somone it takes away 3 bullets, starts with 1 clip
Flamethrower : 50 bullets (what should it be besides bullets?) takes away 5 "bullets" each kill and starts with 1 clip
Card key : once you go past tv and sooner or later you come to a intersection go down and there will be a room just walk in but theres somthing unexpected in the room
Switch 1 and 2 : the intersection after tv just go up and u will find 2 switches hit one and find out wich one it is
Switch 3 and 4 : once you get close to the end you will find 2 switches again hit one and find out
Hotel guest : (civillian) you
Zombie : infested kerrigan
zombie dog : a zergling (watch out)
Cereberus : another zergling only the hero one (omg watch out again !)
Zombie elephant : only 1 in the game but at that time if u hav sniper rifle your dead
Acid Zombie : hydralisk not too bad tho
Blade zombie : pain in the butt when you have low health and low ammo
X-mutant : figure it out
Keys : there will be 6 or 5 keys pick them up, just walk next to it
Ammunition : there will be gas tank looking things for ammo
Health pack : small gas tank looking things, pick it up and it heals you
Reload at top : use it to reload

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Jul 31 2008, 10:41 pm by BlackWolf99.


Jul 28 2008, 7:28 pm The_z0r Post #2

You're showcase is lacking elements requested in this guideline. I'll take a look at it any way.

Edit: Not bad, not bad, although the map seems like it was designed for one person, not six. Also, when you unlock the key card door, it says you don't have the key card, then lets you in. Although it's not a big bug, you might want to fix it just to make it look better.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 28 2008, 8:06 pm by The_z0r.


Jul 29 2008, 7:12 pm BlackWolf99 Post #3

ya but so many ppl die cuz of they are noobs or the tv, ive played this 6 player and 0 ppl made it to the end xD


Jul 29 2008, 11:18 pm stickynote Post #4

You need to add screenshots.


Jul 29 2008, 11:32 pm BlackWolf99 Post #5

no i dont, i dont have to besides idk how to get screenshots at the moment


Jul 29 2008, 11:59 pm Vi3t-X Post #6

This looks like a job for...

There were some gramatical errors here and there (which include z0r's statement), but its nothing major. I agree that it does seem suitable for a single or double play, Everyone grab a Marine, pros grab the Ghost. Lock'n'Load.


Jul 31 2008, 9:07 pm BlackWolf99 Post #7

Ok whoever edited my map to make it worse plz dont


Jul 31 2008, 9:38 pm stickynote Post #8

To take screenshots, you press the button called "Print Screen". It's usually at the top right hand corner of your keyboard. Press it in game. The picture will be saved to your starcraft folder, as a .pcx file. To open it, you probably have to use irfanview. Load the image to an image hosting site, and post it here.


Aug 24 2008, 1:47 am BlackWolf99 Post #9

well how do i get it on the post cuz when i do img it says enter the location of my map. wtF?!


Aug 24 2008, 2:18 am ClansAreForGays Post #10

Wolf don't listen to stickynote. He is new here and trying to be a back-seat moderator. The is no rule stating that you require screen shots(maybe in his head), just the map.

Aug 24 2008, 2:19 am BlackWolf99 Post #11

well i still wanna add screenshots...


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Vrael -- :)
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